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Hitler Would Have Sympathized

The Centrality of Iraq and Afghanistan in Defeating the Empire
A quote...."From a world historical perspective, the Iraqi and Afghan resistance has successfully stymied Washington’s pursuit of world domination through a series of offensive wars. The success of the national liberation movements led to the over-extension of the US imperial armed forces – weakening efforts to launch programed ground wars against Iran, Syria and elsewhere.  The prolonged resistance led to wholesale domestic opposition in the face of never-ending US casualties and skyrocketing financial costs."

For more on this see....The Plan -- according to U.S. General Wesley Clark (Ret.) YouTube - 1.37 min

Hitler Would Have Sympathized  ========== ========== ========== ========== ==========

It's a shame really, Hitler would have sympathized with the Neocons as they mournfully watch their twenty to thirty year campaign for world domination go down the drain.

Twenty years of cajoling, and sponsoring the "Christian" Right in the US.  Twenty years of Saudi, Pakistani and US financing of the Wahhabist Jihadists.  Letting the glorious word be spread to all the cognoscenti, the elites of our nation, of what was to come by publishing the '92 Defense Planning Guidance. Formally establishing the DPG by setting up PNAC. Spending twenty years helping the Neocon's fellow travelers and backers consolidate control over the "mass-media" to propagandize the US's population for when the blessed day would arrive. Having clandestine meetings such as Cheney’s energy task force prior to 9/11 to divvy up Iraq's "booty and bling".

Then the day arrives, the penultimate moment of joy, the pretext the Neocons and this nation's elites had so carefully arranged, the event known as Loe Strauss’s "noble lie", which many of us "little people" know as 9/11, finally occurred bringing to fruition all of their carefully laid plans such as.....

Enacting a dictatorship by legislating such concepts as the Unitary Executive Privilege, ending Habeas Corpus, the creation of Star Chambers, and developing terms like extraordinary rendition, enemy combatant and other polite euphemisms to cover up torture and murder. Gutting the constitution of the United States and many international treaties.  Implementing new and novel concepts of war fighting like Rumsfeld's 2001 Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR) submitted to Congress three weeks after 9/11.  Carefully arranging 7/11 and other false flag events to further stimulate the west’s populations.  Setting up the concept of continually funding "terrorist" organizations through plans such Rumsfeld's P2OG to enable more “fortuitous” incidents in an effort to provide more pretexts for world wide conquest.

All of these carefully laid plans, thought out and honed to the peak of perfection over a generation, concocted  in an effort to size the richest oil prize on the planet, establish a permanent series of US bases throughout the Middle East, create a world wide hegemony called the "New American Century"  and of course…avoid a repetition of Vietnam .

All of them, everyone of them, came crashing down for precisely the same reasons the plans for the Vietnam adventure did.

What they planned for, and what they did, was immoral, illegal and wrong.

No doubt this nation’s elites will console themselves by counting up the enormous profits they've made during the war from their defense and energy related investments.

No doubt they'll try again thirty years from now.

No doubt the American people will let them. – mpg
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