Thursday September 1st 2011

More On The Domestic Situation....

“As Long as the Population is Quiet, it doesn’t Matter” – Thank You Cowardly Left
Contains Video - Alt - A quote...."The left abandoned the anti-war movement as soon as Kerry lent his support to the wars, renditions, and torture during his run for office and they definitely turned their backs on their morals during the Obama campaign and presidency. The left cowers in fear of the pain they will suffer under a Perry presidency while their hero betrays everything they have ever CLAIMED to stand for and kills with an impunity they never granted Dick Cheney or George Bush.  --  The greatest weakness this country has ever seen in the heart of the moment when strength is demanded of the people is the current cowardice and selfishness of the so-called left/”progressives”.  --  The greatest generation saved the world for the most egocentric generation to simply hand it over for nothing to the fascists in “moderate” clothing. Our national shame is well deserved. When the storm troopers come marching down main-street looking for you and your loved ones, don’t say you weren’t warned."

Us or the war machine
Special Note - A quote...."YOU MAY have heard something about a budget crisis in Washington this summer. Were you aware that in the midst of it the House of Representatives passed a military spending bill larger than ever before? -- U.S. military spending across numerous departments has increased dramatically during the past decade and now makes up about half of federal discretionary spending. Yet the Defense Department has not been fully audited in 20 years, and as of 2001 it could not account for $2.3 trillion out of the $10 trillion or so it had been given during that time. More recently, President Obama has been waging his “days, not weeks” war in Libya for months without a dime appropriated by Congress, relying instead on the loose change lying around at the Pentagon."

Michigan Governor Gives Himself Radical New Powers
A quote...."The governor of Michigan has used the financial crisis caused by corrupt politicians and criminal Wall Street bankers to seize radical new powers over traditional government functions."

Countdown Day 3: Time for the Paul Camp to Draw the Line on ‘Fein’
The 2012 Election Cycle - Warning:  Ron Paul Being Compromised! -- Some quotes...."We are on Day Three and still no conclusive word from the Ron Paul campaign. I have received hundreds of e-mails and comments from objective and vigilant Paul supporters who are equally alarmed and troubled by Mr. Fein’s recently granted inside position. I have also received a few e-mails from Paul supporters who are trying very hard to justify this new troublesome addition. I want to quote from two such e-mails and respond to both:"  ---  "Bruce Fein, the foreign lobbyist for several nations and foreign groups, the AEI nest’s neocon tenant, the reported compromiser of legal ethics …does not belong in the Ron Paul Camp. It’s time for the Paul Camp to draw the line on ‘Fein,’ and keep it there. Don’t let those lines get blurry and eventually disappear altogether. This is ‘Day Three’ in our countdown to remove Mr. Fein, the greatest ‘insider’ threat to the Paul campaign to date, and we are counting down." - also posted at DProgram - Related quote shown below....

Website Editor's Note:  This website does not endorse any political candidate, but will attack -- vociferously, relentlessly and forever -- any politician, party, group, organization or candidate who attempts to tamper with the voting process -- or who associates with, or receives funding from -- any entity which supports the PNAC Protocols, the AIPAC/Israeli Consortium, the Banksters, the Federal Reserve, policies of the New Roman Empire in ANY of their aspects, or attempts to profit from any of these criminal programs, plans of theft, false-flags, mayhem and murder. - mpg - posted - 08-15-11

US Firms Made Massive Profits From The Torture Of Innocent People
A quote...."The scale of the CIA’s rendition program has been laid bare in court documents that illustrate in minute detail how the US contracted out the secret transportation of suspects to a network of private American companies. -- The documents were discovered by staff at the legal charity Reprieve. Its legal director, Cori Crider, said: “These documents reveal how the CIA’s secret network of torture sites was able to operate unchecked for so many years. They also reveal what a farce it was that the CIA managed to get the prisoners’ torture claims kicked out as secret, while all of the details of its sinister business were hiding in plain sight.”"

Contract With Atrocity: Flying With the Torture Profiteers
Related Article - A quote...."Here's a story where it all comes together, where the guiding ethos of the age is exposed: torture turned to private profit, state terror as a business deal. -- The Guardian reports on a remarkable case uncovered by the legal rights charity Reprieve: private contractors who flew American Terror War captives to torture hellholes around the world coming to blows in court over a grubby dispute over expenses. The case reveals the inner workings of the infamous "rendition" program, where contractors charged U.S. taxpayers for wine and chocolate as they carried kidnap victims to "black sites" and proxy torturers across America's global gulag:" - bold by website editor - also posted at Uruknet

Pentagon Frets Over Wasted Billions – Ignores Missing Trillions
CRVideo - Alt - (CRYuTb - 4min28sec - Sept 1, 2011) - Source:  corbettreport -- A quote...."(CorbettReport) – An investigative committee released a report this week estimating that the US Government has lost as much as $60 billion to waste, fraud and corruption in Iraq and Afghanistan over the past decade."

Bleeding Out – Charlie McGrath
CMcGVideo - Alt - (CMcGYuTb - 3min42sec - Sep 1, 2011) - Source:  crabbydogtrix

Keiser Report: Cheap Slaves of Deflation (E178)
MKVideo - Alt - (MKRTYuTb - 26min37sec - Sep 1, 2011) - Source:  RussiaToday - Producer:  Max Keiser TV -- A quote...."This time Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, discuss intergenerational debt for IMF poster children; radical plans for EU banks; and an artist's incendiary painting as bank statement. In the second half of the show Max talks to Isa Blumi about the role of micro-finance and oil traders in unrest in Yemen."

The WRH show from Hawaii and New York! -- September 1 2011
MRVideo - Alt - Note:  To avoid the advertisements and the radio commentary goto 6min into the broadcast - mpg - (JustInTV - 2hrs - Sept, 1 2011) - Source:  MichaelRiveroTV-Vids -- Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire and many other issues. - mpg
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

How Wall Street Fleeces America: Privatized Banking, Government Collusion and Class War
A quote...."The 1913 Federal Reserve Act let powerful bankers usurp money creation authority in violation of the  Constitution's Article I, Section 8, giving only Congress the power to "coin Money (and) regulate the Value  thereof...." Thereafter, powerful bankers used their control over money, credit and debt for private self-enrichment,  bankrolling and colluding with Congress and administrations to implement laws favoring them. -- As a result,  decades of deregulation, outsourcing, economic financialization, and casino capitalism followed, producing asset  bubbles, record budget and national debt levels, and depression-sized unemployment far higher than reported  numbers, albeit manipulated to look better."

Rule of Law Violated - States Discover Robo-Signed Mortgage Documents Date Back To Late 1990s
A quote...."NEW YORK (AP) — Counties across the United States are discovering that illegal or questionable mortgage paperwork is far more widespread than thought, tainting the deeds of tens of thousands of homes dating to the late 1990s." -- A comment shown below.....

"Hmm, right about the time that MERS came into existence. - There couldn't possibly be a connection." -- *Michael Rivero*

Retaliation: Greek Budget Expert Fired For Opposing Europe, Telling The Truth About Country's Insolvency
A quote...."Yesterday we made an amusing contrast between the lies of European insolvent state annexator general Olli Rehn who said that "Greece’s debt is on a “durable declining path” and new projections will show that the second rescue program reduces net  liabilities, European Union Economic and Monetary Commissioner Olli Rehn said" and the truth uttered by Greek budget committee head Stella-Savva Balfousia, who said  "Greece's debt has run out of control and government policies are failing to restore finances." Guess which one just got the axe."
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9/11, The Crime of the Century....A Tenth Year Anniversary Retrospective

When the Guano Explodes at the Zombie Prom.
Must Read - A quote...."Now, the 9/11, exploding lights and colors, surround sound, 24 hour lie machine is going into turbo mode. It’s like an enormous disco light for The Zombie Prom. The walking dead do the Thorazine shuffle, The Prozac Pony, The Wellbutrin Waltz -or whatever the chemical stew they are on is called- to a toned down, palpable, musical looping of Lawrence Welk on Haldol; 3 enormous skyscrapers come down at the speed of free fall into their own footprint, where not even one building has ever done this before, no problem, Norad is told to stand down by Dick Cheney, while engaged in an exercise to prohibit the very thing they are not responding to, no problem, Jesus hates Muslims and torments house cats with a dinner fork, no problem, Israel is god’s chosen land, surrounded by suicide bombers, absolutely. It doesn’t matter how many people they kill in their genocidal rampages at home and around the world with their false flags, like 9/11, we’re cool with that....."

Missing Links Movie - (FlowVid - 2hr5min41sec - ©2010-9/11-Missing Links)
Must View Video - AltYuTb1  - AltYuTb2 - (YuTb - 2hr5min41sec - Jun 1, 2011) -- A quote...."From its very inception, the so called 9/11 truth movement, otherwise known as the people who say that George Bush and his cronies did 9/11, has been ultimately led and controlled by the same people that perpetrated the dastardly attacks. -- Of course after the Mossad/Jews blew up the twin towers and building 7, they allocated their controlled mainstream media the task of pinning all the blame on some rag tag, cave-dwelling, box cutter wielding Arabs known as Al Qaeda (i.e. the toilet). -- When even the uber brainwashed cattle, known as American citizens, started to have their doubts about this mindless fiction, the Jews panicked and reverted back to their tried and true method of “controlling the dissent”. The Jews launched a massive “9/11 conspiracy theory” campaign, with their operatives positioned firmly at the helm of the movement, ready to shift the blame onto anybody but Israel, Mossad, and the Jews."

The Boiling Frogs Presents Paul Thompson – Podcast Show #53
Must Listen Audio Interview - (BFPAudio - 1hr03min14sec - September 1, 2011) -- A quote...."Paul Thompson is the author of the Terror Timeline, a compilation of over 5,000 reports and articles concerning the September 11, 2001 attacks. His research in the field has garnered over 100 radio and TV interviews. Mr. Thompson holds a psychology degree from Stanford University obtained in 1990. For the complete 9/11 Timeline Investigative Project visit HistoryCommons.Org" - ||  Play In Pop-Up  || - also posted at DProgram

Israeli Spies Scandal Is Too Big To Bury
A quote...."Since EIR Executive Alert Service for Dec. 4, 2001 exposed a massive Israeli spy network operating inside the United States, with possible links to the Sept. 11 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, there has been a mad scramble by Israeli lobby organizations and the Israeli government to bury the story."

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes
Music Video - Alt - (YuTb - Sep 1, 2011) - Source:  marndin -- A quote...."An original music video that explores a few of the myriad of unanswered questions surrounding the events of 9/11. please rate & forward to your friends."

War Games: The Key to a 9/11 USAF Stand Down
A quote...."On 9/11 there was no reaction from the USAF as hijacked aircraft flew through US airspace and plowed into buildings. This lack of response is inconceivable unless the USAF was stood down."

War Games, Blackwater, KSM - Updates as of March 16, 2010
From the History File - March 16, 2010 - Related Article - A quote...."The largest group of entries added to the 9/11 Timeline over the last couple of weeks concerns military exercises and the day of 9/11. FAA training exercises in December 2000 included scenarios “close to the 9/11 plot,” and there was a Boeing 767 FAA hijack exercise in the summer of 2001, as well as a simulated suicide terrorist attack against New York two days before 9/11, and a mock Cuban hijacking the next day. Early on the day of the attacks, numerous aircraft at Andrews Air Force Base were participating in a training exercise, and controllers at Reagan National Airport failed to notify the Pentagon of the approach of Flight 77. After the Pentagon was hit, a supervisor told DC Air National Guard pilots on training to hurry back to base and the Secret Service called the guard again after Flight 93 crashed to request fighters, but it launched his first planes with missiles over an hour after the final hijacked airliner hit the ground."

Rape Story - Phillip D. Zelikow...911 Myth Maker
From the History File - 10/12/07 - Quote of the Day...."When you ask people to revisit the events of 9/11 and reconsider what really happened, you enter the twilight zone of public mythology where people don’t want to rethink unhappy events and where you challenge their personal egos. Did you know that for the same reason that 2/3 of the women raped never report it, 2/3 of the victims of fraud never seek redress either? They find themselves at odds with their own egos; they simply don’t want to admit that they have been so violated or duped. I believe that the story of Philip Zelikow is important to help people beyond their own egos and see how America is being raped." - also posted at AlethoNews

This Can't Be True!

Firefighter Cancer Tied To Ground Zero Exposure, New Study Says
THIS CAN'T BE TRUE!!  -- Remember, our fearless leaders stated --  unequivocally -- over, and over, and over  again....that the air at the WTC complex was safe. 

Just as they stated --
unequivocally -- over, and over, and over  again....that Iraq was trying to import "yellow cake" and aluminum tubes for making nukes, that they had bio-weapons trucks, and tons of poison gas, and were about to launch the "attack of the killer drones" against the peaceful Western nations and so on and so forth. 

And lets not EVER forget during this upcoming tenth anniversary for 9/11 how our fearless leaders have continued to state
-- unequivocally -- over, and over, and over  again....that nineteen cave dwelling malcontents, without ANY state support, or ANY warning, managed to attack this country and totally defeat this nation's ENTIRE air force, for more than an hour, while that air force was coincidentally conducting exercises simulating an event just like 9/11....on....9/11.  All by accident!  WOW!  Who would've thunk that could happen? 

So just remember, all you brave "first-responders" out there, and your relatives of course, as you lay dying in utter agony, gasping for your last painful breath of air while coughing up the last of your blood, how it's all just a figment of your collective, over-active, imaginations that the air at the WTC complex was "toxic".

Or so says many of the people you keep voting for....
over, and over, and over  again.  - mpg

The Afghanistan War was Planned Months Before the 9/11 Attacks
A quote...."[From an article in the BBC - July 2001] -- A former Pakistani diplomat has told the BBC that the US was planning military action against Osama Bin Laden and the Taleban even before last week's attacks. Niaz Naik, a former Pakistani Foreign Secretary, was told by senior American officials in mid-July that military action against Afghanistan would go ahead by the middle of October."

NATO's Doctrine Of Collective Security
Related Article - A quote...."The entire NATO arsenal was already on a war footing. In military terms, NATO and the US were already in an advanced state of readiness. Known to military analysts, but never revealed in the Western media, the implementation of a large scale theater war takes at least one year of advanced operational planning, prior to launching of an invasion. Using article 5 of the Wasington Treaty had in all likelihood been contemplated by military planners, as a ptetext for wagin war, prior to 9/11. --  There was no official declaration of war on September 12th. The Alliance waited until 3 days before the invasion to declare war on Afghanistan, a impoverished country which by no stretch of the imagination could have launched an attack against a member state of "The North Atlantic area"." - bold by website editor

Defence redefined means securing cheap energy
Related Article - A quote...."As far back as 1975, Henry Kissinger, then secretary of state, said America was prepared to wage war over oil. Separate plans advocating US conquest of Saudi oilfields were published in the '70s. So it should come as little surprise that in May last year - four months before the terrorist attacks on Washington and New York - a battle plan for Afghanistan was already being reviewed by the US Command that would carry it out after September 11. Military strategists were highlighting the energy wealth of the Caspian Sea and Central Asia and its importance to America's "security"." - bold by website editor

Osama Bin Laden War plan on Bush's desk 2 days B4 9/11
Related MSNBCVideo - (MSNBCYuTb - 1min46sec - Aug 5, 2010) - Source:  TheSecretStore

Where was Rumsfeld During the 9/11 Attacks?
A quote...."When President Bush finally agreed to have a "conversation" with the 9-11 commissioners--provided it was not under oath, not recorded, and Cheney was at his side--the account the two top leaders gave was murky and unverifiable. On the crucial matter of whether fighters should be sent up to protect the nation's capital, for example, the final report says that "the Vice President stated that he called the President to discuss the rules of engagement for ordering [air cover]." But, it continues, the two did not order air cover because it would "do no good unless pilots had instructions on whether they were authorized to shoot if the plane would not divert." The job of issuing such instructions belonged to Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld."
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The Assault On Libya....

Globalists to Rebuild [Draw, Quarter and Divide] Libya
A quote...."The war is far from over - in fact, Libya's rebels have yet to actually take Tripoli, with entire sections of the city still being contested. Furthermore, entire cities, including Sirte, Bani Waled, and Libya's entire interior still stand completely under the Libyan government's control and have repelled rebels continuously over the last two weeks even with brutal NATO bombings and the expressed desire to purposefully starve their populations into submission. Despite this, the corporate media has committed to an endless mantra of "the victorious rebels" and are focused, however unrealistically, on quickly "rebuilding Libya." Not surprisingly, this "rebuilding" will be done according to Wall Street and London's designs, not those of the Libyan people."

Farrakhan Warn[ed] Libya in 2004
A quote...."A powerful speech by Louis Farrakhan in 2004 exposing the truth behind the "War on Terror" the true motivation behind invading Iraq and the "Greater Middle East" that would soon be born of US sponsored chaos and violence - chaos and violence we now see today as part of the contrived "Arab Spring." In particular, in Part 2, at 5 minutes 20 seconds, Farrakhan warns Libya's Qaddafi of an inevitable betrayal by a US government he was attempting to re-approach."

Latest Speech By Muammar Gaddafi to Libyans and Muslims Around the World
A quote...."Following rush translation of Libyan popular leader Mu'ammar al-Qadhafi's speech on September 1st, 2011:   In the name of Allah the Merciful, first of all I greet you for Eid Alfitr,  Mubarak, and I read the Qur'an for the ones who are martyred, the ones who gave their blood for our land and the ones who are still giving their blood for Libya to prevent it from being colonized by France, or taken by traitors or any other crusader. We will fight and we will make them spend and spend and spend their money until they are gone. I tell you the colonizers will be defeated and so will the traitors. Traitors and agents can't continue existing here because they don't have the ability and they don't have supporters, they are colonizers' agents and the Libyan people won't accept colonizers; no one respects them."

Col. Muammar Qaddafi Addresses Libyan People
A quote...."Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi called today Thursday 1st September on the Libyan people to continue resistance against the armed terrorist rebels of the National Transitional Council (NTC) who have been struggling since 11 days for control of the capital city Tripoli, with NATO doubling its bombing of all free areas of Libya."

Libya Rebels [Gulf State's & NATO's al-CIA'da Mercs] Round Up Black Africans
A quote...."Approximately 5,000 have been detained, some seriously abused, with virtually no evidence against them."

Libyan rebels round up black Africans
Related Article - A quote...."Tripoli - Rebel forces and armed civilians are rounding up thousands of black Libyans and migrants from sub-Sahara Africa, accusing them of fighting for ousted strongman Muammar Gaddafi and holding them in makeshift jails across the capital." - Source:  AP@News24

NATO has conducted 7920 strike sorties since March 31, 2011. It mandate is R2P
Full quote...."The North Atlantic Treaty Organization has released the following information -- "Since the beginning of the NATO operation (31 March 2011, 06.00GMT) - [as of  August 31st 2011 NATO has carried out....]"
"For [a] complete report click [this link - PDF]"

By the way folks, Libya has a population of approximately six million, the US-NRE has a population of 310 million.  310m / 6m = aprox. (52) * (7,920) = 411,840.  So what NATO and the US-NRE have done to Libya is the equivalent of conducting 411,840 strike sorties against the United States over a five month period, or if you prefer, bombing this country 2,745 times EVEY SINGLE DAY.  Just to let you know what your tax dollars are paying for....mpg

Libya: NATO's Latest Charnel House
Contains Video - Alt - (YuTb - 4min36sec - Aug 31, 2011) - Source:  iwillspyonyou -- A quote...."When NATO intervenes, massacres, mass destruction, and indescribable human misery follow. Libya is its latest trophy.  --  Judge for yourself. View another snapshot of the "new Libya:"  --  Once Africa's most developed country, it's now a horrific charnal house. No one knows the true toll or ever will, but minimally it includes tens of thousands dead, multiples more injured, vast destruction across large parts of the country, terrified millions not knowing what's next, imperial occupation, plunder of Libya's resources, and continued conflict and violence like Afghanistan and Iraq." - Source:  SteveLendman

Besieging and Terror Bombing Sirte
A quote...."In his latest article, Paul Craig Roberts calls America "utterly corrupt" and "certainly no 'light unto the world.' " -- In her latest article, Diana Johnstone said "Western 'democracy' is in danger of being gradually reduced to a mere ideological excuse to attack, ravage and pillage other people's countries." -- It's official policy, in fact, because the business of America is war, permanent war against humanity by military, financial, political and other means. -- As a result, terrorizing and destroying the Libya that was continues, focused heavily on what's called Gaddafi loyalists' last stronghold. -- No matter the death, destruction and human misery already caused."

NATO Rebel Tactics Mean Libyans Can Never Surrender - Leonor
M108Video - Alt - (M108YuTb - 14min56sec - Sep 1, 2011) - Source:  108morris108 -- A quote...."Surrender to what? Rape, Pillage, Abduction, Murder?"

We can't allow another Iraq
A quote...."In the 1950's, Libya was the poorest country in the world. Before the NATO invasion, Libya had become the country with the best quality of life in all Africa thanks to Gaddafi. The people of Libya support Gaddafi, they love his leader, but the media machine of NATO makes us believe this is a revolution similar to Egypt. "We are fighting the bad guy" That is all you hear in mainstream news, but is far from being the truth."

The Top Ten Myths in the War Against Libya
A quote...."These top ten myths are some of the most repeated claims, by the insurgents, and/or by NATO, European leaders, the Obama administration, the mainstream media, and even the so-called “International Criminal Court”—the main actors speaking in the war against Libya. In turn, we look at some of the reasons why these claims are better seen as imperial folklore, as the myths that supported the broadest of all myths—that this war is a “humanitarian intervention,” one designed to “protect civilians”. Again, the importance of these myths lies in their wide reproduction, with little question, and to deadly effect. In addition, they threaten to severely distort the ideals of human rights and their future invocation, as well aiding in the continued militarization of Western culture and society."

Gaddafis son Saifs Speech English Voice Over
M108Video - Alt - (M108YuTb - 7min35sec - Sep 1, 2011) - Source:  108morris108 -- A quote...."Seif Al Islam Al-Qaddafi: Full Speech Eve of September 1st . The 42nd anniversary of the Libyan Revolution"

Venezuelan ambassador to Libya flees Tripoli
A quote...."Venezuelan ambassador to Libya Afif Tajeldine has fled Libya and is at an unknown location in Magreb, said his son Basem Tajeldine. -- The diplomat's son said his father fled the country due to alleged political persecution launched by Libyan rebels."
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More On The International Situation....

Morris Talking About Algeria Being Next - interview
M108Video - Alt - (M108YuTb - Aug 31, 2011) - Source:  108morris108 -- A quote...."I went looking for an Algerian to talk about the NATO threat - and I got interviewed - if I had known I would have dressed up."

