Germany - You Are Free of Your Shame Now

Germany - You Are Free of Your Shame Now

An Open Letter to the German People

You are free!  You are free of your guilt in regards to the “Jewish people”, you are released from your bonds, you are no longer bound by accusation to them, you no longer have to hang your heads with shame, if you had any guilt, its heavy weight has now been lifted from your collective shoulders by the actions of the Jewish state of Israel.

You once carried out pogroms against the Jews, you belittled them, you made them into sub-humans, you made them carry separate identification to mark them as a Jews, you herded them into ghettos, you starved them, you expropriated their property, their land and their homes, you shot them, you brutalized them, you carried out collective punishment against them, you laughed and danced as their children died, you bombed them, you tortured them, you destroyed and mocked their culture, and you took away all their rights to be a free people.

You have done all these things to them exactly as they have done to the Palestinian people except for one heinous act.  The Jews of Israel have not created the death camps….not yet.  But let us be clear about this, they have not done so because of their conscience, or due to any moral restraint on their part, or out of the goodness of their hearts, but because it is the one act the "Western World" would not, and could not tolerate.  But be absolutely assured of this fact….if the Jews of Israel could get away with constructing death camps for the Palestinians, they would do so without the slightest twinge of guilt, a moments hesitation or the least bit of remorse.

Given the size of their respective peoples, qualitatively what the Jews of Israel have done to the Palestinian people is no different then the acts the German peopled carried out against the Jews.  In fact it’s actually worse, the Palestinian were a much larger component and owned much more land than the Jews of Germany or Europe ever did in respect to those countries overall populations. In other words, given the respective size of their populations, the Jews of Israel have taken more land and property from the Palestinians then the German people ever took from the Jews.

Some would argue that there is a difference between Jews and the state of Israel, one would counter argue there is not now, nor has there ever been, any distinction made between Germans and the country of Germany by anybody, ever. 

By the Israelis’ own choice to distinguish between Jews and non-Jews, to make one status a mark of citizenship with all of the rights attendant upon that designation, the other into a stateless person subject to degradation, humiliation, poverty, torture and death, all the while doing so with the full acquiescence and knowledge of all Jewish people throughout the world, THEY have chosen to make being a Jew and an Israeli one and the same.  They of course have no option in the matter, for if they did not do so the state of Israel would quickly no longer be Jewish and would rapidly cease to exist.

If Jews who have so far not offered support for the state of Israel wish to absolve themselves of their collective guilt for what is being done in their name, and in that of their religion, all they need do is renounce that state and all it's pretensions to be exclusively Jewish.  It is a simple choice.  You either support the abominations being done or you don't, it's time for many of them to choose.

Many Jewish people however, in what can only be described as a deliberate act of deception, continue to support the state of Israel with their money and votes, a state which distinguishes between Jew and non-Jews within its border with dire consequences for all those who are non-Jews, all the while claiming the convenient fiction that as Jews they are not responsible for the acts of the very state they offer their support to.

This is an absurd farce, an immoral charade of mental gymnastics worthy of a circus trapeze artist; it is a convenient, viciously mendacious act of pure sophistry, plain and simple.  It is the Jewish peoples attempt to cowardly distance themselves from the barbarous acts being carried out in their collective names, with their collective monies, enabled by their collective votes, empowered by their collective voice, promoted by their collective religion, encouraged by their collective will, enforced by their collective state, yet they insist they bare no collective responsibility.  That is a shameful lie.

And it is also a collective lie.  A lie that WILL not stand, nor WILL it be permitted to stand.  The Jewish people in this country and throughout the entire world will be forced to bare their collective guilt, just as the German people have been forced to do so for oh these many years. Both peoples are responsible for what their two states have done.

So to the German people, you are now free of your guilt in respect to the Jewish people.  This is now an established FACT, an act which has been DONE, and, CANNOT NOW BE UNDONE.

By their collective actions the Jewish people in Israel and all those throughout the world have shattered the chains of your collective guilt that weighed you down and tied you to their policies of mayhem and murder, that which bound you in shame to them for so long has been SUNDERED FOREVER.  Its broken pieces now lie scattered across the political landscape, lost and NEVER to be re-forged again.  It is over for you as it is for them, their cliam on you can never be used or discussed again, your guilt has now become their guilt. Your shame is now at an end....their shame is just beginning.

You can now hold your head high and look any Jew directly in the eye and state as clearly and calmly as you can to them. “There is no difference between us, what our forefathers have done in the past to your people, you have done, and are continuing to do to the Palestinian people, we are brothers now in our collective guilt but you can no longer judge us for the very acts you are now committing and for which we are not. You can no longer shame us for that which you have now done.  We may owe you our remorse….but we no longer owe you our shame or accept your accusation against us ever again.”

You are free now....forever. - mpg