Al Qaeda - Always There for the US Elites

Al Qaeda - Always There for the US Elites

Losing Iraq and Afghanistan
A quote...."America is an amazing place—one of the wealthiest and freest nations on earth. Yet because Europe has so many more cultures and languages in one contained area, Americans, compared to their European brethren, seem like country bumpkins in their knowledge and understanding of what is happening in the world."

Editor's special note:  Regarding the quote...."In Iraq, the violence has declined from peak levels, but actually started dropping even before the U.S. troop surge, primarily because severe ethnic cleansing had separated the warring Sunnis and Shi’a into homogenous ghettos, and because the United States had begun to pay off the Sunni guerrillas to police their local areas and fight the excessively bloodthirsty (and therefore incompetent) al Qaeda in Iraq."

Although this is a great article, the error in this paragraph must be addressed to avoid any misconceptions about US policy in Iraq and this nation's elites' relationships to al Qaeda.  The US did NOT pay off the insurgents (ex-army Bathists, Sunni guerrillas, and Iraqi nationalists) primarily to attack "al Qaeda", instead the US paid off the insurgents primarily so they wouldn't attack US forces and also to set-up and maintain a counter weight to the growing Shi'a (read Iranian) influence in Iraq.

All of this was arranged when Cheney went to Saudi Arabia to speak to the "Royals" back in November '06.   They both lied to each other of course.  The Saudi Royals probably assured Cheney they'd reduce funding to al Qaeda but only if he could come up with something better to curtail Iranian influence in Iraq (the awakening councils perhaps) and hopefully reduce Iran's influence as a "nation state" (a US and/or Israeli inspired attack).  Cheney probably dropped a hint that the Royals could better help out by "redirecting" their funding to extremists groups in Lebanon and Pakistan so these groups could serve as an excuse for future US intervention in both of those countries.

Please note: Six months later in May of '07 during the hight (read heavy US casualties) of the Iraq occupation they met again to finalize their collective approach against Iran and Syria. Coincidently, while Cheney was meeting with the Saudis a group practicing a radical form of Salafist ideology (Note: not Hezbollah) based in several Palestinian refugee camps in Beirut Lebanon, proceeded to engage Lebanon's army units for several weeks destabilizing that country and laying the ground work for a request by the US to establish an Airbase at Kaleiaat, Lebanon.

Please note: Also within months of Cheney's May '07 meeting, major turmoil erupted along Pakistan's north west frontier province as Murshurraf, under US pressure, violated Pakistan's long standing policy of leaving the Pushton's alone (again with al Qaeda being used as the proximate excuse) whereupon al Qaeda (note: not the Pushtuns and rarely the Taliban) began a series of suicide attacks against regular Pakistani army units.  A few months later Benazir Bhutto, who returned to Pakistan with US encouragement, was assassinated Dec. 27th '07, supposedly by elements of al Qaeda according to Scotland Yard's finest.  Her assassination has granted Nawaz Sharif, a Saudi supported ally, a golden opportunity to possibly take the reigns of power in Pakistan.

Cheney however failed to hold up his end of the bargain for the planned attack against Iran, although this wasn't for lack of trying.  His first attempt to help facilitate an attack against Iran in August of '07, the "Barksdale / Minot / B-52 "Loose Nukes Incident", was nixed, probably because the US elites thought it was too dangerous.  His second attempt in Jan '08, the ridiculous and laughable Gulf of Tonkin in the Straights of Hormuz replay didn't go over very well either, so it's beginning to look like the Neocon Cabal is going to have to give up on the less risky "they attacked our forces" approach and go with the false flag "they attacked our homeland approach" if they want to get anything done at all while they're still in office."

Al Qaeda has rarely - if ever - directly attacked US forces in Iraq, they spend almost all of their time recruiting suicide bombers so they can blow up innocent Shi'a civilians, or in some cases Shi'a dominated regular army or police units.  Surprisingly they rarely go after the command and control elements of the Shi'a death squads or the government.  Possibly because these elements receive heavy American support and protection.

The policies and operations of al Qaeda and the continuous funding they still receive from the Gulf States, specifically Saudi Arabia, are in full conformity, and continue to support, the ongoing plans of the US elites. Plans such as Constructive Instability, the Shock Doctrine, P2OG, PNAC, Divide and Conquer (specifically to play off the Sunni Gulf states plus Egypt against Syria and Shi'a Iran) and other well articulated, well documented US plans of mayhem and murder throughout the Middle East.

Al Qaeda in other words has served our elites interests along with those of the Saudi Royals extremely well, including that event called 9/11, and as far as this editor can tell, they will continue to serve these interests for the foreseeable future. - mpg