Israel Pauses (Politely) for the Emperor's Coronation

Israel Pauses (Politely) for the Emperor's Coronation

Israel Winds Down Attacks Pending Cabinet Vote on Gaza Truce
A quote...."Posted January 16, 2009 -- With over 1,100 Palestinians killed and over 5,000 wounded in the first three weeks of the Israeli attack on the Gaza Strip, the fourth week began with a glimmer of hope, for while the fighting continued it was reported to be somewhat less fierce than in previous days, perhaps an early indicator that tomorrow evening’s vote in the Israeli cabinet is likely to pass, and that the attacks will halt soon."

OF COURSE ISRAEL IS GOING TO HAVE A PAUSE!! -- Our soon to be crowned Emperor doesn't want his “oh so wonderful coronation” spoiled by an on going extermination campaign!! That doesn’t make for a very nice photo-op now does it?  If that were to occur people might actually, finally, begin to suspect he really doesn't care what happens to all those Palestinian "vermin".

Israel was supposed to have completed this operation within twenty days, after all that's what Obama was informed of.  And please, don't anybody out there even pretend he didn't know about this whole campaign months in advance. If you think they didn’t pull him aside and ask him about something this big, a blitzkrieg they'd been planning for the last six, seven, even eight months, to be launched one month before Obama was to take office, a plan which was known to everybody in the White House and the DoD, an operation that could very well spill over onto his see if there would be any objections from Obama, than you’re plain stupid, especially all you Obamatrolls out there.

You would think with all that planning the Israelis would have done a better job.  Well they'll just have to go back to the drawing board and manufacture another excuse at some future date to complete the final eradication.  No doubt good ‘ol Bombs Away will be out of town again, on some diplomatic mission, or on vacation with his family when the bombs start to fall and the blood starts to flow.  What a nice guy you Obamatrolls have elected, a real shining example to psychopaths everywhere, way to go folks, way to go. -- mpg

For more on this issue see....No Leadership From Obama. - Oh Contraire! -  12-28-08 - mpg