Israel's Being Forced To Share....
(Something They Don't Like To Do)

09-01-11 - revised 09-02-11

This website editor strongly disagrees with the views from some people that NATO and the EU are deliberately encouraging immigration along with the break-up of Middle-Eastern and African tribal structures or relationships by the use of military force. (although they will use these relationships to shatter national states).

In fact they plan the exact opposite, they want to keep the "brown people" resident exactly were they are in the Middle East while encouraging as much ethnic, religious, and tribal strife as they possibly can to further their traditional policies of "divide and conquer". 

What NATO, under the US-NRE's control, which is being directed by the AIPAC/Israeli Consortium, wants to see happen  in the Middle East is the COMPLETE and TOTAL  destruction of ANY competing "nation states" or "national structures" that would pose.... 

  1. any curtailment of Israel's fledgling Middle East Mini-Empire, and Israel's planned ethnic cleansing (possibly even extermination) of the Palestinian people, or.... 
  2. any impediment to the US-NRE's growing Middle East currency sphere of influence / military empire, and the US-NRE's control of the regions natural resources, or.... 
  3. as tasty neo-colonial prizes that can be dangled in front of certain European countries (who should know better), to be torn asunder, dismantled and profitably consumed in the furtherance of objectives (1.) & (2.). 
Objective number (3.) is a very recent development, which has taken place only during the last couple of years. 

It seems to have occurred primarily because the US-NRE's parasites, after having determined in consultation with Israel that the US-NRE can no longer afford to safely implement the PNAC Protocols on it's own (it's run out of money), and after having realized that its current economic difficulties not only threaten the very system of Banksterism established by the parasites in 1913 and the Currency Sphere they've been attempting to establish since 1945, but even Israel's control over the US-NRE's political establishment itself, have come to the conclusion that the US-NRE must enlist the help of other nation states in Europe to further Israel's PNAC Protocols while at the same time spreading the economic pain and political burden across Europe's populations.

Israel most assuredly didn't want to allow any of those tasty Middle East tid-bits to be acquired by the Europeans, they wanted them ALL.  But having bankrupted the US-NRE with their various extravagant  schemes, and numbering less than six million people themselves, it appears they had no choice.

They're just going to have to share some of the spoils, booty and bling they had planned to acquire with others....for now. - mpg


One Vile, Venom Tipped, Taloned Hand Washes the Other - (a.k.a. The Standard Model) - 07-28-10 - mpg
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US troops face new threat in Iraq
A quote...."BAGHDAD - After remaining fairly quiet for the past couple of years, Asaib Ahl al-Haq (League of the Righteous), has emerged as a fighting force to be reckoned with, responsible among other things for a rocket attack on Baghdad's Green Zone on July 4. Emad al-Shara describes the group's history, military strength and role in Iraqi politics in a complex and fluid situation."

Poland plans phased Afghanistan withdrawl
A quote...."Poland plans to start phasing out its contingent, currently 2,500 troops strong in Afghanistan this autumn."

TAPI pipeline project members welcome Russia's participation
A quote...."Russia wants to participate in the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) gas pipeline project, members of the project said in a joint statement on Friday. -- "The parties welcome Russia's interest in participating in implementation of the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India gas pipeline project," the heads of Russia, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Tajikistan said in the statement after signing an agreement in the Tajikistan capital of Dushanbe on development of trade and economic relations."

China says [aircraft] carrier met targets in first sea trial
A quote...."BEIJING – China says its first aircraft carrier attained all its set objectives in its initial sea trial last month. -- According to Thursday's official Global Times newspaper, Defense Ministry spokesman Yang Yujun says the refurbished ex-Soviet carrier will continue to undergo testing. He gave no further details. -- China says the ship is intended for research and training, pointing to longer-term plans to build up to three additional clones of the carrier in China's own shipyards."

[US] Army may cut 10 brigade combat teams
A quote...."The Army may cut 10 of its 45 active-duty brigade combat teams as it works to meet President Obama’s order to slice defense spending, said an Army official familiar with the budget deliberations."
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Meet some Pentagon Traitors Who Are Selling Out America
For the Record - A List of Traitors - A quote...."When the American public gets lied to AGAIN, about troops coming home from Iraq and Afghanistan and the USA starts bombing Iran to make Israel happy, you can thank these backstabbers who have chosen allegiance to apartheid, genocide, bigotry and hate over their Constitutional oath to protect THIS country, not Khazaristan."

American Taxpayers Subsidize Israel’s Prosperity
A quote...."Israel’s Jerusalem Post newspaper recently published an article calling Israel “The New Golden Country” for young people from around the world. It reports that Israel boasts an ever-increasing GDP, a strong currency, and “a lower unemployment rate than the U.S.”"

Israelis reclaiming EU passports
A quote...."Reports suggest that tens of thousands of Israelis are reclaiming their European Union citizenship as Israel's security concerns escalate and anti-regime protests continue."

Turkey cuts all military ties with Israel
A quote...."Turkey has suspended all its military ties with Israel and has expelled Israel's envoy from Ankara over Tel Aviv's refusal to apologize for last year's deadly attack on a Gaza-bound flotilla."
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

Turkey Affirms its Support of Palestinian Bid to UN - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."CAIRO, September 1, 2011 (WAFA) – President of the Turkish Parliament's Political Committee Zaki Douser Thursday affirmed, during a visit to Cairo, Turkey's support of the Palestinian bid to seek UN recognition of a Palestinian state, saying that it would be a historical moment for Palestinians and the entire world."

“Dignity” Ship Prevented From Sailing To Gaza
Flotilla News - A quote...."The Authorities in Greek prevented the “Dignity” solidarity ship from sailing to the Gaza Strip to deliver humanitarian supplies."

UN Report on Mavi Marmara Massacre
A quote...."On May 31, 2010, Israeli commandos willfully and maliciously interdicted Freedom Flotilla vessels in international waters, bringing humanitarian aid to besieged Gazans. -- In the process, they slaughtered nine Turkish nationals aboard the mother Mavi Marmara ship, wounding dozens more, and arresting everyone on board."

Settlers [Homeless Jewish Thugs] Plan Attacks Against Palestinians In September
A quote...."As Israel decided to further arm the settlers by providing them with stun grenades and tear gas bombs, the settlers [homeless, Jewish thugs], supported by extremist right wing factions in Israel, are preparing a plan to “respond to any popular Palestinian move that will likely take place as the Palestinian leadership asks the United Nations this month to recognize a Palestinian State with East Jerusalem as its capital."

MADA demands freedom for Palestine journalists
A quote...."The Palestinian Centre for Development and Media Freedoms (MADA) has condemned the continued incarceration of five Palestinian journalists by Israeli authorities."

Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (18– 24 Aug. 2011)
Every week of the year....
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More on Japan's Nuclear Power Plants....

Nuclear expert says Fukushima radiation coming to USA, massive cover-up under way Alert - A quote...."(Natural News) There has been a lot of disinformation regarding the Fukushima Nuclear disaster. It appears the government agencies of other nations cooperated with Japan while the international nuclear industry sided with TEPCO's (Tokyo Electric Power Company) disinformation and denial campaign." - also posted at TheIntelHub

Simulation Map of Cesium-137 Deposition Across the Pacific by CEREA Shows Contamination in US Greater Than That of Western Japan - Radiation Alert - Map - A quote...."'s CEREA has the simulation map of ground deposition of cesium-137 from the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant accident on its "Fukushima" page. It not only shows Japan but also the entire northern Pacific Rim, from Russian Siberia to Alaska to the West Coast of the US to the entire US." - also posted at TheIntelHub
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More On The Economic Situation....

Why Unemployment Is About To Surge
Charts - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."Let's take a quick look at some numbers: 8, 160, 400, 350, 12 and 5.  There have only been 8 weeks out of last 160 weeks that unemployment claims have been below 400 thousand claims. In normal circumstances we are worried about recessions when claims are rising above 350 thousand claims. Furthermore, jobless claims tend to plunge below 350 thousand a week within 12 months after the end of a recession. Currently we are still holding above 400 thousand claims after more than two full years since the recession statistically ended. -- Those are some pretty ugly numbers, but the most important number is 5. The reason that we think unemployment might move sharply higher is that every time the STA Composite Employment Index drops to a level of 5 or less the economy has been in a recession. Of course, it is during recessions that unemployment claims rise sharply as businesses cut back on their labor force to reduce costs. This is clearly seen in the chart."

There's No [US] Housing Bottom In Sight
A quote...."My premise is simple: There is no housing bottom in sight. To test this assertion, let’s take a brief look at three major metro markets and see what I’ve found."

July construction spending drop biggest since Jan - But the prior two months were revised upwards. - mpg
A quote...."WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) -- Outlays for U.S. construction projects fell 1.3% in July, the largest decline since January, the Commerce Department reported Thursday. The decline came as a surprise to economists surveyed by MarketWatch who were expecting a 0.3% increase."

Equities Yet To Wake Up To End Of Operation Twist-Style QE3
Mrkt Tech Note - Charts - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."Despite our agreement with the general premise of the curve shape changes that the Fed is likely to undertake in any QE3 (Operation Twist or Operation Torque as we posted earlier) should it occur, we are also in agreement with our earlier guest post related to both the hurdles and anticipated impact of further quantitative easing. It is becoming abundantly clear that market participants are at best befuddled (as Pisani has been so eloquently indicating all day) and at worst missing the point dramatically as fixed income markets are turning their heads to any action by the Fed while equity markets remain more delusional."

Australian Retail Giant Warns of Massive Price Deflation and Falling Sales, "Hardest Christmas in Retailer Lives"...
A quote...."Retailers will have the hardest Christmas in their lives," said the boss of the country's biggest electrical and furniture chain . -- "I see unemployment going up, small businesses going under, manufacturing under huge duress and tourism hit very badly. I don't think the outlook will improve."

Canadian Economy Shrinks For First Time Since 2009; Recession Next?
A quote...."Don't look know but Canada just confirmed the first signal of a recession, after its GDP printed negative (on expectations of an unchanged number) for the first time since Q2 2009, due to a drop in exports and oil output, most of it blamed naturally on "transitory" factors. Odd how the US used the transitory line for months until it all turned out to be permanentory. What, however, is truly hilarious is the continued denial to look facts in the face as confirmed by the following three Canadian sellside analysts, who seem positively giddy that the number was major miss to expectations: their take home, just like as in the case of Canadian banks having some of the lowest TCE ratios in the world: "ignore it." Perhaps when next quarter Canadian GDP prints negative again, and the economy is officially in a recession, then the delightful comedy crew of what passes for "analysts" up north will have some words of caution finally.."

U.K. House Prices Decline Most in 10 Months Amid Slowdown, Nationwide Says
A quote...."U.K. house prices fell the most in 10 months in August as a slowing economic recovery threatens to undermine demand, Nationwide Building Society said."

Greece's debt spiraling out of control - report
A quote...."Sep 1, 2011, 11:39 GMT  -- Athens - Greece's finance minister found himself on the defensive Thursday after an independent watchdog released an internal report warning that his country's debt was out of control and is likely to miss its budget targets in 2011 just as officials held crucial talks with international creditors. "

Wednesday August 31st 2011

More On The Domestic Situation....

In America The Rule Of Law Is Vacated -- Bank fraudsters, torturers, and war criminals running free...
A quote...."With bank fraudsters, torturers, and war criminals running free, the US Department of Justice (sic) has nothing better to do than to harass the famous Tennessee guitar manufacturer, Gibson, arrest organic food producers in California and send 12 abusive FBI agents armed with assault rifles to bust down yet another wrong door of yet another innocent family, leaving parents, children, and grandmother."

Obama DOJ: John Yoo Memos on Spying Must Stay Secret
Related Article - It's like the Energizer Bunny, the cover-up just keeps going, and going, and going.....  And Obama's like an 18th century street sweeper, used to clean the streets when the only mode of public transportation were horses.  Obama's the one they hired to clean up all the crap left by the parasites who really run this country, and hide the awful mess they've created out of sight somewhere.  It's simply disgusting what that despicable creature in the White House, and his moronic minions, are willing to do to please and service this nation's parasites. - mpg - also posted at BLN

Open proposal for US revolution: expose corporate media as propaganda.  Part 4 of 4.
A quote...."Part 1: -- Part 2: -- Part 3: -- The US public would revolt and end unlawful US wars and banksters’ rigged-casino fraud if they understood and embraced the central facts of these issues. This four-part series of articles provides the central facts, invites passionate public response, and proposes specific revolutionary public action."

U.S. newborn death rate tied with Qatar - South Korea, Cuba, Malaysia, Lithuania, Poland and Israel all outrank the U.S. -- For all those who think Alex Jones is amusing when he rants about what the NWO is physically doing to the people of this country....what they're doing to the food, the water, the air, and this nation's medical system....this article is for YOU. - mpg -- A quote...."....the United States dropped from No. 28 to  No. 41 in the rankings of newborn death risk. It is now tied with Qatar, Croatia and [the] United Arab Emirates." - bold by website editor - A comment shown below.....

"Great: so now, the US has the dubious distinction of being tied with Qatar, Croatia, and the UAE in newborn infant deaths?!? -- Something is fundamentally wrong with a medical delivery system, which purports to be "the world's best" to have had this happen. There has to be a better way to prevent this, and these numbers are absolutely shameful. -- Every baby deserves the best opportunity to live and thrive, and that means consistent prenatal care and counseling for the mother, and the best birthing/delivery enviornment possible." -- *Michael Rivero*

Dick Cheney's Heart of Evil, Psychopathic Political Systems, And The Correct Uses of Social Stigma
A quote...."Ponerology was born in the crucible of attempts to understand, scientifically, a macro-social phenomenon of what can only be called extreme and excessive evil: Fascism and Soviet Communism." - Andrew M. Lobaczewski, a Polish psychiatrist and author of the book, "Political Ponerology: A Science on the Nature of Evil Adjusted for Political Purposes."  - also posted at PrisonPlanet

How US firms profited from torture flights
A quote...."31 Aug 2011 The scale of the CIA's rendition programme has been laid bare in court documents that illustrate in minute detail how the US contracted out the secret transportation of suspects to a network of private American companies. The manner in which American firms flew terrorism suspects to locations around the world, where they were often tortured, has emerged after one of the companies sued another in a dispute over fees."

N.Y. billing dispute reveals details of secret CIA rendition flights
Related Article - A quote...."31 Aug 2011 The August 2003 flights -- and dozens of others to locations such as Bucharest, Romania; Baku, Azerbaijan; Cairo; Djibouti; Islamabad, Pakistan; and Tripoli, Libya -- were organized by Sportsflight, a one-man aircraft brokerage business on Long Island. It secured a plane from Richmor Aviation, based near the Columbia County Airport in Hudson, N.Y. Richmor eventually sued Sportsflight for breach of contract. In the process, the costs and itineraries of numerous CIA flights became part of the court record... "

Illinois Man Faces Life In Jail For Recording Police
AJVideo - Life4RecordingCops(1/2) - Life4RecordingCops(2/2) - (AJYuTb - 5/15min - Aug 30, 2011) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."Every other case involving people arrested for filming cops has been thrown out of court, but media promulgates [the] hoax that recording police is illegal."

Army Ranger's widow removed from Donald Rumsfeld book signing
A quote...."29 Aug 2011 Two people were removed from a Donald Rumsfeld book signing last Friday at Joint Base Lewis-McChord, including the Yelm widow of an Army Ranger who blames the military for her husband’s suicide. Security officers for the former secretary of defense escorted Ashley Joppa-Hagemann out by the arm, she said Saturday. She and Jorge Gonzalez, the executive director of Coffee Strong, a Lakewood-based anti-war group, confronted Rumsfeld as he promoted his memoir, "Known and Unknown.""

CONTELPRO is alive and well
A quote...."A Mother Jones article discusses how FBI personnel justify their six-figure salaries by continually hatching fake terrorist plots and sending victims to prison. When there is no crime, the FBI creates fake crime via incitement and entrapment. -- This is not news to WUFYS readers, but the Mother Jones article cites some interesting figures." - also posted at AlethoNews

Media Smear directed against Global Research
The presstitutes are running scared! - mpg - Related Article -- A quote...."In the August 23, 2011 edition of the National Post, Terry Glavin published an article which on all counts serves as a smear campaign against Global Research. Amongst other defamatory statements, he describes the Centre as a "Canadian Club of crackpots"."

The Alex Jones Show – August 30th, 2011
AJVideo - RickPerryLovesHillary - GibsonCEO:USGovAttackedUs(1/2) - GibsonCEO:USGovAttackedUs(2/2) - AJTakesCallsOnDC/Corruption(1/2) - AJTakesCallsOnDC/Corruption(2/2) - (AJYuTb - 5/15min - Aug 30, 2011) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- An edited quote...."Aron Dykes discusses how Rick Perry was a campaigne manager for Al Gore back in '88, but, now it emerges, he was also a proponent of Hillarycare back in 1993 as well. - Alex talks to Henry Juszkiewicz, Chairman and CEO of Gibson Guitar Corp, regarding the August 24 raid of Gibson facilities in Nashville and Memphis by the Federal Government. - Alex talks about plans by the feds to seize Liberty Dollars from collectors and people using the silver and gold coins in barter and as a substitute for inflation-ridden dollars issued by the private Federal Reserve banker cartel. The federal government considers use of the coins to be domestic terrorism. - Alex also follows the latest developments in NATO's military coup in Libya and the installation of al-Qaeda as the bankster replacement for Col. Gaddafi, who is now on the run with a bounty on his head. - Alex also takes your calls."

LIVE from Michael Rivero's iPhone 3GS! - August 31 2011
MRVideo - Note:  To avoid the advertisements and the radio commentary goto 6min30sec into the broadcast - mpg - (JustInTV - 2hrs - August 31st, 2011) - Source:  MichaelRiveroTV-Vids -- Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire and many other issues.
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

James Grant: Life Behind Bars For Bernanke
A quote...."Ben S. Bernanke doesn't know how lucky he is.  Tongue-lashings from Bernie Sanders, the populist senator from Vermont, are one thing.  The hangman's noose is another.  Section 19 of this country's founding monetary legislation, the Coinage Act of 1792, prescribed the death penalty for any official who fraudulently debased the people's money.  Was the massive printing of dollar bills to lift Wall Street (and the rest of us, too) off the rocks last year a kind of fraud?  If the U.S. Senate so determines, it may send Mr. Bernanke back home to Princeton.  But not even Ron Paul, the Texas Republican sponsor of a bill to subject the Fed to periodic congressional audits, is calling for the Federal Reserve chairman's head."

CNBC Poll: Do You Support a Return to the Gold Standard?
A quote...."The actual poll asks if we favor returning to something LIKE the gold standard, which is a better way to phrase the question. Because while the debt-based currency model is a failed experiment, the bankers who foisted that legalized counterfeit currency onto us have used it to buy up much of the gold and silver. Using those as the basis of a value-based currency would only return us to the enslavement of the bankers. -- Some other unit of value needs to be used as the basis of a monetary system so that money creation cannot be monopolized and subject to speculative manipulations."  - bold by website editor. -- *Michael Rivero* -- And MOST importantly, as Michael Rivero constantly states, NO PRIVATE CENTRAL BANK!!  The currency should be under the control of the PEOPLE!  (This does not necessarily mean it should be under the control of the 'government', since they have obviously proved themselves utterly incapable of controlling themselves.) - mpg

History Of Presidential Spending, National Debt & Deficits
Video - Alt - (YuTb - 7min35sec - Sep 4, 2009) - Source:  bankruptingpa -- A quote...."Politicians are engaged in reckless, unaccountable, out-of-control, spending. The Story of Spending tells the true story of government gone wild."

Fed ready for QE3 as U.S. faces new recession
A quote...."The U.S. economy is on the brink of a new wave of recession which is likely be suffused with a fresh wave of liquidity as the nation seeks to depreciate its crushing debt with the aid of inflation, analysts say."
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9/11, The Crime of the Century....A Tenth Year Anniversary Retrospective

Michel Chossudovsky on the 9/11 10th Anniversary – GRTV Feature Interview
GRVideo - MichelChossudovsky(1/4) - MichelChossudovsky(2/4) - MichelChossudovsky(3/4) - MichelChossudovsky(4/4) - (GRYuTb - 15min - Aug 31, 2011) - Source:  corbettreport - Related:  GlobalResearchTV -- A quote...."In the inaugural edition of this new weekly video interview series from, James Corbett talks to Professor Michel Chossudovsky about the history of the 9/11 Truth movement, the current state of the movement, and the deplorable state of the anti-war movement, which has largely rejected 9/11 Truth and bought into the “war on terror.”

Establishment Prepares 9/11 Official Story Onslaught
Must Read - Propaganda Alert - Article List- A quote...."One look at your TV guide over the next 10 days will tell you everything you need to know about how petrified the establishment is over the flimsy credibility of the official 9/11 fable. -- Naturally, the 10-year anniversary of the attacks would be expected to merit a deluge of media coverage, but what sticks out is the overbearing emphasis on countering so-called “conspiracy theories” about the events of that day, or in other words, reinforcing the official “conspiracy theory” that 19 poorly trained Arab hijackers were able to cripple America’s air defenses and make three giant steel-framed structures crumble to the ground at near free fall speed." - also posted at TheIntelHub

Request for correction to BBC NEWS
BBC Presstitution / Propaganda Exposed -- A quote..."To: the editor of BBC NEWS Magazine online.
CC: various 9/11 Truth organizations, websites. -- This letter is a request for correction regarding mistakes found in article “9/11 conspiracy theories"." - also posted at AlethoNews

Most of WTC - Down Payment to Be Returned
From the History File - A quote...."Under a pending agreement, a developer and his investors will get back most of the down payment that they made to lease the World Trade Center just six weeks before a terrorist attack destroyed the twin towers. -- Developer Larry Silverstein and investors Lloyd Goldman and Joseph Cayre are nearing a deal that would give them about $98 million of their original investment of $124 million, The New York Times reported Saturday. -- The deal also would allow Silverstein to retain control of rebuilding the office space at the site in lower Manhattan, the Times said."

