Cached/copied 02-10-07 - mpg

The Globe? The Examiner? What Other Tabloids?
Submitted by Citizen over 50 on Thu, 02/08/2007 - 5:23pm.

Why do you mock "tabloids" and PAY FOR MONTHLY CABLE OR SATELLITE BILLS TO WATCH TABLOID TV and allow the entertainment shows that "call" themselves "news" to propagandize you?

I have TWO earlier stories with photographs about this subject from both The Globe of August 14, 2006 and The Examiner October 23, 2006. This is not a new rumor. In the earlier stories it seems the First Lady is not happy with the President getting drunk and having an affair with Condi. Neither is she happy with the Secret Service for trying to hide it from her.

I am actually surprised THIS ONE HAS NOT BEEN SCRUBBED FROM THE WEB. The Bushes send their minions out to buy up and destroy every copy they can get and then they get their spies to hunt down and erase them from the web too!!!

The Bushes are going to divorce. They're only hiding it from the media to keep Barbara the Bully and Pappa the Crybaby from hatcheting them both!

There is a LOT of money at stake. Make the senior Bushes mad and you might not get that pile of dough. Just ask the EX WIFE of Neil Bush. He left her high and dry without even supporting their children!!!! The family closed ranks on the witch for not allowing Neil to philander in peace.

I for one am on the First Lady's side. Bully for her for dumping the JERK and I hope she cleans his clock. My advise to her would be DON'T WAIT. COME OUT WITH IT SO HE CAN'T CLEAN YOUR CLOCK IN THE CLOSET LIKE NEIL DID TO HIS WIFE.

Good sites for this stuff:

And finally don't miss this one:
How is it that our society is so ready to put up with all the lies:

Cached/copied 02-10-07 - mpg