Thursday October 27th 2011

"The occult psychopathic elite pulled out the symbolic heart of America and the West with that one act of grand deception on 9/11." - Must Read -- A quote...."Although it has not been officially declared, America, Israel and the Middle East have been in a state of total war since the 9/11 attacks. -- The shadow terrorist states in Israel and the United States initiated a total war by killing three thousand American citizens in the center of New York City and the heart of Western Civilization on September 11, 2001."
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More on the Domestic Situation...

Ten Years After the Patriot Act, a Look at Three of the Most Dangerous Provisions Affecting Ordinary Americans
A quote...."Ten years ago today, in the name of protecting national security and guarding against terrorism, President George W. Bush signed into law some of the most sweeping changes to search and surveillance law in modern American history. Unfortunately known as the USA PATRIOT Act, many of its provisions incorporate decidedly unpatriotic principles barred by the First and Fourth Amendments of the Constitution. Provisions of the PATRIOT Act have been used to target innocent Americans and are widely used in investigations that have nothing to do with national security."

Jdg Andrew Napaolitano Freedom Watch Oct 26'11 Talks the Plain Truth About the Unconstitutional Patriot Act.
FOXVideo - Alt - (FOXYuTb - 4min54sec - Oct 27, 2011) - Source:  realman2020

Top Romney Adviser Tied to Militia That Massacred
2012 Election Cycle - A quote...."Walid Phares, the recently announced co-chair of GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney's Middle East advisory group, has a long résumé. College professor. Author. Political pundit. Counterterrorism expert. But there's one chapter of his life that you won't find on his CV: He was a high ranking political official in a sectarian religious militia responsible for massacres during Lebanon's brutal, 15-year civil war."

Judge Napolitano Points Out The U.S. Government Creates Terrorism To Justify Imposing A Police State
MOXVideo - Alt - (MOXYuTb - 5min08sec - Oct 21, 2011) - Trevoc2 -- A quote...."Judge Andrew Napolitano speaks about how the American government and the FBI create scenarios to cause people to become "terrorists" by paying them. The reason is, to create a false situation and then enact more security measures to "protect" the public. In essence, the government wants more control." - Topix ||  The F.B.I.'s Constant Gardening  || - And they create terrorism in other countries too.  Two hundred dead Mexicans, two dead American agents, (so far....), thousands of weapons (some articles say tens of thousands) deliberately given to the Mexican drug cartels by the US government.  See below....mpg

Napolitano Caught Lying About Fast & Furious - And other issues....mpg
AJVideo - The Fast & Furious File - Alt - (AJYuTb - 12min09sec - Oct 28, 2011) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."The Stop Online Piracy Act introduced in Congress and its ramifications for the First Amendment. - DHS boss Napolitano's knowledge of the ATF's gun-running to Mexican drug cartels despite her claim she did not know until only recently about the op."

[Janet a.k.a. "Big Sis"] Napolitano Knew About Fast and Furious In 2009
Related Video - The Fast & Furious File - Alt - (YuTb - 2min44sec - Oct 27, 2011) - Source:  MidNightRider2001 -- A quote...."Despite telling a House Judiciary Committee yesterday that she only learned of operation Fast and Furious in December last year when the controversy went public, Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano actually helped launch the previous incarnation of the program, Project Gunrunner, at a White House press conference in March 2009."

Broadcasting LIVE on - October 27, 2011 - Part II
MRVideo - Note:  To avoid the advertisements and the radio commentary goto 9min20sec into the broadcast - mpg - (JustinTV - 2hrs - Oct, 27th 2011) - Source:  MichaelRiveroTV-Vids -- Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire and many other issues. - mpg
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

Keiser Report: Clowns Run World (E202)
MKVideo - Alt - (MKRTYuTb - 25min51sec - Oct 27, 2011) - Source:  RussiaToday - Producer:  Max Keiser TV -- (RussiaToday) -- A quote...."This week Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, discuss David Cameron, STFU going viral, Riot Granny in Athens and Gaddafi's alleged net worth. In the second half of the show, Max interviews John Perry Barlow about financial activism, capitalism, Marxism and a plutocratic cancer on the economy. "

The Obama/Bernanke/Geithner guide to parenting

Toxic Assets is The Financial Equivalent of Plutonium with Max Keiser
AJVideo - MaxKeiser(1/2) - MaxKeiser(2/2) - (AJYuTb - 15min - Oct 28, 2011) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."Broadcaster, film-maker, and former equities broker Max Keiser puts the dubious deal into perspective. Alex also talks about his recent experiences in the Constitution-free zone and also covers breaking news. He takes your calls."

Banks Put Americans on the Hook for Trillions
GRTVVideo - Alt - (GRTVYuTb - 2min38sec - October 27, 2011) - Source:  FreeSpeechTV - Related:  GlobalResearchTV -- A quote...."This clip explains the massive fraud being perpetrated on humanity as we speak."

Does the EU bailout deal stand up to scrutiny?
A quote...."It's a measure of how desperate the eurozone's plight has become that instead of cooing at his new baby, Nicolas Sarkozy will spend this afternoon on the phone to Beijing, trying to persuade China's president Hu Jintao to stump up some cash for the euro-bailout. -- Any deal was better than no deal last night; but in the cold light of day, the question of why China would want to get involved in bankrolling the eurozone's unmanageable debts was just one of the questions emerging."

France lowers econ. growth forecast
A quote...."French President Nicolas Sarkozy says France has cut its economic growth forecast for next year from 1.75 percent to 1.0 percent due to the country's faltering economy.." - Oh yeah, sure, they'll be able to pay back all that debt....(laughter fading off into the distance) - mpg

Venezuela scrambles to bring home gold reserves
A quote...."CARACAS, Oct 26 (Reuters) - At the foot of a dimly lit spiral staircase far below Venezuela's Central Bank, workers prepare for an unusual arrival: 17,000 gold bars being shipped back on the order of President Hugo Chavez. -- Repatriating about 190 tonnes of bullion worth more than $11 billion from banks in the West will be risky, slow and expensive, experts say." -- Note to Chavez: ASSAY THOSE BARS!!  Make sure they're real gold! - mpg
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"Occupy Wall Street" & Other "Occupy" News...

Group Of Marines Lead Protesters To Re-Occupy Park In Oakland
A quote...."According to a twitter message by Michael Moore, a crowd of marines are leading a crowd of protesters to re-occupy the park in Oakland. The marines tore down the fences blocking their entrance."

ABC And CBS News Both Cut Away Due To Technical Difficulties At Onset Of Oakland Police Violence
OUTRAGEOUS Presstitution in action!! - (ABC & CBS) - By doing this, by complying with police orders to censor the police's planned brutality, ABC & CBS prevented crucial information on the ever increasing repression in this country from reaching the American people, and by so doing, not only did they encourage the police in their brutality when they realized their actions were going to be shielded from public view, but ABC & CBS also betrayed the American people.  ABC & CBS were complicit in the crack-down and they also made a mockery of the "press's" constitutional protections.  Shame on them and on every, single in-bed-with-the-police presstitute who was present at that square and who was NOT doing the job they were supposed to be doing!! - mpg

UPDATE - Scott Olsen To Undergo Brain Surgery, Statement From Oakland Mayor
A quote...."Olsen's condition has been upgraded after an incident that has prompted calls for Oakland mayor's resignation. -- Scott Olsen, the Iraq war veteran who suffered serious head injuries after being hit by a projectile fired by police during the Occupy Oakland protests, will require surgery to alleviate brain swelling.  Doctors at Highland Hospital in Oakland have upgraded Olsen's condition from critical to fair, a source told the Guardian, though they would not discuss whether the 24-year-old had regained consciousness." - Source:  The Guardian

Did Oakland Police Intentionally Shoot Marine Vet Scott Olsen In the Head?
A quote...."The following photograph on videos show that Marine veteran Scott Olsen was peacefully standing at the Oakland protest when police fired a projectile at him:"

Occupy Oakland Police Assault Follow-up; Unbelievable Spin from MSNBC and New Videos Surface
Contains Photos & Videos - Related Article - A quote...."New video shows Scott Olsen standing directly in front of the Oakland police line when he is shot in the face.  he is standing at attention, between the police line and the protesters as the mayhem breaks out....he does not run, he does not move, he stands his ground....and he is shot in the face by the Oakland police department at point blank range."

Emily Henochowicz, U.S. Art Student, Shot in the Face With a Tear-Gas Gun by IDF Soldier at Protest
A quote...."This is a picture of a U.S. citizen being carried to a hospital by a Palestinian and being cared for by another Palestinian after being shot in the face with a tear-gas canister by an IDF soldier. IDF soldiers have often shot demonstrators directly with the tear-gas canisters in the past." - A comment shown below....

"It has been reported that the Oakland police had Israeli training." -- *Michael Rivero*

Peter Schiff On Occupy Wall Street: "They Aren't Protesting Capitalism, They Are Protesting A LACK Of Capitalism" -- Video - Alt - (YuTb - 2min50sec - Oct 11, 2011) - Source:  myebay4u -- A quote...."China gives communism a good name and we give capitalism a bad name." -- Schiff nails it.  Here's the clip of Captain Midnight he references.  We've been making the same point since the protests began."

People should keep in mind, unlike constitutional Democracy (assuming the constitution is adhered too) and free-markets, (assuming they're free) which are inherently good, capitalism is an "ism", and like most "isms" it has inherent, self-reinforcing instabilities which can, and do, end very badly.  Like nuclear fission it's quite dangerous and generates various types of economic waste, but if it's kept strictly controlled by a series of simple rules, Glass-Steagall is one example, it can also generate enormous amounts of economic power.

What we are experiencing however isn't even a form of capitalism (state, klepto, crony, monopoly, oligarchic, etc.).  What we are currently experiencing is something, much, much, worse....we're experiencing the final stages of Banksterism. 

A system of unbridled ever increasing financialization of all the aspects of a society, coupled with the unlimited ever increasing production of credit/debt at will by a consortium of private banks.  A system that results in massive market distortions, (0.6 to 1.5 quadrillion in derivatives and counting is just one example of many) continued, illegal, murderous wars, (they can print at will to "pay" for them), the utter corruption of "our" elected officials (they can print at will to bribe or buy them) a continued fall in the standard of living for the 99%, along with a corresponding fall in the value of the currency (inflation) and the destruction of everyone's savings.

