The Nuclear Rights Association - (N.R.A.) - Every Little Country Should Have One

The Nuclear Rights Association - (N.R.A.) - Every Little Country Should Have One
(Or How I Learned to Love the Bomb and Kiss the N.P.T. Goodbye)

Russia considers nuclear missiles for Syria, Mediterranean, Baltic
Special Note - A quote...."DEBKAfile's military sources report Moscow's planned retaliation for America's missile interceptors in Poland and US-Israeli military aid to Georgia may come in the form of installing Iskandar surface missiles in Syria and its Baltic enclave of Kaliningrad. -- Russian Baltic and Middle East warships, submarines and long-range bombers may be armed with nuclear warheads, according to Sunday newspapers in Europe."

HEY FOLKS!!!  This is getting way out of hand, let's repeat the facts all over again ad-nauseum.  The US elites deliberately setup and murdered three thousand of their own citizens, than callously used this event as a pretext to invade a country they'd been greedily eying as far back as 1992. In which process they have killed over one million of its citizens, displaced over five million more and inflicted over three hundred billion dollars worth of damage to said country.  All the excuses they've provided for invading this country have turned out to be false, more to the point, they've actually turned out to be a bunch of deliberately concocted lies....except for two, the US's desire for this country's oil and its geo-strategic location.

And everybody in the world knows it.  We can all stop pretending now, it's boring, it's childish, and it's fooling no one.  Just because some Americans are stupid morons and most don't seem to care what their elites do, doesn't make the heavy hitters leading all those "little" countries out there a bunch of uncaring morons too.

THE ONLY THING that seems to prevent this murderous crew from taking a country over for its natural resources is if said country possesses nuclear weapons.  Russia is currently offering them; right now they're offering them under their control to a few of their allies -- later on....who knows?

LET'S TAKE A POLL shall we?

a) Who wants someday in the near future to have their country ripped asunder and possibly get hanged in the process by the US and a few of its chosen allies when they get the hankering for some natural resources?

 - or -

b) Who wants some Russian, or for that matter Pakistani or even Chinese nuclear weapons to protect  their country from being ripped asunder or possibly getting themselves hanged?

Is everybody out there in Europe getting the point? You guys CANNOT conceivably win this one.  Because of Europe's acquiescence to US actions during the last seven murderous years we now have dozens of countries who possess natural resources deeply worried that they'll be the next one on the hit list, and all of them are now highly motivated to buy some "protection".

What's happening right now is really, really S T U P I D! - mpg