When the Time Comes to Actually Make a Difference, They Capitulate

When the Time Comes to Actually Make a Difference, They Capitulate

Obama Inc. Triumphs: Kucinich Folds His Hand on Health Care
Special Note - A quote...."Kucinich had been given an offer that he felt he could not refuse.The Obama administration has finished the job it started in January, 2009: crush the progressive wing of the Democratic Party to clear the way for corporate governance. Rep. Dennis Kucinich's was the last Left opposition to Obama's toxic health care legislation. “Once Obama's private insurers' bailout bill is in place, it will be almost impossible to dismantle in the foreseeable future.”

Kucinich Sells Out On Health Care After Ride In Air Force One
Special Note - A quote...."Democratic Congressman Dennis Kucinich has bowed to intense pressure, culminating in a jaunt onboard Air Force One with president Obama, and decided to to flip his vote on the pending health care bill to help ensure its passage. -- The representative from Ohio has repeatedly voiced his opposition to the bill, calling it "a giveaway to the insurance industry". -- "The fact is that one out of every three health care dollars goes for corporate profits, stocks options, executive salaries, advertising, marketing, the cost of paperwork - this bill doesn't change that." he said."

Pressure Drop: Brave Sir Dennis Ran Away
Special Note - A quote...."Well, so much for conscience. The other day here, we had kind words for the stand taken by Dennis Kucinich against the boardroom-backroom boondoggle known as the health care bill. The main thrust of that post was not meant to be the innate wonderfulness of St. Dennis but the hypocrisy of the "Fightin' Progressives," such as Commander Kos and Alex Koppelman, who had launched a vituperative attack on Kucinich for daring to oppose the bill -- a measure which not only represents a complete and craven surrender of even the smallest crumbs of the progressives' original hopes for health care reform, but was also fatally tainted by the brazen bribe Obama took from the gorging, gouging drug and insurance cartels to make sure their destructive sway over American health care remains unbroken."

Kucinich crumbles under pressure
Special Note - So after many days of hyper-pious rhetoric Dennis Kucinich is reversing his decision and announces that he will vote for the Big Pharma health(not)care bill. - I think that I hate Democratic politicians even more than the more openly evil Republican colleagues. - This shameful surrender by the last Democrat who tried to act like he had a spine reminds me of the song "Whoever wins in November" by David Rovics (listen to it here):"

And why did Dennis do it?  Because in this one rare instance, probably the ONLY instance in his ENTIRE life, he could have actually made a huge difference!!  His vote would have actually counted!!  He might have actually been the one to defeat this odious piece of mandated medical serfdom by casting the deciding negative vote.  And therefore, since this particular position he advocated DIDN'T just consist of  a pretty speech as so many of his other positions have down throughout the years, and since for once in his adult life his vote might have actually resulted in him DOING SOMETHING REAL for a change, he cravenly and completely caved

From the stolen 2000 election-selection, to the FBI "backing off" the Saudi Royal and bin Laden families prior to 9/11, to the mighty US Air Force that went missing for almost two hours on that fateful day, to that sick joke called the 9/11 commission, to "take impeachment off the table" Nancy, to congressional non-oversight of FISA, to the multiple non-investigations of Bush's war crimes, to all the other promises ever made by those who were supposed to work for the "people" of this nation.

When the rubber hits the road, when it's put up or shut-up, when it's time to actually do their job and fulfill their sworn oath, abide by their promises, carry out their sworn duties, obey their conscience, support the constitution and comply with the law, they're simply NEVER there to do it.  It's just the way it is.....when you vote for DemoRepubs.

Next time folks, save yourselves a lot of disappointment and heartache and please vote for someone else, anyone else. Otherwise your vote is simply going to go to waste all over again.- mpg

For more on this issue see....Double Indemnity - 12-21-09 - mpg
And....The Day ObamaCare Died - 01-23-10 - mpg

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