Possibly the worst of all economic systems besides absolute communism. - mpg

Oakland Mayor Jean Quan's About-Face
Occupy Oakland reports Hells Angels Motorcycle Club joins in!
Marines Storm Reddit After Occupy Oakland Shooting of Scott Olson
MARINES TO OAKLAND POLICE: 'You Did This To My Brother' - photo
Growing anger over state repression of anti-Wall Street protests
Occupy Atlanta: Protesters speak after forcible eviction from park
Aftermath of the Police Raid on #OccupyOakland - contains video - Alt
NYPD vs OWS: Crackdown but no backdown - video - Alt - (RTYuTb 5m43s Oct 27, 2011) - Src RT
NYPD brutality at Occupy Oakland solidarity march - video - Alt - (RTYuTb 3m06s Oct 27, 2011) - Src RT
Occupy Oakland Crackdown: Cop war-zone tactics? - video - Alt - (RTYuTb 5m39s Oct 27, 2011) - Src RT
You Have No Choice - GIABO - rock video - Alt - (YuTb 6m2s Oct 8, 2011) - Src TheVonHash
We Shall Not Be Moved:  Police Repression, Official Mendacity and Why OWS Has Already Overcome
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The Assault On Libya....

Competent Leaders?  Not After This Example!

Mahmoud Jibril and Qaddafi’s Wealth Redistribution Project
A quote...."Colonel Muammar Qaddafi symbolizes many things to many different people around the world. Love or hate the Libyan leader, under his rule Libya transformed from one of the poorest countries on the face of the planet into the country with the highest living standards in Africa. In the words of Professor Henri Habibi...."

"When Libya was granted its independence by the United Nations on December 24, 1951, it was described as one of the poorest and most backward nations of the world. The population at the time was not more than 1.5 million, was over 90% illiterate, and had no political experience or knowhow. There were no universities, and only a limited number of high schools which had been established seven years before independence. [1]"

"Qaddafi had many grand plans. Many of them were of a pan-African nature. This included the formation of a United States of Africa."

Website Editor's Note:  Regarding Qaddafi, this website editor was basically indifferent to the subject of Muammar Qaddafi, knew almost nothing about him,(and still don't), and hardly paid any attention to Libya except during the last year.  He was a little zany, a little unpredictable, at least as viewed from this side of the Atlantic, and like many dictators from that part of the world, (many Jamahiriya practicing Libyans would disagree with the term 'dictator'), he was extremely ruthless, although he was less ruthless than most, and certainly much less ruthless than as portrayed by the West's infotainment mass-media-complex.  Their portrayal of him was simply a racist, bigoted, stereo-typical, denigrating, caricature of the man. It's truly a wonder they simply didn't just call him a sand-nigger and be done with it.

But of course he didn't help set-up and murder three thousand of his own citizens as members of our government did, nor did he invade or subvert numerous other countries (over one hundred and counting by some estimates) on false pretexts and in one particular egregious case of vicious, unchecked, militarism, that of Iraq, help murder over a million people while deliberately destroying that country's, cultural, structural, economic, educational and political systems.  So naturally....he just had to be brutally murdered.

But let's put all of that aside, many people in the third world have repeatedly cried out for competent leaders, leaders who would devote themselves to the betterment of the people's welfare in their respective countries.  Qaddafi's list of accomplishments, and the improvement to the standard of living for Libya's people under his watch, is probably only second to that of China's meteoric rise as an industrial power.

And for him to wind up the way he did, after what he did, at the hands of the Western powers, should be a salutary lesson for EVERYONE world wide.  If the people of the world allow something like this to stand, and continue to do "business" with the US-NRE, Israel, Britain and France, they need never, ever, bother wishing for better, more competent leaders, or trying to vote such leaders into office, because they're not going to get them.  Not after this example. Not if this is allowed to stand. Not ever.  - mpg

Destroying Libya, Lynching Gaddafi – Empire’s war on Africa to uphold unipolar world
Must Read - Quote of the Day...."On February 15th an armed & brutal rebellion arised in the city of Benghazi. Only six days later, libyan justice minister Mustafa Abdul-Jalil resigned to set up his own government. Later on February 27th he set up the Transitional National Council, and on March 5th the TNC declared itself as the „sole representative of all Libya“ with – of course – Mustafa Abdul-Jalil as its head. France & Britain didnt need more than a few days to recognize them as the legitimate government of Libya. The west’s democracy promotion in other regions only counts when everything has been prepared to be able to set up a „democratic leader“, meaning a western puppet president through "democratic elections“. Not only do the United States directly fund opposition movements as the NTC in Libya, the Green Movement in Iran, the venezuelan oligarchy opposed to Chavez etc but the leading figures of those movements have always had a history that ties them closely to the corporate or political body of empire."

Farrakhan Lashes Out At Obama; Condemns Gaddafi ‘Assassination’
Must View Video - Alt - (YuTb - 5min05sec - Oct 26, 2011) - Source:  americaisbacktrump -- A quote...."Minister Louis Farrakhans official reply to NATO-al Qaeda on behalf of supporters of al Gadaffi and Libya, and of revolutionaries against the ZOG Occupation around the world."

Responsibility to protect: the liberation of Sirte
Videos & Photos - A quote...."According to NATO  figures, coalition aircraft delivered 415 key strikes on the town of Sirte between Sunday 28th August and Thursday 20th October. We have compared this to the bombing of Guernica and other comparisons have been made to the widely condemned levelling of Grozny.." - also posted at Uruknet

Libya Updates
One commentator wrote...."Take Responsibility -- For those who are looking for Libyans to win a single-handed victory against the most powerful military alliance on earth, while they fight with their hands and feet tied, without water nor food, nor adequate medical supplies. And did so for 8 months, something those soldiers attacking them would not be able to do for more than a few days or weeks at best. For you, shame on you. One of The Third Universal Theory premises is that no one can represent you: no one can die for you. If you think the battle is military, then go out there, go into Africa, anywhere, and fight. Do not call on others to fight if you are not willing and doing so yourself." -- *Christella Bernardene Krebs*

Gaddafi loyalists fight on as Libya tries to unite
A quote...."BANI WALID, Libya (Reuters) - The war is not yet over for Libya's new rulers in the desert town of Bani Walid where Gaddafi loyalists vow to fight on for their fallen leader and other residents are angry over violence and looting. -- Enraged by what they see as acts of retribution by forces loyal to Libya's new government, tribesmen say their men are already trying to regroup into a new insurgency movement in and around the strategic desert town south of the capital, Tripoli."

If the Libyan war was about saving lives, it was a catastrophic failure
A quote...."As the reality of what western media have hailed as Libya's "liberation" becomes clearer, however, the butchering of Gaddafi has been revealed as only a reflection of a much bigger picture. On Tuesday, Human Rights Watch reported the discovery of 53 bodies, military and civilian, in Gaddafi's last stronghold of Sirte, apparently executed – with their hands tied – by former rebel militia. -- Its investigator in Libya, Peter Bouckaert, told me yesterday that more bodies are continuing to be discovered in Sirte, where evidence suggests about 500 people, civilians and fighters, have been killed in the last 10 days alone by shooting, shelling and Nato bombing. -- That has followed a two month-long siege and indiscriminate bombardment of a city of 100,000 which has been reduced to a Grozny-like state of destruction by newly triumphant rebel troops with Nato air and special-forces support. -- And these massacre sites are only the latest of many such discoveries."

Qatar admits it had boots on ground in Libya
A quote...."26 Oct 2011 Qatar revealed for the first time Wednesday that hundreds of its soldiers had fought alongside Libyans in their battle to topple Moammar Gadhafi. "We were among them and the numbers of Qataris on ground were hundreds in every region," said Qatari chief of staff Maj. Gen. Hamad bin Ali al-Atiya. The announcement marks the first time that Qatar has acknowledged it had military boots on the ground in Libya. Previously the gas-rich country said it had only lent the support of its air force to NATO-led operations to protect civilians during the eight-month uprising coup."
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More On The International Situation....

The Carving Up of the Middle East
M108Video - Alt - (M108YuTb - 5min08sec - Oct 27, 2011) - Source:  108morris108 -- A quote...."The Middle East's resistance to being conquered is because they still remember their past. - There will be a sequel to this video - which will concentrate on the NWO's social engineering aims - which are distinct from the resources."

Pepe Escobar: NATO is the global Robocop
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 7min07sec - Oct 26, 2011) - Source:  RTAmerica -- A quote...."According to some reports NATO dropped approximately 40 thousand bombs in the past seven months. This played a big part in capture and death of Gaddafi. Many believe showing the lifeless body of Gaddafi was tasteless and the media has ignored the real issues. Who’s to gain from the fall of Gaddafi? Pepe Escobar, correspondent for the Asia Times, gives us his take on the media coverage and much more."

US drones kill nearly 50 in single day
Related Article - The US-NRE's body count, ever rising as more and more countries are subject to our parasites "help". - mpg -- A quote...."Nearly fifty people have been killed in separate US assassination drone strikes in Somalia, Pakistan's northwestern tribal region bordering Afghanistan and Yemen in a single day."

US-led soldier killed in Afghan war
A quote...."The soldier was killed in Kandahar Province early on Friday, the Associated Press reported, citing a brief statement released by the Western military contingent."

Northern Province Declares Autonomy As Dozens are Killed, Wounded in Baghdad Attacks
The Sh'ia influenced Iraqi government MUST come to peaceful terms with the Sunnis. Everyone in Iraq should just think about the situation for a second -- sooner or later everyone in Iraq is going to wind up right back where they Iraq.  So instead of running around creating a ruckus, creating refugees, bouncing all over the place, getting nowhere, and ending up in the end right back where they started, why don't Iraqis try to get along with each other?  It's just a suggestion. - mpg

Iran Warns US State Secretary to Stop Interfering Remarks
A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ramin Mehman-Parast Thursday night called on the White House officials to stop meddling in Tehran's domestic affairs, and said the recent remarks made by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Iran displayed her lack of knowledge and information."

Ahmadinejad Asks Afghan, Pakistani Nations to Fire Occupiers
A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Thursday asked the Afghan and Pakistani people to fire occupying troops from their countries."

Lithuania to be investigated for CIA rendition links
A quote...."Investigation by Lithuanian legislators two years ago found two CIA prisons set up in Baltic state 28 Oct 2011 Lawyers for an alleged al-Qaeda facilitator have filed a case against Lithuania at Europe's court of human rights over torture and secret detention at a CIA-run site in the Baltic state. Abu Zubaydah, a Palestinian currently being held by the US at Guantanamo Bay, hopes the suit will force Lithuanian authorities to reopen their investigation into secret CIA facilities and victims of torture, according to Interights, a London-based human rights protection group."

Gazprom to get Wintershall North Sea stakes
A quote...."Russia's Gazprom has signed a framework agreement with Germany's energy giant Wintershall on a possible asset swap under which Gazprom will get half of Wintershall's North Sea assets in exchange for a blocking stake in part of the Urengoy gas field in northwest Siberia, the firms said on Friday."

