Amerikans, Willfully Pretending Ignorance As Usual

Amerikans, Willfully Pretending Ignorance As Usual

Honduras Becomes Cocaine Transit Hub
Must Read - (For the outrage!!) -- A quote...."Almost half of the cocaine imported to the United States now passes through Honduras — a total of 20 to 25 tons each month, according to U.S. and Honduran estimates, as the country becomes the western hemisphere’s cocaine hub."

Remember Honduras folks, you know, THAT country whose once democratic government the Obama Administration, with a lot of direction from Hideous Hillary, helped to overthrow.....yeah, THAT ONE!  You know, where Obama and his trolls went out and whacked another government, while all of you just stood around and could've cared less about the situation, assuming you even pulled you big fat stupid collective heads out of your TV sets to pay attention for one second?    

Well, golly -gee-weepers Honduras has now (somehow) become the "cocaine hub" of Central America and is currently exporting "a total of 20 to 25 tons [of cocaine] each month" to the US-NRE, and you know what else?

By a COMPLETE and TOTALLY AMAZING coincidence the VERY SAME administration that helped overthrow the legitimate, legal, democratic government of Honduras is the VERY SAME administration criminally involved with the Fast & Furious Fiasco! 

You know, where one Mexican gang member publicly admitted to being allowed to bring in tons of cocaine into the US!  You know, the scandal where tens of thousands of guns, sniper rifles and even grenades were given to the Mexican drug cartels. Wow, another coincidence. Who would have thunk it possible?  They just keep popping up one right after another!

So here's the conclusion this website editor has come too. 

To each and every one of you stupid, bovine, cud-chewing, Amerikans out there who've kept vapidly and mindlessly voting for the Demo-Repubs for the past FIFTY YEARS -- After Air America, after Iran Contra and the related "Crack-Cocaine Scandal", after Afghan became THE number one in Heroin shipments during the US-NRE's occupation, after Fast & Furious, after THIS particular wonderful bit of goods news for those involved with the drug trade, after all the other cases of massive political corruption that would have taken only the slightest, tiniest, cursory investigation by "our" lamentable press and corrupt insecurity complex to reveal the cess-pit that is now our government.....

...don't you DARE pretend you don't know!!  Don't you DARE -- EVER -- say with your knowing, stupid, sneering, WILLFULLY ignorant, crap-eating-grin, that "it's the Taliban, or the Iranians, or the Mexicans, or the Blacks, or the poor people....or the Martians....or Elvis.....or the Boogeyman....or Harvey The Rabbit...who's responsible for this whole situation"

Because it's NOT!!  You KNOW it's NOT!!  It's YOU, you mindless, cowardly, rotten pieces of uncaring, sniveling, know-nothing, human excrement!!

YOU --  keep -- voting -- for -- these --  people!! 

YOU -- keep -- letting -- this  -- happen!!

YOU -- keep -- not -- caring!!

IT -- IS -- YOUR -- FAULT!! - mpg

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