A People's Bonds Destroyed, Simply to Satisfy the Sexual Ennui of its Ruling Parasites

A People's Bonds Destroyed, Simply to Satisfy the Sexual Ennui of its Ruling Parasites

California Gay Marriage Ban Ruled Unlawful by Appeals Court
There is NOTHING in the constitution of the United State that says men and women can marry the same sex. There is not a scrap of evidence that the founding fathers meant ANY section of the constitution to allow same sex marriage.  There is NO SUCH THING as "Gay".  Homosexuality is a LEARNED behavior.  There is NO evidence, WHATSOEVER, for any form of genetic prederterminism for homosexuality. There is NOT one single scintilla of support for a "discriminated" class of people, only a discriminated class of behavior.  NO one has "standing" in this case except the community and its values.

In fact, it is quite evident that human beings are eminently adoptable and completely malleable, and if taught by their society -- or forced by poverty or circumstance -- will have sex with just about anybody at any age, with any gender, at anytime, anywhere, for any reason, in any amount.  It's why the congressional page program had to be shut down. - To quote....

"Lets be quite candid, as the Spartan example proves, having sex with, or marrying, the same gender, has NOTHING to do with your genes, that's just a myth.  It's a life style choice.  One that can be taught to ALL the people of a society as it is currently by our media and other institutions and one that can even be foisted upon a society’s young adults.  As is the case with most changes in a societies social culture it's the WEALTHIEST who set the trend and are pushing this agenda.  Perhaps they were bored with only just having sexual liaisons with the same sex and they now want society to codify them" -- *Let's Bring Back Polygamy - 08-21-04 - mpg*

And to have this court overturn yet ANOTHER vote by the people of this nation for an issue like this, an issue that is BASIC and GERMANE to the personal aspirations, dignity and social structure of the entire community as a whole, is simply disgusting. To quote....

"As this nation descends deeper and deeper into the depths of its own self-inflicted great-recession, while it remains mired in two [five] interminable, illegal, vicious, occupations, with many more on the horizon, and while it also completely dismantles its once vaunted constitution, now reduced to "just a God-damned piece of paper", it had one of its own courts overturn the will of the voters in the state of California that same sex marriage should not be allowed.  Sort of like what happened in the 2000 elections, no?" -- *Kalifornia and the NRE - 08-04-10 - mpg"

It would be nice if the people who were pushing this hoax were honest, it would be nice if they would just come out and say they like the New Roman Empire in all it's glory and they want to replicate it all over again with something even the Spartans and Romans refused to implement, homo-sexual marriage, and  if they weren't the hypocrites they already are, they would also say it's perfectly OK to also have polygamy or polyandry in this country.  But they are hypocrites!  They are slaves to the whims, affectations and desires of their wealthy masters. 

In fact, the court made this ruling simply to satisfy the sexual ennui of this nation's ruling parasites. It really is true that empires end not with a bang, but with a whimper. -- Welcome folks, to the final decline and fall of the New Roman Empire. - mpg.