US sows discord in South Asia
Special Note - Geo-Political Analysis -- A quote...."Two templates in regional politics are seriously debilitating the United States's campaign to bring Pakistan down on its knees in the Afghan endgame. One is that Delhi has distanced itself from the US campaign and pursues an independent policy toward Islamabad. -- The second factor frustrating US policies to isolate Pakistan is the South Asian nation's bonhomie with Iran. Pakistan would have been pretty much isolated had there been an acute rivalry with Iran over the Afghan endgame. The current level of cordiality in the relationship enables Islamabad to focus on the rift with the US and even draw encouragement from Tehran."

Drones, Cash, and Advisers: US Escalates Role in Africa
A quote...."It is a war rarely talked about in the US – even less so than the US military operation in the Philippines or the efforts to prop up Yemeni Dictator Ali Abdullah Saleh. It is the broad US war across Africa. -- Ever since its 2007 creation, US African Command (AFRICOM) has been harping about militant factions inside Africa which pose virtually no conceivable threat to the US, and each time, the US throws a little something at the conflict to prove they’re doing something."

Leftist wins Seoul mayoral race: How it could alter South Korea's ties with North Korea
A quote...."Voters in Seoul elected a leftist for mayor and showed their discontent with the status quo. The winner, Park Won-soon, ran on a message of 'change' that could affect South Korea's ties with North Korea."
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Israeli Officials Fear Libya Weapons Winding Up in Gaza -- Anti-Aircraft Missiles Could Pose 'Significant Threat' to Israeli Warplanes - A quote...."Whenever anything happens from Morocco to Pakistan, you can be certain someone’s going to try to tie it back to Israel. In this case, however, it seems like the concern may be valid that the Libyan War is going to make Israel’s constant bombardment of the Gaza Strip far more dangerous." - a quote shown below.....

"....any use of those "missing" surface to air missiles, anywhere on the planet, or in Africa, or in Europe by these pseudo-gangs, or their off-shoots....will be the direct responsibility and fault of the women who supported and initiated [the] operation [against Libya -- Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice, and Samantha Power.]" -- *An African Base of Operations for More Terror - 10-26-11 - mpg*
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

Israeli settlers [terrorists] blast Palestinian home
A quote...."27 Oct 2011 Israeli settlers [terrorists] have exploded a Palestinian home in the village of Beit Fureeq near the northern West Bank city of Nablus, Press TV reports."

PCHR Condemns Israeli Escalation of Attacks against Palestinian Fishermen in the Gaza Strip
A quote...."The Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR) condemns the Israeli Navy's escalation of attacks against Palestinian fishermen in the Gaza Strip that resulted in damages to fishing tools and equipment, detention of two fishermen and confiscation of their boat."

Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (20 – 26 October 2011)
Every single week for over sixty years, what would you do if it was your community or your family? - mpg
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More On The Economic Situation....

The Inexplicable American Consumer Strikes Again
Special Note - A quote...."The recent consumer confidence indices, after a pickup in the spring, have collapsed to levels not seen in years and in some cases in decades. Yet the inexplicable American consumer, the toughest and most indefatigable creature out there that no one has yet been able to beat down, struck again. Consumer spending increased at an annual rate of 2.4% during the third quarter, though the mood, as measured by the confidence indices, has become outright morose." -- This could be a function of understated inflation, which means the GDP figures are bogus too. - mpg

The Daily Bail Round-Up - Oct 27, 2011 at 10:45 PM
A round-up of todays business news from the Daily Bail. - mpg

Wednesday October 26th 2011

More on the Domestic Situation...

Wartime Contracting Commission Classifies Findings for Next 20 Years
Govt Secrecy Alert - So much for Obama's promise regarding 'open transperent government', so much for finding out where YOUR money went, welcome to dictatorship folks.  They tax YOU, they give YOUR money to their rich cronies for "no-bid" contracts, or even worse, the "terrorists", than they keep it secret for TWENTY YEARS!!  Are YOU getting tired of this yet? If you keep voting for DemoRepubs this is what you'll get....and it's even going to get worse.  STOP voting for DemoRepubs! - mpg - also posted at AlethoNews

New Rule Allows Government To Lie In Response To FOIA Request
Govt Secrecy Alert - MOXVideo - Alt - (MOXYuTb - 3min34sec - Oct 26, 2011) - Source:  MOXNEWS

Feds Order You Tube To Remove Video For Containing “Government Criticism”
Govt Web Censorship Alert - This activity is blatantly, completely, and contemptuously unconstitutional, it is in fact, ILLEGAL on its face!! - mpg -- A quote...."The number of takedown orders received by Google from authorities based in the United States rose dramatically over the past year, with demands to remove information, including videos containing “government criticism,” increasing by 70 per cent."

US cops tried to erase online evidence of brutality
Govt Web Censorship Alert - RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 5min14sec - Oct 26, 2011) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."Google has been asked by a US law enforcement agency to remove several videos exposing police brutality from the video sharing service YouTube, the company has revealed in its latest update to an online transparency report. Another request filed by a different agency required Google to remove videos allegedly defaming law enforcement officials....."

The US Is Fast Becoming a Third World Police State
Police State - A quote...."As a P.T. (often referred to as perpetual traveller, permanent tourist or prior taxpayer), I have travelled to nearly 100 countries. During those travels there has always been one defining moment, upon entry into a country, which shows that the country is what is generally thought of as a "third world country"." - also posted at LewRockwell

The Triumph of America's Supranational Emergency State
Police State - A quote...."Today marks the 10th anniversary of the destruction of the American Constitution. On October 26, 2001, the Bush administration and U.S. Congress passed the Patriot (Traitor) Act and used the false flag 9/11 attacks to sell it to the American people. -- The prediction that the Traitor Act would help the U.S. National Security State completely take over American society has come true. Useless government agencies like the TSA, FBI, IRS, DEA and CIA have been given carte blanche to spy on Americans and crush dissent."

Gun Ownership Soars To 18 Year High: 47% Of Americans Admit To Owning A Gun - Arm up people!! - mpg
A quote...."Americans may be fleeing from stocks in droves, but they sure aren't shy about rotating the resulting meager liquidation proceeds into weaponry. According to Gallup, "Forty-seven percent of American adults currently report that they have a gun in their home or elsewhere on their property. This is up from 41% a year ago and is the highest Gallup has recorded since 1993, albeit marginally above the 44% and 45% highs seen during that period." Considering the social situation "out there", and the fact that the world is one badly phrased or translated headline away from a complete HFT-facilitated market collapse, this is hardly all that surprising."

TSA’s power grope  - Rogue agency reaches out and touches people outside airports
A quote...."This national "roll out" of VIPR [Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response - a.k.a. perverts groping the American people] is a truly vile evil, and does nothing to prevent terror; it is simply a way of moving the American people from the mindset of living in a "land of the free and the home of the brave" to "the land of the cowed and the home of the frightened." - I, frankly, refuse to go down that road." -- *Michael Rivero*

Broadcasting LIVE on - October 26, 2011
- Note:  To avoid the advertisements and the radio commentary goto 8min10sec into the broadcast - mpg - (JustInTV - 2hrs - Oct, 26th 2011) - Source:  MichaelRiveroTV-Vids -- Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire and many other issues. - mpg
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

The European Debt Crisis: The Creditors are America's "Too Big to Fail" Wall Street Banksters
A quote...."We address this European issue, because soon it will debut in the US. The comprehensive policy response, which we have been told existed, really doesn’t exist. We found that out last Friday. All the lies of the past two weeks by various European governments and bureaucrats, as well as Mr. Sarkozy and Mrs. Merkel, were just more delaying tactics to attempt to find a solution to Europe’s financial dilemma. As part of this display of smoke and mirrors, these hopeful signs, generated large gains in US and European stock markets, of course, with the assistance of the “President’s Working Group on Financial Markets.” At the same time as usual gold, silver and commodities markets were attacked viciously. This is how markets and economies are manipulated when in control of our corporatist fascist government." - also posted at PoorRichardsBlog

EU Leaders Throw Europe a Plutonium Life Preserver
A quote...."As Europe flails helplessly in the waves of insolvency, its leadership has tossed it a life preserver. Too bad it's plutonium, and will take Europe straight to the bottom. Plutonium is of course one of the most toxic materials on the planet, and the "rescue" cooked up by the EU leadership is the financial equivalent of plutonium. -- Stripped of propaganda and disinformation, the "rescue" boils down to this: something for nothing. Sound familiar? Isn't "something for nothing" what inflated the bubbles which have popped so violently? The EU "rescue" conjures something for nothing in two ways...."
  1. The financial alchemist's favorite magic: leverage.
  2. "Guarantees" to cover the first 20% of loan losses.
Debt crisis splits Europe
A quote...."On Wednesday evening the leaders of the European Union met for the second time in three days seeking a solution to stem the growing European debt crisis. They emerged without anything resembling the “ambitious and comprehensive response” that had been pledged."
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"Occupy Wall Street" & Other "Occupy" News...

Occupy Wall Street Launches Nationwide General Strike: First In America Since 1946
Action Alert - A quote...."Rumors have been flying for a week that the Occupy protesters will be launching a nationwide general strike. We have been biting our tongue waiting for a formal decision."

A Witness to the Violence in Oakland
Must Read - A quote...."If Gandhi was right, yesterday's Civil Resistance Action in Oakland, California, achieved all of its aims. By day's end a heavily-armed, fully-militarized police force was in control of Frank Ogawa Plaza, but Occupy Oakland was in control of the agenda."

Occupy Oakland Crackdown: Cop war-zone tactics?
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 5min39sec - Oct 26, 2011) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."Police in Oakland, California, have been trying hard to scare off Occupy Wall Street protesters that kept coming back to the city hall. The activists wanted to re-establish a tent camp torn down earlier. 97 people have been arrested."

Occupy Oakland video: Riot police fire tear gas, flashbang grenades
Must View RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 2min21sec - Oct 26, 2011) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."Police have clashed with hundreds of demonstrators in the U.S. city of Oakland. It happened when hundreds marched to show their anger at police clearing an "Occupy Wall Street" camp. Officers shot several rounds of tear gas into the crowd, who were trying to reclaim their position within the city centre. Earlier on Tuesday, 85 people were arrested, after they refused to take down their tents as part of the nationwide movement against corporate greed."

Oakland Police Riot: The Imperial Boardroom Strikes Back
A quote...."I had the honor of talking with Cindy Sheehan tonight, recording an interview for her radio show, which I believe will air on Sunday. She made mention of the "police riot" -- as she aptly phrased it -- in Oakland Tuesday night, as a Democratic administration moved in with gas and other weapons of war to clear the streets of American citizens taking part in the Occupy movement."

