Principals:  A Concept That Cannot Even Be Imagined By Some

Principals:  A Concept That Cannot Even Be Imagined By Some

Israeli Spy Plane Violates Lebanon’s Airspace – Lebanese Army

A quote...."An Israeli reconnaissance plane briefly violated Lebanese airspace early on Saturday, overflying parts of the country’s south, the Lebanese Army said Sunday.
People just don't understand.  Let this website editor make it clear for them.
Euro-Kazarians cannot conceptualize, or comprehend the concept of "principals".  For them there is no mental structure outside of one that isn't created by ad-hoc argument.  One that is negotiated out of the bland, gray, boundless, formlessness of Neo-liberal "moral-relativism". 

One man's principle is another man's poison to their way of thinking.

Everything is equal to them...or relative. There are no absolutes. Your lands, your properties, your borders, your children....are their lands, their properties, their borders and their children....subject to negotiation.

They recognize NOTHING!!  Got it! There are no rules, laws, treaties, boundaries, morals, limits, etc. that cannot be twisted or bent to fit their current trendy, self-aggrandizing, meme.

Whatever that meme may be at the time.

If they "steal your property" and you make a fuss sufficient that you get it back, a Euro-Kazarian isn't chastened by that fact, he doesn't fell guilty that he was "caught", he doesn't just "give-up" and except what he considers YOUR irrational values. After all, he knows that property you're sitting on is rightfully his!

He doesn't feel he "cheated" or "tricked" you.  These concepts imply equality of position, and of a level playing field, concepts which simply cannot even exist within his mental framework.

He'll just feel he hasn't bribed or blackmailed enough judges, or legislators, or produced enough advertizing, or enacted enough laws to promote his agenda. 

Everybody got it now. 

This is their nature.  Down through the centuries this completely amoral, practical, incredibly flexible, ever adoptable, ever changeable, outlook has benefited their community enormously, except for the occasional pogrom when their neighbors just couldn't take it any more.

It is as useless to go up to a Euro-Kazarian with an argument based on principal, such as "all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights....etc. etc.", as it is to speak to a brick wall. 

He'll just think you're making fun of him, or portentously promoting some sort of tendentious boring argument.  He might think it's some sort of weird negotiating ploy of yours, or perhaps a trendy fashion statement you're making. He might think you're being irrational or just plain stupid.  If you still stand your ground he'll accuse you of being unreasonable, perhaps of being a "hater" or even "antisemitic". 

If you should stick to such a principal to your own detriment, he'll actually consider you dangerously deluded or even insane, someone that a reasonable person can't do business with. Someone to be avoided at all costs. Unless of course he can personally take advantage of your stance, at which point you instantly become a "sucker" or a "rube"

If you should continue to insist on this principal to HIS detriment, he'll think you're taking unfair advantage of him, perhaps he might even consider you to be an "existential threat" to him

What a Euro-Kazarian will NEVER EVER do is realize that this is a basic principal of "fairness", a fundamental building block of social and political relations between, and among, human beings.

He'll never except it, because he knows that he's "special", that he's "chosen" and most importantly, he knows to his very bones, that there are no fast and hard rules in human relations except what can be bartered, bargained, bought, bribed, blackmailed, or extorted.

He'll simply get you to agree to some sort of exception to your principal, a loop hole he can convince you of, and from there whittle away at the principal until there is absolutely nothing left.

It might take him years, or even decades to do so, but step by incremental patient step, a special virtue among Euro-Kazarians, he will win in the end.

Got it now? - mpg