If They Don't Ask "Cui Bono", They're Not Reliable

If They Don't Ask "Cui Bono", They're Not Reliable

Michael Rivero on Bambuser TV - Apr 11th 11:00 HST - WRH Donation Request - [Click Here]
MRVideo -- (BambuserTV - 3hrs - Apr 11th 11:00 HST) - Source:  RiveroBBTV-Vids - Related Website: - WhatReallyHappened - Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire, and many other issues
One Note:  Michael Rivero blathers on and on about how the Saudi Parasitical Family were not involved in 9/11  He's an idiot.  He's a fool.  He's simply being incredibly, unbelievably, blindly, pigheadedly stupid!.

The first question you ALWAYS ask in a false-flag is WHO BENEFITS!!! 

Using 9/11 as the excuse....
  • Were the Saudi Parasites (and Israel's) hated enemies, Saddam Hussein of Iraq and Muamar Gaddafi of Libya, along with their countries utterly destroyed?  YES!
  • Were the Saudis other hated enemies, Assad of Syria and the Government of Iran, except for the intervention of Russia almost destroyed?  YES!
  • Did the Fed / Israeli / Bankster fiat-petro-debt-note regime get a new twenty year extension on its existence?  YES!
  • Did oil prices rocket upwards and stay elevated for more than a decade because of the constant warfare, thereby immeasurably enriching the Saudi Parasitical family and also supporting the Fed's fiat-petro-debt-note regime?  YES!
  • Did the Saudi parasites receive hundreds of billions of dollars in US-NRE armaments?  YES!
  • Was the Saudi Parasitical Family free to use their shock troops and their trillions to spread their vicious Wahhabist death cult across North Africa and the Middle East?  Yes!
  • Have the Saudi parasitical family and the Euro-Kharzarian Crime Syndicate been buddies ever since the Fed's fiat-petro-debt-note regime was established back in 1973?  YES!
  • Do BOTH the Euro-Kharzarian Crime Syndicate and the Saudi Parasites share the same vicious, trans-nationalist, tribalist, Zio-Wahhabist, Jihadist HATRED for nation-state structures, democracy, those who "are-not-them", along with a total disregard for international law? YES, YES and MORE YES!!!
  • Did the Saudis suffer any blow-back, where they EVER investigated, sanctioned, attacked by Israel, or their Wahhabist shock troops during the last fifteen years?  NO!
  • Was Israel ever attacked by the Saudis' terrorist shock troops?  NO!
  • Does ANY of the evidence implicating Israel's direct management and facilitation of 9/11 contradict the theory, (or all the facts), that the Saudi Parasitical family helped Israel carry out 9/11  NO!
Michael Rivero constantly whines that the "Saudis don't want to 'hurt' the United States". That's a really stupid statement for three reasons. 
One Israel doesn't want to 'hurt the United States' either.  The US-NRE is their biggest, most profitable colony, spending hundreds of billions a year to destroy Israel's (and the Saudi's) enemies. 

Two, it's an emotive statement. It's not about 'hurting' the United States, for either the Saudis or Israel.  It's about setting up the world's biggest and most profitable false flag ever seen in world history.

Three, The Saudi Parasites (and Euro-Kharzarians) don't give a crap about killing a bunch of Apostate-Infidels / Goy-Sheeple.  We're nothing to them.  The concept of 'hurting' has never, and will never -- ever -- cross their tiny little minds.
Whatever Micheal Rivero's romantic attachment to a bunch of vicious, lying, torturing, head-chopping, Wahhabist death cult supporting, Jihadist terrorist pseudo-gang exporting, dictatorial and malevolently medieval potentates with delusions of grandeur is not known.  Perhaps he's seen Lawrence of Arabia, or read Dune, WAY too many times. 

Whatever it is, his constant apologias for this sick, demented, twisted, murderous, degenerate, family of almost pure crystalline evil, a family that has deliberately spread it's un-Islamic, terrorist, death cult across the length and breadth of North Africa and the Middle East causing the destruction of almost a dozen nation states, tens of millions of lives, and besmirching Islam FOREVER....is contemptible and  utterly unacceptable. - mpg - for more on this issue, see essays posted below....