MAKE THIS GO VIRAL - Oakland Police Throw Grenade Into Crowd That Is Trying To Help Injured Protester
Video - Alt - (YuTb - 1min08sec - Oct 26, 2011) - Source:  kresling -- UPDATE - The injured man is Scott Olsen, a Marine Corps veteran twice deployed to Iraq and member of Veterans for Peace.  He is in the hospital now in stable but serious condition with a fractured skull, struck by a police projectile (believed to be a tear gas cannister) fired into the crowd. -- After protesters run to the aid of the injured Marine, Oakland Police deliberately throw a flash grenade into the crowd.  Whatever you think of the Occupy movement, police behavior of this kind is criminal and should be prosecuted. -- Address for the hospital where Scott Olsen is recovering, if you wish to send a card.

Highland Hospital
1411 E. 31st Street
Oakland, CA 94602

Police Fire Tear Gas, Flashbang Grenades and Rubber Bullets at Peaceful [Oakland OWS] Protesters
Photos & Videos - A quote...."This is yet another reason why governments should not have a monopoly in local community policing or security. Monopolists are not accountable, as we have seen from the Federal Reserve money monopoly and its banking cartel. Likewise, the government police and security monopolists are allowed to be above the law, are allowed to commit actual crimes against peaceful, innocent people, and these thugs are rarely brought to justice." -- *Scott Lazarowitz*, October 26, 2011 at 5:12 pm

Oakland PD Standoff & Brutal Assault on Occupy Oakland
Video - (YuTb - 6min20sec - Oct 26, 2011) - Source:  AbbyMediaRoots -- A quote...."Abby Martin of Media Roots captured an extremely tense standoff between the Oakland Police Department and the Occupy Wall Street protestors."

The revolution will be livestreamed–at least in Oakland
A quote...."The violence that erupted during the Occupy Oakland protest on Tuesday night, like most events in the social media age, was captured on digital video cameras by protesters and news reporters. Footage of the confrontation between police officers and protestors has been uploaded and distributed online--via Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook and blogs--in near-real-time. Like several other uprisings we've seen this year--including the revolution in Cairo--the Oakland clash was also streamed live, giving viewers an unfiltered glimpse at what was a choatic scene."

The Razing of Occupy Oakland at Sunrise
A quote...."In the early morning on Tuesday, starting before 5 am, the police temporarily destroyed Occupy Oakland, sending in a riot squad of over 500 that outnumbered protesters almost 3 to 1.  Oscar Grant Plaza (officially Frank Ogawa Plaza) was too geographically large and open to be adequately defended against the armed tactical operation." - also posted at AlethoNews

Bank of America CEO is 'incensed' that his customers are angry about being gouged
A quote...."Oh, so this a--hole is "incensed" at being unfairly reviled for gouging his customers?"

Occupy Oakland protests - live coverage - guardian live feed
Marine, Navy, Army and Airforce Vets and Police Vow to Protect Innocent Protesters
Oakland, Atlanta crack down on economic protests
Iraq vet in critical condition after Oakland protest
Occupy Oakland: police fire teargas and baton rounds at protesters
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The Assault On Libya....

An African Base of Operations for More Terror
(By Their Actions We Shall Know Them)

Video - Alt - (YuTb - 1min09sec - Oct 25, 2011) - Source:  ingsoc2012

The timeline on this whole scenario is as follows; Hillary Clinton flies to Tripoli and secretly offers to negotiate Gaddafi's departure, Gaddafi, believing her (still can't figure that one out) agrees to depart the country under a white flag of truce, a French Rafale jet AND a US-NRE predator drone are BOTH waiting for the seventy vehicle convoy as it departs, (a highly suspicious confluence of events), they hit the convey (a war crime while under a flag of truce) while NTC forces are conveniently located nearby to close in for the final kill (ditto on that suspicious confluence of events), Gaddafi was captured alive and what appears to be special forces were there to make sure Gaddafi was permanently silenced for good, (another war crime) his sodomization with a knife was just a little gratuitous extra bonus to "excite" Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice, and Samantha Power.  Hillary of course then infamously proceeded to laugh and girlishly giggle about the entire set-up, murder and mutilation of Gaddafi on national television.

These three women are war criminals, they have engineered and participated in the deliberate, premeditated and public destruction of a sovereign nation based on nothing but their lies.  They did so because Libya under Gaddafi had attempted to opt-out of the dollar denominated international currency system, intended to establish an Africa gold based dinar as a substitute, supported the creation of a federated African Republic, engaged in tough negotiations with Western oil companies and tried to diversify his country's geo-political options by engaging with Russia and China.

The objectives of these three war criminals were to destroy these attempts at independence by Libya, make an example of the country and its leadership,
loot Libya's natural resources, and finally, turn Libya  into a base of operations for al-CIA'da and Saudi Royal supported Wahhabist shock troops to be used in further terror and destabilization campaigns across length and breadth of Africa and against other Middle Eastern countries -- specifically Syria.  These three women are avowed terrorist supporting war mongers who have also criminally violated Nuremberg Principle VI(a), specifically they have willfully engaged in the.....
(i) Planning, preparation, initiation or waging of a war of aggression or a war in violation of international treaties, agreements or assurances;
(ii) Participation in a common plan or conspiracy for the accomplishment of any of the acts mentioned under (i).
The fig-leaf of UN resolution 1973 does not apply to such an obvious and deliberate campaign of aggressive, rapacious war.  Everyone was well aware of the consequences of months of NATO bombardment, of the civilians to be killed and maimed, of the infrastructure to be destroyed, and the slaughter that would happen once the NTC took over. From day ONE, back in March, everyone was perfectly aware that most of the NTC were al-CIA'da and Saudi supported Wahhabists. 

Any deaths that result from this particular, additional, round of US-NRE support for these sorts of groups, also known as pseudo-gangs, any "terrorism" that might result from the billions of dollars worth of arms given to the the NTC, or any use of those "missing" surface to air missiles, anywhere on the planet, or in Africa, or in Europe by these pseudo-gangs, or their off-shoots....will be the direct responsibility and fault of these women who supported and initiated this operation.

These three women need to be arrested. tried, convicted and hung by their necks until they are dead.

Website Editorial Note:  From this point forward, unless this government demonstrates the tiniest necessary bit of sincerity in its bogus so-called "war on terror" by prosecuting these three women, any attacks against US or European targets, or against US or NATO personnel, by the NTC, or any of its off-shoots and affiliates, or as a result of any weapons they've transferred to third parties, even if these attacks occur many years from now, will automatically be considered by this website editor in all future editorials and essays to be part of the planned official objective of US-NRE policy .

In other words it is quite clear by now to this website editor that this government, after repeatedly supporting these types of elements for the last thirty years, and without any prosecution by prior, current, or subsequent administrations of those who support these sorts of activities, will have demonstrated beyond any legal, reasonable or moral doubt that they deliberately -- intended, sanctioned, encouraged, facilitated, financed and allowed all such future attacks to happen. - mpg
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Testimony of Libya - Lizzy Phelan
Must View Video - From the History File - (previously posted) - (YuTb - 11min56sec - Oct 10, 2011) - Source:  KARLOSPETROS

Why Libya Was Attacked
Must Read - A quote...."America is a rogue terror state, a menacing plague on humanity. - Democratic values, human and civil rights, and rule of law principles are non-starters. - Only corporate and imperial interests matter, not equity, justice, peace on earth, and government of, by and for the people while respecting the sovereign rights of other nations. - NATO's war on Libya was planned many months in advance like all wars. Why is most important, or put another way - cui bono?"

The Butchering of Gaddafi Is America’s Crime
Must Read - A quote...."Last week the whole world saw, and every decent soul recoiled, at the true face of NATO’s answer to the Arab Spring. An elderly, helpless prisoner struggled to maintain his dignity in a screaming swirl of savages, one of whom thrusts a knife up his rectum. These are Europe and America’s jihadis in the flesh. In a few minutes of joyously recorded bestiality, the rabid pack undid every carefully packaged image of NATO’s “humanitarian” project in North Africa – a horror and revelation indelibly imprinted on the global consciousness by the brutes’ own cell phones."

'NATO, al-Qaeda militia killed Gaddafi'
Contains Video - A quote...."According to Israeli sources, the German intelligence, the Bundesnachrichtendienst, was part of NATO's efforts of tracking down the whereabouts of Gaddafi. I suspect that the capture and actual killing was coordinated in brutal detail by NATO. -- We must understand that the main foot soldiers of this war are part of an al-Qaeda affiliated militia, the Libya Islamic fighting group. They say that nothing proves that these are not terrorists, and al-Qaeda created these terrorists. -- Those people committed the killing of Gaddafi, but they were under close surveillance of NATO forces. This was a NATO planned operation which was geared towards the assassination of political leader Muammar Gaddafi."

Hillary Clinton knew of Qaddafi ‘White Flag’ truce: US drone fired at Qaddafi convoy after negotiated truce
A quote...."Libyan Leader Muammar Qaddafi was traveling under a negotiated “White Flag” truce last Thursday in an agreement to leave Libya. More claims from sources inside Misrata, Libya that the Libyan National Transitional Council did in fact agree to allow Qaddafi and his convoy safe passage out of Libya." - Source:  AsiaTribune -- A comment left by Michael Rivero.....

"Under no circumstances could Gaddafi be allowed to live long enough to testify in an open court or to give press interviews. The invasion of Libya was all about destroying the Gold Dinar, and forcing a private central bank on to the people of Libya. Gaddafi could not be allowed to call into doubt the official propaganda of "protecting the rebels." -- The United States is sending a message: accept slavery to a private central bank or be destroyed. This "clash of civilizations" is a war between banking systems. Those who refuse to make obeisance to the dollar and submit to the rule of the bankers will be destroyed. No quarter will be given. Iraq and Libya were invaded on the basis of lies and their leaders executed to set the example. -- Treachery is the new coin of the realm." -- *Michael Rivero*, October 26, 2011 1:35 PM

Corbett: Libya shattered, pieces dangerous
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 5min42sec - Oct 26, 2011) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."Relatives of the slain Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi are reportedly looking to The Hague with a 'war crimes' lawsuit against NATO. They accuse the Alliance of deliberately targeting Gaddafi's convoy, which they say posed no threat to civilians. NATO was only allowed into Libya by the UN solely to protect citizens. Meanwhile, the military alliance has postponed its preliminary decision to end its Libya mission by the end of this month, following calls from the interim government to stay on."

The Destruction of Libya and the Murder of Muammar Gaddafi. NATO's Moral Defeat
A quote...."Muammar Gaddafi came from an Arab tribe living in Libya. He belonged to a culture completely different from American and European culture. He therefore did not—and never pretended to—champion Western values of so-called “democracy” and “freedom”. This, however, did not prevent him from being a force for good for his people and for some other African peoples."

