Acting Guilty

Acting Guilty

Ventura Delivers Some 9/11 Truth On Larry King Live  - Alt - (YouTube - 8 min 23 sec - December 01, 2009)
Video - Quote of the Day...."Why is it off limits to talk about it? Why is it off limits to question and ask questions? You know when I went through Navy SEAL training I was taught in demolition that there is no dumb question, that if you don't understand it then it is not dumb. That's how I have lived my life and I have a lot of questions that the government refuses to answer."

By the way folks, that's a great question. "Why is it off limits to talk about it?"  Yes, why indeed....?

Have any of you ever seen a murder mystery on TV or at the movie theater wherein the cops enter a suspect's home, a suspect whose wife has just disappeared, a suspect who two weeks prior to her disappearance had taken out a million dollar life insurance policy on her, a suspect who had written a book the year before advocating spousal murders for profit. And while in his home the officers notice a suspicious red substance leaking out from underneath a closet door, at which point the suspect, seeing their interest, starts sweating profusely, becomes increasingly agitated and wild eyed and tells the officers it's just ketchup, that he broke a bottle of ketchup in his downstairs closet. 

He than proceeds to yell at the officers not to open the door, and as he frantically interposes his body between them and the closet, hanging onto the door frame for dear life, he starts screaming at them that they’re all fired, that they must leave his home immediately and never, ever, speak of this to anyone or they’ll never be allowed to work anywhere else again....and the officers comply with his request.

You probably answered no; of course you've never seen such a movie. You want to know why you've never seen a movie like that?  Because it would be so incredibly stupid that no one would ever want to watch it, people would demand their money back if they'd been unlucky enough to pay for it, no one would ever finance such an idiotic movie, no one would ever want to work on it, act in it, or participate later on with anyone who did.

And yet, all you folks out there are living in that very same movie right now!

Let this website editor clue everyone in about this situation. When a country has a national tragedy, when its elected leaders do everything possible to prevent an honest investigation of that tragedy for more than a year until finally forced to relent under pressure from the victims families.  When these elected figures give the investigators just three million dollars to start their work.  When for the next eight long years many media or public figures suffer instantaneous negative career consequences for even mentioning the contradictions regarding the tragedy or the investigation of it. Essentially when an entire nation gets completely hysterical and goes collectively bonkers at the merest possible hint of problems with the "official" narrative of this tragedy, than that nation is acting as stupidly and as guiltily as the suspect described above.

If there were any conceivable doubts about the falseness of the official narrative regarding 9/11, this nation's ridiculous histrionics for the last eight years has permanently laid them to rest.

We should all face the regrettable fact that this sort of collective behavior during the last eight years could not have provided more proof of our national fears, suspicions and hidden shame at what our leaders did to this nation than tattooing on the foreheads of every single man, woman and child living in this country, "yes our leaders facilitated 9/11 and we all know it"

It's time to grow up; it's time to hold an independent, impartial, throrugh, honest, investigation of 9/11.  It's time to stop hiding, to stop pretending, to stop acting so childishly, foolishly, guilty all the time and hold those truly responsible for 9/11 to account for their actions.

It’s time to put an end to this painful and destructive charade. – mpg

For more on this issue see....Reficultnias's 9/11 Central