It's a Bit Early for Another War, But Then Again....

It's a Bit Early for Another War, But Then Again....
07-08-10 - modified 07-18-10

Chatter Rises On Iran Strike
War Alert - A quote...."The first really clear indication that serious planning was underway to strike at Iran’s rogue nuclear weapons site came a month ago when British news outlets reported that Saudi Arabia had given Israel permission to cross its airspace en route to Iranian targets. -- Yesterday, the United Arab Emirates ambassador to the United States said publicly that his country was willing to live with the consequences of a strike against Iran despite the enormous amount of trade between the two countries and the likelihood of riots after a strike. --Today, you have Sen. Joe Lieberman in Israel saying the U.S. would influence Iran, “through diplomatic efforts and economic sanctions if we can, but through military action if we must.”

It's a little bit early for another war according to the "ten year economic/war cycle"

Stocks prices are a tad on the high side, the bond markets currently ballooning with an ever growing supply of worthless US-NRE paper, and risk appetite still hasn't been reduced yet to the lowest possible level. This situation can be resolved in one of two ways.

One:  The parasites can start a war, which would cause risk appetite to collapse, along with stock prices, while driving foreign investors into US-NRE bonds.  Which the US-NRE's parasites (who at the moment, are up to their little collective eye-balls in US-NRE bonds) can than sell to purchase relatively inexpensive stocks during the ensuing war rally . But the consequences of another, large, unjustified, war are unforeseen and the financial  timing would be incredibly difficult to manage.

Two:  In the usual "two-step maneuver",  the parasites can create another 9/11 which would drive down US-NRE stock prices and force foreign investors into US-NRE bonds, they could than purchase stocks at rock bottom prices and after a suitable pause, start their long planned conflict with Iran and make huge profits on the subsequent war rally.

The "two-step maneuver" has the triple advantages of justifying the subsequent war, motivating the US-NRE's population to participate in additional murder and mayhem, while allowing for a suitable pause during which the parasites can adjust their portfolios and positions in the financial markets to gain maximal advantage.  Which is why this method has been used so often.

However according to the ten year economic/war cycle, the parasites were supposed to give the US-NRE's economy a "rest" as they did from '72 to '82, before they begin another of their decade long rounds of war and profit accumulation.  Else they'd be in violation of tentative law number five, which states....

#5:  The size and length of the next war is inversely related to the economic recovery time of the prior war.

And there's still the problem of sufficient "capital" being available in the world's financial system for more wars.  Foreigners don't want to create any more faux-capital, (you know, paper products, electronic notations, fiat-money, SDRs, derivatives, etc.) and they're having a tough time finding sufficient amounts of real-capital (you know, the kind that's backed by tangible, touchable, hard assets)  to prop up the US-NRE's extensive and rapidly growing paper pyramid supported warfare economy, much less provide even more capital to pay for the US-NRE's and Israel's next war against Iran.  In other words, the parasites here and in Israel are in danger of also violating tentative law number six, which states....

#6:  The ability to wage war through currency inflation is directly related to the number and size of economies willing to accept the aggressor nation's currency/debt.

Hence Geithner's fecklessly futile fulminations around the world lately for governments to increase their money supplies. Spend, extend, print and pretend was his motto.  Get ready for the upcoming war, expand that one quadrillion dollar derivatives market, mark to fantasy all your toxic assets and hide every debt in sight, he told them  Of course he doesn't want them to invest in their "real" economies, that would just cause an increase in inflation and make any additional war on Israel's behalf economically ill-timed (a violation of tentative law number four) and therefore highly problematical.  Besides, who really cares about the "little people" anyway these days?

It might even explain the recent massive attack on the EU's credit markets by Geithner's Bankster buddies. Float more faux-credit, buy more US-NRE bonds and the Wall Street Bankster's (read the five or six TBTFs, especially Goldman Sachs) crap paper to fund the on-going occupations in the Middle East and the upcoming war against Iran, all on behalf of Israel/AIPAC of course, otherwise they would crash and burn the entire EU.

The European governments have refused to participate in any more quantitative easing however, Angela Merkel has even taken the drastic step of curbing or even outlawing various US-NRE Bankster practices in the EU such as naked shorts, no CDS's period, "no Euro derivatives that are not a 'bonafide' FX hedge" and many other tactics that were being used to deliberately destroy the EU.

Perhaps the terms Geithner offered them weren't sufficiently lucrative, perhaps they feel the Obama administration can't deliver them, perhaps they feel it would actually destroy their "real" economies and subject them to political repercussions (or worse).  Whatever their reasons, they do not want to participate in another round of quantitative easing.

Despite this "no" from the EU's apparatchiks it has become appearent that the US-NRE will be forced by Israel and many within the US-NRE's "Jewish Community" to "go it alone" regarding any planned military operations in the Middle East, and to do so without economic support from the EU or any other country.

If true, the US-NRE's economy may become highly unstable in the very near future, perhaps even collapse if it attempts any more military adventures in that part of the world.  Of course in the balance, if Israel feels it could eliminate its last remaining economic and geo-political competitor in the Middle East while also eliminating the "Palestinian problem" forever, it would not hesitate for a moment, not even one second, in going ahead with its plans.

However, whether the parasites attempt another, massive, false flag event and subsequent war of choice, (the most profitable option) or even attack Iran with just a limited air strike (the most militarily practicable option), either endeavor would appear to be premature, highly risky and doomed to utter failure. - mpg