The New Libya: Assassination, Ruination, Broken Promises and Body Snatching...
A quote...."If events of the past few days are anything to go by, the UN-NATO insurgent allies are set to bring a grim, lawless, murderous and fundamentalist future to the “New Libya.” -- Polygamy is set to return as the disenfranchisement of women, the West’s new friend and interim leader, Mr Jalil has declared. (He didn’t put it quite like that, but the particular interpretation of Sharia Law he espouses, does.) -- A country which had health, education and welfare services of which most could only dream(i) is also set to instantly revert fifty years. Flying King Idris’ flag, Libya is being plunged seamlessly back to his era of illiteracy and neglect. -- It will not get better. Britain is already demanding that bombarded, bereaved, largely broken Libya, pay compensation for its “liberation.” No, not satire...."

Western Corporations "Fight" for Libyan Oil. Who Will Get the Spoils of War?
A quote....""Countries such as France, Italy, UK and USA will compete for exploration and development of oil fields," Al-Naggar told Trend by telephone from Cairo. -- According to expert, during the struggle to overthrow Gaddafi's regime, "NATO intentionally inflicted air strikes on oil fields, as a result of which, the mining infrastructure of the country was practically destroyed. This was done so that Libya would be in need of foreign investments and Western aid in the energy sector after the war"."

Paul Craig Roberts: Washington will make Libya a puppet state
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 9min10sec - Oct 25, 2011) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."Today Gaddafi’s body was laid to rest after being held in freezer for several days. As of now his burial location isn’t being disclosed to prevent Gaddafi loyalist from making the site a shrine. Some critics believe that the fall of Gaddafi was influenced by the Western powers. But who will rule the unstable country? Paul Craig Roberts, columnist and former Reagan administration official, tells us more."

NTC leader asks NATO to stay till end of 2011 - Well, that was QUICK!! - mpg
Related Article - A quote...."Libya's interim leader [US-backed ExxonMobil mercenary] Mustafa Abdel Jalil asked NATO at a conference in Doha on Wednesday to continue its military campaign until the end of the year." - bold by website editor
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More On The International Situation....

The US departure from Iraq is an illusion
A quote...."39,000 soldiers will leave Iraq this year, but US military control will continue in such guises as security and training."

[Another] US-led soldier killed in Afghanistan
A quote...."In a statement released Thursday, the NATO-led ISAF said that the soldier was killed by a militant attack on Wednesday but gave no information about the nationality of the soldier or the exact location of his death, Reuters reported. -- According to, nearly 500 US-led soldiers, most of them Americans, have died in Afghanistan so far this year."

Hundreds oppose idea of permanent US bases
A quote...."KABUL (PAN): Hundreds of people on Monday staged a protest demonstration in the capital Kabul, opposing permanent US military bases in the country." - also posted at Uruknet

Russia, China Caution IAEA to File Fair Report on Iran
A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- Reports said Russia and China are urging the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to act fairly when issuing its next report on Iran."

Russia delivers radar jammers to Iran
A quote...."Russia has sent a set of mobile radar jammers to Iran and is negotiating future deliveries that Moscow believes do not contravene the current UN sanction regime on the Islamic state, an official said Tuesday."

Haitian Suffering Under Imperial Occupation
A quote...."Except briefly after their successful 1804 revolution and under Aristide, Haitians suffered over 500 years of persecution and human misery. - It's ongoing today under America's imperial boot, UN paramilitary occupation, and stealth Duvalierist Michel ("Sweet Micky") Martelly's illegitimate April 2011 election. - With longstanding ties to Haitian elites, militarists, reactionary Duvalierists, and his thuggish Tonton Macoute assassins, Haitians are stuck with him for five years. - He serves Washington and predatory neoliberal interests, not them. As a result, expect hard times getting harder ahead." - Source:  SteveLendman
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

The Negev's Hot Wind Blowing
A quote...."Over the past 15 months the dusty plains of the northern Negev desert in Israel have been witness to a ritual of destruction, part of a police operation known as Hot Wind. On 29 occasions since June 2010, hundreds of Israeli paramilitary officers have made the pilgrimage over a dirt track near the city of Beersheva to the zinc sheds and hemp tents of al-‘Araqib. Within hours of their arrival, the 45 ramshackle structures -- home to some 300 Bedouin villagers -- are pulled down and al-‘Araqib is wiped off the map once again. All that remains to mark the area’s inhabitation by generations of the al-Turi tribe are the stone graves in the cemetery." - also posted at AlethoNews
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

Jewish settlers burnt or uprooted 7500 olives trees in 9 months
A quote...."RAMALLAH, (PIC)-- Jewish settlers burnt or uprooted 7500 Palestinian olive trees in the first nine month of 2011, a report by the UN office for the coordination of humanitarian affairs in the occupied territories (OCHA) said on Tuesday. -- The report documents the damage of thousands of dunums of Palestinian agricultural fields cultivated with olives." - also posted at AlethoNews

Asil Arara, 4, Paralyzed in Four Limbs after Being Shot in Neck by Israeli Army
A quote...."Specialized medical teams performed nerve surgery on four-year-old Asil Arara on Wednesday night in al-Makased hospital after she was shot in the neck with a bullet fired from the nearby Israeli army training camp of Anatot, near the Palestinian village of Anata, northeast of Jerusalem. Asil was paralyzed in all four limbs from the wound, but can hear and speak."

I Wish to Tell You about Gaza
A quote...."Gaza life exists in a cage, an open air prison that has been kept mostly isolated from the world. Its citrus trees have been uprooted. Flowers are no longer exported. Nor are vegetables, fruit or olives, formerly a thriving export business. -- Since 2000, the Israeli army destroyed 114,000 olive trees. The rest were destroyed during the 2008-9 war, much of it uprooted from white phosphorous and other chemicals. Farming is now difficult and in some areas impossible." - also posted at Uruknet

Israeli Military Demolishes A House And Uproots Trees In East Jerusalem
A quote...."The Israeli army has demolished a 120 square-meter house and uprooted many trees in the village of ‘Anata, in the northeastern part of East Jerusalem on Tuesday, the Palestine News & Info Agency reported."

Tuesday October 25th 2011

More on the Domestic Situation...

War and Serfdom: Is This The World We Really Want to Live In?
Must Read - A quote...."....sometimes personal change doesn't seem to be good enough to counteract a powerful establishment intent on having more war and more power. -- The idea of peace doesn't seem to be strong enough to prevent these engineered conflicts.  What do we tell our children of the absolute destruction of Libya over so-called humanitarian concerns?  When dragging the bloody body of the toppled leader through the streets is being hailed as some sort of victory. This, in the same week that Iraq, after all the tragedy there, was deemed mission accomplished for the umpteenth time. -- Any peace-loving person who knows the real score of NATO's Libya invasion must be incredibly disheartened." - also posted at ICH

War by Deception 2011 The shadow government and shadow economy
RDVideo - WarByDeception - WBDExtra - WBDExtraAltGggl - (RDYuTb - 2h28m42s & 32m18s - Feb 1, 2011) - Source:  Rys2sense - Related:  Rys2SenseHub -- A quote...."A Ryan Dawson film -- get a DVD here - The DVD has 1 hour of footage not in the film about PNAC Iraq the Mass media and other matters it's 3 disc long."

The Truth About Taxes - (Less is more. - mpg)
Must Read - A quote...."This article, a response to Alan Greenspan's call for a consumption tax, originally appeared in the Review of Austrian Economics, 1994, Volume 7, No. 2, pp. 75–90, as The Flat Tax: A Critique."

The Declaration of Independence is Legal. Any Questions?
A quote...."Our history is under attack under revisionist and word smith lawyers. The very foundations that has been the vanguard of freedom is being undermined by forces from within and from without. They need to attack the founding documents that give life to this nation we so much love. Now a bunch of sore loser legal eagles in jolly old England now say the Declaration of Independence is not a legal document, which is a bunch of lies to try to get the US back under the control of a monarchy."

Bush & Blair to be Tried For War Crimes
A quote...."KUALA LUMPUR, 20 October 2011 – On November 19-22, 2011, the trial of George W Bush (former U.S. President) and Anthony L Blair (former British Prime Minister) will be held in Kuala Lumpur. This is the first time that war crimes charges will be heard against the two former heads of state in compliance with proper legal process."

Google Skynet
Web Privacy / Censorship Alert - A quote...."Google Skynet transparency report reveals a 70% rise in takedown requests from US government or police - According to the report, Google separately declined orders by other police authorities to remove videos that allegedly defamed law enforcement officials. - The demands formed part of a 70% rise in takedown requests from the US government or police, and were revealed as part of an effort to highlight online censorship around the world."

Colbert: Crucial Time In The Fight For Corporate Civil Rights
CRVideo Satire - Alt - (CRVid - 2min25sec - October 24, 2011 ) - Source:  ColbertVids -- A quote...."Little Charlie and Grace can start their Colbert Super PAC lemonade stand now that Stephen knows what his super PAC stands for."

Obama's Secret Weapon To Win Voters Back
Poster - Great poster....mpg

A Nation on The Verge… – Charlie McGrath
CMcGVideo - Alt - (CMcGYuTb - 3min38sec - Oct 24, 2011) - Source:  crabbydogtrix -- A quote...."of a mass awaking or entering into neo feudal America."

Broadcasting LIVE on - October 25, 2011

MRVideo - Note:  To avoid the advertisements and the radio commentary goto 8min10sec into the broadcast - mpg - (JustInTV - 2hrs - Oct, 25th 2011) - Source:  MichaelRiveroTV-Vids -- Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire and many other issues. - mpg

Obama's fuzzy math, Romniperry's fuzzy math and Paul's truth telling
Must View RDVideo - Alt - (RDYuTb - 12min25sec - Oct 25, 2011) - Source:  Rys2Sense
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

Keiser Report: Fecal Alchemy (E201) - A bit too scatological, but the point is made. - mpg
MKVideo - Alt - (MKRTYuTb - 25min56sec - Oct 25, 2011) - Source:  RussiaToday - Producer:  Max Keiser TV -- A quote...."(RussiaToday) -- A quote...."This week Max Keiser and co-host Stacy Herbert discuss the message from Sirte, "Today Libya, Tomorrow Wall Street", and fecal alchemy and its two-tiered justice system. In the second half of the show, Max Keiser interviews Stephen Leeb, author of Red Alert: How China's Growing Prosperity Threatens the American."

A 25 Billion Dollar Secret: The NY Fed, Goldman & The AIG Cover-Up
A quote...."How the FRBNY's president Tim Geithner and chairman Stephen Friedman demanded par for Goldman Sachs and the rest of Wall Street and then tried to cover it all up..."