Asbestos in the WTC -- Towers' Destruction 'Solved' Asbestos Problem
From the History File - A quote...."A region of several square miles was blanketed by fine powder resulting from the explosive collapses of the Twin Towers. This powder, consisting of the pulverized remains of non-metallic components and contents of the Towers, contained significant percentages of asbestos. 1   An analysis of dust within three days of the attack found that some of the dust was four percent asbestos. 2   This asbestos release may be a public health time bomb, because thousands of people breathed dust from the collapses. It remains to be seen how many if them will become victims of the EPA's false assurances that the air was safe to breathe." - bold by website editor

The Great 9/11 Insurance Bonanza
From the History File - March 26, 2010 at 12:12:22 -- A quote...."This was written in "'Business week'' with regard to the WTC before 9/11. From an economic standpoint, the Trade Center -- subsidized since its inception -- has never functioned, nor was it intended to function, unprotected in the rough-and-tumble real estate marketplace. -- The Port Authority had made several attempts over the years to get the permits required to demolish the entire site but were always refused because of the "asbestos problem'' and the serious danger that "asbestos" would cause to the local community should the buildings be "demolished'' in the conventional manner." - also posted at PrisonPlanet

"Lucky Larry"  Silverstein — Follow the Money
From the History File - A quote...."You've got to be lucky to make $4 Billion killing on a 6-month investment of $124 Million -- Larry Silverstein is the New York property tycoon who purchased the entire WTC complex just 6 months prior to the 9/11 attacks. That was the first time in its 33-year history the complex had EVER changed ownership. -- Mr. Silverstein's first order of business as the new owner was to change the company responsible for the security of the complex. The new security company he hired was Securacom (now Stratasec). George W. Bush's brother, Marvin Bush, was on its board of directors, and Mar­vin's cousin, Wirt Walker III, was its CEO. According to public records, not only did Securacom provide electronic security for the World Trade Center, it also covered Dulles International Airport and United Airlines — two key players in the 9/11 attacks. -- The company was backed by an investment firm, the Kuwait-American Corp., also linked for many years to the Bush family. KuwAm has been linked to the Bush family financially since the Gulf War. One of its principals and a member of the Kuwaiti royal family, Mishal Yousef Saud al Sabah, serv­ed on the board of Stratesec." - also posted at IndyBay
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The Assault On Libya....

Mahdi Nazemroaya in Malta After Libya - He's lucky to be alive. - mpg
Must View M108Video - Alt - (M108YuTb - 15min46sec - Aug 31, 2011) - 108morris108 -- A quote...."Mahdi gives some insight into his last few days in Libya."

Bill van Auken: NATO is waging a war against Civilians
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 5min10sec - Aug 30, 2011) - Source:  WolkenZwemmer -- A quote...."NATO says it's protecting civilians, yet it's been leading an air war against civilians. It's trained so-called rebels, who have now been implicated in massacres of civilians''

NATO prepares bloodbath in Sirte
Quote of the Day...."In their breathless promotion of the “final battle” to realize the real US-NATO aim in Libya—regime-change—few in the Western media have bothered to consider the fact that the major imperialist powers are carrying out precisely the kind of act they claimed their war was designed to prevent." - bold/underline by website editor

NATO admits UK and France troops have been in Libya the whole time - After six months of LYING! - mpg
A quote...."In an interview with the EU observer website, an unnamed NATO official admitted Britain and France may have deployed troops in Libya."

Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer: Al-Qaeda and NATO's Islamic Extremists Now Control Libya
AJVideo - LtColAnthonyShaffer(1/2) - LtColAnthonyShaffer(2/2) - (AJYuTb - 15min - Aug 30, 2011) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- An edited quote...."Alex talks with Lieutenant Colonel Anthony Shaffer about Pakistan, Libya and the upcoming tenth anniversary of the September 11, 2001, attacks. Shaffer came to prominence during the Able Danger controversy, the DIA data-mining program that allegedly uncovered cells linked to the 9/11 attacks. Shaffer published his memoirs in Operation Dark Heart, a book bought up by the Pentagon and censored in its second printing."

As Rebels [NATO Jihadist Mercs From The Gulf States Fail To] Track Gadhafi:  NATO Air Strikes Continue
A quote...."Remember how over a week ago NATO officials were beaming with pride in their “victory” in Libya? They apparently don’t, as reports from the nation indicate that they are not only maintaining a “no-fly zone” but are still bombing the country. -- The air strikes, centering around the city of Sirte, are coming in spite of the city having seemingly no air defenses, and are targeting the city’s defenders, apparently helping the rebels poised to attack a city that is staunchly pro-Gadhafi."

Libya [NATO Jihadist Merc] commander says 50,000 dead in 'uprising' [NATO's War]
A quote...."30 Aug 2011 An estimated 50,000 people have been killed since the beginning of Libya's uprising coup to oust Moammar Gadhafi six months ago, a military commander with the country's interim ruling council said on Tuesday. "About 50,000 people were killed since the start of the uprising," Colonel Hisham Buhagiar, commander of the anti-Gadhafi troops who advanced out of the Western Mountains and took Tripoli a week ago, told Reuters."

War? “There is no war” in Libya - Yeah, as everyone knows by's a "kinetic action". - mpg
Presstitute / Orwell Speak Alert - A quote...."For the mainstream media, there is no war in Libya. Except for the war on truth. In his latest article Finian Cunningham explains...."

"[I]n the case of Libya, the word "war" has been dropped altogether from all discourse about Western intervention. It’s called a "responsibility to protect civilian lives". This disarticulated language and meaning is repeated even though the factual truth of what is happening is an exact conformation to the word "war". And not only "war" but "criminal war". The murder of civilians by NATO warplanes is a war crime in the normal framework of fact, truth, reality, law and morality. But in the abnormal, hideous framework of Western imperialist propaganda it is called "protecting civilians" and "supporting democracy"."

How stupid can the coverage on Libya get?? Very
Ry2SVideo - Alt - (Ry2SYuTb - 7min20sec - Aug 24, 2011) - Source:  Rys2sense

Zimbabwe Expels Libyan Ambassador Who Supports Rebels [US-NRE's & NATO's Gulf State Jihadist Mercs]
A quote...."Zimbabwe has given Libya's ambassador to Harare 72 hours to leave the country. -- Foreign Minister Simbarashe Mumbengegwi said ambassador Taher Elmagrahi and his staff had lost their diplomatic status after burning the Libyan Green Flag."

China blocks Europe moves to free money for Libya: envoys
A quote...."Already having stolen an estimated $150 billion of Libyan government money the west is trying to pressure China to release another $5 billion."

Life In Tripoli before the NATO-led rebels [Gulf states' Jihadist Mercs] arrived
Videos - LifeInTripoli/16/08/11 - LifeInTripoli/22/07/11 - LifeInTripoli/29/07/11 - LifeInTripoliGrnSq/04/07/11 -- (YuTb - 5/15min - Aug 30, 2011) - Source:  VSMRK
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More On The International Situation....

US, Australia 'schemed against IAEA chief'
A quote...."31 Aug 2011 The US and Australia schemed unsuccessfully in 2005 to block Mohamed ElBaradei's election to a third term as head of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), a newly leaked US diplomatic cable shows. Both countries were unhappy with Mr ElBaradei's "unhelpful" response to Iran's nuclear program...." - bold by website editor - In other words he wouldn't bare false witness against Iran. - mpg

Killings of Afghan Police Soaring - Poorly Paid, Barely Trained Police an Easy Target
A quote...."Being a policeman in Afghanistan is a thankless job. Extremely low pay, little training and virtually no equipment have filled the position in large measure with two types: the crooked people hoping to use their position to demand bribes and addicts who are hoping to score a quick paycheck or two before disappearing (usually shortly after the training ends). It is a job most wouldn’t even consider if they had other options."

Fear Campaign Over Syria Weapon Stockpile
Presstitute / Propaganda Alert -- A quote...."(MediaRoots) – One domino falls while another globalist target awaits toppling. Before the fog of war in Libya begins to sift, the political and media establishment have already latched their tentacles onto another chess piece in the Middle East: Syria. Last week, the US slapped economic sanctions on Syria for President Bashar al-Assad’s human rights abuses, freezing assets and blocking US business in the region." - Source:  MediaRoots

[The West's (and Israel's)] Tribunal Concealed Evidence al-Qaeda [al-CIA'da] Killed Hariri
Cover-Up Exposed - A quote...."In focusing entirely on the alleged links between four Hezbollah activists and the 2005 bombing that killed Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, the indictment issued by the Special Tribunal for Lebanon earlier this month has continued the practice of the U.N. investigation before it of refusing to acknowledge the much stronger evidence that an al-Qaeda cell was responsible for the assassination. -- Several members of an al-Qaeda cell confessed in 2006 to having carried out the crime but later recanted their confessions, claiming they were tortured. -- However, the transcript of one of the interrogations, which was published by a Beirut newspaper in 2007, shows that the testimony was being provided without coercion and that it suggested that al-Qaeda had indeed ordered the assassination. "

Security threat called AFRICOM
A quote...."You might not know or heard about AFRICOM. If you saw the name once, you might have dismissed it thinking AFRICOM is a new company to sell cement like Afrisam. Some might conclude that since it has a ‘com’ at the end, maybe it is something online." - Topix ||  Africa - the Next Target - 02-28-08 - mpg  ||

Obama's Widening War In Somalia - All you ObamaTrolls out there happy yet? - mpg
Related Article - A quote...."Led by the Central Intelligence Agency(CIA) the U.S. is stepping up its war in Somalia, The Nation magazine reports. -- “The CIA presence in (the capital) Mogadishu is part of Washington’s intensifying counter-terrorism focus on Somalia, which includes targeted strikes by US Special Operations forces, drone attacks and expanded surveillance operations,” writes Jeremy Scahill, the magazine’s national security correspondent."

Fast and Furious - Oh look, another gift for our neighbor to the South from the Obama administration.
Fast and Furious" fall-out - A quote...."While the cartels shoot up half of Mexico, and terrorize the other half, it seems they’ve been getting a helping hand from those geniuses in Washington, whose “law enforcement” agencies knowingly allowed sophisticated firearms to be smuggled across the border, into Mexico. As BATF special agent John Dodson told the House Oversight Committee:"

“This is not a matter of some weapons that had gotten away from us or allowing a few to walk so that we could follow them to a much larger significant target. Allowing loads of weapons that we knew to be destined for criminals was the plan. This was the mandate."

Fast and Furious arms dealing to Mexico must be investigated
Fast and Furious" fall-out - A quote...."....thousands of U.S. weapons crossed over the border and helped fuel the fight between the drug cartels. And now, the casino massacre is an unquestionable sign that it is escalating into terrorism against innocent civilians. -- Why the American media cannot walk and chew gum at the same time is beyond me. Univision, the largest Spanish-language television network in the country, which frequently tops the ratings of ABC, CBS and NBC, did not ignore Irene. They gave it wall-to-wall coverage, too. -- Yet, last Sunday, Jorge Ramos, Univision's main news anchor, broadcast his Sunday news program from Monterrey. There, he highlighted what had happened in the most Americanized city in Mexico. He described in detail the attack, detailed the complaints [from] President Calderón, who in part blamed the United States for the consumption of drugs, and its government for not controlling the guns that are purchased by straw men in gun shops near the border and then smuggled to Mexico."

Drug-Related Mexican Violence Soars, As US Policy Bolsters Cartels
More "Fast and Furious" fall-out - A quote...."Drug cartels are tightening their grip in Acapulco, where civilian communities attempt to resist." - Related....
'UK supplies Bahraini regime with arms'
Contains Video - A quote...."While the British government claims to reprimand Bahraini rulers for human rights violations, it is actually engaged in providing the repressive regime with arms to crush peaceful protests, an analyst told Press TV. "

London neighbourhoods terrorized by police raids - 30,000 arrests planned [in the UK]
Police State Warning - (The first "warning" ever - mpg) -- A quote...."One month after major disturbances were provoked by the August 4 police killing of Mark Duggan in north London, the Metropolitan Police in the capital are intensifying raids on working class communities."
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Sailing to the Scene of the Crime: Attack on the USS Liberty
Video - Alt - (YuTb - 7min01sec - Aug 31, 2011) - Source:  investigateliberty -- A quote...."On June 8th, 1967, Israeli war planes and torpedo boats attacked the USS LIBERTY, killing 34 and wounding 174 American sailors. The USS LIBERTY was in int'l the full account here:"
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

Palestinian Elections Postponed Again
Hey Looky!!  More ol'dat dare Neo-Roman, AIPAC/Israeli Consortium styled, "free-dumb and Da'mockery" again....for the fourth time no less!!  Who would've thunk it? Oh what a joy it must be to be Palistinian. - mpg -- A quote...."Postponing elections for the fourth time, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas recently overturned the ruling of the Palestinian Supreme Court and issued a presidential decree further delaying local elections without setting a new date." - also posted at AlethoNews -- By the way folks, in case you didn't know it, Abbas IS NOT the "president", his legal term of office expired YEARS ago.  But who cares right? - mpg

Palestinians call for investigation into high incidence of illness in Israeli jails
A quote...."A Palestinian rights centre has called for an investigation into the high incidence of illness and disease among Palestinian detainees in Israeli jails. A significant number die very soon after leaving prison, it is claimed." -- Paging Dr. Mengele......paging Dr. Mengele.....mpg

Israeli Military Arming, Training Vigilantes To Put Down Palestinians: What Will UN Do About It?
A quote...."In what can be interpreted as a clear admission that Israeli state institutions are not up to the task, the Israeli Defence Force (IDF) has admitted it is training settlers in occupied Palestinian territory, and arming them with stun grenades, tear gas, and other weaponry "to handle any unrest which breaks out during the UN campaign." (1)"

Denmark Opposition Party Supports Palestinian UN Bid
A quote...."COPENHAGEN, September 1, 2011 (WAFA) – Head of Denmark’s Socialist People’s Party, Villy Søvndal, said Wednesday that recognizing a Palestinian state is important and UN recognition is “axiomatic.”
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More on Japan's Nuclear Power Plants....

Fukushima Is Continually Blasting All Of Us With High Levels Of Cesium, Strontium And Plutonium And Will Slowly Kill Millions For Years To Come -- Radiation Alert -  A quote...."The crisis at Fukushima is far, far worse than you have been  We are talking about multiple self-sustaining nuclear meltdowns that will not be fully contained for years.  In an attempt to keep people calm, authorities in Japan (and around the rest of the world as well) have lied and lied and lied.  Over the months that have passed since the disaster began, small bits of the truth have slowly started to come out.  Authorities are finally admitting that the area immediately surrounding Fukushima will be uninhabitable indefinitely, and they are finally admitting that the amount of radioactive material that has been released is far higher than initially reported.  It is going to take the Japanese years to fully contain this problem.  Meanwhile, Fukushima will continue to blast all of us with high levels of cesium, strontium and plutonium and will slowly kill millions of people around the globe for years to come." - also posted at BLN
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More On The Economic Situation....

Marx, Labor's Dwindling Share of the Economy and the Crisis of Advanced Capitalism
Must Read - A quote...."It is self-evident that conventional economics has failed, completely, utterly and totally. The two competing cargo cults of tax cuts/trickle-down and borrow-and-spend stimulus coupled with monetary manipulation have failed to restore advanced Capitalism's vigor, not just in America, but everywhere. -- Conventional econometrics is clueless about the root causes of advanced finance-based Capitalism's ills. To really understand what's going on beneath the surface, we must return to "discredited" non-quant models of economics: for example, Marx's critique of monopoly/cartel, finance-dominated advanced Capitalism. ("Capitalism" is capitalized here to distinguish it from "primitive capitalism.") " - A related quote shown below.....

"[To the possessor of money capital] “the process of production appears merely as an unavoidable intermediate link, as a necessary evil for the sake of money-making. All nations with a capitalist mode of production are therefore seized periodically by a feverish attempt to make money without the intervention of the process of production.”—  *Karl Marx*, Capital, Volume II, “The Circuit of Money Capital”

STUDY: 25 Of Highest Paid CEOs Earned MORE Than Their Companies Paid In Taxes, Others Spent More On Lobbying Than Taxes - A quote...."(Reuters) - Twenty-five of the 100 highest paid U.S. CEOs earned more last year than their companies paid in federal income tax, a pay study said on Wednesday. -- It also found many of the companies spent more on lobbying than they did on taxes. -- At a time when lawmakers are facing tough choices in a quest to slash the national debt, the report from the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS), a left-leaning Washington think tank, quickly hit a nerve."

Post QE2, Corporate Earnings Outlook Changes On A Decidedly Negative Path
Mrkt Alert - Chart - (click to enlarge) - (OK, it's regarding a 'fundamental' criteria called 'profits' and as everyone now knows today, "who cares about profits, the only thing that really matters is Bernie's printing press, QE3 and Mark2Fantasy ....", but still, one day, fundamentals like 'profits' WILL matter. - mpg) -- A quote...."As opposed to what many talking Pollyannas have been broadcasting for the last month or two, companies are progressively downplaying their earnings outlooks. It would appear that along with every 401(k) holder, TBTF CEO, and CNBC anchor, even CEO/CFOs are now hoping for more QE. - If earnings are 'the mother's milk of stock returns', then management are increasingly reducing that flow of milk as day after day they guide below (lemming-like sell-side) analyst consensus estimates."

Stock Mutual Fund Cash Levels Drop To New All Time Record Low
Mrkt Tech Note - Chart - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."....semantics aside, the fact that the mutual fund space just saw its total Liquid Assets drop to a new all time record low of 3.3% (down from 3.4%), or about $150 billion on $4.54 trillion in stock assets, is not good, no matter how one defines cash or sidelines. And with so little cash to bid up stocks even as they plunged (i.e., contrary to the expectation cash did not go up), the very troubling question arises yet again: just where will the purchasing power come from (and no, it's not retail: retail is long gone)."

PIMCO says betting against U.S. debt was a mistake: report
A quote...."(Reuters) - Bill Gross, the manager of the world's largest bond fund, feels like "crying in his beer" for having bet so heavily against U.S. government-related debt earlier this year, the Financial Times reported on Monday." -- Yeah, it's fun to kick someone when he's down.  All because Bill Gross was STUPID enough to actually believe this country still had a "free market".  He, along with all those other idiots who keep trying to short stocks on the exchanges just don't get the fact that this is a centrally planned, and totally rigged, FINANCIAL con-game.  Many also STILL haven't realized yet that if you sit down at any poker table, anywhere in the world, and some of the well-connected players you're playing against have access to UNLIMITED credit at an interest rate of ZERO percent -- which essentially means they can print, (or borrow), what they want, when they want, for as long they want, "at will" -- you will lose the "Game" each and every single time you sit down to play!!  Now that's one guarantee about the "market" you can be absolutely sure of!  - mpg

August private-sector jobs up 91,000: ADP & U.S. factory orders jump 2.4% in July
Two itmes of "good news"....for a change. - mpg -- A quote...."Economists were predicting the ADP figure would rise by about 100,000. The expansion for July was revised down to 109,000 from a prior estimate of 114,000." & "Economists surveyed by MarketWatch expected orders to rise a seasonally adjusted 2.0%. Factory orders fell a revised 0.4% in June, down from a prior estimate of a 0.8% decline."

Chicago PMI slows in August - Although it's still positive -- bearly -- and above expectations -- bearly. - mpg
A quote...."(MarketWatch) -- The Chicago business barometer, which also is called Chicago PMI, slowed in August to a 56.5% reading from 58.8% in July, as managers in the region reported slowing production and new orders and a shrinking in order backlogs."

Attack of the Monsanto Superinsects
A quote...."Dumping a single herbicide onto millions of acres of farmland has, predictably enough, given rise to weeds resistant to that herbicide. Such "superweeds" are now galloping through cotton and corn country, forcing farmers to resort to highly toxic herbicide cocktails and even hand-weeding. More than 11 million acres are infested with Roundup-resistant weeds, up from 2.4 million acres in 2007, reckons Penn State University weed expert David Mortensen."

Tuesday August 30th 2011

More On The Domestic Situation....

Dead Letters: More Confirmation of the Mass Murder that Marks the Modern World
Quote of the Day...."Yet another confirmation has come to light of the machinations by the self-professed Christian leaders of the West to manipulate their nations into a murderous war of aggression against Iraq, the Guardian reports. - A letter has come to light confirming the UK government's firm intention to join the United States in the Hitlerian action against Iraq, even if a UN resolution specifically authorizing the action could not be obtained. - In one sense, the new revelation adds nothing to the veritable mountain of evidence we already have of the Western leaders' criminal intent -- much of it directly, and unashamedly, from the principal criminals themselves, in the memoirs from Bush, Blair, Cheney, Rumsfeld and others. - But it is useful as a reminder of what is already becoming ancient, irrelevant history to the populace and to the political class: the murder of a million human beings, one of the most heinous crimes of the modern era. - And of course, one primary reason -- perhaps the primary reason -- why this unspeakable atrocity has been so thoroughly buried is the obscene insistence of the Obama Administration to bury, several fathoms deep, all the crimes of its predecessors ... while adding to them with relentless, unflagging energy." - bold by website editor - also posted at DProgram

30 Signs That America Has Become A Horrible Place For Children
By The Numbers - A quote...."What in the world has happened to the United States?  Once upon a time the U.S. was one of the best places in the world to raise a child, but today it is an absolutely horrible place for children.  We physically abuse our children at staggering rates, we pump them full of antidepressants and other pharmaceutical drugs and we send them off to public schools that more closely resemble prison camps every single day.  Meanwhile, the economic decline of the America is hitting children far harder than it is hitting the adult population.  More than one out of every five children in America is living in poverty and one out of every four children is on food stamps." - also posted at DProgram & BLN

Valerie Plame & Joe Wilson Respond To Dick Cheney pt. 1 -- pt. 2
Video - Alt(1/2) - Alt(2/2) - (YuTb - 7/15min - Aug 29, 2011) - Source:  MOXNEWSd0tCOM

America's FBI Goes Rogue
A quote...."Lawrence Davidson looks at the use of informants by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation which, he argues, amounts to counselling, procuring and inciting crime. “[W]ithout the intervention of the informant, without his incitement, there is no evidence that any of [the] entrapped ‘criminals’ would have done anything wrong.” - also posted at MyCatBird'sSeat

Cops May Be Liable for Trumped-Up Charges
A quote...."(CN) - A firefighter can sue the detectives who falsely accused him of creating two child-pornography websites, the 9th Circuit ruled, finding that the investigators had manufactured probable cause in the absence of real evidence."

ATF Director Reassigned; U.S. Attorney Out Amid 'Fast and Furious' Uproar
Fast & Furious File -- A quote...."Acting ATF Director Kenneth Melson has been reassigned to a lesser post in the Justice Department and the U.S. attorney for Arizona was also pushed out Tuesday as fallout from Operation Fast and Furious reached new heights. -- Melson's step down from his role as head of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives to the position of senior adviser on forensic science in the Department of Justice's Office of Legal Programs is effective by close of business Tuesday, administration officials announced. U.S. Attorney for the District of Minnesota B. Todd Jones will replace Melson."

