How About a "Justice Party"?

How About a "Justice Party"?

Newt Gingrich: Tea Party Will Become “Militant” Faction of Republican Party
Special Note - Contains Video - Newt's right, (purely by accident) although if the Tea party puts forward its own candidates it'll take votes away from the Repub faction of the DemoRepub party, which is why Newt said what he said and also why it isn't going to happen. - mpg -- A quote...."Neocons hate the Tea Party almost as much as Democrats and liberals. And that is why the neocon and potential Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich called the Tea Party militant the other day." - also posted at DProgram - For more on this issue see....The Tea Party - Another False Front

Kurt Nimmo, who wrote the article above, truly believes that the "Tea Party" is an alternative to the two-faced Janus duopoly called the DemoRepubs.  For those who believe the same a word of advice....  Just picture in your mind's eye the event that recently occurred little more than a year ago, as over one and a half million enthralled, entranced, enthused  and enraptured Obamamites patiently waited for hours to witness the coronation of their new emperor on a bitterly cold winter day.  Not of course as bitter as their disappointment later turned out to be in the one to whom they had so misplaced their blind faith.

Please not be deceived again, do not be fooled again.  The Tea Party is just a corporate manufactured mirage designed to entice the disappointed voters in this country to once again participate in another lie.  As of yet, the Tea Party has refused to put forward a platform besides their supposed "opposition" to "big government"...whatever that may mean, just how vague can they be?

How about forming a "Justice Party" folks, now that has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?

How about this for its platform....
  • A complete thorough, honest, impartial, and independent investigation of elements within the US-NRE that facilitated 9/11
  • A complete thorough, honest, impartial, and independent investigation of elements within the US-NRE that facilitated support for terrorist groups world wide
  • A complete thorough, honest, impartial, and independent investigation of elements within the US-NRE that facilitated torture/murder and assassinations
  • A complete thorough, honest, impartial, and independent investigation of elements within the US-NRE that facilitated the creation of false intelligence to launch a war of aggression (itself a war crime)
  • Prosecute and punish all those found guilty in the investigations shown above
  • A restoration of the Constitution of the United States and of Hebeas Corpus.
  • Restore American's Rights - No more signing statements, offshore prisons, torture centers, gulags, wiretappings, kidnappings, renditions, assassinations, etc.
  • Charge, try and punish all those found to have facilitated the acts shown above
  • No more wars.  Close down the over 700 military bases overseas, cut the defense budget by 80%, shut down the Empire, shut down the Military Industry Complex
  • Close down the insecurity state....all of it
  • End the Department of Homeland Insecurity, False Flags and Terrorism
  • End support for Israel....totally.  Force Israel back within it's 1967 borders, end any military support.
  • Force AIPAC to register under the Foreign Agent Registration Act
  • Force all the Senators - PDF (HTML) and Congressmen - PDF (HTML) who swore loyalty to Israel in a recent letter they signed, to recant their allegiance to Israel or be tried for treason.
  • End support for the Saudi Royals, their terror networks and their madrases, investigate what they've been doing in this area in conjunction with the US-NRE for the last ten years, prosecute all those involved accordingly.
  • End the US-NRE's support for terrorism world wide
  • End the US-NRE's support for false flag operations
  • Break up the five media conglomerates
  • Restore Glass-Steagall, claw back the Bankster pay-outs along with their bonuses, break up the TBTF banks, fire the Banksters
  • End "mark to fantasy", restore good accounting rules
  • Enforce anti-trust laws
  • Cancel ObamaCareNot
  • Rein in the Banksters
  • Rein in AIPAC and Israel
  • Rein in the government
  • Rein in the CIA
  • Rein in the NSA
  • Stop using Social Security Trust funds to fund the Government.
  • Abolish the Federal Reserve, force them to open their books, prosecute any illegality that may be found
Of course, besides the three proposals shown in the list above -- "rein in the government", "abolish the federal reserve" (maybe) and "cancel ObamCareNot" -- (which won't happen even if the Tea Party remains un-co-opted on these issues and gets a few independents elected) --  none of the other proposals will ever appear on their platform.  In other words, it'll be business as usual for the New Roman Empire. - mpg