The Very Definition of Treason

The Very Definition of Treason

Gitmo Defense Lawyers Say Somebody Has Been Accessing Their Emails - And the 9/11 cover-up contiues.
Special Note - A quote...."The long-troubled military trials at Guantanamo Bay were hit by revelations earlier this year that a secret censor had the ability to cut off courtroom proceedings, and that there were listening devices disguised as smoke detectors in attorney-client meeting rooms. -- Now, another potential instance of compromised confidentiality at the military commissions has emerged: Defense attorneys say somebody has accessed their email and servers. -- “Defense emails have ended up being provided to the prosecution, material has disappeared off the defense server, and sometimes reappeared, in different formats, or with different names,” said Rick Kammen, a lawyer for Abd Al Rahim Al Nashiri, who is accused of plotting the 2000 attack on the U.S.S. Cole." - Topix ||  9/11-Iraq-Torture Fables  ||

Normally, in any decent society, this sort of behavior on the part of the prosecution would be considered outrageous, not to mention criminal, and those engaging in it, if convicted, would be given long terms in prison. 

However this case is different, the actions of the prosecution are treasonable. The Israeli government with an assist from the Saudi Royals and elements within this country were directly involved in carrying out the attacks on 9/11

These tactics by the prosecution are an obvious and transparent attempt to make sure the lawyers for the defendants don't discover any evidence or begin any investigations or develop any leads or theories which would identify the real culprits. 

9/11 was an act of war against this country, as such under article three, section three, everyone in Gitmo participating in this cover-up, has, or is engaged in, the very rare circumstance that actually fits the definition of "treason against the United States" which "shall consist only in levying war against them (the States of this nation), or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort."

There is ample evidence that confessions were coerced, material evidence was destroyed, ignored or manufactured, testimony suborned, and prisoners murdered, deliberately preventing the true identification of those who carried out 9/11.

Doing so for whatever reason, and preventing the identification of the true culprits  whoever they may be, is giving aid and comfort to the enemy by definition. In other words, treason.

Doing so to also artificially create evidence to enable wars of aggression is doubly damnable, it's a war crime.

It's something for everyone at Gitmo to think about. - mpg