Chopping Down the Forest - One Law at a Time

Chopping Down the Forest - One Law at a Time

[Having a Few Laughs] - orig link/broken detected 11-18-08
Video - After preparing [a] controlled explosion of [an] IED, US soldiers - instead of warning an Iraqi woman moving straight in [the] direction of the IED - the US soldiers joke [about her] and mock [her]

They probably would have thought it was truly hilarious if she'd actually been blown to bits.  No doubt if that had happened it would have been even funnier to these jokers than throwing puppies off a cliff.

By the way, guys like this who are being desensitized to the point were they think this sort of stuff is funny are coming back here to live amongst us, to date our daughters, to drive our children to school, to become security guards or policeman or teachers, or....

....become unemployed and desperate as the economy continues to head down hill.

Casually killing people, or causing their deaths while thinking it’s funny is contagious, it spreads like wildfire, like a malevolent virus.  It hardens and twists people, it strips them of any moral restraint or a care for their own actions including any fear of turning on their former masters.  Something the wealthy elites who started all of these wars of conquest, who encouraged this sort of behavior, who stood by enjoying the mayhem and murder they'd unleashed, and who deliberately stripped this country bare of its laws “planted thick as trees”, among them its own constitution, should think long and hard about.

"And when the last law was down, and the Devil turned round on you, where would you hide, Roper, the laws all being flat? This country's planted thick with laws from coast to coast -- man's laws, not God's -- and if you cut them down -- and you're just the man to do it -- do you really think you could stand upright in the winds that would blow then?" -- *A Man For All Seasons*

This website editor for one will never stand upright against the winds to come on behalf of "our" wealthy elites, those who have by their own volition renounced this nation's constitution and who have willingly chosen to become Neo-Romans.

It is "they" who have chosen to live by an unholy perversion of legality, an ugly hideous mockery of what were once the laws of this and many other lands of men, the Magna Carta, the US Constitution, Habeas Corpus, and the Geneva Conventions.  It is they who have twisted, bent and sickened the mighty forest of laws planted by our forefathers down through the centuries.....the oaks, ash and redwoods that have stood and sheltered us for so many years against the storms of tyranny....until these mighty pillars of civilization have become rotted to the core and come crashing down.

It is they who have gleefully chopped up the fallen carcasses of these laws to feed the thundering flames of war and destruction.  It is they who now dance in evil revelry around the bonfires of injustice and degradation they have created.  It is they who brought forth this new paradigm of fear and hate.  It is they who covet their ill gotten gains from their sordid, murderous, adventures around the world. 

It is a mark of true justice that one shall reap what one sows and those who demand the wind shall receive what has been summoned forth and reap the whirlwind.

This website editor can only hope the inevitable storm now approaching will unleash its mighty, wrathful, fury, upon those who stand naked, shivering and shelter-less on the treeless wasteland they themselves have created by their wonton destruction of humanity's laws.  And those who are spared are the ones who still remain in the tree sheltered valleys, protected by these self same laws -- laws, oaths and covenants they still uphold, maintain, defend and believe in.  - mpg