Doooovid's Chilling Exculpation

Doooovid's Chilling Exculpation
(Blessed & Blameless Are The Manipulators)

HeelTurn Brutus is an Honorable Man With Vince of the Red Elephants and Erick Striker and Doooovid
HTLVideo - (HTLYuTb - 3hrs17min20sec -  Sep 4, 2018) - Source:  Heel Turn Live -- One commentator stated......"This should be very eye opening for anyone who doesnt know about the JQ. These people are openly trying to subvert us, they're openly corrupt. It's time for us to start fighting for something greater than ourselves."
Pay close attention to Striker's debate with Doooovid.  It was both infuriating and HIGHLY educational!  Doooovid used every single "Jewish" debating technique possible.  From complexifying, to minimizing, to digression, to straw-dogging, to false-dichotomies, to false analogies.... an endless list of tactics to obfuscate, down-play, or confuse the issues under discussion!  It was a tour-de-force of "Jewish" Talmudic debating techniques!!

In one particular chilling episode, when Striker brought up the "Jews" massively disproportionate role in slaughtering tens of millions of Christian Russians in the Anti-Russian Bolshevik Revolution and Holodomor massacres ("Jews" being less than two percent of Russia's population yet comprising upwards of eighty percent of the Bolshevik party's upper ranks), Doooovid down-played the mass slaughter by pointing out they were mostly political officers and very few of them would have "pulled the trigger".  Of course if any Goyim had refused to participate, we all know what would have happened to them.

You could almost sense Doooovid's pride.... in the cleverness of it all.  Making the point that such.... manipulation exculpated the "Jews" in their carefully crafted campaign of planned mass murder of perhaps a thirty to forty million Christian Russians.

It gave this website editor the willies.  This is how they actually think. If they can set up hundreds of think-tanks, get their politicians selected, and use their control of the mass-media to start their wars, well.... they didn't pull the trigger did they? - mpg