Ex-Bush Official Col. Lawrence Wilkerson: "I am Willing to Testify" If Dick Cheney is Put on Trial
A quote...."As former Vice President Dick Cheney publishes his long-awaited memoir, we speak to Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, former chief of staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell. "This is a book written out of fear, fear that one day someone will 'Pinochet' Dick Cheney," says Wilkerson, alluding to the former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet, who was arrested for war crimes. Wilkerson also calls for George W. Bush and Cheney to be held accountable for their crimes in office. "I’d be willing to testify, and I’d be willing to take any punishment I’m due," Wilkerson said. We also speak to political and legal blogger Glenn Greenwald about his recent article on Cheney, "The Fruits of Elite Immunity." "Dick Cheney goes around the country profiting off of this sleazy, sensationalistic, self-serving book, basically profiting from his crimes, and at the same time normalizing the idea that these kind of policies…are perfectly legitimate choices to make. And I think that’s the really damaging legacy from all of this," says Greenwald. [includes rush transcript] -- ||  Real Video Stream  ||  Real Audio Stream  ||  MP3 Download  ||  More…  || 

'Cheney fears trial as war criminal': Colin Powell aide hits out at former VP
Related Article - A quote...."31 Aug 2011 An aide to former Secretary of State Colin Powell has hit out at Dick Cheney, saying the former Vice President [sic] fears being 'tried as a war criminal'. Powell's long-time aide and chief of staff, Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson told ABC news Cheney, 'Was president for all practical purposes for the first term of the Bush administration,' adding, '[He] fears being tried as a war criminal'. Cheney had claimed that he would make heads in Washington 'explode' with revelations including that he told George W. Bush to bomb Syria and has 'no regrets' about water-boarding terror suspects. [Good! Let's start by waterboarding the actual 9/11 terror suspects: Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Giuliani and 'Lucky Larry' Silverstein. -- *LRP*]"

State Department: Don't Invade Privacy of Cleric on CIA Kill List
Special Note - US-NRE Terrorist Exposed - A quote...."While the New Mexico-born cleric, Anwar al-Awlaki, is the first American on the CIA's kill or capture list, the U.S. State Department refuses to release documents about al-Awlaki citing his right to privacy. This disconnect was uncovered as part of the ongoing investigation by Fox News' Specials Unit into the cleric who is a leader of a major Al Qaeda affiliate." -- A comment shown below.....

"This basically tells us that Anwar al-Awlaki is another phony Al Qaeda, to be used to trick Americans into unending wars of conquest. Hillary's State Department is protecting his manufactured media image under the ludicrous claim that a government that has abandoned virtually every human and constitutional right still wants to respect a "terrorist's" right to privacy. -- This story confirms what we have reported previously, that Anwar al-Awlaki is another fake Al Qaeda used by the US Government and Israel to trick you into handing over all your money and the lives of your children to be wasted on pointless wars of conquest!...." -- much more....-- *Michael Rivero*

Rise of Another CIA Yes Man
A quote...."Exclusive: The gross manipulation of CIA analysis under George W. Bush pushed a new generation of “yes men” into the agency’s top ranks. Now one of those aspiring bureaucrats will be Gen. David Petraeus’s right-hand man, writes ex-CIA analyst Ray McGovern. (Also, at end of article, see special comments from several CIA insiders.)

Pentagon No-Bid Contracts Rise to 45% in 2011
A quote...."The post-9/11 years at the Department of Defense have seen an enormous increase in no-bid contracts, with the lack of competition approaching 50% during the first six months of this year. --  Over the course of the last 10 years, the amount of money spent by the Pentagon on non-competitive contracts has almost tripled, from $50 billion in 2001 to $140 billion in 2010, according to the Center for Public Integrity’s iWatch News." - also posted at BLN

Keiser Report: Redback vs Greenback (E177)
MKVideo - Alt1 - Alt2 - (MKRTYuTb - 25min50sec - Aug 30th  2011) - Source:  RussiaToday - Producer:  Max Keiser TV -- A quote..."This week Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, discuss Anonymous joining #occupywallstreet while President Obama does dirty banker deal. In the second half of the show Max talks to fund manager, Dan Collins, about how the Chinese 'redback' may displace the ever devaluing American 'greenback' in world trade."

Broadcasting LIVE on - August 30 2011
Must Listen MRVideo - Note:  To avoid the advertisements and the radio commentary goto 6min30sec into the broadcast - mpg - (JustInTV - 2hrs - August 30th, 2011) - Source:  MichaelRiveroTV-Vids -- Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire and many other issues.

Infowars Special Report
Must View AJVideo - AlQaeda-w/PepeEscobarlt(1/3) - AlQaedaTakesLibya(2/3) - Building7AnInsideJob - (AJYuTb - 15min - Aug 30, 2011) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."In an Infowars Special Report, Alex Jones speaks with Asia Times reporter Pepe Escobar on the rule of al Qaeda in Tripoli and the emerging civil war in Libya. Later, We Are founder Luke Rudkowski discusses his most recent confrontation with World Trade Center leaseholder Larry Silverstein as the 10th Anniversary of 9/11 approaches. Alex Jones also covers the latest statements from Gibson Guitar CEO Henry Juszkiewicz on the raid of his company by green police and more."
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

25 Signs That The Financial World Is About To Hit The Big Red Panic Button
A quote...."Most of the worst financial panics in history have happened in the fall.  Just recall what happened in 1929, 1987 and 2008.  Well, September 2011 is about to begin and there are all kinds of signs that the financial world is about to hit the big red panic button.  Wave after wave of bad economic news has come out of the United States recently, and Europe is embroiled in an absolutely unprecedented debt crisis."

The End Of The Long Con
A quote...."Inflation in Zimbabwe was 516 quintillion percent (516 followed by 18 zeroes). Prices doubled every 1.3 days. The record for hyperinflation is Hungary where in 1946 monthly inflation reached 12,950,000,000,000,000 percent  –  prices doubled every  15.6 hours. In 1923, Weimar Germany  experienced inflation of 29,525 percent a month, with prices  doubling every 3.7 days. People  burned Marks for heat in the cold Northern German winter. It was cheaper than firewood. The  butter standard was a more reliable form of value than the Mark. The German government took  over newspaper presses to print money, such was the demand for bank notes. The abiding image  of the Weimar Republic remains of ordinary Germans in search of food pushing wheelbarrows filled with wads of worthless money."

China [Rightly] Declared War On Wall Street And The City Of London
Gold Bug Alert - A quote...."China declared war on the City of London and Wall Street when they opened the Pan Asian Metals Exchange and PAGE the Pan Asian Gold Exchange. -- Their opening salvo will be fired in October when the Pan Asian Metals Exchange allows international investors to buy into a 90 day rolling spot gold contract which is for allocated gold. They already have a ten ounce mini-gold contract and a similar silver contract. The investor will have the choice of either take delivery of their gold or be paid in Chinese Renminbi. Major European and North American brokerages will allow investors worldwide to invest in the Pan Asian Metals Exchange. -- Six major Chinese banks will fix the gold price every morning at 8am their time."

Big Brother Giveth…and Big Brother Taketh!
Gold Bug Alert - A quote...."I recently read an article that must have circulated quite well. MSNBC posted the story, The Mystery of the Double Eagle Gold Coins. Ultimately, the article reports on the United States Government’s efforts to recover a few of the almost 450,000 Double Eagle gold coins minted in 1933 but never publicly circulated." -- A comment shown below.....

"And now the US Government plans to confiscate all the Liberty Dollars under an equally flimsy legal pretext, which means we are on the verge of massive gold seizures just like 1933, to loot the people to enrich the bankers!" -- *Michael Rivero*

Silver and Gold Liberty Dollars Can be Confiscated by the Federal Government now - Except if using for Educational display.
  - Gold Bug Alert - A quote...."So it has begun. -- The Federal government has determined it can and will confiscate all Silver and Gold Liberty Dollars that are displayed openly and not for educational uses only in displays.  In other words all the Liberty Dollars in stores on Ebay for sale can/will be confiscated by the federal government. - There was a trial earlier this year in North Carolina against Bernard von NotHaus, the founder and creator of the Liberty Dollar.  He was convicted by a jury for creating an alternate currency.  The Liberty dollars are now considered counterfeits, contraband and subject to seizure." - bold by website editor

Euro bail-out in doubt as 'hysteria' sweeps Germany
Instead of bailing out the PIGGS themselves, Angela Merkel bailed out the piggy Banksters, especially France's super piggy Banksters.  That was a mistake.  It'll probably cost her her job, and possibly even cause the dissolution of the EU. - mpg -- A quote...."German Chancellor Angela Merkel no longer has enough coalition votes in the Bundestag to secure backing for Europe's revamped rescue machinery, threatening a consitutional crisis in Germany and a fresh eruption of the euro debt saga."

Europe's Ponzi Takes A Twist For The Wacky: Greek Bank Equity To Be Used As Loan Collateral
A quote...."That the European ponzi is leaps and bounds ahead of the US....."

Now that HAS to be an untrue statement.  This government does one, tiny, half-assed, completely inadequate, highly limited, audit of the Federal Reserve, solely due to the tireless efforts of one outraged representative by the name of Ron Paul, and everyone finds out that sixteen trillion was loaned out to selected Banksters overseas, 1.6 trillion to Banksters on Wall Street, INCLUDING their wives, friends and fellow travelers, and all sorts of additional gooey, slimy, stuff continues to leak out and ooze from that black void called the Federal Reserve all because of this one audit.  Who KNOWS what else the Fed is hiding and where it's hiding it? Who knows what is really in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.  Who knows if there's any gold in Fort Knox? (Considering how the government's been acting lately....probably none)  Who knows just how many offshore accounts the Fed has stuffed with who knows how much toxic assets? How about that one quadrillion dollar derivatives market, is the Fed "playing" it too?  Don't forget the PPT, what are those bozos doing right now? And so on and so forth.... - mpg

" well known: we have frequently succumbed to vertigo trying to chart just how interconnected Europe's financial system is at the current point where €1 in incremental capital is supposed to prop up a multi-trillion pyramid scheme. But the just released news from the Handeslblatt demonstrates that just when we thought we had seen it all, Europe once again manages to surprise us. As is by now well-known, Finland has proven to be quite a stick in the spokes of the joint-European can kicking exercise by, prudently, demanding collateral, or threatening to walk out of the second Greek bailout (that 1 year Greek bonds are trading at 60%+ yields is irrelevant). Well, here's the solution - give them collateral... in the form of insolvent Greek bank shares, which however will be "partially nationalized" as if that will suddenly push their value higher. Supposedly the Finns never clarified that the collateral has to have some liquidation "value."  Oh well, better luck next time."

Why Do Banks Make So Much Money?
Video - Alt - (YuTb - 2min52sec - Jun 7, 2011) - Source:  PositiveMoneyUK -- A quote...."Banks make so much money because they can create money, effectively out of nothing, by lending. Every single pound in your bank account was created by a bank, not by your government."
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9/11, The Crime of the Century....A Tenth Year Anniversary Retrospective

The Crime of the Patriot Act, 9/11 and a Whistleblower’s Truth
Book Review - A quote...."To tell this truth cost her her job, her freedom and almost her sanity. -- In “Extreme Prejudice: The Terrifying Story of the Patriot Act and the Cover ups of 9/11 and Iraq,” [BkPrcSrch]* we learn that not only was the US government (USG) willing to kill (or allow to be killed) thousands of its own citizens on that indelible day, it has gone to extreme lengths to silence whistleblowers. -- Lindauer, a U.S. Intelligence Asset from 1993-2002, escaped a “chemical lobotomy” at the hands of government conspirators – including her own cousin, Andy Card, Chief of Staff for George W. Bush – only because the alternative media stepped in at the eleventh hour and exposed her false arrest and imprisonment. Michael Collins’ breakthrough article, American Cassandra, was reposted across the world in 2007." - *link added

You Can Feel and See the Fear
A quote...."Here we are, 11 days away from the 10th anniversary of the FALSE FLAG/INSIDE JOB of 9/11 and you can almost see the fear in the air. -- Many eyes have been opened since that act of treachery and have sought out the truth about the Neocons and Zionists that sabotaged the nation and in a way, the world on 9/11."

Secret Recording: 9/11 Effects Wearing Off, Need Another Attack - Rumsfeld
Video - From the History File - May 16, 2008 - Alt - (YuTb - 2min49sec - 05/16/08) - Source:  babylonsfalling  -- A quote...."Rumsfeld on tape -- terror attack could restore neo-con agenda, NWO disaster."

Setting the Stage for Historic Hearings in Toronto
Event Announcement - A quote...."To capitalize on the strategic importance of the 10th anniversary of 9/11, the International Center for 9/11 Studies is sponsoring a four-day set of hearings, September 8-11, at Ryerson University in Toronto, Canada. Officially called “The International Hearings on the Events of September 11, 2001”, this historic gathering of panelists, expert witnesses, and numerous key figures in the 9/11 truth movement is being more commonly referred to as the “Toronto Hearings.”

Searching for Answers - Local engineer to bring 9/11 questions to Toronto
Related Article - A quote...."ENGLEWOOD — After the initial shock of the Sept. 11 destruction of the Twin Towers, after the dust settled on the official explanations of what caused the towers to fall, Jonathan Cole had questions and no real answers."

Israel's war, PNAC not oil took us to Iraq (clip from war by deception)
Ry2SVideo - (Ry2SYuTb - 42min58sec - Aug 30, 2011) - Source:  Rys2sense -- A quote...."PNAC cabal that led to War (cilp from War by Deception)"

Missing Trillions - Rumsfeld Buries Admission of Missing 2+ Trillion Dollars in 9/10/01 Press Conference
From the History File - A quote...."On September 10, 2001, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld held a press conference to disclose that over $2,000,000,000,000 in Pentagon funds could not be accounted for. Rumsfeld stated: "According to some estimates we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions." According to a report by the Inspector General, the Pentagon cannot account for 25 percent of what it spends."

Following Zakheim and Pentagon trillions to Israel and 9-11
From the History File - July 31, 2006 - A quote...."Think of this as part two of Recherche du trillions perdu , my Online Journal article on Dov Zakheim, former Bush appointee as Pentagon Comptroller from May 4, 2001 to March 10, 2004. At that time he was unable to explain the disappearance of $1 trillion dollars. Actually, nearly three years earlier, Donald Rumsfeld announced on September 10, 2001 that an audit discovered $2.3 trillion was also missing from the Pentagon books. That story, as I mentioned, was buried under 9-11's rubble. The two sums disappeared on Zakheim's watch."

How 9/11 was done
From the History File - October 28, 2008 -- A quote....""9/11 was a master plot, concocted by a handfull of Israelis and dual passport Americans and carried out by the resources of the Mossad. -- Larry Silverstein leases a nearly worthless dinosaur WTC building complex (worthless due to the asbestos the buildings were stuffed with and needed to be cleaned up, the cost of which may have rivaled the value of the buildings themselves) weeks before 9/11, makes sure it is over insured against terrorist acts and hires an Israeli security firm. From that moment on the coast is clear to let a team of demolition experts from the Israeli army led by Peer Segalovitz into the WTC buildings. These charges plus detonators had been prepared at the premises of the Urban Moving Systems company, a Mossad front. During the weeks before 9/11 these prepared charges were loaded into vans, driven into the basements of WTC Twin Towers next to the elevator shaft, unloaded into the elevator, and lifted onto the roof of the elevator through the opening in the elevator ceiling. Next the elevator moved from floor to floor while charges where being attached to the columns as displayed in this video from 0:22 onwards. The detonators of these charges were radiographic controlled and finally detonated from WTC7 on the day of 9/11"
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The Assault On Libya....

‘Massive looting of ancient artefacts underway in Libya’ - Mission accomplished!! - mpg
Must Read - (For the outrage!!) - A quote...."Libya’s priceless historical heritage is in danger of being destroyed in the same way Iraq’s cultural riches perished during the United States invasion, warned a Russian expert on West Asia. -- Nikolai Sologubovsky, orientalist, writer and film maker, said massive looting and destruction of ancient artefacts was underway in Libya. -- “The al-Jamahiriya National Museum in Tripoli has been looted and antiquities are being shipped out by sea to Europe,” the scholar told Russian television." - Topix ||  The Method - 05-07-07 - mpg  ||

New Tripoli: No food, no water, no law - Mission accomplished!! - mpg
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 2min25sec - Aug 30, 2011) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."Family members of Colonel Gaddafi have fled Libya to neighbouring Algeria. This comes as rebels claim to have killed the Colonel's youngest son. RT's Maria Finoshina reports from the Capital as people struggle for stability following the recent rebel takeover."

Al-Qaeda and NATO’s Islamic Extremists Taking Over Libya - Mission accomplished!! - mpg
A quote...."Elements of al-Qaeda and other Islamic extremist groups were known to be key players in the NATO-backed uprising in Libya from the beginning, but now it appears that prominent Jihadists and terrorists are practically leading the revolution with Western support. -- One terror leader in particular, Abdelhakim Belhaj, made headlines around the world over the weekend after it emerged that he was appointed the chief of Tripoli’s rebel Military Council. Prior to leading rebel forces against Gaddafi’s regime, Belhaj was the founder and leader of the notorious Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG). -- Eventually the terror “Emir,” as he has been called, was arrested and tortured as an American prisoner in the terror war. In 2004, according to reports, he was transferred to the Gaddafi regime — then a U.S. terror-war ally. -- By 2010, Belhaj was freed by Gaddafi under an amnesty agreement for “former” terrorists. And more recently, the terror leader and his men were trained by U.S. special forces to take on Gaddafi." - also posted at ICH & GlobalRsrch

CIA recruits 1,500 from Mazar-e-Sharif to fight in Libya
A quote...."ISLAMABAD – The Central Intelligence Agency of the United States recruited over 1,500 men from Mazar-e-Sharif for fighting against the Qaddafi forces in Libya.  -- Sources told TheNation: “Most of the men have been recruited from Afghanistan. They are Uzbeks, Persians and Hazaras. According to the footage, these men attired in Uzbek-style of shalwar and Hazara-Uzbek Kurta were found fighting in Libyan cities.” -- When Al-Jazeera reporter pointed it he was disallowed by the ‘rebels ‘to capture images. -- Sources in Quetta said: “Some Uzbeks and Hazaras from Afghanistan were arrested in Balochistan for illegally traveling into Pakistan en route to Libya through Iran. Aljazeera’s report gave credence to this story. More than 60 Afghans, mainly children and teenagers, have been found dead after suffocating inside a shipping container in southwestern Pakistan in an apparent human smuggling attempt." - also posted at Uruknet

NATO faces 'catastrophic success' in Libya
Special Note - A quote....".....the NATO's victory in Libya is just a miserable victory. First, in order to reduce civilian casualties, the United Nations Security Council authorized NATO to establish a no-fly zone in Libya. However, the military operations of NATO have enlarged the civil war, led to tens of thousands of casualties of innocent civilians, made countless people homeless, and caused severe property damages and a huge humanitarian disaster. -- NATO’s arming of the Libyan Rebels and use of land forces in Libya both violated the Security Council's resolution, which prohibited both actions. In order to overthrow the Qadafi’s administration, foster a pro-West government and further control Libya, western countries will use any methods. Fair or foul, they do not care. Therefore, they have already failed in morality and justice." - also posted at GlobalRsrch

NATO's Genocidal Rape of Libya
A quote...."Continuing NATO atrocities on Libyan civilians gave naked aggression a new name. - Call it what it is: Lawless, Willful, Malevolent Genocidal Gang Rape, the new supreme international crime against peace ongoing at this time. - In times of war, its legal name is Genocide - what NATO planners implemented since last March. - See for yourself. Independently produced images reveal what NATO, venal politicians, their PR manipulators, and media liars suppress or misreport. - A committed team of independent journalists, researchers and cameramen produced the Global video accessed below through the following link:" -- ||  Alt - (GRTVYuTb - 8min38sec - Aug 12, 2011) - Source:  GlobalResearchTV  ||

Libya Truth
Video - Alt - previously posted - (YuTb - 9min23sec - Aug 27, 2011) - Source:  pimpdarlin -- A quote...."Credits for the music:  Memory Lane by Netsky -- Memory Lane vs Happiness Happening from Mash Up Mix 2010 by The Cut Up Boys -- Some of what I have found out about Libya & Muammar Al Qaddafi since the brutal, illegal invasion of Libya by Rothschild owned NATO forces. -- I ask all reading this to do whatever they can to oppose the New World Order, NATO, the UN & our corrupt politicians." -- Reposted for the comment shown below....

"We can not have Libyan's living off their wealth and oil production for free like This. We must not let them have a value based currency with Gold backing or let them have loans at 0% interest!! THE REST OF THE WORLD MAY SEE THIS WAY OF LIFE WITH OUT SLAVERY AND WANT IT ALSO.. This must be stopped!!  --  We must steal their oil, take their gold and bomb their cities. We will then give them our private central banking system and loan them money AT INTEREST to rebuild everything we just destroyed to bring in their new democracy like we are doing for the Iraqi's. They will be enslaved by us forever to our banking system that always incurs more debt than currency to re-pay it .. We will not allow debt free countries!! We must make the world safe for private central banking. ---  Sincerely  ---  The Banksters!" -- *cruzzin66*, 08/30/2011 - 17:52

The US-NATO War Against Libya and Its Implications for Africa and the World
A quote...."Note: The following talk was delivered in Detroit on August 27, 2011 at a mass meeting held under the theme "Stop the US-NATO War Against Libya." The meeting was sponsored by the Michigan Emergency Committee Against War & Injustice (MECAWI) and featured presentations by other co-sponsors Atty. Mark Fancher of the National Conference of Black Lawyers (NCBL), Maureen Taylor, Chair of the Michigan Welfare Rights Organization (MWRO), Fred Vitale of the Detroit and Michigan Green Party and a statement of solidarity from the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO). The meeting was chaired by Debbie Johnson of MECAWI. A cultural presenation was delivered by the Detroit band Siaire Reign and Black Reign." - also posted at Uruknet

Libya's interim rulers don't want U.N. forces - envoy
A quote...."UNITED NATIONS, Aug 30 (Reuters) - Libya's interim leadership has rejected the idea of deploying any kind of international military force or observers, the U.N. special envoy on post-conflict planning for Libya said on Tuesday.."

Divisions emerge among Libya’s NATO-led rebels
A quote...."With the US and its European allies set to install a puppet regime in Libya based on the Benghazi-based National Transitional Council, deep divisions have emerged among the NATO-led rebels. These divisions, which include tensions with elements of Al Qaeda, pose the threat of continued fighting between rival factions well after the overthrow of the regime of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi is completed."

Libyan power vacuum could lead to nightmare scenarios
A quote...."Libya faces a number of nightmare scenarios, from a new civil war between rival factions to the rise of al Qaeda-affiliated Islamists, should a power vacuum plunge the country into a new phase of lawlessness and chaos."
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More On The International Situation....

BBC journalist killed during Taliban attack 'may have been shot by US forces'
Another journalist offed by the US-NRE's goons, while the US-NRE blames somebody else. - mpg -- A quote...."It seems – in what would be the worst luck of all – that Omed may have survived the suicide bombs only to be shot dead by US special forces when they entered the ruined RTA building," the ANN investigation, published on Wednesday, said."

