The Great Game - In 3D

The Great Game - In 3D

Does the 2008 US Presidential Race Really Matter?
Must Read - A quote...."Global society constitutes a complex adaptive system. All systems possess three fundamental attributes:"

This article describes the possibility to map in three dimensions, our planet's political/economic/social system, or as the author puts it, "a systems theory perspective".  Similar to the concept of what Isaac Asimov called his fictional "psychohistory".  A fascinating idea.

Keep in mind of course the "chicken or the egg" debate regarding what factors are most responsible for changing the course of human history - the "effective individual" or "historical forces" - has been raging since human tribes assembled themselves into hierarchies and submitted their fates to the authority of a single leader or group.

This website editor leans toward the side of historical forces however as the primary motivator in human affairs, inasmuch as such "single leaders" or "oligarchies" are only given their authority, or are able to seize it, when the social/economic/political systems, or the break-down of such systems, permits them to do so.

Bush is a classic example of such a case, wherein a complete mentally incompetent, feckless, drooling moron, who could barely speak the English language and who would never have achieved gainful employment through his own merits, much less the highest office in the land, was selected by a process which did untold damage to the principals of democracy and who was than subsequently almost granted dictatorial powers due to the arrangement of a classic “false flag” event.  Both incidents deliberately engineered by a group of financial elites in the United States representing the MIOC sector of the US economy.

The reasons why the US MIOC elites spent twenty to thirty years planning these events, took these actions, and were practically given carte blanche by their subject populations to do so however, were because of ongoing social/economic/political trends, or forces, which encouraged and enabled them to carry out these plans of murder and mayhem.

Historical trends or forces such as the inevitable diminishment of US power caused by this nation’s ever increasing ten year cycles of debt, war and monetary debasement, the long term decline of American economic might in what would, if left to its own social-historical devices, have been the evolution of a multi-polar world, the looming crisis of peak oil along with the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the cooperation of the Saudi Royals, the ease with which religious elements could be "played" against each other with Madison Avenue techniques of mass manipulation and finally the enormous temptation these trends offered to the MIOC elites in acquiring both oil resources and geopolitical position in the Middle East.

The MIOC elites realized at some point in the early seventies that they could achieve vast wealth, a permanent state of political dominion over their subject populations and establish family dynasties if they could arrange an event.  An event which would allow them to leverage American power to obtain control of the Persian Gulf and perhaps even the Caspian Basin region bringing these vast areas of abundant energy resources permanently under their control.

They are still trying

For more on this type of issue, and the power of descriptive and predictive paradigms see....Effective Fed Funds Rate 03-24-07 - mpg