Admiring That Which Intends To Destroy You

Admiring That Which Intends To Destroy You
(The dangerous delusions of some so-called "conservatives" in the U.S.)

Happy Kill the Goyim Purim Day Folks! Duke & Striker Expose the Zio Festival of Hate, Beating and the Bloody Gore of Purim! -- DDAudio - (r.c. rescinded) - Alt/Mp3 - Alt/YuTb/03-01-18 - (DDFlPlyr / Mp3 - 51min04sec - March 01, 2018) - David Duke Sites:  DD@YuTb - DD@Rense - DavidDuke - DD's Radio Show - DD's Books - DD's Donate Request [Click Here] - YouTube Sources:  Alt Right Andy Vids - Related Regular Guest Websites:  Patrick Slattery @ YuTb  - Patrick Slattery @ National Bugle Radio - Don Black Show - Mark Collett @ YuTb - Eric Striker @ Fascism Now - The Right Stuff Shows -- Related Websites:  Rense Radio Live - Rense@YuTb - Rense - A quote...."Today Dr. Duke and Daily Stormer journalist Eric Striker talked about the Jewish holiday of Purin, which celebrates a massacre of Persians thousands of years ago and is reenacted with great hatred in synagogues across the world this week. For more on Purim, please refer to Dr. Duke’s video’s below or his article here. -- They went on to talk about the incredible threat that whites in South Africa are facing. - Be sure to check out Dr. Duke and Mark Collett debating two opponents tonight on Racewarski live! -- So please keep us on the air and online - Visit our contribution page or send your contribution to:   P.O. Box 188, Mandeville, LA 70470 - Thank you."
This website editor would like to add to David Duke's observation.... that some conservatives admire Israel, because they support the "Jews" supposed plans for an "ethno-nation-state".

These so-called "conservatives" couldn't be more dangerously and self-destructively deluded. 

The Euro-Kharzarian Consortium operates like a trans-nationalist, zio-jihadist, crime syndicate.  They have made it abundantly clear they collectively, and vehemently, reject the very concept of the nation state.  Or its borders.  Or the rights of any others within their own borders. Or the rights of others to even have borders.... much less their own communities. Or a nation-state's international obligations. Or the entire regime of international law itself.

After all, they're "special", "chosen", and "exceptional".  They do not have to conform themselves to the rules or standards of others.  Certainly not to those of 'animals placed here on this earth to service their needs'

Like Wahhabist Muslims, they firmly believe that those who adhere to their tribal-faux-religious cult, and who are also bona-fide members of the "Jews'" tribal blood linage, can impose their control over any other community they choose to settle amongst.  Wherever those communities or territories may be.  In essence, they believe it's perfectly legitimate to establish a "Jewish" Caliphate wherever they live. A Caliphate they eventually intend to cover the whole world

In the near term, they firmly intend to destabilize, and eventually overrun their neighbors in an attempt to create Eretz Israel. They also have plans for Ukraine which may even include the release of bio-weapons to eliminate the Christian Ukrainian / Russians currently living there. 

Not to mention doing the same to the Palestinians 

Their PNAC Protocols are just one massively destructive aspect of these plans

In the long term they intend to convert the entire world into one nightmarish trans-nationalist, NWO, Bolshevik, LGTBOQPedo agenda, collective freak show.  Where they get to flit at will from what were once formally effective nation states, but are now just geographical colonial areas contained in various "unions", or "currency spheres", to other geographic colonial areas, all of it being ruled over by the "Jews'" Bankster run world-wide headquarters in occupied Palestine, the malevolent enclave of criminals they now call Israel - mpg -- See related links posted below