US has deadliest month in Afghan war - So far....mpg
A quote...."August 2011 has become the deadliest month for US troops in the decade-long war in Afghanistan with 66 American soldiers killed in the month. - The figure, released by the Associated Press on Tuesday, eclipsed the earlier figure of 65 belonging to July 2010." - Source:  PressTV

Afghan Taliban victory predicted in letter
A quote...."Reporting from Kabul, Afghanistan, and New Delhi—
A message allegedly written by the leader of the Afghan Taliban predicts imminent victory as more foreign troops die and Taliban fighters better understand NATO tactics, acquire more weaponry, shoot down more aircraft and kill more senior officials."

It was NATO’s raid not Afghans
A quote...."ATTACK from across the border in Chitral on Saturday once again highlighted the fact that some sinister campaign is in the offing to further pressurize and destabilize Pakistan. Though different accounts of the casualties are being given but officials have admitted the killing of 25 security personnel and capture of two border posts by the militants who simultaneously attacked seven check posts."

US Iraq pull-out 'to proceed as scheduled': Maliki
A quote...."BAGHDAD — Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki has said US forces will leave Iraq as scheduled by year's end, and that there will not be any permanent US bases in the country, a statement from his office said on Tuesday."

Iran Starts Mass Production of Highly Advanced Anti-Tank Missile - FINALLY!!
Weapons Tech Note -- They also need to manufacture man-portable, or at least pick-up-truck portable, long range anti-aircraft missiles.  About twenty thousand each should just about do it. - mpg -- A quote...."Hamsayeh.Net - Iran's prolific defense industries started mass production of a new 73-mm anti-tank missile system following the inauguration of an assembly line during a ceremony by country's Defense Minister General Ahmad Vahidi on Wednesday. -- This lethal weapon which could be carried by lone combatants with a special warhead that can penetrate up to 300 mm of various armor types on modern tanks. The missile can be used against moving objects including tanks, personnel carriers and armored vehicles and destroy the target at up to 1300 meters with high precision."

Iran's FM to Visit Pakistan Next Week to Discuss Joint Economic Cooperation
A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi is due to pay a visit to Pakistan next week in a bid to take part in an upcoming meeting of the two countries' joint economic cooperation commission, an Iranian diplomat announced on Tuesday."

Iran Masters 8 New Technologies in Gasoline Production
A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- Iran announced that it has managed to develop and utilize 8 new technologies to produce high-quality gasoline in its oil refineries across the country. "

Source: Sangtuda-2 Power Plant Ready for Inauguration
A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- Sangtuda-2 hydroelectric power plant constructed by Iran in the Central Asian state of Tajikistan will be inaugurated next Monday, a diplomatic source said."

Fraudulent Google credential found in the wild
War Alert - A quote...."“This cert was issued in JULY of 2011 and it is now just a few days before SEPTEMBER. It is being used in the wild against real people in Iran *right* now.” -- A comment shown below....

This tells us that Israel is planning something really nasty to be blamed on Iran. -- *Michael Rivero*

Deadly detention: Deaths in custody amid popular protest in Syria
A quote...."At least 88 people are believed to have died in detention in Syria during five months of bloody repression of pro-reform protests, a new Amnesty International report reveals today."
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Israel Prefers Another War to Palestinian Statehood
Special Note - A quote...."It doesn’t matter what Palestine and the rest of the world might want … All that matters is what Israel wants! ‘The biggest spoiled brat in the Middle East!’ -- The IDF is currently in the process of finalizing its preparations for Operation Summer Seeds, whose purpose is to ready the army for September and the possibility of confrontations with Palestinians following the expected vote in favor of Palestinian statehood at the UN General Assembly." - bold by website editor

Barak: Gaza groups planning new major terror attack on Israel
A quote...."Memo to Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak; just literally days before the issue of a Palestinian nation comes to discussion and a vote at the UN, what Palestinian with his or her head screwed on straight would do something so deliberately stupid as to sabotage this opportunity with a terror attack?  --  The short answer is, NONE.''  --  But certain others, with interests in preventing a Palestinian from happening, might well have decided that the deaths of another score of innocent Israelis not too high a price to pay in order for that UN hearing never to happen, and postpone the issue of Palestinian statehood ...perhaps forever." -- *Michael Rivero*

Turning Tables: 'Israel illegal occupier if Palestine recognized'
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 4min11sec - Aug 30, 2011 - ) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."The Israeli Defence Force is reportedly preparing settlers for the mass uprising of Palestinians, expected after the UN votes on a Palestinian statehood in September. The preparations include handing out tear gas and stun grenades to civilians."

Meet Professor Juan Cole, Consultant to the CIA
A quote...."Juan Cole is a brand name that is no longer trusted.  And that has been the case for some time for the Professor from Michigan.  After warning of the “difficulties” with the Iraq War, Cole swung over to ply it with burning kisses on the day of the U.S. invasion of Iraq.  His fervor was not based on Saddam Hussein’s fictional possession of weapons of mass destruction but on the virtues of “humanitarian imperialism.” - also posted at AlethoNews

British gov’t minister says ‘wall is a land grab’– and is censored by UK Israel lobby
A quote...."The Jewish Chronicle reported last week that a video made by Alan Duncan, UK minister for international development, infuriated the Israeli lobby so much that it was withdrawn from the ministry’s website." - - also posted at AlethoNews
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

China delivers jolt to U.S. Middle East influence - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."WASHINGTON – In a further jolt to U.S. influence in the Middle East, China is expected to vote in favor of Palestinian statehood when the 66th United Nations General Assembly takes up the issue next month, according to Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin. -- Chinese President Hu Jintao told Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in an exchange of notes last week that Beijing has "always supported the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people to establish an independent state" in areas such as the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and east Jerusalem."

[Envious] Jewish [homeless, vandals] settlers attack Qasra village and damage hundreds of olive trees
A quote...."NABLUS, (PIC)-- [Envious] Jewish settlers [homeless, vandals] attacked on Monday evening the village of Qasra to the south east of the northern West Bank city of Nablus and inflicted damage  on a number of fields planted with olive trees. -- Ghassan Daghlas, in charge of settlements [Jewish squatter camp] file in the northern West Bank, said in a press statement that settlers [envious Jewish, homeless, vandals] from the Aish Kodesh settlement [squatter camp] outpost attacked the village and started inflicting damage to fields planted with olive trees." - also posted at AlethoNews

Leaked Document: Israeli Forces Train & Arm Settlers [Homeless Jewish Thugs] To Attack Palestinian Protesters
A quote...."Israeli settlers [homeless Jewish thugs] living in violation of international law in the West Bank have been issued stun grenades and tear gas by the Israeli military, in preparation for anticipated protests by Palestinians following the UN statehood declaration later this month."

Ramadan 'Games'
A quote...."Terror appears to be the state’s preferred strategy in its attempt to beat dissent out of children. Masked police frequently break into homes in the middle of the night to drag suspected stone throwers from their families. Other times they are bundled into vans by undercover police in broad daylight and whisked off to a police station only to be pressured into admission of stone throwing."
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More on Japan's Nuclear Power Plants....

Report: 76 trillion becquerels of Plutonium-239 released from Fukushima Alert - A quote...."Plutonium-239 release is 23,000 times higher than previously announced 29 Aug 2011 NISA Mentions "Neptunium-239" in August 29 Press Conference, EX-SKF, August 28, 2011 '[...] The Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency (NISA)'s daily press conference is ongoing (August 29). The NISA spokesman Moriyama mentions neptunium-239's conversion ratio to plutonium-239 as 1 to 1. According to the June 6 estimate by the NISA [...] Neptunium-239: 7.6×10^13 [...]' At a ratio of 1:1, Plutonium-239 releases are also 7.6 x 10^13, or 76 tera(trillion)becquerels. 23,000 higher than previous gov't estimate..."
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More On The Economic Situation....

June Case Shiller Confirms Home Price Declines Continued, Down 4.5% Y/Y, 0.1% Lower In June
Chart - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."The much delayed Case Shiller update for June is out, and it is both worse and better than expectations: year over year, the number printed at a -4.5% decline, slightly better than consensus of -4.6%, while the month over month change was -0.1%, on expectations of an unchanged print. Stripping aside the noise means that the housing market is crawling along the bottom after double dipping months ago but at least it is not imploding. And since this report is nearly 3 months old, it does very little to indicate what is actually happening with the economy."

The Daily Bail Round-Up - Aug 30, 2011 at 3:36 PM
A round-up of todays business news from the Daily Bail. - mpg

Monday August 29th 2011

More On The Domestic Situation....

The Election March of the Trolls
A quote...."We have begun the election march of the trolls. They have crawled out of the sewers of public relations firms, polling organizations, the commercial media, the two corporate political parties and elected office to fill the airwaves with inanities and absurdities until the final inanity—the 2012 presidential election." - also posted at ICH

CBC: Impotent, Irrelevant, and Tied to the President in 2012, Even If Obama is the Black Herbert Hoover
A quote...."Why does the Congressional Black Caucus, forty of the most senior members of the House of Representatives, pretend that touring the country with a phony, embarrassing “job fair” is a substitute for the massive jobs and poverty-reduction programs they should have fought for during the four years they held an overwhelming majority in the Congress, two of them with a black Democrat in the White House? What kind of Colt 45 bottle has the CBC and the black political class crawled into? And is there a way out?"

Logical Judo -– Countering the Force of Fallacy
A quote...."This is no incitement to violence. This is no war cry. Expressed here is mostly metaphor, and desire for peace and well-being for all. Misconstrue as you will, and embrace responsibility if you do. It is becoming more than clear what the true source of violence and extremism is, which is not the general public. Objectivity is the nightmare of deception – and those seeking to deceive, are fast asleep amongst an awakening world."

Fishy Wikileaks?
Cointelpro Alert - (Wikileaks) -- A quote...."Journalist Abbas Al-Lawati sent me this (I cite with his permission):  "Not sure if anyone has noticed this yet but of the hundreds of new wikileaks cables released yesterday from Manama, Muscat, Dubai, Kuwait, Riyadh, Abu Dhabi and Doha, every single one is labelled as unclassified.  To be fair, 40% of the 250,000 cables are reported to not be secret, but keep in mind that more than half of the cables have already been released, and that the Gulf release from yesterday covers a period if 1989-2010 in one case (Riyadh) and 2003-2010 in the rest.  It's hard to believe that there were no classified cables in that period, and I don't know if wikileaks has ever done a single classification release in the past.""

It's Official, "Anonymous" Hackers are Now Controlled Opposition
Cointelpro Alert - (Anonymous ) - A quote...."A hacking group claiming to be part of "Anonymous" has announced the successful takeover of Iran's servers, which seems like a huge amount of work put into an agenda that seems to stray dramatically far away from their declared war on the Global Banking Cartel."

Operation False Flag: A Modern Primer
A quote...."Definition: -- When governments or organizations (usually connected to the former) stage highly sophisticated attacks on their own or foreign soil with the purpose of placing the blame on a desirable enemy foreign or domestic, one who has otherwise done no wrong. Essentially a setup, it provides the government entity with an excuse via fabricated evidence in complicity with media to fulfill its various agendas (i.e. war or law making)."

Congressmen Put Constituents Who Asked Tough Questions On A ‘Watch List’
Police State Alert - A quote...."In recent weeks GOP congressmen have resorted to all sorts of underhanded schemes to avoid interacting with their angry constituents back home over August recess. Now two Republican freshmen, Reps. Daniel Webster (R-FL) and Tim Griffin (R-AR), are taking this trend one step further, using disturbing intimidation tactics and “watch lists” to discourage constituents from asking them questions:"

FBI, NSA Stiff-Arm ACLU Request for Info on Domestic Spy Program
Police State Alert - A quote...."MANHATTAN (CN) - The ACLU sued the FBI and National Security Agency for information on the FBI's eGuardian monitoring system, by which it collects information on "suspicious activity" from law enforcement officials across the country. More than 7,100 "Suspicious Activity Reports" have been collected, the ACLU says, for activities that may include "taking photographs of prominent buildings."

How The Patriot Act Violates Virtually The Entire Bill Of Rights
Police State Alert - A quote...."How many congressmen have introduced bills to repeal this unconstitutional horror?" - also posted at DProgram

The decade's biggest scam
Police State Alert - A quote...."The number of people worldwide who are killed by Muslim-type terrorists, Al Qaeda wannabes, is maybe a few hundred outside of war zones. It's basically the same number of people who die drowning in the bathtub each year," said John Mueller, an Ohio State University professor who has written extensively about the balance between threat and expenditures in fighting terrorism." - also posted at ICH

Obama AG Nominee Eric Holder Helped Chiquita Banana Beat Charges The Corp. Killed Labor Organizers In Colombia  - From the History File - November 20, 2008 - A quote...."You don't think labor unions threaten the powerful? - Chiquita Banana bankrolled para-military forces in Colombia which conducted non-judicial assassinations of peasants, and labor and community leaders who opposed the imposition of corporate peonage on the workers." - Related ||  Banana Land and the Corporate Death Squad Scandals  ||

Madison Ave. Declares ‘Mass Affluence’ Over
Special Note - A quote...."The American middle class, concludes a new study from the ad industry’s top trade journal, has essentially become irrelevant. In a deeply unequal America, if you don’t make $200,000, you don’t matter."  --  "The top 10 percent of American households, the trade journal adds, now account for nearly half of all consumer spending, and a disproportionate share of that spending comes from the top 10’s upper reaches." - bold by website editor -- Website editor's special note - To all those people out there who keep voting for Demos and/or brought this upon yourself.  Stop voting for Demos and/or Repubs! - mpg

On the Edge: Max Keiser talks with Alex Jones About the Presidential Election
PTVVideo - Alt - (PTVYuTb - 23min05sec - Aug 27, 2011) - Source:  PressTVGlobalNews -- A quote...."In this edition of On the Edge, Max Keiser interviews Alex Jones from [and] -- He talks about Ron Paul's bid for 2012 presidential elections."

The Alex Jones Show – Sunday Edition
AJVideo - Preview - ThisIsAMafiaStyleRunGovt(1/3) - ThisIsAMafiaStyleRunGovt(2/3) - ThisIsAMafiaStyleRunGovt(3/3) - AlGore'sGreenNaziPolice(1/3) - AlGore'sGreenNaziPolice(2/3) - AlGore'sGreenNaziPolice(3/3) -- (AJYuTb - 5/15min - Aug 29th, 2011) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."(AJC) – On this Sunday Edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex covers the latest developments in the effort by the globalists to violently depose Gaddafi and turn Libya into a failed state like Iraq where political instability and social chaos are the rule of the day. Alex also talks about the autocratic green police and the recent raid of Gibson Guitars under the pretense that the company used illegal wood in the manufacture of its products. Alex also takes your calls."

Broadcasting LIVE on - August 29 2011
MRVideo - Note:  To avoid the advertisements and the radio commentary goto 7min50sec into the broadcast - mpg - (JustInTV - 2hrs - August 29th, 2011) - Source:  MichaelRiveroTV-Vids -- Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire and many other issues.
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

A Monetary Maze From Which There Is No Easy Escape
Quote of the Day -- A quote...."It has been almost three years since the Federal Reserve took its interest rates to 1% and most recently to zero. This allows member banks to borrow money at no cost. The Fed lends to large banks with little or no control, so that these banks, some of which are owners of the Fed, can really do as they please. The Fed even lends at zero and re-borrows from these banks at a higher level, guaranteeing the banks a riskless profit. Those profits would have gone to the US Treasury and the American taxpayer. These profits for the most part are the result of the creation of money and credit by the Fed. The banks are so overjoyed regarding the results that the Fed has told them that it will keep the current policy for at least the next two years. The banks as a result are making big speculative profits to offset their gigantic losses, while at the same time the economy falls deeper into inflationary depression. This is the tyranny of our almost 100 year old privately owned banking system." -- also posted at DProgram & IntelHub

CMBS Sell Off Continues, Super Dupers Hit Widest Spread Since June 2010
Charts - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."Even as the policy instrument that is the US stock market does its robotic levitation thing on days when it is not plunging (i.e. volume is bigger than average), other, more rational indicators continue to paint a less rosy picture in terms of risk inflection points. The latest of these is CMBS, which as we speculated two weeks ago, has continued to be sold off across all vintages and as of today, the super duper AAA tranche has just hit its widest spreads since June of 2010. The charts below show the spread comparison from two weeks ago for AAA and AJs and the subsequent widening to date."

First Federal Reserve Audit Reveals Trillions in Secret Bailouts
A quote...."ATLANTA, Aug 28, 2011 (IPS) - The first-ever audit of the U.S. Federal Reserve has revealed 16 trillion dollars in secret bank bailouts and has raised more questions about the quasi-private agency’s opaque operations." - also posted at ICH
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The Assault On Libya....

War for Africa: 'Libya key to new US bases, cheap labor & resources'
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 6min30sec - Aug 29, 2011) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."The rebels in Libya have rejected the possibility of staging talks with Muammar Gaddafi. The National Transitional Council says they want to see him in jail - and not at the negotiating table. Middle East expert Dan Glazebrook says NATO is using the rebels to make Libya a failed state."

NTC Admits That the Fall of Tripoli Video Was A Fake?
Video - Presstitutes Exposed!Alt - (YuTb - 58sec - Aug 27, 2011) - Source:  justfindtruth --  A quote...."M Abdeljalil admits that the NTC lied with the support of international media CNN, al Jazeera, al Arabya, etc with the aim acquiring more support from other countries - Did NATO and the NTC used fake video to manipulate public opinion about The fall of Tripoli?" - bold by website editor

BBC Responds Over False Tripoli Footage
Presstitute Exposed - (The BBC) -- A quote...."So in summary: [The BBC said] sorry, we got “confused”. Here is video of the broadcast."

NATO commits massacre at Sirte razing the city to the ground
War Crime Alert - A quote...."For the third day in a row, NATO aircraft are conducting massive missile and bomb strikes on the city of Sirte, home town of Muammar Gaddafi, not allowing anyone to escape. The city perimeter is surrounded by rebel check points, behind which there are special forces units from Britain, France, Qatar and United Arab Emirates."

Evidence mounts of atrocities by Libyan “rebels”
War Crimes Exposed - A quote...."A series of reports from journalists on the ground in Tripoli have provided evidence of mass killings by the NATO-backed forces in the Libyan civil war. These reports, which appear in publications largely supportive of the US-NATO intervention to overthrow the regime of Muammar Gaddafi, further expose the fraudulent claim that the imperialist war against Libya is driven by humanitarian motives and the desire to protect civilian lives." - also posted at Uruknet

As expected, widespread racist murders in Libya at the hands of rebel forces revealed
War Crimes Exposed - A quote...."The mainstream media is already engaging in widespread damage control in an attempt to mitigate the fallout of the reality of the situation in Libya and the withering NATO-sponsored narrative of post-Gaddafi Libya."

Libyan rebels Killing Black Gaddafi Supporters
Related Article - A quote...."A few minutes’ drive from the fire station, at least 15 bodies, most of them Gaddafi’s black African supporters, lay rotting in the sun at a traffic junction outside his Bab al-Aziziyah complex. Several of the dead wore green pieces of cloth wrapped around their wrists to signal loyalty to the Gaddafi regime." - Source:  WaPo

AU head: Libya rebels may be killing black workers
Related Article - A quote...."ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia (AP) -- Libyan rebels may be indiscriminately killing black people because they have confused innocent migrant workers with mercenaries, the chairman of the African Union said, citing the fears as one reason the continental body has not recognized opposition forces as Libya's interim government."

The "Liberation" of Libya: NATO Special Forces and Al Qaeda Join Hands
A quote...."The "The "pro-democracy" rebels are led by Al Qaeda paramilitary brigades under the supervision of NATO Special Forces. The "Liberation" of  Tripoli was carried out by "former" members of the Libya Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG). - The jihadists and NATO work hand in glove. These "former" Al Qaeda affiliated brigades constitute the backbone of the "pro-democracy" rebellion."

Libya: The Greatest Betrayal -- In handing Libya to Al Qaeda, the line has been forever crossed.
A quote...."First - let's not labor under any delusions. Obama, Cameron, and Sarkozy are heads of state in name only. It is the depravity and megalomania amongst the banks, corporations, and the institutions they have contrived, that are responsible for the most egregious betrayal in Western history. For 10 years the West's leadership have stirred up hatred and fear amongst their populations to justify a lengthy and very costly global war that has sent US, British, Canadian, German, French, and many other troops, around the world, into dangerous adversity, and ultimately to their graves to fight "the forces of terror." - also posted at BLN

Libyan Rebel Leader Spent Much of Past 20 Years in Langley Virginia
From the History File - March 30, 2011 - Contains Related Video - Alt - A quote...."March 30, 2011 "McClatchy" -- WASHINGTON - The new leader of Libya's opposition military spent the past two decades in suburban Virginia but felt compelled — even in his late-60s — to return to the battlefield in his homeland, according to people who know him."

African Union Refuses to Recognize Libya’s Rebels
A quote...."The African Union [AU] has rejected calls for recognition of Libya’s rebel Transitional National Council. The decision highlights Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi’s lingering influence at the continental organization he headed as recently as two years ago."

Chavez: "We only recognize one Libyan government, the one led by Muammar Gaddafi!"
A quote...."Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said on Tuesday he will only recognize a Libyan government led by his friend and ally Muammar Gaddafi and accused the United States of inciting the country's civil war."

Tripoli faces humanitarian crisis
A quote...."More than a week after the NATO-led “rebels” invaded the Libyan capital of Tripoli, the city’s 2 million residents are facing a deepening humanitarian crisis, deprived of water, electricity, adequate food supplies and desperately needed medical care."

NATO will bring democracy into your home… (into graveyard?)
Photo Gallery - A quote...."Here is the Election Commission: - Here is your festively decorated election district: - Yes! It will be 100% voter turnout: - They will deliver all ballots into the ballot box...." - also posted at Uruknet

Lies, War, and Empire: NATO’s “Humanitarian Imperialism” in Libya
Must Read - A quote...."Here we are, our nations and governments – whose officials we elect (generally) – are bombing and killing people on the other side of the world. Is it not our responsibility, as citizens of these very Western nations, to examine and critique the claims of our governments? They are, after all, killing people around the world in our name. Should we not seek to discover if they are lying?" - also posted at GrgWashBlog

Welcome to Colonialism 2.0
A quote...."August 29, 2011 "Information Clearing House" -- The assault on Libya by a coalition of mostly Western nations begs the question: Is colonialism making some sort of a comeback? While their economies are collapsing in slow motion, it is hard to picture Western countries prospecting for real estate across the globe, as they did 300 years ago. But as unreal as it seems, it is happening." - also posted at GlobalRsrch

NATO’s dirty plan in Libya
A quote...."During Ramazan, I am not writing my columns and therefore this letter to the Editor on the situation in Libya after NATO’s and Western powers surrogates have entered Tripoli is in lieu of a column. . The question arises what should be our attitudes towards these foreign puppets’ victory. I had no doubt at any stage in the past what would be the end result of this conflict."

