The Last Straw - A Personal Note

The Last Straw - A Personal Note

The people of this nation have demonstrably shown, by consistently voting for the DemRepubs and their policies, that they enthusiastically support Bernanke's and the Fed's gift of the public purse to endlessly shore up the securitized, financialized, sector of this society's economy on behalf of the tiniest fraction of those that own most of it.

That they are willing to dilute the dollars within their very own pocket's by allowing them to be printed without limit and handed over to those that already have most of them.  And that they have done this without protest or any demur whatsoever.

The people of this nation have also shown they enthusiastically support spending what little remains of the public treasury for torture, murder, endless wars, a militarized police state and a vicious sadistic, cancerous, sick and twisted attempt at a Neo-Roman empire.

As such, since they have repeatedly proven these are their most important priorities by their continuous votes for the status quo and by their lack of any effective opposition to the powers that be.  Since they have chosen to spend vast amounts of the public purse for the enrichment of the wealthiest few along with additional amounts to continue their nation's blood sports, how could this website editor, or any other person of good conscience for that matter, possibly support even more spending of the public's purse for charitable purposes on behalf of these very self same profligate, spendthrift and amoral people.

How could anyone advocate giving money to a people who are so inured to reality, so indifferent to others suffering, so blinded by greed, so bereft of morality, so willing to be propagandized by childish nonsense that they chose to give trillions of their own money to those who already have the bulk of this nation's wealth.

You can't, not in good conscience anyway, there simply isn't that much money -- or sympathy -- to go around.

As such, as a matter for the public record, and to clear the air on these issues, this website editor would like to make the following statement.

Other than supporting the single payer health care plan, and it's predecessor, Medicare (it is after all, efficient) along with the Social Security Trust Fund  (it is after all fully funded by the "people's money" for at least the next forty years)  this website editor states the following oath and affirmation....

"That this website editor swears, under the eyes of God Almighty, in the year of our Lord May 12, 2010, that this website editor will permanently and unalterably appose any and all programs of public charity of any sort, for poverty reduction, for education, for health care (except as shown above), for housing, for welfare, for the amelioration of natural or man made disasters or even the improvement of infrastructure, along with most other Federal programs, on behalf of all those living within the borders of the United States of America, or on any of its territories, for the rest of this editor's natural life" -- *mpg*

What does this oath mean, it means if it turns out the depleted uranium wantonly scattered across the Middle East, or perhaps even the vaccines that hundreds of thousands of veterans were exposed to, suddenly turns out to cause cancer on a mass scale, and a hundred million dollar program could ameliorate their circumstances, this website editor would appose it. -- It means if this country does descend into a depression with a thirty percent unemployment rate, and emergency federal programs are implemented to stem mass starvation, this website editor will appose such  programs -- It means if an earthquake completely leveled the city of San Francisco, and the Federal government offered support, this website editor would appose all of it.-- It means total opposition to child care, education, school construction, VA benefits, disaster relief, homeless shelters, food for the needy, and the hundreds of other programs that are needed to comfort the afflicted, the powerless, the helpless and the hopeless.

One might ask how could anyone be so harsh?  This website editor's answer is simple, between the bail-out programs for the greedy and this nation's endless wars for empire this website editor estimates the people of this country have already spent, or borrowed during the last two decades alone, thirty five to forty five trillion dollars.  This sort of behavior has been going on for sixty long years and it's only getting worse.

In other words if you want charity, get it from Bernanke, get it from Wall Street, get it from Robert Gates, get it from the Pentagon, get it from the wealthiest one percent whom most of the people in this nation admire and want to emulate so much, those whom they have "serviced" so well.....because this website editor's all tapped out.

This does not mean this website editor would be uncharitable to Americans on an individual basis, those that actually have a conscience and voted for that conscience when they went to the polls.  In other words if you voted for a DemoRepub, don't come to this website editor for a handout.

Nor does this mean this website editor is uncharitable for those outside the Empire, far from it, this website editor is perfectly wiling to offer advice or advocate programs of charitable support, nation building, national reconstruction, share the wealth programs, for foreigners using their own money in any of the other 190 plus countries out there.

It's just that here in this country, advocating such efforts on behalf of a relentlessly servile population whose main goal in life appears to be to remain as uneducated and bigoted as possible, give their last few dollars to the wealthiest fraction of society, engage in vicious sadistic violence and dream endlessly of a New Roman Empire, would be a complete and utter waste of one's time.

Jesus himself could not come here and alter these people's mentality, they're beyond hope, beyond redemption or any possible reformation, they are lost in a sea of evil propaganda and have become a danger to themselves and the rest of the civilized world.

This is no longer a just society, or a moral society, or even a practicable society, if it ever was.  But what was once there, the attempt at civility, at community, at trying to tell the truth, at trying to better this nation, however imperfect these attempts may have been, are now gone.

They will not return.

After four and a half years of blogging, this website editor has finally come to realize that. - mpg