India's Amerophiles Have Cost India & Her People Dearly

India's Amerophiles Have Cost India & Her People Dearly

Indian Consulate Burns After Armed Assault in Afghanistan
False Flag Alert - This assault comes right after Pakistan's Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif was invited to India's Narendra Modi's swearing in ceremony. 

No doubt "evidence" leading to Pakistan will "somehow" come to light.  And no doubt some of it might even be true, because Pakistan is thoroughly penetrated by the Saudi sponsored US-NRE and Israeli directed al-CIA'da pseudo gangs. -- But this.....this is childishly obvious.

It would be best if India cut off all ties with the US-NRE / Israeli parasites as soon as possible.  After all....
  • over a hundred thousand Indian farmers whose lives were utterly destroyed by Monsanto's toxic GMO crops, and...
  • the over fifty thousand Indian children paralyzed by the Euro-Kazarian Bill Gates (who happens to be a major Monsanto share holder) and his "polio" vaccines, and....
  • not receiving a single fulfillment of the dozens of US-NRE "promises" to help India with it's nuclear program (after GE's disastrous design flaws became public, who would want to?) as a geo-political reward for India's rejection of Iran's pipeline projects to supply India with natural gas.... enough of a price to pay for India and her Amerophiles' "relationship" (blackmailed by the NSA/Mossad, and bribed by the Banksters' fiat currency and paper promises) to the US-NRE....isn't it??

Just how many more betrayals, hundreds of billions of euros, rubles, and renminbi in lost opportunities, and hundreds of thousands of ruined lives is India and her people willing to pay for this parasitical relationship??

Just how many more foolish, stupid, traitorous decisions do Amerophile Indian politicians have to make on behalf Israel's PNAC Protocols before India's people say enough is enough? - mpg