The "Capitalist" Thing to Do

The "Capitalist" Thing to Do

U.S. Casualties in Afghan War Soar Toward 15,000 Dead and Injured
A quote...."Americans have their eyes on the rising death toll of U.S. military men and women in Afghanistan, now nearing 1,000. -- But the casualty toll from that eight-year-old war also includes the less visible, silent ranks of those wounded and evacuated for injuries, a number that has reached at least 13,775 mostly young Americans. In many cases, their wounds will impose a lifelong burden on them and their families."

Well, it appears some more / Bio-Weapons-Components / Cannon-Fodder / Killer-Unit-Flesh-Packets / are being degraded or permanently disabled.  Guess the government will have to go ahead and purchase some more of them...yawn. 

What's the big deal anyway, they're highly inexpensive to maintain, cheap to acquire and incredibly easy to manufacture (although they do take up to eighteen years to assemble).  Besides....all of these BWCs were actually un-educated enough to let the government inject them with all kinds of unknown, untested and highly dangerous vaccines, drugs and other chemicals for years.  Or let themselves be exposed to deadly depleted uranium. 

So what the heck, since they don't appear to have any built-in self-preservation instincts whatsoever and since as a result they're probably going to wear-out or cease functioning anyway, instead of letting them be a burden to society while they continue to uselessly use their VA benefits, or try to rehabilitate themselves while they all slowly and inevitably deteriorate, why not just use them up in the US-NRE's various occupations? 

After all, it would be the "capitalist" thing to do. - mpg