Well Meaning Trans-National Euro-Kazarians

Well Meaning Trans-National Euro-Kazarians

Netanyahu Punks Obama as Congress Grovels
A quote...."President Obama got punked in his own Capitol by the leader of a country that gets more U.S. money, weapons, technology and diplomatic support than any other nation in the world. How could that happen? "
It happens because people in this country don't control their Media, Judicial, Financial and therefore, their Legislative systems. 

A tiny minority, less than two percent of this nation's population, of trans-national, Euro-Kazarians do.  If the citizens of this nation don't want to discuss it, fine. If they don't want to do anything about it....that's fine too.

They'll get to watch their economy be further looted, their sons and daughters die in more needless wars, and they'll eventually be unemployed, kicked out onto the street, starving, rioting, and gunned down, or put into slave-labor FEMA camps by this minority's colonial administration. 

End of story.

Some people no doubt will vehemently object to "lumping" all Euro-Kazarians together and state, there are plenty of members of this minority community who'd oppose such policies, who'd protest against them, who'd even denounce them at the cost of their very own careers.

They'd be absolutely right, there are such right-thinking people in this trans-national community. Many of them. Tens of thousands of them, even hundreds of thousands of them.

And as these trans-national community members wring their hands, utterly appalled at what happens to the non-trans-national citizens of this country, as they write well written, well meaning, thoroughly researched, poignant articles decrying the destruction of these citizens'  communities across this nation, of the horrors Americans and their pitiful children are subjected too, exactly as they've done for over sixty years about the Palestinians....

....no doubt it will comfort the average American as they're made homeless, watch their children starve to death, and are themselves gunned down on the streets like dogs in a country that's no longer theirs, but someone else's. - mpg