Moving The Goalposts

Moving The Goalposts

If you don’t believe in global warming, you’re too ‘mentally ill’ to be allowed to buy a gun, says Obama
"Climate Denial Is A Mental Disorder" - (Now it's not even "climate change", its just "climate denial"! - mpg) -- A quote...."(NaturalNews) In recent days, President Obama announced new “executive actions” on guns, that included language to shore up current federal law aimed at keeping mentally ill Americans from buying guns. Some skeptics of the president’s actions believe that, as is usually the case, there are ulterior motives behind his actions. -- For example, some believe that the president’s order may include guidance on declaring people who disagree with Obama’s policies – like those regarding so-called “global warming” and “climate change” – as mentally unstable. -- It’s not too far out of the realm of possibility, given this president’s narcissism, anti-gun demeanor and ideological, cult-like adherence to the concept of man-caused climate phenomena. -- As noted by the Media Research Center, anyone designated as “mentally ill” by doctors – who now have been empowered to report patients they deem to be unfit to the FBI – can be denied the right to keep and bear arms." - Source:  NaturalNews

Notice the sequence of theories, and their subsequent evolution....
  • The theory that human released carbon dioxide, and other gases, might cause an increase in the earth's overall atmospheric temperature through the "green-house" effect.
  • The theory that human released carbon dioxide will cause the atmosphere to warm up
  • The global warming theory
  • The "established" global warming theory
  • Man causes global warming
  • Global warming will cause the climate to change
  • Climate change could cause the weather to become warmer, or colder, (in some places)
  • Carbon dioxide causes the climate to change
  • The "established" climate change theory
  • Man causes the climate to change
  • Any bad weather or climate change event is caused by Man
  • The climate / weather changes - and it's Man's fault
  • Bad climate is Man's fault
  • Climate is caused by Man
  • Climate
"You don't believe in the Climate!! - You're a "climate denier"!! - You must be crazy!! - Don't you understand, there's a climate, it's bad.....AND IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!!"

This sort of augmentative / debating process is commonly called "moving the goalposts"

The fact that people in this country so readily fall for all this obvious crap, is a VERY bad sign for their cognitive abilities, and the future of this society. - mpg