Germany: Foreign Minister Westerwelle under fire for abstention in Libya war
A quote...."The German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle has come under heavy attack following the conquest of the Libyan capital, Tripoli, by NATO-backed rebels. The German media and politicians have leveled harsh criticisms against him because Germany did not participate in the rape of the Mediterranean country and there is now a danger that Germany may come away empty-handed when the spoils are divided."

Gaddafi and family are in Algeria, says foreign ministry
A quote...."Muammar Gaddafi's wife Safia, his daughter Aisha and his sons Hannibal and Mohammed entered Algeria on Monday morning, Algeria's foreign ministry said."
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9/11, The Crime of the Century....A Tenth Year Anniversary Retrospective

Nanothermite: If It Doesn’t Fit, You Must Acquit!
Must Read - A quote...."Although some have expressed skepticism about what is often called the “smoking gun” of 9/11, the great majority of 9/11 Truthers have accepted – and many have celebrated – this discovery, confident that it will lead to “a new, independent investigation” of the event and bring the perpetrators to justice. But precisely how did the resulting “nanothermite theory” of destruction of the Twin Towers come about – and how well does it stand up to critical scrutiny?" -- Note:  This website editor takes no position on nano-thermite vs conventional explosives. - mpg

The OEM Issued a WTC Collapse Warning
A quote...."Why didn't the 9/11 Commission mention this?"

At Least 7 of the 9/11 Hijackers are Still Alive
Not really!!  What actually happened is that seven people whose identities were stolen by the Israeli Mossad and provided to the hijackers have now been positively identified.  Which would leave twelve names/identities that have not yet been determined to have been stolen. - mpg - Topix ||  One of the Many Irrefutable Signs of Israel's Involvement - 06-29-11 - mpg  ||

9/11 Firefighters: Bombs and Explosions in the WTC
A quote...."The independent commission probing the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on New York and Washington decided not to hear from the worker group that lost more lives than anyone else to the terrorists: The Fire Fighters...."

World Trade Center 2: There Was No Inferno
A quote...."Have a good think about the account of Mr Praimnath. The plane impacted the floor he was on, and yet it he saw only flames flickering about. The WTC floors were open planned - there were no solid walls. -- If the official account of the WTC fires were true then Mr Praimnath would not have survived because the floor he was on would have been consumed by an 800ºC inferno. -- The fact that he is alive proves an inferno did not exist. -- An ignored point in the BBC's Conspiracy files."

9/11 Radio Transmissions of WTC 2 Firefighters
A quote...."This wma file is an extract from the The Complete Firefighters Tape and it contains the final transmissions made by firefighters located in the aircraft impact area of WTC 2 (floors 77 and 78). Floor 78 was officially being ravaged by an 800ºC inferno at this time. -- The transmissions document that only isolated pockets of fire were reported by the firefighters, so where was the all-consuming inferno?"

The "Truss Theory":  A Fantasy Concocted to Conceal a Demolition
A quote...."According to [WTC designer Leslie Robertson], New York City has some of the worst wind loads in the nation ... This is because of the occasional wind generated off of the Atlantic Ocean during hurricane season. As a result, buildings in New York City must be designed to be twice as strong as similar buildings designed to withstand an earthquake in Los Angeles."

How Did the WTC Fires Burn for Months?
A quote...."The fires in the wreckage of the World Trade Center buildings burned for months despite the best efforts of the weather and firefighters to extinguish them..."

Shaped Charges and the World Trade Center Collapses
A quote...."Here's what demolition experts use in steel framed buildings, the linear shaped charge ... It generates around 3,000,000 psi pressure ... at a speed in excess of 27,000 feet per second ... There are over 1000 different types of explosive ... With the use of delays we can control ... where the debris lands ... vibration ... noise level."

Obama advisor Sunstein's "Conspiracy Theory" : Proposals for Silencing Dissent, Misrepresenting the 911 Truth Movement  -- From the History File - 01.16.2010 -- A quote...."Just when you thought America and her citizens had suffered enough abuse from federal fraudsters demanding that We The People must give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, an ominous doom-cloud looms to further cheat Americans of those sunny rays that are freedom in America - the cloud's name? Cass Sunstein. In this post we will examine his paper "Conspiracy Theories" and contrast some snippets from the paper with videos demonstrating the misrepresentations the paper portrays regarding the 911 Truth Movement and what it stands for."

The 911Truth-Blind U.S. Corporate Media: PUBLIC ENEMY NUMBER ONE
From the History File - 09.11.2009 -- A quote...."Identification of the enemy is the first step in any war. Proper identification of enemies requires the consideration of domestic enemies as well as foreign. In the case of 911 Truth we are faced with both foreign and domestic enemies. In some cases we are faced with domesticated foreign enemies. One easily identifiable domestic enemy is the U.S. Corporate Media/Propaganda apparatus."
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More On The International Situation....

[US-NRE's] Depleted Uranium Weapon Use Persists, Despite Deadly Side Effects
A quote...."By 2003, reports were surfacing of cancer clusters and birth disorders in conflict areas of the Balkans and Iraq, raising fears about human exposure to depleted uranium (DU) and its fate and transport in war environments. Gulf War Syndrome, a catchall for mysterious and disabling symptoms and conditions suffered by nearly 40 percent of 540,000 veterans of the three-week ground war (which killed fewer than 200 US soldiers), remained an unyielding conundrum. A colleague and I prepared a fact sheet on depleted uranium, given its first use in the 1991 Persian Gulf War and growing use by the United States and Britain in subsequent wars."

Afghanistan reveals secret US-Taliban negotiations
A quote...."Meetings between U.S. officials and a Taliban spokesperson meant to stay hush-hush, were made public by the Afghan government."

Female Trafficking Soars in Iraq
A quote...."BAGHDAD, Aug 27, 2011 (IPS) - Rania was 16 years old when officials raped her during Saddam Hussein’s 1991 crackdown in Iraq’s Shia south. "My brothers were sentenced to death, and the price to stop this was to offer my body," she says."  - Mission accomplished! - mpg

Iran's nuclear program-Iran Today-08-26-2011
PTVVideo - (PTVYuTb - 24min10sec - Aug 27, 2011) - Source:  PressTVGlobalNews -- A quote...."A secret weapons program, ambiguous nuclear activities, a potential threat, this is what Iran has been tagged with for years. -- The West believes that Iran is not forthcoming about its nuclear intentions, while Iran claims that all its nuclear activities are aimed for peaceful purposes. In this edition, Iran Today heads out to understand more vividly, Iran's true stand point amid calls by Russia for reaching consent on its long talked about nuclear crisis." - Topix ||  How About An Honest NPT? - 11-11-10 - mpg  ||

'Iran no longer considers fuel swap'
Related Article - A quote...."Head of Iran's Atomic Energy Organization (IAEO) Fereydoun Abbasi says given the progress of Tehran's nuclear program, the Islamic Republic will no longer consider a fuel swap deal."

US dimisses Georgian elections as illegitimate
Mind you, they haven't even held elections in Libya (nor will they) for the US-NRE's al-CIA'da mercenaries, yet the Trinity of Evil and its fellow travelers (like Britain, France, the GCC and others) have already recognized them as the "legitimate government".  The complete and total hypocrisy is awesome! - mpg -- A quote...."WASHINGTON (AFP) - The United States on Monday dismissed elections in Georgia's breakaway region of Abkhazia as illegitimate, and renewed support for what it called Georgia's internationally-recognized borders."

CIA’s Bay of Pigs foreign policy laid bare -- Text Version
A quote...."A once-secret CIA history of the Bay of Pigs invasion lays out in unvarnished detail how the American spy agency came to the rescue of and cut deals with authoritarian governments in Central America, largely to hide the U.S. role in organizing and controlling the hapless Cuban exile invasion force." - also psoted at ICH

83 died in Guatemala 1940s US experiments: panel
A quote...."WASHINGTON (AFP) - At least 83 persons died in US medical experiments in Guatemala during the 1940s involving sexually transmitted diseases, a commission investigating the program concluded Tuesday.."

Yoshihiko Noda named new Japanese premier
A quote...."The Japanese parliament elected on Tuesday Finance Minister Yoshihiko Noda the country's new prime minister, following the resignation of Naoto Kan."

The British descent into total tyranny takes another step forward
A quote...."After the riots in London and throughout the UK I was quick to report on the full spectrum push against democracy and freedom from all sectors of the British government, including Prime Minister David Cameron." - also posted at DProgram
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Top American Professor Says US Government Establishment, A Lackey of the Zionist Regime
A quote...."What we've got here is a congress, the US Congress, that is really, literally controlled by various Zionist lobbies in the United States on the issue of relationships with Israel," said Davidson in an interview conducted by Iran's English language news network on Sunday."

‘Israel major organ harvesting center’
A quote...."RAMALLAH: The Palestinian Minister of Detainees and Ex-detainees Issa Qaraqi’ on Sunday accused Israel of harvesting parts from the bodies of dead Palestinian martyrs without the consent of their families." - also posted at Uruknet - Topix ||  Israeli Organ Thefts  ||
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

Miles Of Smiles 5 Convoy, Enters Sinai
A quote...."The Miles of Smiles 5 solidarity convoy, heading to the besieged Gaza Strip to deliver medical and humanitarian supplies, entered Monday North Sinai District in Egypt heading to the border with the Gaza Strip hoping to be allowed through."

Israeli Police Brutality in Silwan: 16-years-old beaten and traumatized
A quote...."On 19 August, 16-year-old Yazen Abbasi was brutally beaten by a gang of soldiers after noon prayer outside the mosque in Ras al-Amud, a neighbourhood in Silwan in East Jerusalem."

Witnesses: Settlers [envious, lazy, homeless Jewish vandals] attack olive trees in Salfit
A quote...."Local mayor Nathmi Salman said settlers [envious, lazy, homeless, Jewish vandals] constantly attacked farmers' land and damaged their property. -- He appealed to human rights organizations to intervene and "stop this chaos."" - also posted at Uruknet

Slaughter in Gaza Amid World Silence
A quote...."In the words of Julie Webb-Pullman (reporting from Gaza) 'civilians are once again being slaughtered by Israel in a blatant act of collective punishment for the Eilat crimes they did not even commit'. Indeed, as politicians and the military in Israel and Egypt seem unsure of how to react to the attacks of 18 August, they do at least seem confident in being able to turn the screws on the captive population of the Palestinian enclave."
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More on Japan's Nuclear Power Plants....

Radioactive cesium in San Francisco Bay Area milk close to exceeding EPA’s Maximum Contaminant Level Alert - A quote...."Milk with best buy date of August 22, 2011:

A total of 2.78 pCi/l of radioactive cesium was detected. - “EPA lumps these gamma and beta emitters together under one collective MCL [Maximum Contaminant Level], so if you’re seeing cesium-137 in your milk or water, the MCL is 3.0 picocuries per liter; if you’re seeing iodine-131, the MCL is 3.0; if you’re seeing cesium-137 and iodine-131, the MCL is still 3.0.”
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More On The Economic Situation....

What's Going On With The Economy?
Special Note - A quote...."August 29, 2011 "Information Clearing House" -- -There's a very good post over at Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis today. ("US in recession right here, right now") Blogger Mike Shedlock makes the case that the economy may already be in recession. It's all matter of whether if one uses the the consumer price index (CPI) or the the BEA's measure of price inflation to make their calculations. There's a fair amount of technical jargon to wade through in the article, but the charts are pretty persuasive and--if nothing else--they reinforce most people's suspicions that the economy is getting worse by the day. -- It's too bad we don't have a financial media that's willing to explain what's going on in simple terms, but we don't. Instead, we're deluged with daily datapoints that have little meaning to the average working slob who just wants to know whether he's going to have a job tomorrow or if the company he works for is going to pack-it-in and head for Shandong Province."

Dallas Fed Latest Economic Contraction Confirmation; Survey Respondents' Gloom Soars
Charts - (click till enlarged) - A quote...."The second economic disappointment of the day comes from the Dallas Fed, which dropped from -2.0 to -11.4 on expectations of -9.0- this was the 4th consecutive negative print month. The report was, in a word, horrible, with just 2 of the 15 constituent indices posting an increase, and the bulk solidly in the red, led by Unfilled and New Orders which dropped 16.8 and 11.2, respectively: not good for economic growth. On the employment side there was nothing good either, with both employment and hours worked declining by -6.7 and -10.1, respectively....."

3 Charts From SocGen On Why The "Japanese Scenario" Means Investors Should "Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid"
Mrkt Tech Note - Charts - (click  till  enlarged) - Great charts! - mpg -- A quote...."Some observations from SocGen, which presents us with three charts explaining why those who believe in the Japanese scenario should "be afraid, be very afraid - If we accept the idea of a three-stage crisis (taking as our starting points 2000/01 + 2007/08 + 2011), we have probably reached a situation similar to Japan’s lost decade of the 1990s. A Japanese-style scenario for the US could gain traction, particularly if there is no real estate recovery in the US, high unemployment levels persist, and economic sentiment remains depressed."

How The Economy Quietly Entered A Recession On Friday, And Why The GDP Predicts A Sub-Zero Nonfarm Payroll Number - Charts - (click  till  enlarged) -- A quote...."While the key market moving event from last Friday may have been Bernanke's Jackson Hole speech which merely left the door open to future QE episodes, the most important event from an economic standpoint was the first GDP revision Q2, which dropped from preliminary 1.3% to a sub stall speed, in real terms, 1.0%. What is just as important is that as the following chart from Bloomberg demonstrates, the YoY change in real GDP, which is now at 1.5%, is a slam dunk indicator of recession: "Since 1948, every time the four-quarter change has fallen below 2 percent, the economy has entered a recession."

Compare And Contrast To The Great Depression: In Three Parts
A quote...."Every year, at about this time (roughly just before the Fed launches on yet another monetary easing crusade) we get requests to decompose current events into their constituent pieces and present these in parallel with the period in time between 1929 and 1939 better known as the Great Depression....."
PIMCO Missed the Trade of the Year in the Treasury Market
A quote...."PIMCO who specializes in Bonds, having the largest bond fund in the world could not have been more wrong about an asset class, which is surprising considering their experience in this sector. Bill Gross`s official declaration that his firm was shorting the US Treasury Market on April 11th of this year to the day marked the literal double bottom in price/high in yield for the year, and it has been one heck of a one-way trade in the opposite direction ever since."  - also posted at ZeroHedge

The Daily Bail Round-Up - Aug 29, 2011 at 12:49 PM
A round-up of todays business news from the Daily Bail. - mpg

[Japanese] July household spending down for 5th month
A quote...."The Internal Affairs Ministry says households of 2 or more people spent an average of about 3,600 dollars. That's down 2.1 percent from a year earlier in yen terms, and marks a 5th consecutive month of decline."

Temporary workers hit record 40% in Japan
A quote...."A government survey shows that temporary employees made up nearly 40 percent of Japan's private-sector workforce last year, a record high."

Sunday August 28th 2011

More On The Domestic Situation....

A Story Missing From Our Media:  Iceland's On-Going [Sucessful] Revolution
Must Read - A quote...."As one European country after another fails or risks failing, imperiling the Euro, with repercussions for the entire world, the last thing the powers that be want is for Iceland to become an example.  Here's why: -- Five years of a pure neo-liberal regime had made Iceland, (population 320 thousand, no army), one of the richest countries in the world. In 2003 all the country’s banks were privatised, and in an effort to attract foreign investors, they offered on-line banking whose minimal costs allowed them to offer relatively high rates of return.  The accounts, called IceSave, attracted many UK and Dutch small investors.  But as investments grew, so did the banks’ foreign debt.  In 2003 Iceland’s debt was equal to 200 times its GNP, but in 2007, it was 900 percent.  The 2008 world financial crisis was the coup de grace. The three main Icelandic banks, Landbanki, Kapthing and Glitnir, went belly up and were nationalised, while the Kroner lost 85% of its value with respect to the Euro.  At the end of the year Iceland declared bankruptcy. -- Contrary to what could be expected, the crisis resulted in Icelanders recovering their sovereign rights, through a process of direct participatory democracy that eventually led to a new Constitution.  But only after much pain."

The Founding Farthers:  Myth Aside, This is a Vision Gone Wrong! -- Part II:  War, War, War, & Debt
Must Read - Charts - (Part I) -- A quote...."Unlike Vietnam, today you hear very little news about America’s wars.  Again why?  Mat Taibbi correctly points out, “These are for profit companies and there’s no money in doing the right thing.”  So, as long as the MSM keeps it off the nightly news the people are content with America’s sociopathic spree of senseless destruction and killing of innocents.  Yet they’re captivated by sensationalized coverage when a deranged Mother kills her baby.  It’s a sad state when an isolated incident is “sold” as infotainment that trumps real news of wholesale murder and mayhem.  According to Chris Hedges; “News As Entertainment has trumped actual journalism.”  Wake up America!  Throw in the food stamps and this is the modern version of Bread and Circuses.  Our sophistication makes us either the most ignorant or hypocritical people on earth." - bold by website editor - Welcome folks, to the New Roman Empire, in all its perversity, decadence, debauchery, degradation, impoverishment, torture, murder and unrepentant, unapologetic evil. - mpg

CFAP Report: $42 Million From Seven Foundations Helped Fuel The Rise Of Islamophobia In America
Must Read - The Guilty Named - Very important report, the organizations and individuals named herein are the ones who helped pave the way for these illegal wars of aggression which have cost the lives of millions of innocents across the world and trillions of dollars to this nation.  They should be shunned by all good and decent people until they can be tried and punished for their crimes against humanity and the citizens of this country. - mpg

Following a six-month long investigative research project, the Center for American Progress released a 130-page report - PDF today which reveals that more than $42 million from seven foundations over the past decade have helped fan the flames of anti-Muslim hate in America. The authors — Wajahat Ali, Eli Clifton, Matt Duss, Lee Fang, Scott Keyes, and myself — worked to expose the Islamophobia network in depth, name the major players, connect the dots, and trace the genesis of anti-Muslim propaganda.  ---  The report, titled “Fear Inc.: The Roots Of the Islamophobia Network In America - PDF,” lifts the veil behind the hate, follows the money, and identifies the names of foundations who have given money, how much they have given, and who they have given to [...]  ---  The money has flowed into the hands of five key “experts” and “scholars" - PDF who comprise the central nervous system of anti-Muslim propaganda: " - also posted at ICH

The fruits of elite immunity
A quote....."Less than three years ago, Dick Cheney was presiding over policies that left hundreds of thousands of innocent people dead from a war of aggression, constructed a worldwide torture regime, and spied on thousands of Americans without the warrants required by law, all of which resulted in his leaving office as one of the most reviled political figures in decades. But thanks to the decision to block all legal investigations into his chronic criminality, those matters have been relegated to mere pedestrian partisan disputes, and Cheney is thus now preparing to be feted -- and further enriched -- as a Wise and Serious Statesman with the release of his memoirs this week: one in which he proudly boasts (yet again) of the very crimes for which he was immunized." - also posted at GlobalRsrch & ICH

Mike Rivero On The Crisis Jones Report
Audio - Click Here - (Runtime: 56:06) -- Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire and many other issues. - mpg
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

[US] Housing Time Bomb Goes Tick Tock Tick Tock
Chart - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."Applying simple trendline analysis, and considering the fact that the usual seasonal peak is now behind us, we can see that the downtrend in house prices has yet to be broken."

Timebomb in Euroland: "Tick...tick...tick..."
A quote...."Bank funding costs are rising, liquidity is being choked off, and interbank lending has started to stall. A full-blown crisis can still be averted, but leaders will have to knuckle down and resolve the political issues fast. Otherwise the 17-member monetary union will fracture and the euro will be kaput." - also posted at BLN - Topix ||  A Quadruple Whammy - 12-16-10 - mpg  ||

German Coalition Partner CSU To Propose Bankruptcy Procedure To Kick Out Chronic Eurozone Debtor Nations - A quote...."The news out of Europe just keeps getting worse. While earlier we described how the squabbling within Merkel's own party could scuttle her political career, not to mention hopes for ongoing German funding of European bailouts, next we learn that she has not only outright rejected Finland's demands for loan collateralization out of Greece...."

September 23: The Beginning Of The End For Merkel... And The Eurozone?
A quote...."Every time we discuss the futility of the nth bailout of [Greece\PIIGS\Europe\the Euro] we make it all too clear (most recently here and here) that the trade off between Germany onboarding ever more peripheral financial risk in one after another all too brief attempt to prevent the implosion of European capital markets and its currency, is not only a relentless creep higher in German default risk (and lower in the German stock market, as August has so violently demonstrated) but increasing political discontent, which after claiming countless political regimes across the world, has finally settled down on one that truly matters: that of German chancellor Angela Merkel."
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The Assault On Libya....

Never Forgive, Never Forget
Must Read - A quote...."After covering Libya's rape since last winter in dozens of articles, no forgiving or forgetting is possible for one of history's great crimes. - Nor is ignoring those responsible, condemning them forthrightly, and explaining why all wars are waged. - NATO outdid Orwell on this one, killing truth by calling war the responsibility to protect - by terrorizing, attacking, and slaughtering civilians like psychopathic assassins. - As a result, honest historians will redefine barbarism to explain NATO's savagery. It includes ongoing crimes of war and against humanity for the most malevolent reasons. - When is war not war? It's when committing cold-blooded murder is called the right thing. When major media scoundrels cheerlead it, and when most people believe it because they're too indifferent, uncaring or lazy to learn the truth. - NATO's rape of Libya is too ugly for proper words to describe. Only honest images can do it, and lots of them."

Truth about Libya - Watch this video and be Shocked!
Must View Video - Alt - (YuTb - 9min23sec - Aug 27, 2011) - Source:  pimpdarlin -- A quote...."I watched this video and was shocked by what it claims in how amazing Libya is/was and how Gaddahfi treated his people.  I didn't believe that everyone had free electricity, free great medical care, interest free loans, govt. paid 50% for purchase of a car, govt gave newly married couples $50,000 to buy a house, the lists goes on and on in how well the Libyan people have/had it.  The problem was Libya had an independent state bank, not part of BIS (Rothschild's banks) and wanted to switch trading oil from dollars to gold."

Muammar Qaddafi - Leader of the Green Committees Movement - Addresses the World
BREAKING:   Monday, 29 August 2011 13:00:52  - A quote...."Oppressed peoples around the world, the battle has begun. Do not despair, help is nigh. Do you realize that this is the Night of Power? What is the Night of Power? It is better than thousands of other nights, it is the destiny, when the heavens are open to receive your prayers thousands fold."

Leonor: Libya August 28 What NATO Wants us to hear!
M108Video - Alt - (M108YuTb - 18min41sec - Aug 28, 2011) - Source: 108morris108 -- A quote...."Now is the age of Fascistas and Dictators."

