Rice's little Snit-Fit

U.S. and Venezuela Clash at OAS Meeting
Must Read - Some quotes...."In her speech on Monday at the 37th General Assembly of the Organization of Americas States, Rice requested that General Secretary of the OAS, Jose Miguel Insulza, travel to Venezuela to make a report about Chavez’s decision to not renew the broadcast license of RCTV"  -  "Venezuelan Foreign Minister Nicolas Maduro responded to Rice's statement declaring that "the intervention of the United States representative constitutes an unacceptable intervention in the internal affairs of a democratic, sovereign republic." - "Maduro also made reference to the violation of human rights that takes place in the military base of Guantanamo, Cuba. "How many prisoners do you have in the Guantanamo prison, we ask the government of the United States. How many are there? Who are they? Do they have the right to a trial? Where did you kidnap them from? Do they have due process? Men and women, without a face, without a name, kidnapped,"

Rice actually got up and WALKED OUT OF THE MEETING, in an obvious display of petulant, childish, immaturity.  Obviously she can dish it out but the poor thing can't take it when it's dished right back.

It's a national disgrace that this Neocon sycophant is Secretary of State to this nation.  No doubt when describing the incident to the press she'll use her well founded penchant for mendacity and suggest she was late for a meeting or some other inanity.

It really is a crying shame this incompetent woman is our nation's representative to the international community. - mpg

The 'Empire' and Condi 'Suffer Defeat' at the OAS
A quote...."Condoleezza was upset, she stood up like a bolt of lightning and left. … I know when she's disturbed and when she's calm. These are signs of imperial decline, a defeated Empire, a great loss for the Empire."

--  The President of the Venezuelan Republic, Hugo Chavez

More on Calamity Condi's childish little snit fit at the OAS. - mpg