An Extremely Disquieting Thought

An Extremely Disquieting Thought

Ruble Continues Fall Despite Rate Rise and Interventions
A quote...."The ruble crossed the mark of 58 to the dollar on December 12 to reach a 10% devaluation since the start of the week and a 45% devaluation since the start of the year. The ruble finished at 58.13 against the dollar and 72.3 against the euro, new historical lows against both currencies."
Currency Red Warning - One understands of course that the same TBTF Banksters who caused the markets to crash in 2008 by their constant manipulations are no doubt probably the very same institutions manipulating the Forex markets through their usual shenanigans of creating trillions of dollars worth of derivatives, massive uncollateralized leverage, and naked short-selling  (that last of which some people would consider close to counterfeiting).  

After all, boys will be boys.

And no doubt the very same ratings agencies who triple "aaa" rated the tens of trillions of dollars worth of junk during the decade before 2008 will be joining the party by down-grading -- fairly or not -- the bonds and other instrumentalities of not only Russia but the rest of the BRICS and emerging markets.

As they say, synergy is a great concept.

However a very, some might say extremely, disquieting thought has occurred to this website editor.
  • Considering just how far these institutions have already gone in creating tens of trillions of dollars of worthless paper backed by nothing.
  • Considering how they've already been caught manipulating the Libor Rate, the Metals markets and other bench marks used by countries around the world. 
  • Considering how they've been able to rehypothicate the same securities over and over again to multiple buyers
  • Considering how the Fed has already stolen the gold from over thirty five countries without a peep from anyone.
  • Considering just how utterly complete the destruction of any trust in the financial markets has become due to all this chicanery, and finally
  • Considering just how on edge and precarious the entire world economy really is at this moment, because no one can trust the numbers or statistics or assurances being given out any more by anyone.  Especially the TBTF's in the Anglo-Countries...  
One would sincerely hope that when Russia sells their US bond or dollar assets for stabilization purposes, that the Rubles they receive in return....are actually rubles created by Russia's central bank!  - (Or for that matter Yen, Renminbi, or Euros)

Not some ones and zeros entered into some Hedge Fund's or TBTF's computer account that was simply labeled as containing Rubles - (Or Yen, Renminbi, or Euros)

Because THAT truly would be the last straw.  A thought for everyone trading out there. - mpg