Using The Same Standards of Criteria and Analysis For All Groups

Using The Same Standards of Criteria and Analysis For All Groups

Black Slavery and Questions With Embedded False Assumptions
A quote...."Blacks aren’t owed any reparations because none of them were slaves and because the sins of one generation cannot be justly blamed on another. Why not? Because the one generation and the other generation are two entirely different groups of people...
Not necessarily - In fact that statement is totally wrong - Each generation is responsible for what their "group" did both in the past, present, and potentially in the future - Depending on the cohesiveness and shared identity of that group - Its adherence to its own set of ethnic, cultural, and agreed upon objectives carried down through the generations.

However, whatever responsibilities are determined, or not, for actions carried out by any group, have to be determined by using the same standards of criteria and analysis for all groups.  The same measures, the same facts, and the same conclusions for the same circumstances. 

"Whites" for instance have almost no cohesiveness at all.  They are ethnically, culturally and even genetically different. At least they still are in Europe. Whites just share basic racial characteristics. The same could be said for "Blacks".  Ethnically, culturally and even genetically different in Africa, while sharing basic racial characteristics - Not so much for either group in the Americas of course.

Other groups however, are massively much more cohesive.  Some are akin to extremely powerful, trans-national criminal organizations - They have used their in-group preference, ethnic cohesiveness, trans-national power, and out-group hatreds, to be maliciously destructive to all those around them by ANY criteria any person cares to choose.  All to enhance their own collective interests - mpg
Even if we imagined, for the sake of argument, that blameworthiness can be inherited, [That would depend on if it's genetic - mpg] it would still be the case that only 2% of White people in antebellum America owned slaves
That figure may be inaccurate.  This website editor is currently using a figure of 6% for all Whites in America at the time of the War of Northern Aggression.  However all the figures regarding this question have now become highly politicized and distorted.  Not to mention irrelevant. 

Since reparations are supposed to be paid by the ancestors of slave holders, and since immigration after the civil war by Whites from Europe whose ancestors NEVER owned black slaves, has reduced progeny of the ancestors of the original 6% of Whites owning slaves in America, to a statistically insignificant irrelevancy of much less than 1%.  The entire issue is now effectively moot - mpg
"That’s one White person out of each fifty White people, on average. Most Whites did not keep slaves. Therefore, most Whites still wouldn’t owe any “reparations” for slavery, even if we were to accept the proposition that guilt can be inherited — which it can’t."
FYI:  Regarding Slavery and Reparations - It should be remembered approximately 6% of ALL Whites** in the United States (and yes, this statistic was checked - mpg) at the time of the War of Northern Aggression, owned slaves. Subtracting out the Jews, possibly much less than that....  For decades after the War of Northern Aggression was over, tens of millions of White Ethnic Europeans migrated from Europe, diluting that percentage to a statistical rounding error....

More importantly, it was the Jews, a TINY minority, who massively and disproportionately financed, insured, and participated in the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, in addition to the fact ten times more jews owned slaves than that of Whites, as a percentage of their respective participation in the slave trade. Not to also mention the capture, and ownership of Slaves, and their sale to Black, Jewish and Arab, Slavers, by many of the Black and Arab Tribes in Africa - In fact to REMIND everyone, the reason you DON'T see White slavers entering Africa to collect slaves, not in a SINGLE movie YOU ever saw, is because it NEVER happened. 

Every single slave, every one of them, was captured by Arabs or Blacks, than sold on the coast to the slave ships. In fact there is no documented evidence that ANY Black tribe in Africa, did NOT participate in the slave trade!! - So to be fair, the Jews should be charged at least ten times the amount of reparations levied on the Whites (Keep in mind, such a formula is automatically proportionate), along with also charging any Black or Arab ancestors of the Slave owning Black & Arab tribes in Africa for ALL the Slaves they sent to America. Which means basically ALL of them. To be COMPLETELY FAIR - mpg -- **corrected Thursday February 16th 2023