A Golden Opportunity!!

A Golden Opportunity!!

Nobel academy rejects Israeli demand to revoke poet's award
A quote...."The Swedish Academy in charge of selecting laureates for the Nobel Prize in Literature has rejected a call by an Israeli writers group to revoke the award of German Nobelist Gunter Grass." - Source:  PressTV

Unbelievable!!  The only time the Nobel academy actually even considers "revoking" one of their prizes is when a bunch of murderous Jewish criminals, numbering just under seven million, and squatting by the shores of the Mediterranean Sea on another people's lands, get miffed when a scholarly, meticulous, observer of human nature poetically decries their slow-motion ethnic cleansing and relentless war mongering against those who own those lands....as unethical! 

Meanwhile a morally bereft, mindless, murderous, tele-prompter reading mechanical device which passes itself off as  a human being, a device the Nobel Committee to their ever lasting shame and regret fecklessly handed the "peace prize" to, is currently running around the world starting a new war every six months and murdering innocent men, women and children with craven, zestful, zeal on behalf of these very self-same criminals by the shores of the Mediterranean Sea!!

This sort of brazen chutzpa, this insulting, insufferable, contemptible, arrogant display of hubris by the the Jewish Criminal Enterprise should not go unanswered!  There must be a public repudiation for this sort of egregious behavior! There must be a penalty for being this unspeakably, willfully and relentlessly obnoxious! 

The Nobel Committee members should use this incident as a golden opportunity to finally clean their thoroughly sullied reputations, restore some of the dignity they, and their organization used to have, and remove the dark stain of hypocrisy that now infects every prize ever given by the Committee, by revoking the "peace prize" they mistakenly gave to Israel's, cravenly obsequious step'n'fetchen, "war device". 

A soulless automaton, an android, who has been wantonly and methodically inflicting mayhem and murder, ever since he received his "prize" on the innocent people of the international community, and who is currently planning to inflict even more.

It is the opportune time for the Nobel Committee to -- finally -- take a stand for principal and not politics! - mpg