A Nation's Priorities

A Nation's Priorities

Obama to freeze wages of Fed workers
A quote...."US president Barack Obama has proposed a two-year freeze on wages of nearly two million federal workers, as part of an attempt to curb the country's mounting deficit. - White House officials say the plan would apply to all civilian federal employees and is expected to save over $5 billion over the next two years." - bold by website editor

That's right folks, and all you Libertarians out there should pay close attention.  Obama is going to freeze the wages of federal workers for TWO YEARS and save....hold on to your hats now....here it comes....get ready....five whole billion dollars.  Ain't that amazing? Five billion dollars....WOW!  Floors you don't it? Bet you folks out there didn't know it would be so large? (roll the eyes, shake the head in utter disgust....)

This nation a little more than a year ago handed over thirty TRILLION DOLLARS in various back-stops, guarantees, ZIRP4'eva loans, toxic asset purchases and other programs of federal largess to a bunch of filthy rich Banksters who than handed themselves hundreds of billions of dollars in bonuses. We're now in a second round of support for these financial parasites called QE2, and we'll soon to be headed into a third round called QE3 and it won't end there.

Or to put it another way, five whole billion dollars would pay for less than two weeks worth of military expenditures for the ongoing illegal, immoral, vicious, and criminal occupations in the Middle East.

But Obama is going to save five whole billion dollars by freezing the wages of two million federal workers for two years. Well, guess it sure tells you about this nation's priorities don't it? - mpg