The Deliberate, Cold-Blooded, US-NRE Organized Provocation in Odessa

The Deliberate, Cold-Blooded, US-NRE Organized Provocation in Odessa
(Another Litmus Test)

The Odessa Massacre - What REALLY Happened
SCGVideo - Outstanding Analysis! - (SCGYuTb - 10min58sec - May 12, 2014) - Source:  SCG@YuTb - StormCloudsGathering - A quote.... "Contrary to what the mainstream media has tried to convince you, it's not at all a mystery how the fire started in Odessa, Ukraine and it's not at all a mystery who started it. We owe it to the victims to expose what really happened."

Welcome to Nulandistan: A Multimedia Look at What the US & EU Have Unleashed on Ukraine  -- Videos / Photos
A quote...."Wherever the US government says it is promoting democracy and freedom, as US Assistant-Secretary of State Victoria Nuland professes about Ukraine, there has been destruction, impoverishment, sectarianism, fighting, and death. -- Welcome to post-coup Ukraine or Nulandistan. It follows the precedents and traditions of destabilization and violence honoured by US officials like Senator John McCain in the Syrian Arab Republic (McCainistan) and by Hillary Clinton in the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya  (Clintonistan)."

9 facts that prove the U S is behind Ukraine crisis
Video - (YuTb - 14min34sec - May 8, 2014) - Source:  CX

Obama’s Bloodbath in Odessa: As Guilty as Anyone in Kiev
A quote...."Just hours after the bloodbath took place in Odessa, President Obama praised the brutal crackdown in a joint-press conference with German Chancellor Angela Merkel...."

The Truthseeker: NATO false flags in Ukraine (E39)
TSRTVideo - Another great TruthSeeker video! - (TSRTYuTb - 13min42sec - May 18, 2014) - Source:  TheTruthSeeker - RT -- A quote...."US intel source claims Ukraine part of NATO secret campaign Gladio; psychopathy tests for our leaders; and a mainstream host storms out the studio after a vicious exchange on false flags." - See related article....RT’s “Truthseeker” rips the lid off false flags!
Think about it folks.  --  As in Syria when they needed a pretext for war,  where the US-NRE's Syrian terrorists kidnapped women and children from the Lattakiah mountains, gassed them, and than laid them out as gruesome props for the complicit UN team in the Ghota False Flag attack, the US-NRE's Neo-Liberal / Neo-Con backed and supported  Ukrainian "right sector", AFTER Putin had stated he would militarily intervene if ethnic Russians were threatened, deliberately staged a heinous attack in the city of Odessa to lure him in.

Look at the photos folks, your government, in collusion with the Ukranian right sector, deliberately murdered these unarmed men, women and unborn child to get Putin to react militarily. -- Everyone involved in this cold-blooded, sick, act of murder has to be identified, rounded up, and brought to justice.

As with the False Flag sniper slaughter in Maidan Square, any newspaper, mass-media outlet, or website, which downplays this event, blames the loyalist pro-democracy Ukrainian separatists for this event, doesn't explain the US-NRE's and right sector's culpability for this event, or WHY this slaughter of innocents was deliberately arranged and carried out, is instantly and totally discredited. - mpg
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False Flag in Odessa - Pathetic U.S. Media Coverage
False Flag Exposed -- A quote...."May 08 2014 "ICH" - "CP" - Photos of the victims of the Odessa fire which have been circulating on the Internet have cast doubt on the official version of events. It’s now clear that many of the anti-junta activists who occupied the Trade Unions House were neither burned to death nor died of smoke inhalation, but were savagely shot at point-blank range by agents and thugs who had infiltrated the building to kill as many of the occupants as possible, burn the corpses, and then slip away without notice. Some of the victims–like a young woman who was eight months pregnant –were strangled with an electrical chord and left slumped backwards over her desk in a room that shows no sign of fire or smoke damage. In another case, a woman was stripped naked from the waste down, raped, killed, and set ablaze." - Source:  CounterPunch
“According to the evidence that I’ve seen …Odessa was a giant false flag operation. It… was one of those staged massacres that the pro-Western forces from Bosnia to Kosovo, now Ukraine, excel at staging, intended to draw Russia to overreact and commit military forces … I believe that the fact that they are willing to stage such a horrendous atrocity shows the depth of their desperation at this point.” -- *Nebojsa Malic*, political analyst, Russia Today

“Not under foreign skies
 Nor under foreign wings protected -
 I shared all this with my own people
 There, where misfortune had abandoned us.”
“Requiem” -- *Anna Akhmatova*

This event was videotaped. -- Every single person who participated in this event should be identified and arrested. They should all be tried.  Those found participating in the murders if convicted....should be executed. Any foreigner found to have supported, arranged or facilitated  these events, if identified, tried, and convicted, should receive the same punishment. This may not be possible or practicable, but it SHOULD happen. - mpg
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For more articles on this issue see below.....