It's Not Your Religion, It's Whether You Support the New Roman Empire

It's Not Your Religion, It's Whether You Support the New Roman Empire

Terrorism: the most meaningless and manipulated word - Article also posted at ICH
A quote...."Terrorism is simultaneously the single most meaningless and most manipulated word in the American political lexicon.  The term now has virtually nothing to do with the act itself and everything to do with the identity of the actor, especially his or her religious identity.  It has really come to mean:  "a Muslim who fights against or even expresses hostility towards the United States, Israel and their allies."  That's why all of this confusion and doubt arose yesterday over whether a person who perpetrated a classic act of Terrorism should, in fact, be called a Terrorist:  he's not a Muslim and isn't acting on behalf of standard Muslim grievances against the U.S. or Israel, and thus does not fit the "definition."  One might concede that perhaps there's some technical sense in which term might apply to Stack, but as Fox News emphasized:  it's not "terrorism in the larger sense that most of us are used to . . . terrorism in that capital T way."  We all know who commits terrorism in "that capital T way," and it's not people named Joseph Stack." -

Pretty good Glen except he's wrong when he says..."The term [terrorism] now has virtually nothing to do with the act itself [true] and everything to do with the identity of the actor, especially his or her religious identity". [false]

Actually the US-NRE isn't particularly concerned with a person's religion or their identity, although they do use the generic term "Muslim" as a convenient whipping boy. What the US-NRE and Israel are concerned with is whether you support the New Roman Empire or not.

The US-NRE, Israel and the Saudi Royals (the Trinity of Absolute Evil) have for the last thirty years as part of their PNAC/AIPAC Protocols supported almost every single Wahabbist, Salafist, Jihadist group out there (a.k.a. al-CIA-duh and many others) in the Middle East as part of their plans for Neo-Colonial conquest of that entire region  And YET the US-NRE and Israel have NEVER singled out Wahabbism as part of the problem, or the Saudi Royals constant support for these radical groups and their associated Madarasaas.

In fact for the last ten years members of the US-NRE's Junta, with considerable help from certain fellow travelers in the presstitute corp., Faux-News is one particular outfit that comes to mind, have done absolutely everything they can to cover-up or ignore any traces of prior or on-going active support for these groups by the Saudi Royals or elements within the US-NRE.

And yet the presstitutes and the US-NRE's Junta, constantly, every single day, during the last ten years have blamed governments, tribes and groups that have never received any funds from the Saudi Royals or the CIA’s tremendous programs of largess.  In other words, peoples in the region who have never been affiliated with al-CIA-duh.

The Iraqi resistance is an example, a resistance that was composed mostly of former Bathist party members, Iraqi army elements, many Sunni tribes who have never been affiliated with al Qaeda and who vehemently apposed its brand of Wahabbism along with various Shia groups and militias.  In fact the US-NRE for several years paid over one hundred thousand resistance fighters, mainly from the Sunni tribal belt in Iraq, not to attack US-NRE forces.

The US-NRE, Saudi Royals and the Israelis however have constantly invoked the "specter" of "terrorism" for THEIR perceived enemies (read economic and geo-political competitors) in the region.

The Shias for example , who by the way are despised by the Saudi Royal and US-NRE supported al-CIA-duh and are considered by them to be apostates. Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Huthis in Yemen and almost everybody in Iran.

All of Syria, much of which is Sunni but like Iraq under Saddam, has a government that considers al-CIA-duh to be its mortal enemy.

Hamas in Palestine, which has had nothing to do with the conservative Saudi Royal supported Wahabbist sects or al-CIA-duh and has fought them when they tried to establish a foothold in the Gaza strip

Finally all the Pashtuns of the Afghanistan and Pakistan and the Taliban who represent them, they became involved with Wahabbist elements only to the extent of Saudi Royal and CIA support of al-CIA-duh programs in that region.  To give just one example....

"The number of religious schools (madrassas) educating Afghans rose from 2,500 in 1980 at the start of Afghan resistance to over 39,000. The United States encouraged the Saudis to recruit Wahhabist ideologues to come join the resistance and teach in refugee institutes."

The deliberate conflation by elements within this nation of the Israeli/AIPAC -- Neocon/PNAC -- Saudi-Royal/Whabbist sponsored thirty year program of terrorism and agent-provocateur creation in the Middle East -- with the rights of the peoples in that region to legitimately resist colonial occupation by Israel and the US-NRE -- is not just a matter of being disingenuous....

Considering there is overwhelming evidence that elements within this government were directly involved with what occurred on 9/11, that these policies have been used to deliberately impoverish this nation's treasury  along with most of its peoples' wealth, that "terrorism" is being used as an excuse to eviscerate this nation's constitution and that such policies have subordinated this nation's entire foreign and military policy to that of another national state, such "conflation" or any attempt to deliberately obfuscate what really happened to this nation during the last ten years could be considered by some to be a matter of collaboration with those who set all of these plans of mayhem and murder into motion. - mpg