How To Become An Un-Person

How To Become An Un-Person

How The Guardian told me to steer clear of Palestine
ZOC Alert - Zio-Rag Exposed - (The Guardian, no better than the BBC, except for the fact their employees don't molest little children - mpg) -- A quote..."Early that year, I submitted an exposé of how the pro-Israel lobby operates in Brussels. While waiting to find out if the piece would be used, I phoned Matt Seaton, who had taken over as comment editor. We had a pleasant conversation but Seaton stressed that he regarded the subject as sensitive. -- I, then, modified the piece to make its tone less polemical. Still, it was not published. (Seaton has subsequently moved to The New York Times.)
AGAIN, to repeat ad-infinitum, you can wring your hands and write all you want about what the "Israelis" do to the "poor widdle" Palestinians, and most "Jewish" owned or controlled publications will be perfectly willing to publish it. Even if in many cases it's highly accusatory. Their readers may even get some sort of sick vicarious thrill out of what their criminal consortium is doing to those who are helpless and under their control. 

But try to say or publish one single item about "Jewish" control of the mass-media, economic, judicial or political systems in ANY nation.  Try to connect the dots in ANY way regarding where the money comes from, where it goes, who gets it, and the techniques Euro-Kazarians use to gain control over a nation-state, their ownership of the mass-media, their control of the banks, their establishment of a VAST network of interrelated think-tanks and affiliated PACS to promote their views and agendas.

You will be GONE!! 

You'll become an "un-person", a non-entity.  In twenty four hours or less you'll disappear so fast down George Orwell's "Memory-Hole" even your own co-workers won't recognize you the next day. You could go home and have your wife say...."I don't know you" as she slams the door in your face.  You could have a million readers or viewers and be on top of the world one day, and the next...."who's that guy"?

NOTHING demonstrates this tiny group's control over the so-called "West", in particular their complete domination over their utterly prostrate and spineless Anglo-Colonies, than that single salient fact.

Especially the fact absolutely no one wants to talk about it....EVER. - mpg