Become a Neo-Roman - or Remain an American

Become a Neo-Roman - or Remain an American
revised 08-17-07

Goodbye Uncle Sam
Must Read - A quote...."What does it feel like to turn your back on your country? As increasing numbers of US military personnel head for Canada to escape service in Iraq and Afghanistan, three deserters explain what drove them to such drastic action"

Actually they're NOT turning their backs on their country; they're Americans leaving the New Roman Empire, adamantly refusing to become Neo-Romans themselves.

It's a choice everyone now living in what was once formally known as the United States of America will have to make.

Become a Neo-Roman - as roughly thirty percent of this population has already chosen to do; to become an idolater, a money worshiper, to abase yourselves before the wealthy, to violate, defile and make a mockery of your "professed" religious beliefs while avidly supporting the destruction of everything those beliefs represented, to desecrate and ignore the constitution, the bill of rights and other "quaint" documents, to desire power above all else, to countenance torture, murder and other abominations against millions who have done you no harm, to actually enjoy the degradation and humiliation of others, to spit on the good opinion of mankind, to secretly revel in what has been done in your name so you can have a more comfortable life, to pretend you didn't know what truly happened on that day called 9/11, to engage in the art of plausible deniability, to live the lie while others who naively and foolishly believe, die for ideas you publicly declare but gave up long ago.

Or remain an American – To remain true to the often stated principals of this nation, to become a stranger in a strange land, to gaze in horror upon a culture and a people where more than a third of the population and all of it's elites are no longer recognizable for having forsaken the ideas they once professed to believe, a place where these Neo-Romans no longer even attempt to live up to their sacred principals, moral obligations, covenants, bonds or the oaths they swore to uphold....a people and a country  where one third of it's former citizenry and all of it's elites have renounced their citizenship and have voluntarily endeavored to make this formally imperfect union into a sick, twisted, vicious, sadistic, perverted, blasphemous, vile, nightmarish version of the Roman Empire….into a land of the living dead

The choice is still your's, you can choose to remain true to yourself, to America's stated values and ideas - or you can choose to join the New Roman Empire and become a Neo-Roman.

It's your choice.