The Fed Bails Out Gaddafi’s Libyan Bank, Arab Banking Corp. of Bahrain, Banks of Bavaria, Korea and Mexico … But Shafts America - A quote...."Fox Business noted [one wonders how THAT happened - mpg] in December....

"The conflicts of interest and policy controversies in the Federal Reserve’s bailout of the financial system now include helping out millionaires, billionaires, foreign automakers, and companies whose executives sit on the board of directors of the U.S. central bank. -- The Federal Reserve also bought more than $2.2 billion in commercial paper from the state-owned central bank of Bavaria, and it gave more than $23 billion in loans to the Arab Banking Corp. based in Bahrain, with an interest rate as low as a quarter of a percentage point. The Federal Reserve also lent more than $9.6 billion to the Central Bank of Mexico."

Billions Lost in Secret Federal Reserve Funding of Iraq War

To all policyholders, insureds, and servicers:
It was really nice to have "Mark to Fantasy", to have Moody's, Fitch and S&P rate all those toxic assets as triple "A", to construct the MERS system so Wall Street Street could have all those fake-mortgages, hidden, washed, bundled, tranched, and sold as investment grade MBS's....but occasionally, every once in awhile, reality rudely intrudes

Within a year it's highly doubtful there will be any title insurers remaining in the business, or if they're still a few left alive, no one will be able to afford their rates. 

It's why old timers constantly state there's "no free lunch", It's like squeezing a balloon, the behavior we have witnessed in the financial industry has led to massive amounts of faux-money/credit/leverage/hot-air/financial-lies being pumped into the balloon, if you squeeze the balloon in one place in an attempt to prevent it from popping, or transfer the hot air to some other part of the balloon, all those lies, risk, lack of real assets, or debt, will simply bulge out and be revealed somewhere else in the financial system. It's inevitable that the balloon will pop. - mpg

New Obama Foreclosure Plan Shifts Fraud Liability From Wall Street To Taxpayers - This is an example.
A quote...."WASHINGTON -- The Obama administration is introducing a new program on Monday designed to lower monthly mortgage payments for more troubled homeowners. -- But a key new condition in the plan would shift the financial liability for refinanced loans from Wall Street banks to the American taxpayer. And by focusing on lower payments, the program does not confront what housing experts view as the core problem in the foreclosure crisis -- borrower debt that exceeds the value of one's home." - Source:  HuffPo

Brazil Refuses To Buy European Bonds, [Because they're NOT brain-dead! - mpg] Dashing Hopes For A BRIC-based European Rescue -- A quote...."About a year ago, we speculated that as part of the ongoing currency warfare between Brazil and the "developed" world, its finance minister Guido Mantega would keep his trade surplus trump card until the moment of biggest impact. That moment has come, after the financial head (with the Playboy-posing daughter) just told Europe to take a hike. "I believe that European countries do not need funds from Brazil to buy bonds. Brazil is not considering it," Mantega told reporters in Brasilia. "They have to find solutions to the European problems within Europe."
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"Occupy Wall Street" & Other "Occupy" News...

Occupy Wall Street Current Official Demands, Voting Closed Oct. 21, 2011
A quote...."At the official Occupy Wall Street media site Voting software prevents voting from the same ISP more than once. The following is an initial demands list on which voting closed on Oct. 21, 2011.   Items required a vote of 2/3 "yes" or more to remain on the list.  Voting is still open on other demands." -- The First Four....
  1. Repeal of the Patriot Act
  2. Elimate "Personhood" Legal Status for Corporations
  3. Forced Acquisition of the Federal Reserve for $1Billion - It's a perfectly legal back-out clause. - mpg
  4. Re Investigate the Attacks of 9-11-2001 - Amen! - mpg
Immunity and Impunity in Elite America -- How the Legal System Was Deep-Sixed and Occupy Wall Street Swept the Land -- A quote...."As intense protests spawned by Occupy Wall Street continue to grow, it is worth asking: Why now? The answer is not obvious. After all, severe income and wealth inequality have long plagued the United States. In fact, it could reasonably be claimed that this form of inequality is part of the design of the American founding -- indeed, an integral part of it. -- Income inequality has worsened over the past several years and is at its highest level since the Great Depression.  This is not, however, a new trend. Income inequality has been growing at rapid rates for three decades." - also posted at ICH

Gerald Celente at Liberty Plaza
Video - GC(1/2) - GC(2/2) - (YuTb - 3/5m - Oct 25, 2011) - Source:  GeraldCelenteChannel

Police and Protesters Massing in Oakland After Overnight Raid
A quote...."The mood is uneasy at Frank Ogawa Plaza in downtown Oakland, California. - A crowd of over 200 mostly rousted organizer Occupiers and curious local residents is staring and jeering at Police still in riot gear and still in control of the plaza. - The police and sanitation crews are clearing the encampment and say the plaza will be reopened later in the day. - More as the situation develops."

20 Photos Of Police Violently Breaking Up Occupy Oakland
Photos - A quote..."Early this morning around 500 police officers dismantled Occupy Oakland's camp by allegedly using rubber bullets, tear gas, and sound canons. Democracy at its finest."

Occupy Oakland Raid: Cops Just "Following Orders"
Video - (YuTb - 3min41sec - Oct 25, 2011) - Source:  AbbyMediaRoots -- A quote...."Abby Martin of Media Roots went out to cover the immediate aftermath of the brutal police raid of Occupy Oakland at 6:20 am on October 25, 2011. - 500+ Oakland PD used tear gas, rubber bullets and completely leveled two encampments of peaceful protestors practicing civil disobedience. 90+ protestors were then arrested."

Police arrest protesters, tear down Occupy Oakland tent city
A quote...."Early Tuesday, the city began ousting protesters who have camped out for two weeks at the Occupy Oakland tent city on Frank H. Ogawa Plaza. Police started assembling around the tent city at 14th Street and Broadway at about 3 a.m."

California police arrest 85 anti-Wall Street protesters
A quote...."SAN FRANCISCO (AFP) - Police arrested 85 people in an early morning operation Tuesday to clear anti-Wall Street protesters from a plaza in Oakland, near San Francisco, a spokeswoman said."

Occupy Wall Street movement at a crossroads
Occupy Wall Street: What You Can Demand versus What You Must DO
General Strike: November 28, 2011!
Violent crackdown on occupy protesters in Oakland, California
OPD Not Supposed To Use Harsh Crowd Control Methods... Couldn't You Tell - historical note
Occupy Olympia Tent City - Tuesday, October 25 2011 - video
SIGNS: Occupy Olympia Tuesday, October 25 2011
Occupy Amsterdam - Beursplein interviews deel 1 - video
Photo Essay of a Day in the Life of the Wall Street Encampment
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The Assault On Libya....

Who Will Intervene Now? Lynching Black Africans in Libya
A quote...."Bodies of black men hanging from highways. Bound and tortured bodies of Africans dumped along the roadsides. Am I talking about Libya or Louisiana? -- And all under the approving eye of the first Black President of the USA."

Sixteen Things Libya Will Never See Again
Here's the first five....
  1. There is no electricity bill in Libya; electricity is free for all its citizens.
  2. There is no interest on loans, banks in Libya are state-owned and loans given to all its citizens at zero percent interest by law.
  3. Having a home considered a human right in Libya.
  4. All newlyweds in Libya receive $60,000 dinar (U.S.$50,000) by the government to buy their first apartment so to help start up the family.
  5. Education and medical treatments are free in Libya. Before Gaddafi only 25 percent of Libyans were literate. Today, the figure is 83 percent. -- also posted at GlobalRsrch & PoorRichardsBlog
NATO & Al-Qaeda War Crimes In Libya
Multiple Photos & Videos - The Butchers Bill - (WARNING: These Are Graphic Visual War Crimes) - This is FederalJack's video and photo library of the war crimes committed by NATO and the TNC in Libya. This website editor has posted this link as a resource. They're very difficult to view and therefore have not been fully reviewed by this website editor.  - mpg

Atrocity Questions Grow as Mass Graves Fill in NTC-Conquered Sirte
More War Crimes - A quote...."NTC Oil Minister Ali Tarhouni today praised the Misrata rebels that conquered Moammar Gadhafi’s hometown of Sirte, saying “I am amazed at their self-restraint.” The rest of the world is amazed at something else. -- That’s because the number of summary executions in the captured city seems to be enormous, and the NTC is burying around 300 of the rebel fighters’ victims in a giant mass grave. Many of the bodies still have their hands tied behind their backs, making the gunshots to the head all the more grim." - bold by website editor - also posted at Uruknet

Wild West Libya: 'Journos hunted, anarchy in streets'
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 5min11sec - Oct 25, 2011) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."After five-days of being on public display inside a meat market fridge, the slain former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi has been buried. His body was taken to a secret location in the desert to prevent his grave becoming a shrine for sympathisers or being vandalised. Even though Libya was declared liberated, it's no closer to peace and freedom." - Related ||  British Civilians for Peace in Libya  ||

Rebels [al-CIA'da and Saudi Royal Backed Mercenaries] arrest medical staff in Zawiya
A quote...."Rebels in the newly liberated Libya have arrested around 70 doctors and nurses in Zawiya, who they believe had ties or allegiances with Colonel Muammar Gaddafi's regime, Channel 4 News understands."

NATO establishes its first Islamic state: "The Arab Spring" has been replaced in the Maghreb countries with "Sharia Autumn". -- A quote...."Democratic Libya, created by NATO member states’ bombers and task forces, has declared itself an Islamic state. The Transitional National Council of Libya has already announced that no other laws, except for sharia, will act in the country any longer."

The BBC: NATO's Media Partner in Crime
Presstitute Exposed - (The BBC -- they've never been impartial, they've always shilled for the London Banksters and their endless wars. - mpg) -- A quote...."Well they've finally silenced Muammar Gaddafi, the man the BBC calls "an oddball until the end". The manner of his capture and death seems not to bother the BBC but then who cares about 'oddballs'? - The video, with commentary by the BBC's chief foreign correspondent propagandist for NATO John Simpson...."   

"looks back at the life of a man who "remained a one-off, an oddball right until the end". -- BBC News, 20 October 2011"

"Attacked by NATO jets, then tortured and shot in cold blood in front of jubilant 'rebels', all Simpson has to offer is the perpetuation of racist Western myths about the Arabs, about the 'other'. Disgusting stuff but totally in tune with BBC's role as NATO's media partner." - also posted at Uruknet

NYT Whitewash Of Gaddhafi Killing And Other Libya Issues
And Another Presstitute Exposed - (The NYT...again, no surprise there. - mpg) -- A quote...."Succumbing to gunshot wounds" is a quite evading expression for a direct pistol shot into the head and another into the heart of Gaddhafi after he was captured alive, only lightly wounded, and after he was sodomized. -- There is also an issue with the timeline here. The NYT piece puts the discussion about what to do with Gaddhafi to Wednesday the 19th. But the White House decision was already announced on Tuesday the 18th by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in Tripoli...."

