The US-NRE, Good At What It Does

The US-NRE, Good At What It Does

Time for regime change in the USA
Quote of the Day...."Iran has political, religious and cultural links with the Alawite (Shia sect) government of Syria. Iran is the one country - not the USA, not Russia, not China, not Turkey, Saudi Arabia or Qatar - which can have frank talks with Syria. Iran is the one country which Syria can trust as understanding its situation. And Iran is the only country which can give hope of avoiding a civil war bloodbath, at the very least, or a probable decade-long regional war. -- But Iran is not to be at Geneva because the USA, riddled with bigotry and an example of Ancient Greek hubris if there ever was one, hates any country which wants to be independent. It particularly hates Iran. Indeed, so extreme is the hatred that anything (including war) can be done to achieve regime change in Tehran. It is therefore no surprise that, at all times, the USA quickly side-lines democracy and justice if there is any likelihood that Iran might be involved in the solution."

Iran is FINALLY waking up to its peril, it's not about religion, or philosophy, or democracy, or competing political systems, or all the meaningless wailing from Israel about the "threat" Iran supposedly poses. It's about the fact the US-NRE has invaded, occupied, subverted, and over-thrown the political systems of well over a hundred and fifty countries in less than seventy years.

Its about the fact that Iran exists as....Iran.  That is sufficient. That is what's utterly insufferable to both Israel and their parasites here in this country..

Any excuse will do, any lie will serve, any false-flag event will be staged no matter how pathetically obvious it may be.  No matter how much other peoples have to be demeaned, ridiculed or insulted, no matter how many of them have to be tortured, grievously injured or murdered, no mater what level of racism, sadism, or sexual perversion has to be will be done.  As it always has been.

The US-NRE is good at what it does, it's geared for it, the system has been deliberately constructed that way since the beginning of the last century.  It is the Terminator of all other systems, it is the Ebola virus of the international order, it is the destroyer of the nation-state system.  It eventually kills or corrupts all who come in contact with it.

That is its purpose, it serves no other -- certainly not the welfare of its citizens.

It intends to go on carrying out these policies of mayhem and murder over and over again across the entire planet while developing ever more ridiculous excuses to justify what it does under its new masters in Tel Aviv.

It will not will never stop, for it cannot change its ways. - mpg