Rebel Assassins Terrorizing Libyans
A quote...."America is a global terror state. For decades, it's menaced humanity's survival by imperial wars for wealth and power, not liberation or democratic values."

Can you handle the TRUTH about Libya & the UN bombing?
Video - Alt - (YuTb - 9min52sec - Aug 21, 2011) - Source:  pimpdarlin  -- A quote...."I believed the lies about Gaddafi & Libya all my life. -- Search for & discover the truth. -- Gaddafi is a strong Arab leader who has stood up to Rothschild bankers, unlike our own leaders who have wilfully made us & our unborn children DEBT SLAVES. -- Have the courage to know the truth & take it wherever it leads you or you & your families will one day be under NATO/NWO bombs....." -- *pimpdarlin*

The Libyan Rebels And The Israeli Connection
Video - Alt - (YuTb - 5min51sec - Aug 13, 2011) - Source:  asalamualaikum1 -- A quote...."The Libyan Rebels And The Israeli Connection."

Libyan rebels may recognize Israel - Of course.....mpg
Related Article - A quote...."WASHINGTON – The rebels of Libya’s National Transitional Council are prepared to recognize Israel diplomatically, and Israeli businessmen already are arriving in Libya to establish future business activities with the “new government,” informed sources have told Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin."

Media Manipulation: 'NATO in a hurry to wrap up war in Libya'
RTVideo Interview - (RTYuTb - 8min50sec - Aug 28, 2011) - Source:  RussiaToday - (RT interviews Yvonne Di Vito) -- A quote...."Yvonne Di Vito: We went to Libya on the 28th July and we came back on the 7th August and we found a totally different situation because NATO was bombarding civilians. - The bombings were not only carried out on military targets, but they also hit houses, hospitals, schools, television centers, and this was totally against the humanitarian reasons they said they were there for. - I believe they were doing this to bring panic in the city. That's why they were bombing the things that people use daily, like places with food and essential utilities like hospitals."

Indy Journalist Franklin Lamb Shot; Others Shot at and Threatened by CNN
Video - (YuTb - 6min52sec - Aug 25, 2011) - Source:  mondocrat -- A quote....".Independent Journalist Mahdi Nazemroaya threatened by CNN staff (producer) and fired on at Tripoli hotel by NATO backed terrorists and snipers. -- NATO has provided direct armed cover to these armed gangs, who have no political project, no dream for Libya and are filled with hatred. All they want is to destroy this beautiful city, especially the tribes, the families and the neighborhoods, that are well known for supporting the Leader of this country."

Comrades to competitors: France and Italy vie for a slice of Libyan pie
Contains Video - A quote...."The race for Libya's vast oil wealth is gathering momentum. States who worked together during the NATO airstrikes are now working against each other in the battle to secure lucrative energy contracts. "

Libya: on brink of humanitarian disaster
A quote...."With Tripoli almost completely under rebel control the threat of a humanitarian crisis in the Libyan capital city is growing. There are widespread shortages of fuel, water and electricity, and humanitarian aid supplies are yet to reach the country. -- ­The situation on the ground is very close to a catastrophe. Tripoli is now facing severe shortages of running water, electricity, gasoline and medicine. People are using public taps throughout the city to get water; many have plastic containers with them. Local residents say they also use electric generators to produce some electricity."
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9/11, The Crime of the Century....A Tenth Year Anniversary Retrospective

9-11 Plot—’Made in Israel’
Book Review -- A quote...."If it’s 9-11 truth you seek, look no further than Victor Thorn’s latest book on the subject, "Made in Israel: 9-11 and the Jewish Plot Against America". -- What this book makes clear, and what many 9-11 “truthers” don’t know, is that a massive deception and cover-up exists not only in the mainstream media, but in the so-called 9-11 truth movement as well." - also posted at IntellPost

Why No Norad On 911?
A quote...."We, to this day, don't know why NORAD told us what they told us. It was just so far from the truth." -- *Thomas H. Kean*, Commission Chairman, to the Washington Post:

"At best, the top US generals tasked with defending the skies above America failed miserably on September 11, 2001. Dereliction of duty, resulting in the death of even one person, is a serious court martial offense. At worst, US Generals Myers, Arnold, Eberhart and Weaver, among many others, were guilty of something far greater. NORAD and the Pentagon chiefs not only failed, but apparently intended to fail, to protect the skies above America, resulting in the deaths of nearly 3,000 citizens."

Eyewitnesses Accounts - Eric Bart's Pentagon Attack Eyewitness Account Compilation
A quote...."French researcher Eric Bart posted on his website an extensive compilation of eyewitness accounts of the September 11th attack. The compilation, perhaps the most complete anywhere, is mirrored here. Eric's compilation is in two parts...."
"Entries within each part are alphabetically sorted."

9-11 Pentagon:  Comparing Aircraft Versus Missile Detonations
Contains Multiple Videos - A quote...."The missile hits do not have the slow cloud of orange flame for a very good reason. Miltary warheads use high brissive (velocity) explosives like Octol (7% HMX 20% TNT) that create powerful shock waves to punch through their targets. The explosions are over in a brief moment of time. -- Now let us look at the only admitted video of the crash of Flight 77 into the Pentagon...."

F4 Phantom Jet Hits Concrete Wall at 500 MPH
Video - (YuTb - 54sec - Aug 3, 2008) - Source:  twitter78 -- A quote...."Incredible movie clip. An US F4 Phantom Jet tests the strength of a concrete wall built to withstand a nuclear blast by crashing into it at 500 MPH. A high rate FPS camera is used to watch the plane literally turn into dust."

The Pentagon Renovations Completed on 9/11/2001
A quote...."A year’s work finally finished. Dan Fraunfelter counted himself lucky when he landed a job working on the first phase of the massive Pentagon renovation project. When the military complex was originally built, it was constructed in five, chevron-shaped wedges. Each chevron, more than 1 million square feet in size, accommodating roughly 5,000 workers, was designed as a stand-alone building with its own separate utility system."

Corbett Report - Interview 366 – Kevin Ryan
Audio Interview - (CRMp3 - 15min16sec - 26 Aug 2011) - A quote...."9/11 author and researcher Kevin Ryan joins us to discuss the Toronto Hearings, a four-day event taking place from September 8th to the 11th at Ryerson University that will present evidence that calls into question the official story of 9/11." - || PlayInNewWindow || DownloadMp3  ||

War Games: The Key to a 9/11 USAF Stand Down
Article List - A quote...."On 9/11 there was no reaction from the USAF as hijacked aircraft flew through US airspace and plowed into buildings. This lack of response is inconceivable unless the USAF was stood down."

Did NORAD Send The "Suicide" Jets?
Article List - A quote...."Since 1959, NORAD personnel have been installing remote control units in a variety of aircraft and remotely controlling those aircraft in sophisticated aeronautical maneuvers, including combat practice.   See "Thwarting skyjackings from the ground," written by Alan Staats for Facsnet, and posted on October 2, 2001.   (Facsnet is an education service provided for its reporters by Associated Press.)"

FEMA was in New York the Night Before 9/11
A quote...."Click HERE for a RealAudio recording of a statement made by FEMA spokesman Tom Kenney to Dan Rather on Wednesday, September 12th, 2001. In this interview, Kenney states that FEMA was deployed to New York on Monday night, September 10th, to be ready to go into action on Tuesday morning, September 11th."

French Doc Featuring Remember Building 7 to Air September 4
A quote...."M6, one of France’s largest TV channels, will air a documentary on September 4th that follows the stories of several 9/11 family and first responder groups, including the Remember Building 7 campaign. -- This is only the first of at least a dozen stories that foreign news organizations will be doing on the Remember Building 7 campaign around the 10th Anniversary."
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More On The International Situation....

40 troops dead as Afghan militants storm Pak posts
A quote...."CHITRAL - At least 40 personnel of security forces were killed and several others got injured when hundreds of armed militants from Afghanistan launched a cross-border raid on Pakistani paramilitary posts in district Chitral in the wee hours of Saturday."

'Syrian people demands must be met'
Contains PressTVVideo - A quote...."Saudi Arabia, Qatar, US, Israel and UK covert attacks inside Syria are all about separating Syria from its support for Hezbollah and Hamas and Iran."

UK doctors prepare to challenge the Govt's decision not to order an inquest into the death of weapons expert Dr David Kelly; accuse Govt of being "complicit in a determined and concerted cover-up" -- A quote...."Doctors are preparing to challenge the Government’s decision not to hold an inquest into the death of Dr David Kelly. -- In June, Attorney General Dominic Grieve ruled one out after telling Parliament evidence that the weapons inspector killed himself was ‘overwhelmingly strong’."

The British descent into total tyranny takes another step forward
A quote...."After the riots in London and throughout the UK I was quick to report on the full spectrum push against democracy and freedom from all sectors of the British government, including Prime Minister David Cameron."

Norwegian Police Confirm Drill Identical to Breivik’s Attack
Contains Video - AJ&WebsterTarpley(1/2) - AJ&WebsterTarpley(2/2) - A quote...."The Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten reports today police sources have confirmed that hours before Anders Behring Breivik launched his deadly attack at a political summer camp on Utøya island on July 22, police had conducted a drill for a “practically identical scenario.” -- “Sources within the top level management of the police in Oslo have confirmed to Aftenposten that the drill finished at 15:00 that same Friday,” the newspaper reports. “All of the officers from the anti-terror unit that later took part at the bombsite at the government buildings and went out to Utøya to apprehend Anders Behring Breivik had been training on the exact same scenario earlier the same day and in the days preceding,” writes Andreas Bakke Foss." -- That's three out of four folks, (Madrid being the exception....for now)  --  9/11, 7/7 and now this.  This website editor would love to see someone calculate the statistical probability of these exercises occurring on the same day as their copy-cat real-life attacks being unrelated to each other. - mpg

Norway massacre: Special elite police unit concluded training for near identical scenario just minutes before Breivik’s bomb attack - Related Article - A quote...."Editor’s Note: The following is a rough Google translation of an article by Aftenposten in Norway." - also posted at BLN
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

US [AIPAC/Israeli] Presidential Candidate:  Israel has given up enough
A quote...."No person can serve two masters. -- It is apparent whose interests Cain will serve, should he be nominated by the Republican party and win the election(a distant possibility at this point, but stranger things have happened); he has just made very clear that he will serve the interests of Israel, but not the interests of We the People." -- *Michael Rivero*

Video - (YuTb - 9min31sec - Aug 26, 2011) - Source:  Snordelhans -- A quote...."Our uniquely massive support for Israel has cost trillions of dollars and multitudes of lives. It has diminished our moral standing in the world, lessened our domestic freedoms, and exposed us to unnecessary and growing peril. -- The majority of Americans -- as well as our diplomatic and military experts -- oppose this unique relationship. Yet, the lobby for Israel continues to foment policies that are disastrous for our nation and tragic for the region."

G. Edward Griffin: The Rothschild Formula
Book Excerpt - "The Creature from Jekyll Island", [BkPrcSrch] -- A quote...."This is the eleventh installment in a series of chapter summaries from G. Edward Griffin's must-read book The Creature From Jekyll Island.  This book may be the most important "red pill" available and we highly recommend that you read the full book."

Motive: To Make Sure Israel Kept the Bomb?
A quote...."In the Introduction to his book, Salvador Astucia wrote that the motive for assassinating John Kennedy was clear. It was done to end the Kennedy Dynasty:  The reason Israel acted when they did was because Kennedy was on the verge of ending the Cold War. He was also making plans to prevent them from acquiring the Bomb. This called for a drastic response....President Kennedy had voiced strong, albeit private, opposition to Israel’s development of the Bomb.  --  The Kennedy Administration was well-aware of Israel’s nuclear reactor in Dimona. In fact, Kennedy and Ben-Gurion got into a heated personal exchange over that issue. Kennedy was concerned about Israel’s nuclear capabilities and made a secret deal for regular American inspections of the nuclear reactor in Dimona in exchange for Hawk anti-aircraft missiles, something that Ben-Gurion wanted. --  Ben-Gurion allowed an inspection once, but it was a deception. The Dimona facility was disguised to look like a nuclear power plant, but the CIA advised Kennedy that this was not the case and advised the President to push for further inspections.
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More On The Economic Situation....

It May Be 2008 All Over Again, But There Is One Key Difference
A quote...."There were two financial assets which boomed in late 2008. One was Treasury debt, the other was the US Dollar. While Gold and everything else was falling out of bed, the trade-weighted US Dollar index - the USDX - soared 21 percent from 73 to 88.2 between early August and late November 2008. -- Compare that to what is happening now. Treasuries are soaring but the US Dollar is, at best, flat. And Gold in terms of EVERY major paper currency has gone ballistic. This time, things do look different." -- A comment shown below.....

"Never fight the Fed they say.  If Bernanke is serious about no QE3, and with inventories full, the market having experienced a two and a half year rally, PE's at all time highs, leverage at all time highs, profit margins now undergoing a significant squeeze due to prices paid vs received, a second housing dip, more tightening in state and federal budgets, and other indications that all this loose money for the last two and a half years has not only run its course, but has actually substantially worsened the economic foundations of this nation's economy, than things indeed could go South in a hurry."

"Such an outcome may negatively effect commodities, specifically gold and silver.  Such a contraction may also affect the world's economy, driving many investors back to the supposed "safety" (hah!) of the USD and US bonds.  In which case Bill Gross of Pimco may want to rethink his recently established market positions."

"On the other hand people are rapidly losing any faith they may have had in the rationality of this government, or the people that run it. Making them more likely to find alternative places to keep their capital "safe", such as gold, silver and anything that is NOT a USD based financial instrument."

"It all comes down to Bernie and his boys." -- *The Ten Year Cycle, Traitors, Inflection-Points & The Osama Hoax - 05-13-11 - mpg*

Reserve Bank boss warns of further job cuts
A quote...."RESERVE Bank boss Glenn Stevens has issued a chilling warning to workers: job losses are not only a sign of the times, but a signal of worse still to come. -- Reeling from a massive unemployment carve up in the manufacturing industry, the RBA governor gave cold comfort to families whose loved ones are now out of work, declaring: "I'm sorry, but that is just the reality."

Has the Fed Started QE3?
A quote...."The Fed surprised the market by extending its policy of 0 to 0.25% Fed funds rate to mid-2013. The way the Fed manages to drive rates lower is to buy Treasuries with newly created money – driving the price up and the rates down. The big question is whether the policy will have a sizeable effect on markets. The chart below shows the historical jump in the Fed’s combined policy tools that were used to lower rates and bail out financial institutions through a variety of programs. These include the big purchase of mortgage-backed securities (MBS) called QE1 and the large purchase of Treasuries called QE2."

Video - Alt - (YuTb - 59sec - Jul 28, 2011) - Source:  thepowerlineblog

The Daily Bail Round-Up - Aug 28, 2011 at 2:00 PM
A round-up of todays business news from the Daily Bail. - mpg

Fresh oil slicks forming over Deepwater Horizon spill site
A quote...."Despite assurances from British oil company BP that no oil was present at the Deepwater Horizon site in the Gulf of Mexico, two Louisiana State University men have returned with video evidence of large blooms of crude oil swelling up to the water’s surface where the doomed oil rig once hovered."

Saturday August 27th 2011

No posts. - mpg

Friday August 26th 2011

More On The Domestic Situation....

Gandhi on ending injustice: Speak the truth because Truth is God
Must Read - My friend and colleague for justice, Washington’s Blog’s author, invited me to “guest blog.” I’ll provide two. First: Gandhi’s conclusion of the essential importance of speaking Truth. Second: a 4-part series to document that current US wars are unlawful, US economic policy is massive criminal fraud, and that these “emperor has no clothes” facts are lied about by US corporate media in constant deception. -- I appreciate Washington’s Blog’s author for the intellectual integrity and moral courage to document powerful facts; as I also appreciate all thoughts, words, and acts of virtue of the readers. --  *Carl Herman*

In My Time Lies And Quotes From Cheney And Neocon Pundits
A quote...."In light of the release next week of Dick Cheney’s memoir, In My Time, we must never forget that Cheney tried to justify illegally attacking Iraq on March 20, 2003 by using intelligence that the Chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee later labeled “unsubstantiated, contradicted, or even non-existent.”" -- How about "completely fabricated"? - mpg

Army Reservist Told He's Barred From Re-Enlistment for Speaking to Truthout About Guantanamo
And the 9/11 cover-up continues....mpg -- A quote...."The US Army has told a reservist who has spent half his life in the military that he is barred from re-enlisting, asserting he "leaked" classified information to this reporter during an interview in which he spoke candidly about his experiences working as a guard at Guantanamo Bay eight years ago." - also posted at Uruknet - Topix ||  9/11-Iraq-Torture Fables  ||

What Really Happened in the Bin Laden Raid?
Key Paragrapah -- Some quotes....[Nicholas Schmidle who wrote the] "riveting story in The New Yorker" -- "wasn't able to interview any of the Navy SEALs directly involved in the mission, although his piece gave the impression he had. Instead, Schmidle told the Washington Post's Paul Farhi, he relied on the accounts of others who had debriefed the men." - bold by website editor -- The author of this article has made one completely unproven assumption in analysing Nicholas Schmidle's New Yorker piece, He assumes it was Osama bin Laden that got killed during the raid in Abbottabad, Pakistan.  There is not one single shred of real evidence that that assumption is true. - mpg -- Topix ||  Osama Back From the Dead™  ||

NYPD confirms CIA officer works at department
A quote...."WASHINGTON (AP) - New York's police commissioner confirmed Thursday that a CIA officer is working out of police headquarters there, after an Associated Press investigation revealed an unusual partnership with the CIA that has blurred the line between foreign and domestic spying. But he and the CIA said the spy agency's role at the department is an advisory one."

The Alex Jones Show – August 26th, 2011
AJVideos - 9/11HeroesNotWelcome - RonnieReeferseed - MaxKeiser(1/3) - MaxKeiser(2/3) - MaxKeiser(3/3) - LibyanThugsTry2ArrestNATOCritics - Irene&China&AJTakesCalls - BobChapman'sFridayReport(1/4) - BobChapman'sFridayReport(2/4) - BobChapman'sFridayReport(3/4) - BobChapman'sFridayReport(4/4) - SteveJobs&TheEnd -- (AJYuTb - 10/15min - Aug 25th, 2011) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- An edited quote...."Alex discusses how 9/11 First Responders-- including police, fire fighters, EMTs and others-- will not be allowed at the ceremony commemorating the 10th Anniversary of the attacks that killed 3,000. - Ronnie Reeferseed joins alex today to talk about how Austin Mayor violated his 1st amendment rights by kicking him out of a town meeting. - Alex talks about the economy with broadcaster, film-maker, and former equities broker Max Keise about the global meltdown and how the bankers always stand to gain from all these global crisis and how you're stuck being a financial slave for the rest of your life! - Alex discusses how the Mob [the Libyan "rebels"] hailed as liberators by establishment media, now silences dissent, tortures and rapes children. - Alex covers the latest breaking news of the day and takes your calls. - We do not believe that Americans, particularly elderly Americans, understand what the elitists are up to in regard to Social Security and Medicare. [It's complete and total end]. - Alex Jones...."Steve could do so much good if he would only break with the globalist hive and speak out before he dies.""

Broadcasting LIVE on - August 26 2011
MRVideo - Note:  To avoid the advertisements and the radio commentary goto 7min50sec into the broadcast - mpg - (JustInTV - 2hrs - August 26th, 2011) - Source:  MichaelRiveroTV-Vids -- Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire and many other issues.
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

Economies Of The World....Unite!!  -- All You Have to Lose Is Your Bankster Chains!!

"The First Recorded Word For ‘Freedom’ In Any Human Language Is The Sumerian Amargi, A Word For Debt-Freedom -- Must Read - A quote...."If Aristotle were around today, he’d probably conclude that most Americans were, for all intents and purposes, slaves...."

Russia, Venezuela Seek to Establish a Global Financial Institution
Must Read - Action Alert - Related Article - A quote...."August 27, 2011 "El Universal" -- Friday August 26, 2011 -- Russia and Venezuela are considering the possibility to create a new international financial institution, similar to the World Bank but on a more modest scale, according to Russia's Kommersant newspaper. -- The two countries signed an agreement in 2010 to set up a bank with a capital estimated at USD 4 billion which is aimed at financing joint projects, the Russian newspaper added."

OK!  Everybody who's sick and tired of getting ripped off, and paying the outrageous, usurious, vig, to the British and US-NRE's Bankster Syndicates, the World Bank and the IMF, here's a chance to put your money where your mouth is!

China:  Yes it's true they've already taken a stake in the World Bank and IMF, but isn't it always best to keep one's options open?  Especially with deadbeats like the US-NRE and Britain running up the tab, and running everyone else down, to the tune of trillions of dollars a year?  Besides, just think how much more of a piece the Brits and the US-NRE will be forced to give to China if China has also obtained a competing stake in an alternative world bank and currency!  Anyway, China must be real sore right about now watching the Brits, the US-NRE and France exclude them from Libya's plunder simply because they took the moral position that this sort of naked, barbarous colonialism should have been dead and buried a long time ago.  Well here's a chance to stick it to them!

Germany:  Poor Germany, always shelling out for the EU's deadbeats.  Poor Angela Merkel, who's reputation and appeal for the voters is plummeting even faster than the EU's credit rating. The Germans should be asking themselves why they should give tens of billions of dollars to Greece, only to see Greece cozy up to the five million psychos in Israel.  The Germans should also be asking themselves why they're giving hundreds of billions of dollars to bail out France's banks, only to see France, and it's egotistical, feckless head of state, along with the perfidious English, invade and murder thousands of Libyans (soon to be tens of thousands) to steal their gold and oil?  None of which Germany will ever see!  Not that the German people should want, or would want, any of this blood-soaked loot. Why shouldn't Germany drop the EURO while at the same time join a competing currency!  They'd be killing two birds with one stone, keeping their exports competitive, while getting rid of the EURO's burden on the German taxpayer!

Brazil and India:  Brazil and India must be tired of the US-NRE's and Britain's Banksters by now.  Forever printing and debasing their respective currencies, forever strutting around the world thumbing their noses at everyone, being arrogant as any two delinquent, dead-beat, murderous hoodlums can be!  Well here's a chance to get out from under their collective thumbs and establish financial independence!!

Africa and the OAU:  Libya has to be the last straw!!  If Africa doesn't take a stand now it'll soon be carved up into bite sized pieces to be slowly digested by the US-NRE's and Britain's Banksters.  Do the leaders of Africa really want to see that?  Just how many more countries do they want to see torn apart?  Just how many millions, perhaps tens of millions, maybe even hundreds of millions of their citizens do they want to see impoverished and slowly starving to death?  Wasn't colonialism supposed to be gone by now?  Where is Africa's pride?