Kamikaze Pilot The Martyr Mokhtar Mohammed Osman is Urban Legend
Another Lie Exposed - A quote...."This is a photo of the kamikaze pilot that rumors and “confirmed” reports said crashed his plane into Bab Al Azizia, Gaddafi’s compound. The myth: Mokhtar Mohammed Osman took off from a military airfield in Tripoli with orders to bomb Adjabaya, but turned his plane and flew into the compound. -- Unfortunately it was all Urban Legend and I fell for it too. Followers on Twitter were so desperate for good news that the wild tale spread like wildfire. I waited hours before reporting and had confirmation from “reliable sources” that turned out to be not so reliable after all."

The shock doctrine: The unwritten Libya chapter
Quote of the Day...."Shortly before committing suicide in 1961, the American author Ernest Hemingway wrote about his electroshock therapy. "Well, what is the sense of ruining my head and erasing my memory, which is my capital, and putting me out of business? It was a brilliant cure but we lost the patient." -- This line was quoted by Naomi Klein in The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism. Klein's book was a major contribution to our understanding of how western countries, led by the US, facilitated or took advantage of major disasters to attain domination over vulnerable and politically disjointed countries around the world. In the chapter entitled, "Erasing Iraq: In Search for a ‘Model' for the Middle East," Klein describes the attempt at destroying and then resurrecting the country to fit the mould sought by those who administered its fall." - also posted at Uruknet

Libya: The Actual War Begins Now!
A quote...."The people I had hoped most to be able to find upon returning to Libya were eight students from Fatah University (now renamed Tripoli University) who became my friends during three months in Libya this summer.  They had all been strongly opposed to what NATO was doing to their country (NATO bombs destroyed some classrooms at the University during final exams in late May) and I was very keen to sit with them again if possible since the August 23rd fall of Tripoli when most of them scattered given the uncertainties of what would happen and we lost contact."
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More On The International Situation....

The *REAL* truth behind current Middle-Eastern policies
Video Satire - Alt - (YuTb - 45m47s - Oct 25, 2011) - Source:  bluesman979 -- A quote...."This sums up nicely the truth behind today's policies in the Middle East in an easy to understand form"

Wesley Clark -- 2007 lecture -- Neocons to destroy 7 governments in 5 years….
Video - Alt - (YuTb - 8min14sec - Oct 23, 2011) - Source:  StephenHannardADGUK -- A quote...."Former four star general and NATO commander Wesley Clark talks about the neocon plan to invade seven countries in five years. Included in the plan was an attack on Libya."

Libya: Another Lost NATO War
A quote...."NATO's sole new millennium accomplishment consists of endless unwinnable wars. Coalition partners eventually tire and pull out. -- America may end up isolated against raging street anger to end imperial wars and address vital neglected homeland needs. It's already happening. -- The battle for Iraq continues. Afghanistan's war was lost years ago. Libya's also though political Washington, coalition partners, media scoundrels, and NATO won't admit it."

America's Endless Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq
A quote...."The Afghan war is expanding even further, not only with increasing drone attacks in neighboring Pakistani territory but because of U.S. threats to take far greater unilateral military action within Pakistan unless the Islamabad government roots out "extremists" and cracks down harder on cross-border fighters."

Four US-led troops killed in Afghan war
A quote...."At least four US-led NATO troops have been killed in Afghanistan in the past 24 hours, as the death toll of foreign troops continues to rise in the war-torn country." - also posted at WarInIraq

Billions Lost in Secret Federal Reserve Funding of Iraq War
A quote...."Tens of billions were shipped to Iraq since the 2003 invasion, most of it lost or stolen. And we're not allowed to know about it." - Source:  AntiWar

Militants torch NATO tanker in Pakistan
A quote...."At least two people have been killed in an attack by unknown armed men on a NATO oil tanker in troubled northwestern Pakistan, Press TV reports."

China seeks military bases in Pakistan
A quote...."ISLAMABAD - While Pakistan wants China to build a naval base at its southwestern seaport of Gwadar in Balochistan province, Beijing is more interested in setting up military bases either in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) of Pakistan or in the Federally Administered Northern Areas (FANA) that border Xinjiang province."

Kremlin: Secret list of US officials banned in Russia to grow
A quote...."Moscow - An undisclosed list of US officials banned from entering Russia will expand to include more American government workers who have committed criminal acts, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Tuesday. -- 'We are not going to make the names public,' Lavrov said in comments to the Interfax news agency. 'But the list is going to get bigger.'"

Jean Ziegler: "The cannibal world order
A quote...."The victims are the poor, the former subsistence farmers in Africa who have been deprived of their land and whose countries now have to import food at exorbitant prices, due to the speculation in agricultural commodities resulting in the skyrocketing food prices today. The criminals are the World Bank and other banks and supranational organizations who collude with the Multinational Corporations to rob the poor all over the world in the most cold-blooded heist ever seen."

U.S. Tightens Military Grip on Africa
A quote...."October 25, 2011 "Information Clearing House" -- Scores of Somali civilians have been killed in U.S. drone attacks in the southern region of the country, as Washington tightens its military grip on much of the continent. The current offensive involves thousands of Kenyan troops that are threatening the major Somali city of Kismayo. The American drones are supporting the Kenyan invasion. The drones' origins are officially secret, but it is known that the U.S. operates drone bases in Ethiopia and Djibouti, which is home to a huge American base."
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Former Ambassador Edward Peck: The U.S. Capital Is Israeli Occupied Territory
Video - Alt - Short, pithy and to the point. - mpg -- (YuTb - 1min25sec - Oct 10, 2010) - Source:  Shafaw1 -- A quote...."[The former] embassador is being truthful about the Vice President."
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

IOF artillery blasts southern Gaza
A quote...."RAFAH, (PIC)-- Israeli occupation forces (IOF) opened artillery fire at southern Gaza Strip at a late hour on Monday night targeting the vicinity of the Gaza international airport to the east of Rafah city, local sources said."

Israeli intelligence kidnaps 7 family members of detained Jerusalemite MP
A quote...."OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)-- Israeli occupation forces and intelligence agents broke into the home of detained Jerusalemite MP Ahmed Attoun in Sur Baher village and took away seven of his relatives including two brothers." - also posted at AlethoNews

Israeli Troops Raid West Bank, Five Arrested in Bethlehem City
A quote...."Israeli soldiers raided the southern West Bank city of Bethlehem on early Wednesday morning, arresting five Palestinians in their homes and taking them to unknown locations."

Israeli Troops Fire Into Palestinian Funeral, Injuring Four
A quote...."On Saturday, a funeral procession in the Palestinian village of Dhaher al-Malih received a violent response from Israeli soldiers stationed at a gate in the Annexation Wall. Several soldiers fired toward the mourners, injuring four- including three sons of the deceased." - also posted at Uruknet

Fishing in Gaza – no day at the beach
A quote...."I saw an Israeli naval warship for the first time yesterday, a concrete monster the color of ash, guzzling up the Mediterranean and spurting it out in its wake. -- I rose early to go out with the Oliva, a small white boat used by Civil Peace Service (CPS) Gaza to monitor the Israeli navy’s conduct vis-à-vis Palestinian fisherman."

Monday October 24th 2011

City of the Living Dead
Must Read - A quote...."Anyone covering Capitol Hill knows that congressional hearings can be deadly — deadly boring and deadly predictable. -- But when a reported Iraq war veteran exploded into a House Armed Services Committee hearing this month as Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta was reading his prepared remarks, for a split second it was like a test to see if someone blinked. Better yet, it was a test to see if anyone was human enough to respond. -- One person reportedly burst out laughing, right after the veteran, who was screaming “We murdered people! I saw what we did to people!” was dragged from the room by security. But the rest of the chamber was silent, faces turned stoically forward. The vet was followed by two silver-haired antiwar women decrying the war. They were also manhandled out of the room in short order. Seven people altogether that day were arrested for interrupting the proceedings — one charging that the veteran had been laughed at — while a number of others outside in the hallway chanted, “We are the 99 percent, and we don’t support these wars!”"

The Trouble We're In
Quote of the Day...."America is now Amerika for one reason and one reason only:  because WE are NOT abiding by the Constitution."

Withdrawal Symptoms: Curtain Rises on Second Act of an Endless War Crime
A quote...."Barack Obama has announced that all American troops will be withdrawn from Iraq by the end of the year. This was presented as America honorably adhering to the agreement signed years ago by the Bush Administration. At the same time, White House and Pentagon spinners were planting stories to make clear that the United States had fully intended to continue its military presence in Iraq past the deadline, but was thwarted by the Iraqis' unconscionable refusal to allow American forces to commit crimes with impunity -- and immunity -- on Iraqi soil." - also posted at PrisonPlanet

Obama says he’ll be taking ‘executive actions’ without Congress on ‘regular basis’ to ‘heal the economy’
Dictator Alert - A quote...."President Barack Obama told an audience in Nevada on Monday that he will be regularly announcing “executive actions” his administration will take to “heal the economy” without the “dysfunctional” Congress."
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More on the Domestic Situation...

How Wall Street Fleeces America: Stephen Lendman
Video - (YuTb - 16min53sec - Oct 24, 2011) - Source:  SGTbull07 -- A quote...."My interview with author Stephen Lendman. We discuss the fleecing of America by Wall Street and the associated private banking cartel."

Broadcasting LIVE on - October 24, 2011 - Part II
MRVideo - Note:  To avoid the advertisements and the radio commentary goto 8min10sec into the broadcast - mpg - (JustInTV - 2hrs - Oct, 24th 2011) - Source:  MichaelRiveroTV-Vids -- Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire and many other issues. - mpg
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

The Federal Reserve Bank is a Moral Hazard to the Nation and the World
A quote...."We can complain about how the US Government is too big and bloated. We can get upset all we want about how Washington DC is the richest city in the nation. We can complain about which alphabet soup agencies are infringing on people's rights. We can worry all we want about the economy, inflation and dollar devaluation. We can complain about the police state being brutal on the population. We can get upset all we want about these undeclared wars and the empire we have abroad. We can debate about social security. We can moan all about the welfare state, the national debt and deficit spending. The truth is these are all the tentacles of the monster. We have to identify the beast of which it really is. We have to come to terms of its negative effects on our national character. This institution has robbed the nation of more than its wealth. It has robbed the people of its ruggedness; it is the source of the moral rot permeating our society today. Like a cancer spreading far and wide from the corporate world, from Main Street to Wall Street. All the way from high places in government down to the lowly bureaucrat, its influence knows no limits. Its influence has metastasized everywhere. "

Totally Corrupt America
A quote...."The financial crisis, which is very much still with us, did not result from accident or miscalculation; neither did it result because of a flaw in Alan Greenspan’s theory, as he told Congress when a feeble effort was made to hold him accountable.   It was the intentional result of people motivated by short-term profits who wanted to get theirs and get out. -- As "Reckless Endangerment" shows, fraud characterized every stage of the process from the fraudulent borrower incomes and credit scores that mortgage issuers gave to unqualified buyers, through the securitization of the mortgages and their triple-A investment grade ratings by the rating agencies (Standard & Poor’s especially, but also Moody’s and Fitch) to the investment banks that sold what the banks knew was junk to investors around the world as investment grade securities.  Indeed, Goldman Sachs was simultaneously betting against the mortgage derivatives that it was selling to clients."

