Cached/Copied 12-21-06

Posted at Wayne Madsen Report

December 20, 2006 -- There is more evidence that the same neo-con perpetrators who forged the infamous Niger "yellowcake" uranium documents, documents purporting to link a number of French, Russian, British, and other politicians to UN "Oil-for-Food" fraud, and other fabrications designed to "prove" Iraqi possession of weapons of mass destruction were also behind the forgery of a package of e-mails, written in English and claiming to be from a source within the Russian Federal Security Bureau, that the Kremlin had a hit list of opponents to be eliminated through assassination. These included assassinated Russian journalist Anna Politovskaya, poisoned ex-KGB and FSB agent Alexander Litvinenko, right-wing Italian Senator Paolo Guzzanti, Russian-Israeli mob tycoon Boris Berezovsky, and the man who showed Litvinenko the e-mail forgeries, Italian operative Mario Scaramella.

The same capitals that were involved in the Iraqi war forgeries are part and parcel of the Russian FSB e-mail forgeries: Rome, Tel Aviv (where the Russian mobsters are primarily based), and London.

Neo-con forgery fingerprints in Litvinenko case.

Oleg Gordievski, the highest-ranking officer to have ever defected from the KGB, has called Scaramella a pathological liar. There is now clear evidence that the FSB forgeries were intended to create a crisis for the government of President Vladimir :Putin and alienate Russia much in the same way that the neo-cons have used similar forgeries and disinformation to marginalize the reformers and pragmatists in Iran, the government of Syria, and those in the former Iraqi government of Saddam Hussein who tried every approach to avoid a war with the Bush administration.

In the world of the neo-cons, one establishes his or her bona fides by creating the most sustainable lies. The neo-cons continue to lie and seek to embroil even greater numbers of U.S. troops into the hell known as the Iraqi Civil War, a war of the neo-cons' making.

The State Department has an office responsible for identifying forgeries and disinformation. Instead of concentrating its efforts on the blatant and harmful forgeries from the neo-cons, it attacks this editor and John Perkins, author of Confessions of an Economic Hit Man. We are both accused by the State Department office of spreading disinformation. Why does the State Department attack Mr. Perkins and myself? The office, itself, is headed by a neo-con, a one-time associate of Jack Abramoff and a shill for the apartheid government of South Africa. Yet additional proof that President Carter's use of the term apartheid in his new book holds a deep historical justification.

Cached/Copied 12-21-06  mpg