South and Central America:  Just how many more countries have to be overthrown like Honduras?  Just how many more death squads have to be unleashed?  Just how many more coup d'états have to be endured?  Just how many more Bankster caused financial crises have to be overcome?  Just how much more exploitation, usurious loans, out right theft and loss of precious resources has to occur before Latin America says enough is enough?  Well here's their chance!

Iran:  They're not using the dollar anymore.  They can't stand France, the US-NRE's and Britain's Banksters and their fellow traveling war mongers (The AIPAC/Israeli Consortium).  They need a stable international currency to trade their oil and other goods and services.  Well here's their chance to economically shine and compete with Israel on a level playing field.  They should grab it and run as fast as they can!

The Asian Tigers:  By now the rest of Asia must be tired of selling their valuable goods for ugly little green pieces of paper being recklessly spewed out of the world's most irresponsible private central bank.  They're probably fed up at being played off one against the other for the privilege of giving their hard earned  goods away to a bunch of war mongering, blatantly sadistic, lazy, murdering morons.  They probably haven't forgotten what was deliberately done to their economies back in the eighties, the "financial flu" they were deliberately infected with, and the bitter, toxic, "medicine" (poison) they were forced to swallow by the IMF and World Bank.  Well now is their chance to get even and inoculate themselves from EVER having to go through that again!

Well here's a chance to strike a blow for freedom!  Does the world community really want to have the fate of their economies commanded, and their children futures decided, by two governments, the US-NRE and Britain, who murdered their own people on 9/11 and 7/11 under the direction and with the full cooperation of the AIPAC/Israeli Consortium?  All so they could implement the PNAC Protocols?  Protocols which have already resulted in the murder of millions of innocent people across the Middle East and the complete destruction -- so far -- of three countries, two of which were destroyed simply because they refused to use the dollar?

Does the world's community want to have their welfare determined by populations so enured to reality, so bereft of morality, that despite the best efforts of a few, they have stood by for almost a decade and let their parasitical elites get away with the most obvious and poorly arranged false-flag events in the history of the world?

Does the world community intend to stand by and watch the rape of Libya, the funding, arming, and training of its legions of "al-Qaeda" so the British, Israelis and the US-NRE can unleash ANOTHER wave of so-called "terrorism" on the world community?  Especially across the length and breadth of Africa?

This has got to stop, and the only way to stop it is to end the reign of terror by the US-NRE's and Britain's parasitic Bankster class and say never again!! - mpg

Angela Merkel Faces Attack From Her Mentor Ahead Of Crucial Vote
Related Article - A quote...."Forbes' most powerful woman in the world faces mounting criticism, as her own mentor takes aim at her administration's policies."  ---  "She faced mutiny in her own Christian Democrat party when Labor Minister and CDU director Urusla von der Leyen told the world that Germany should require collateral in future bailouts. Current bilateral collateral negotiations are threatening the success of the Greek bailout. - Let's not forget rebellion from Merkel's people. Just 15% of German respondents approved of their government's performance during the euro crisis according to a Bloomberg/YouGov poll."

Guest Post: Bernanke In A Box
A quote...."His statement spoke volumes without saying anything.  Yes, he disappointed the hardcore debasement enthusiasts called stock investors, but only at first.  In between the lines of what he did say, it was crystal clear:  Chairman Bernanke wants to do more QE.  “Want” is not really the right word because it doesn’t really go far enough into Bernanke’s canon.  I think it is abundantly clear he believes the Fed needs to do it as soon as operationally possible."
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The Assault On Libya....

Tarpley: Al-Qaeda pirates to grip Mediterranean if rebels take over
Must View RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 6min44sec - Aug 26, 2011) - Source:  RTAmerica -- A quote...."There are reports of heavy resistance by Gaddafi forces, with the Colonel's whereabouts still unknown. Meanwhile, Gaddafi has aired another radio message, claiming he's fighting on the frontline. NATO has denied previous reports that it's assisting the rebels in the hunt to find him. Now more analysis on the latest developments in Libya from author and investigative journalist Webster Tarpley, who's in Washington. RT on Twitter: "

Sirte – the Apotheosis of “Liberal Intervention”
Must Read - A quote...."There is no cause to doubt that, for whatever reason, the support of the people of Sirte for Gadaffi is genuine. That this means they deserve to be pounded into submission is less obvious to me. The disconnect between the UN mandate to protect civilians while facilitating negotiation, and NATO’s actual actions as the anti-Gadaffi forces’ air force and special forces, is startling. -- There is something so shocking in the Orwellian doublespeak of NATO on this point that I am severely dismayed. I suffer from that old springing eternal of hope, and am therefore always in a state of disappointment. I had hoped that the general population in Europe is so educated now that obvious outright lies would be rejected. I even hoped some journalists would seek to expose lies."

West Pays: 'Libyans bribed to forget Gaddafi'
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 6min44sec - Aug 26, 2011) - Source:  RTAmerica -- A quote...."The head of the Libyan rebel government has again called for the urgent release of frozen Libyan assets, saying it could face a "legitimacy crisis" if the people's needs are not met, Associated Press reports. Mahmoud Jibril, head of the National Transitional Council, on Friday also urged the African Union to recognize the rebel government, a move that would ease the freeing up of Libya's frozen assets. The opposition needs the money to pay state salaries and maintain services in Libya, including in areas still under Muammar Gaddafi's control. The US and South Africa reached a deal Thursday that will release $1.5 billion in frozen Libyan assets in American banks."

Pepe Escobar: Al-Qaeda asset leading rebels in Tripoli
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 7min15sec - Aug 26, 2011) - Source:  RTAmerica -- A quote...."The hostility persists in Tripoli and the Libyan rebels continue the search for Gaddafi, but who is leading the rebels? Who are the beneficiaries of the fall of Gaddafi? What will the blowback be for those in Libya and across the globe? Pepe Escobar, a correspondent for Asia Times, gives us some answers to these questions."

Libya: Tripoli Stands in Defiance of NATO
Presstitutes Busted! - A quote...."Despite sweeping headlines claiming the Benghazi rebel terrorists have shifted their leadership over to Tripoli after continuous claims of the city falling to rebels after over a week of continuous fighting, BBC has slipped out the fact that this claim is a verified lie. Buried within an article titled, "Horror scenes at Tripoli hospital," BBC conceded that the rebels have constructed a makeshift landing strip in the western Nafusa mountains where they are "reported to be staying," only visiting Tripoli in daytime for quick photo opportunities. The article continues by also conceding the self-proclaimed, unelected leader of the rebels, Abdul Jalil and "other key leaders" are staying in the east because of "the lack of security in Tripoli." That is of course when these "key leaders" aren't groveling in Doha, Paris, and Rome before their Western sponsors." - also posted at Hamsayeh

Libyan Rebels Try To Arrest NATO Critics
A quote...."The establishment media’s portrayal of the Libyan rebels as freedom-loving liberators fighting to overthrow a dictatorial regime doesn’t quite live up to the hype."  - also posted at Hamsayeh

CONFIRMED: Libya War is CIA Op 30 Years in the Making
Special Note - A quote...."Alternative media activist David Icke, who has been warning about the false nature of the "Arab Spring" since it began over six months ago, has pointed out an astounding "flashback" regarding an August 3, 1981 Newsweek article titled, "A Plan to Overthrow Kaddafi."

"The details of the plan were sketchy, but it seemed to be a classic CIA destabilization campaign. One element was a “disinformation” program designed to embarrass Kaddafi and his government. Another was the creation of a “counter government” to challenge his claim to national leadership. A third — potentially the most risky — was an escalating paramilitary campaign, probably by disaffected Libyan nationals, to blow up bridges, conduct small-scale guerrilla operations and demonstrate that Kaddafi was opposed by an indigenous political force."

Special operations clear paths for rebel forces
A quote...."SPECIAL FORCES: BRITISH AND French special forces are on the ground in eastern Libya, calling in air strikes and helping co-ordinate rebel units as they prepare to assault Sirte, the last coastal town still in the hands of pro-Muammar Gadafy forces, according to a rebel officer." - also posted at ICH

Libya: dozens found dead at abandoned Tripoli hospital

A quote...."The hospital had been cut off from health care workers for five days as rebel fighters sought to dislodge Gaddafi loyalists in the surrounding area of Abu Salim. -- Rescuers finally reached the hospital late on Thursday, finding 21 surviving patients among a macabre scene of dead bodies."

Over 200 African Leaders: NATO's Libyan War Part Of Plan To Recolonize Continent
A quote...."A group of African intellectuals has written an open letter criticising the NATO-led military attacks on Libya, saying Africa ran the risk of being re-colonised." - Topix ||  Africa - the Next Target - 02-28-08 - mpg  ||

Libya's NTC still not legitimate, AU says
A quote...."27 Aug 2011 The African Union has declined to recognize Libya's National Transitional Council (NTC) as the legitimate government of the North African nation. South African President Jacob Zuma, who is also currently the chairman of the AU, said at the end of an AU Peace and Security Council meeting in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa on Friday that the Libyan opposition fighters were "not yet legitimate," AFP reported."

NATO destroys yet another country
Special Note - A quote...."Some years ago, in the Indian site, this columnist had written of the NATO militaries as resembling an army of simians. Such a force - if let loose within a confined space – can create immense damage, but are unable to clean up the resultant mess. This is precisely what the world has witnessed in Iraq. Despite more than a decade of sanctions that directly resulted in nearly a million extra deaths during that period ( because of shortages created by the UN-approved measures), the regime of Saddam Hussein was able to provide food, energy and housing to the people of Iraq, whereas eight years after “liberation” by key NATO members, the country and its population are worse off than before the 2003 invasion that led to the execution of Saddam Hussein.." - also posted at ICH

Winter is Coming
Special Note - A quote...."The fog of deception lies heavy over Libya still, with the pro-Imperial rebels proclaiming victory half a dozen times over four days. Claims they had captured one of Gadhafi’s sons were quickly debunked. While it does appear that Gadhafi may have lost control of the country, who is actually in control – the motley coalition calling itself the "National Transitional Council," or their NATO sponsors – remains very much in doubt still. -- How is something like this even possible, in an age of unprecedented media coverage? Primarily because the war has been a media operation from the very beginning. It took massive amounts of spin to paint the rebels as peace-loving freedom-fighters (who weren’t jihadists, honest), to claim that Gadhafi’s forces threatened a bloodbath in Benghazi, and to keep anyone from wondering how a mandate to enforce a no-fly zone became a license to bomb, invade, and occupy."

Libya: The criminal face of imperialism
Special Note - A quote...."NATO’s assault on Libya, a criminal imperialist war from its outset more than five months ago, has descended into an exercise in out-and-out murder as special forces operatives and intelligence agents hunt down Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi."

Rebels settle scores in Libyan capital
Special Note - A quote...."The killings were pitiless. -- They had taken place at a makeshift hospital, in a tent marked clearly with the symbols of the Islamic Crescent. Some of the dead were on stretchers, attached to intravenous drips. Some were on the back of an ambulance that had been shot at. A few were on the ground, seemingly attempting to crawl to safety when the bullets came. -- Around 30 men lay decomposing in the heat. Many of them had their hands tied behind their back, either with plastic handcuffs or ropes. One had a scarf stuffed into his mouth. Almost all of the victims were black men." - also posted at Uruknet -- By the way, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, David Cameron and Nicolas Sarkozy, bare PERSONAL responsibility for this tragedy along with all the murders in the years to come.  They are ALL war criminals. - mpg

NATO Nations Set to Reap Spoils of Libya War
Special Note - A quote...."August 26, 2011 "Al-Jazeera" --  It looks like the more telling news on Libya has migrated to the business pages.  With jubilant reporting of Gaddafi's imminent downfall seizing headlines, it's the financial pages that have the clinical analysis. So, for instance, it is in this section that the Independent reports a "dash for profit in the post-war Libya carve up".  --  Similarly, Reuters, under the headline, "Investors eye promise, pitfalls in post-Gaddafi Libya" noted that a new government in that country could "herald a bonanza for Western companies and investors".  --  Before Tripoli has completely fallen, before Gaddafi and his supporters have stepped down and before the blood dries on the bodies that have yet to be counted, Western powers are already eyeing up what they view us just rewards for the intervention."

Bodies litter streets after fierce Tripoli battle
Libyan Rebels Call in NATO to Stop Qaddafi Counteroffensive as Fighting Rages
Libya conflict: Nato jets hit Gaddafi Sirte bunker
Libyan conflict far from being over
Libya rebels send "small army" to eastern oil fields
Libya's imperial hijacking is a threat to the Arab revolution
SAS troops dressed in Arab clothes join hunt for Gaddafi....
NATO Attacks Pro-Gaddafi Forces Near Sirte
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9/11, The Crime of the Century....A Tenth Year Anniversary Retrospective

Mossad - The Israeli Connection To 911
From the History File - 04-14-05 -- A quote...."U.S. investigators and the controlled media have ignored a preponderance of evidence pointing to Israel's intelligence agency, the Mossad, being involved in the terror attacks of 9/11. --  From the very morning aircraft smashed into the World Trade Center (WTC) and the Pentagon, news reports have indicated Israeli intelligence being involved in the events of 9/11 - and the planting of "false flags" to blame Arab terrorists and mold public opinion to support the pre-planned "war on terror."

The Five Dancing Israelis Arrested On 9-11
From the History File - A quote...."The New York Times reported Thursday that a group of five men had set up video cameras aimed at the Twin Towers prior to the attack on Tuesday, and were seen congratulating one another afterwards. (1)"

Intel Expert Says 9-11 Looks Like A Hollywood Show
From the History File22 March 2004 - A quote...."Berlin - In Germany, where war plans for Afghanistan were already being discussed in July and where several of the "Arab hijackers" lived and studied, intelligence experts say the terror attacks of September 11 could not have been carried out without the support of a state secret service. -- Eckehardt Werthebach, former president of Germany's domestic intelligence service, Verfassungsschutz, told AFP that "the deathly precision" and "the magnitude of planning" behind the attacks of September 11 would have needed "years of planning." -- Such a sophisticated operation, Werthebach said, would require the "fixed frame" of a state intelligence organization, something not found in a "loose group" of terrorists like the one allegedly led by Mohammed Atta while he studied in Hamburg."

Zionist Commando Daniel Lewin Orchestrated The 9-11 Terrorist Attacks
From the History File - 03/07/2004 - A quote...."The Israelis worked for a Weehawken moving company known as Urban Moving Systems. An American employee of Urban Moving Systems told the Bergen Record that a majority of his co- workers were Israelis and they were all joking about the attacks. The employee, who declined to give his name, said “I was in tears. These guys were joking and that bothered me.” -- A few days after the attacks, Urban Moving System’s Israeli owner, Dominick Suter, dropped his business and fled the country. He was in such a hurry to flee America that some of Urban Moving System’s customers were left with their furniture stuck in storage facilities....."

More Israeli Mossad Connections to 9/11
From the History File - January 5th, 2010 - A quote...."When viewed from a certain angle, Hangar 17 in JFK airport has a prominent, unfaded billboard that says ” Tower Air “. Tower Airlines was an * Israeli * airline that went bankrupt in 2000 . None other than Hangar 17 housed Tower Air’s then brand-new corporate headquarters. -- Why does 9/11 evidentiary material that would provide clues such as the absence or presence of Super Thermite or other explosive material in the dust from the blasts sit for “safekeeping” in the former Executive Headquarters of a ten-year-defunct Israeli front organization that contracted heavily for the U.S. Defense Department and still has an unfaded sign hanging on the building?."

British Intelligence Reports: Mossad ran 9/11 Arab "hijacker" terrorist operation
From the History File - Thu, 27 Jan 2011 14:41 CST - A quote..."British intelligence reported in February 2002 that the Israeli Mossad ran the Arab hijacker cells that were later blamed by the U.S. government's 9/11 Commission for carrying out the aerial attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon. WMR has received details of the British intelligence report which was suppressed by the government of then-Prime Minister Tony Blair."
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More On The International Situation....

Civilians killed in Afghan air strike
A quote...."PULI ALAM: Six Afghan civilians from the same family were killed by a coalition air strike in the insurgent-hit east of the country, local officials said Friday. -- A spokesman for the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) said he could not confirm civilians were killed but that several insurgents were among the dead in the operation at around midnight Thursday in Logar province."

Russia Launches Diplomatic Effort to End Violence in Syria
A quote...."Russia today announced a diplomatic initiative to halt the violence in Syria, after rejecting a U.S. and European bid to impose United Nations sanctions on President Bashar al-Assad for his attacks on anti-government protesters."

Russia introduces rival resolution on Syria
Related Article - A quote...."Russia has introduced a rival U.N. resolution calling on Bashar Assad's government to expedite reforms — but making no mention of the sanctions sought by the U.S. and European nations."

Mexico's Calderon berates U.S. after casino attack
Operation Fast & Furious Fall-Out? -- A quote...."MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – President Felipe Calderon declared three days of mourning on Friday and demanded a crackdown on drugs in the United States after armed men torched a casino in northern Mexico, killing at least 52 people." - Related....
Bolivia's president accuses US of sparking protest
US-NRE - BUSTED!! -- A quote...."Bolivia's President Evo Morales is never shy when it comes to accusing the US of meddling in the Andean nation's domestic affairs. This time he says the US is behind a march of more than a thousand indigenous Bolivians protesting a highway that will bisect their territory.  --  President Morales has called a meeting with the US Embassy's Chargé d'Affairs John Creamer, according to Bolivia's state news agency ABI, citing comments Morales made on state television yesterday. The Bolivian president presented phone records that show calls between indigenous leaders of the march and the US Embassy, the news agency reported." - bold by website editor
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Whose Congress and State Department? | Americans who like Israel and everything that pertains to it
A quote...."August is generally a quiet month for news, but riots in Britain, continuing conflict in Libya and Syria, and concerns that Israel and the United States might be preparing some military moves against Iran have generated a bit of unease. Israel has also decided to take advantage of the summer holidays to help along the peace process by building another 1,600 housing units in what used to be called Arab East Jerusalem. No surprise there, as the Israeli government announced its plans when peripatetic Vice President Joe Biden visited last year. You might recall that Joe got tough with the Israelis at that time by refusing to have dinner with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who repaid the favor by dressing down the president and allowing Congress to grovel before him on a state visit in May." - Source:  AntiWar

US priorities misplaced— manipulated by the Israel lobby -- Lobby uses our taxes [to spoon feed us BS]
A quote...."Now a new wrinkle has been added to the Lobby’s number one agenda item—funding the Israeli government. As you will read in the  article by CNI’s executive director Phil Giraldi (just published today) below, the US State Department has awarded a grant to a private interest group, the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), to conduct research on anti-Semitism around the world. The amount of the grant is not significant when compared to the billions Washington sends to Tel Aviv, but it is worrisome as it sets a precedent of new ways to empower Israel’s supporters.
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

US Vows to Stop All Aid If Palestinians Seek Statehood
The title speaks for itself, the US-NRE's parasites and Israel's people NEVER EVER intended the Palestinians to have their own state.  All this time, for the last SIXTY YEARS, they were just stringing the Palestinian people along so Israel could continue to expand their illegal squatter camps, until a final solution for the "Palestinian problem" could be implemented.  It was always their plan, they were just going through the motions.  They probably even found the Palestinian peoples gullibility amusing. - mpg

French giant Veolia cut down to size for abusing Palestinian rights
Boycott, Divest and Sanction the ENTIRE state of Israel!  Because no one should support state sponsored terrorism. - mpg -- A quote...."The French corporation Veolia once appeared unassailable; today it is ailing. It is faced not only with the global economic crisis but also the growing impact of the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) campaign against its involvement with Israeli apartheid infrastructure and transport projects. A recent merger between Veolia’s transport division and a subsidiary of the main French state investment fund indicates French industry and government have united to find a simple solution to Veolia’s problems: let the taxpayers finance Veolia’s income losses — and its complicity with Israeli war crimes and human rights abuses against the Palestinian people." - also posted at AlethoNews - For more on how to Boycott, Divest and Sanction the state of Israel see the upper-left-corner of the "Front Page" of this website.

First They Stole My Land, Then They Stole My Children -- And No One Said A Word....
A quote...."In most cases, children as young as 12 are hauled from their beds at night, handcuffed and blindfolded, deprived of sleep and food, subjected to lengthy interrogations, then forced to sign a confession in Hebrew, a language few of them read."

Elderly farmer murdered in Israeli airstrike in Buriej
A quote...."Ismail Nimr Ammoum worked his whole life as a farm laborer. He did not have land of his own, he worked for others, planting, watering, weeding, whatever needed done. He was a strong man, and he loved to work, work did not bother him. He kept working because he loved to work, what else would he do?" - also posted at AlethoNews

Israeli Army Responds with Violent Backlash at Qalandiya Protest
A quote...."Ramallah – PNN - The Israeli Army shot tear gas and stun grenades to disperse protestors today at the Qalandiya checkpoint, between Jerusalem and Ramallah, causing several injuries."

Undercover Forces Kidnap Two Hamas Members In Jenin
A quote...."An undercover unit of the Israeli Army kidnapped on Friday evening two members of the Hamas movement, after ambushing them just before evening prayers, at the Arraba Junction, near the northern West Bank city of Jenin, as they driving along with their families."

Honduras Recognizes Palestinian State - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."RAMALLAH, August 26, 2011 (WAFA) – Honduras Friday became the second Central American country after El Salvador to recognize the State of Palestine in the last 24 hours."
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More on Japan's Nuclear Power Plants....

[Japan's] Government's move to monitor online [Fukushima discussions] sparks public outcry
Web Censorship Alert - A quote...."While the government defends its new monitoring program of online postings concerning the accident at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant to stem the spread of "inaccurate" information, critics say it harkens back to Big Brother."
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More On The Economic Situation....

The Chopping Block?
Must Read - View Charts - A quote...."Reality came to Reality TV in Australia last week, when 3 of the 4 properties in the much-hyped “Flip that House” program The Block failed to sell at their nationally televised auction. A 400 person live audience, watched by over 3 million TV viewers, couldn’t entice more than one person to part with money rather than eyeballs. As the SMH observed...."

"Whatever the lure of a celebrity house, the would-be buyers in Fitzroy Town Hall were just as jittery as the would-be buyers at any other auction in recent weeks. (“Auction failure shocks The Block“, SMH August 22)"

"The remaining three properties sold in the week after the sale, but at a substantial loss compared to the initial purchase prices plus the sums expended on them by the 4 couples in their 2 months of televised renovations (and let’s not mention the advertising budget)."

World economy faces slow growth, says Jim Rogers
Interview - Contains Video - A quote...."The question on a lot of people's minds is the state of the global economy. Some are predicting a return to recession and at best others believe we will see a period of stagnation. -- With global stock markets taking massive hits in the last few months over fears about the eurozone and American economies, what can be done to ease these concerns? -- The American investor and financial commentator Jim Rogers says the world is going through a historic shift that will see a period of slow growth. However, he is not worried."

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