The Unholy Progeny of Blood Sucking Ticks and Leeches

The Unholy Progeny of Blood Sucking Ticks and Leeches

MAULDIN: Germany Has Waved The White Flag And Will Allow Printing And Inflation
A quote...."The simple fact is that Mario Draghi, the Italian president of the ECB, created €1 trillion euros to "help" (??)  fund European banks, which promptly turned around and bought their respective countries' sovereign debt. Germany's Angela Merkel forced the Bundesbank to "play nice" and go along with what was seen as the only way to solve a growing banking crisis in Europe. - bold by website editor -  WRONG, WRONG WRONG!!  -- LIE, LIE, LIE!!

They're trying to "help" (that dreaded term again.....) the EU's nations?  No they're not!  The banks "bought their respective countries' sovereign debts" with a full guarantee from the ECB all the while the interest rates on these countries sovereign debts are being jacked into the stratosphere by deliberate attacks against the EU's nations' bond markets funded by UNLIMITED amounts of derivatives. ($150 trillion added in the last few years alone)!!  All the while these Banksters get to borrow at zero interest.

The SHILL who wrote the article above makes it sound like the Banksters are doing the EU's taxpayers a favor by jacking these countries interest rates into the stratosphere while imposing ever increasing "austerity" measures which are crashing these nations' economies. 

What they're actually doing is getting these taxpayers to pony up ever increasing amounts of tax dollars to fund ever increasing bailouts for the Banksters caused by ever increasing debts created by ever increasing programs of austerity and interest rate increases demanded by the Banksters themselves.  It's a massive Bankster circle jerk!!

Just where do they find the sick, twisted, sadistic, bastards willing to write articles like this?!?!  Under some rock where Bankster vermin live?!?!?  The unholy progeny of blood sucking ticks and leeches?  Just how STUPID do the Banksters think people are?!?!?

Now what, do like the shill says above, print and transfer trillions more euros into the Banksters pockets, devaluing the euros in everybody else's pockets while at the same time taxing these brand new Bankster serfs to pay for all these money transfers and Bankster inspired circle jerks?

They should have reorganized all the banks in trouble on day one (put them into receivership).  Marked their assets to a "reasonable" market level, fired the Banksters, told the investors to take a hike, and given the bond holders a hair the neck.  Than they should have given direct loans at zero interest to the affected countries based on strict time tables for a debt work-out. 

It's too late for that now. - mpg

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