What Ukraine Can Expect If They Join The EU - A Bitter Harvest

What Ukraine Can Expect If They Join The EU - A Bitter Harvest
(Or even if they don't, or can't join the EU)

Ukraine’s Leader Flees the Capital; Elections Are Called
This article, which gleefully and gloatingly celebrates the "victory" of the Euro-Kazarian PNAC arranged "rebellion" in the Ukraine is from the New York Times. 

The Times is owned by the Jewish, Ochs-Sulzberger family, who've been card-carrying, war-mongering, fellow travelers of the AIPAC/Israeli Consortium and their thirst for endless wars and genocides since their criminal Euro-Kazarian enterprise was established by the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. 

This is the very same paper which massively lied about Iraq, including falsely blaming Iraq for the Anthrax attacks, they published numerous, totally fraudulent articles stating Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and almost single handedly led this nation into war.

That war also ended with a celebration, in Baghdad's Firdos Square, remember that contrived celebration, remember "mission accomplished", yet twelve years later here's a recent article about the "success" in Iraq posted just a few days ago -- 142 Killed, 163 Wounded in Iraq Attacks, Clashes -- Over a million dead, five million displaced from their homes, and this horrific violence continues to this day.

Than there's the 2011 "mission to protect" operation in Libya, also supported by the NYT's Ochs-Sulzberger family and their paper's numerous lies about the Gaddafi administration.  Another unjust, illegal war, and also one where the Libyan "rebels" celebrated -- Libya celebrates the death of Gaddafi – in pictures  Yet to this day, after literally bombing that nation with the equivalent of half a million strike sorties, if it had occurred in the US, the Libyan nation still lies completely shattered, with almost no oil production, riven by assassinations, attempted coups, ethnic cleansing, and constant warfare between various tribal and Jihadist factions.

So here's what the Ukrainians can expect from their very own AIPAC/Israeli - PNAC sponsored "rebellion" if they "succeed", and join with the EU. 

This is assuming Russia just stands on the sidelines neither supporting, nor opposing their submission to the EU, but protecting their own financial interests. It also assumes Ukraine's neighbors will not take the opportunity to break off pieces of the nation. Finally it assumes the bulk of the Ukrainian population will just stand idly by to be turned into another Greece, lose their homes, jobs and starve, and not be tempted to co-join with Russia and split Ukraine into two.

The chances of which are all highly problematical.

It also assumes the EU's Banksters can successfully print their way out of their current self-inflicted financial difficulties.  If all four assumptions come true, than Ukrainians can expect the following....
  • A massive fall in their standard of living
  • Ninety-nine percent of the population will lose economic ground for ten to twenty years
  • They will also experience a severe depreciation in their currency
  • A massive increase in debt, both public and private
  • A massive increase in interest rates
  • Real estate prices will probably rise, along with rental rates and homelessness
  • Their pensioners will be TOTALLY devastated, and will most likely lose everything
  • They will see a massive increase in human trafficking, particular in the sex trade, much of it to Israel
  • A surprising number of Ukraine's teenage daughters will be "exported", they will not be seen again.
  • A corresponding increase in pornography nation wide
  • A large increase in organ trafficking
  • A massive increase in the drug trade, along with the addiction of a substantial portion of their population
  • Their industrial base will be totally destroyed
  • Their culture will be totally destroyed
  • Much of their infrastructure will be sold to private foreign interests.
  • Along with their agricultural lands
  • And some of their national treasures, parks and monuments
  • They will be forced to use dangerous GMOs
  • Their media will become completely controlled by one or two corporate conglomerates, moslt likely owned by Euro-Kazarian interests
  • Their elections will become totally fraudulent.  They'll be forced to adopt electronic-selection machines and discard reliable paper ballots.
  • Their entire financial system will be run from Brussels
  • Corruption will actually increase, but will be masked by increasing debt, loans, and currency printing by the EU resulting in a semblance of economic growth
  • One percent of their population will reap all the rewards.

In other words, Ukraine and its people, are to be "harvested".

If Ukrainians try to protest or later back out of their "deal", using actual peaceful protests and not an arranged coup, they'll be gunned down like dogs in the streets, by the thousands, and not a single country in the "West", nor presstituting shills like the New York Times, will give a damn.

If the EU's Euro-Kazarian Banksters cannot succeed in printing their way out of their current financial hole and the EU continues to collapse, Ukraine's decision to join at this time will be considered by later historians as one of the most monumental, disastrous, geo-political, blunders in world history.

What will happen to Ukraine under such circumstances would be impossible to predict, but it would be horrendous, and Ukraine as a geo-political unit would not survive such a calamity.

Everyone is now informed in advance that these predicted outcomes will be noted and pointed out as the years progress, and the tragic consequences of this misadventure continue to increase. 

Also please note, there will be no sympathy offered by this website editor to any of those who participated in this affair. - mpg

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