The Jackass Brays

The Jackass Brays

T. Boone Pickens says US Firms 'Entitled' to Iraqi Oil
That's like saying a group of muggers are "entitled" to half the proceeds obtained from someone's house because a few of them got shot during their home-invasion, raping, robbing, looting and murdering spree.

To Mr. Jackass Pickens, The US-NRE's officials in collusion with their Saudi Royal buddies have for the last thirty years supported almost every single “terrorist” group out there, helped set-up 9/11, falsely "implied" Saddam was involved, falsely stated Saddam was linked to al Qaeda, knowingly lied about Iraq's WMD's, proceeded to illegally invade Iraq in a "war of aggression" without "UN sanction", is engaged in an ongoing occupation of Iraq which is still in it's eighth year, during which the US-NRE has helped to deliberately foment a vicious civil war in Iraq, has suggested the country be divided into three parts (and even "voted" on it), has helped to kill over a million Iraqi citizens, displaced almost five million more, tortured tens of thousands and has deliberately attempted to destroy Iraq's educational, industrial, public and cultural infrastructure.

Iraq owes Mr. Pickens, his buddy boys in the oil sector and the US-NRE in particular, absolutely NOTHING!  In fact, if one day the world community should ever get the power and the fortitude to deliver justice, they should force the US-NRE to pay reparations (a trillion or two sounds about right) to the Iraqi people and arrest, try, convict and hang all those in this country who launched this illegal war of aggression, and who also helped facilitate 9/11. – mpg