GAO Report: Fed Reserve Is Riddled With Corruption And Conflicts Of Interest, Stephen Friedman Is Targeted
A quote...."WASHINGTON, Oct. 19 - A new audit of the Federal Reserve released today detailed widespread conflicts of interest involving directors of its regional banks. -- "The most powerful entity in the United States is riddled with conflicts of interest," Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) said after reviewing the Government Accountability Office report. The study required by a Sanders Amendment to last year's Wall Street reform law examined Fed practices never before subjected to such independent, expert scrutiny." - Topix ||  Peter Schiff - A Closet Member of the AIPAC/Israeli Consortium? - 10-21-11 - mpg  ||

US States Are Facing Total Debt of Over $4 Trillion
A quote...."The total of U.S. state debt, including pension liabilities, could surpass $4 trillion, with California owing the most and Vermont owing the least, a new analysis says."

As Hope For EFSF Solution Vanishes, Europe Comes Crawling To Uncle Sam
A quote...."With less than 48 hours left until Europe's latest and greatest summit on Wednesday (no point in keeping count: it is certain that yet more extensions wil be demanded and granted, letting the EURUSD have just that much more space from where to fall) Europe has, as it usually does in the 12th hour after it whips out the abacus, realized that the EFSF in its latest incarnation is Dead on Arrival (as expected). So what does Europe do? Why come crawling to Uncle Sam of course...."

The European Financial Crisis in One Graphic: The Dominoes of Debt
A quote...."After 19 months of denial, propaganda and phony fixes, the political and finance leaders of the European Union are claiming a "comprehensive solution" will be presented by Wednesday, October 26-- or maybe by the G20 meeting on November 3, or maybe on Christmas, when Santa Claus delivers the gift global markets are demanding: a "solution" that actually pencils out and that forces monumental writeoffs of debt and thus equally monumental losses on European banks and bondholders. "

Fury Mounts Among Greek People
A quote...."Greece last week  was paralysed by a 48-hour general strike that began Wednesday and cast doubt on the unpopular government’s ability to implement reforms demanded by the European Union in return for further bailout money."
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"Occupy Wall Street" & Other "Occupy" News...

New York cops defy order to arrest hundreds of ‘Occupy Albany’ protesters
A quote...."According to the Albany Times Union, New York state troopers and Albany police did not adhere to a curfew crackdown on protesters urged by Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) and Albany mayor Gerald Jennings. -- Mass arrests seemed to be in the cards once Jennings directed officers to enforce the curfew on roughly 700 protesters occupying the city owned park. But as state police joined the local cops, protesters moved past the property line dividing city and state land."

Stepped-up repression against anti-Wall Street protesters
A quote...."The response of the US government to the spread of anti-Wall Street protests in the US and internationally has been a marked increase in police repression and intimidation. Just last weekend, police attacked protest encampments in Chicago, Philadelphia, Cincinnati, Phoenix, Dallas, Orlando and Tampa, arresting more than 200 people in all."

Occupy Olympia Too!
Occupy Orlando: Orlando PD Arrests Peaceful Protesters for Gathering Legally
IT'S COMMIES! - graphic
Veterans and Police Officers Support “Occupy Wall Street” Protesters
Occupy Maine camp attacked with chemical bomb
Manhattan District Attorney Won't Drop Charges Against Protesters
15 Occupy Philadelphia protesters arrested after blocking Eighth
Nurses to picket City Hall over arrests at Occupy Chicago protest
Aussie Cops Brutalize OWS Protesters - contains video
Australia's Occupy protesters refuse to give up
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The Assault On Libya....

Assasination of Cnl Muamar Ghaddafi – Adrian Salbuchi
Must View RTVideo - Alt - (previously posted) -- (RTYuTb - 4min11sec - Oct 21, 2011) - Source:  arsalbuchi -- A quote...."(RussiaToday) – Watch this short video where Adrian Salbuchi explains that what happened in Libya is a warning for the entire world of how this new world order model actually works. “When they decide to change the regime, they do so with the utmost violence, and it is a whole model. First they target a country by calling it a “rogue state”; then they support local terrorists and call them “freedom fighters”; then they bring death and destruction upon civilians and they call it “UN sanctions”. Then they spread lies and call it the “International Community’s opinion expressed by the Western media”. Then they invade and control the country and call it “liberation” and finally they steal appetizing oil and call it “foreign investment and reconstruction”."

Patrick Henningsen: Qaddafi Gone, Syria is Now Next
Must View AJVideo - PatrickHenningsen(1/2) - PatrickHenningsen(2/2) - (AJYuTb - 15min - Oct 24, 2011) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel  -- A quote...."On the Monday, October 24 Edition of the Alex Jones Show, Aaron Dykes sits in for Alex. Aaron covers the latest breaking news and runs down the important issues of the day, including the aftermath of the alleged assassination of Gaddafi and the continued slide of the global economy. -- Aaron talks with contributing editor and writer Patrick Henningsen about The Libyan branch of al-Qaeda announcing its plan for Islamic Sharia law in Libya Lead by NATO Head Puppet, Mustafa Abdul-Jalil." - Topix ||  One Vile, Venom Tipped, Taloned Hand Washes the Other - (a.k.a. The Standard Model) - 07-28-10 - mpg  ||

Post Jamahiriya Libya Taking Shape
Related Article - A quote...."While Jon Stewart, Fox News, and a host of fake liberals celebrate the victory of the Benghazi “rebels” Libya is being formed into something altogether different than what existed for 42 years after Moammar Gadhafi helped lead a revolution. -- The NATO led counter-revolution which demolished the Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya is taking shape. Here are just a few early  results...."

Madsen: Gaddafi Flying White Flag When Killed
Special Note - Gaddafi Set-Up?? - Gaddafi may have been set up by Hillary & Co., which would explain her constant giggling.  It's the sort of thing she would find amusing. - mpg -- A quote...."(WMR) - Madsen’s information reveals that Gaddafi was set-up for a double-cross and execution. Dead men, as they say, tell no tales. Gaddafi’s cooperation with the globalists, his business deals with the war criminal Tony Blair at the behest of JP Morgan, his talk of nationalizing Libya’s oil fields, his close relationship with oil corporations and American politicans like John McCain were all liabilities for the elite and would have been extremely problematic if he had surrendered and faced the ICC at the Hague. -- A full report on the incident will be forthcoming at Madsen’s website." - also posted at TheIntercept - Topix ||  The US-NRE's Retirement Program - 10-23-11 - mpg  ||

Qaddafi Flying White Flag When Killed - Wayne Madsen Report
Must View Related AJVideo - WMR/Set-Up(1/2) - WMR/Set-Up(2/2) - WMR/WhiteFlag(1/2) - WMR/WhiteFlag(2/2) - (AJYuTb - 15/5min - Oct 24, 2011) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel - The "White Flag" was ignored according to Wayne Madsen, war crimes on top of war crimes. - mpg

Gaddafi Sodomized - (Maybe.  This website editor refuses to watch the video.)
A quote...."An analysis of video obtained by GlobalPost from a rebel fighter who recorded the moment when Col. Muammar Gadafi was first captured confirms that another rebel fighter, whose identity is unknown, sodomized the former leader as he was being dragged from the drainpipe where he had taken cover. -- Welcome folks, to the New Roman Empire. -- Told you folks, open recognition of homo-sexual marriage, open homo-sexuality in the US-NRE's military, Abu Ghraib, Gitmo, and all the sado-torture "black-sites" across the world, the churches, the prisons, (yes, we're number one in the world and dwarf everyone per capita) child abuse (yes, we're number one among industrialized countries in that too) and on and on.  America is DISGUSTING!!  ALL these wars to spread compound-interest-debt-slavery on behalf of the Banksters and homosexuality for all.  To all the men and woman (one third of whom are raped) in the US-NRE's military.....nice job, way to go, keep up the good work, be all that you can be, keep on bended knee for the Banksters. - mpg

"This is My Will": "Continue the Resistance, Fight any Foreign Aggressor against Libya,..."
A quote...."This is my will. I, Muammar bin Mohammad bin Abdussalam bi Humayd bin Abu Manyar bin Humayd bin Nayil al Fuhsi Gaddafi, do swear that there is no other God but Allah and that Mohammad is God's Prophet, peace be upon him. I pledge that I will die as Muslim. -- Should I be killed, I would like to be buried, according to Muslim rituals, in the clothes I was wearing at the time of my death and my body unwashed, in the cemetery of Sirte, next to my family and relatives."

A Libyan in London Speaks about Libya
M108Video - Part I - Part II - (M108YuTb - Oct 22, 2011) - Source:  108morris108 -- A quote...."I ask Asiel about Libya - he too is trying to take stock of the situation - and to come to terms with what is happening. Sorry it ends abruptly."

'NATO had boots on ground in Libya'
A quote...."An Israeli intelligence source says US and British forces had surrounded the hideout of former Libyan ruler Muammar Gaddafi two weeks before he was captured and killed."

NTC Executed 53 Pro-Gadhafi Individuals
A quote...."Fifty-three pro-Gadhafi individuals were executed at a hotel in the Libyan town of Sirte last week, according to Human Rights Watch. At the time of the killings, the hotel was in an area under the control of National Transitional Council (NTC) fighters from Misrata." - also posted at ICH

NATO Countries Set to Steal $30,000 from Each Libyan Citizen
A quote...."The pro-Western corporatist media outlets are hurriedly trying to help spin every aspect of the murder of Moammar Gadhafi and the ongoing rape and pillage of the Libyan people’s assets." - also posted at AlethoNews

The War in Libya is Still a Failure - And becoming more so by the secand! - mpg
Second Quote of the Day...."The U.S. and our allies attacked a government that had done nothing to endanger international peace and security. It posed no threat at all to any NATO nation. No Western security interests were served by this war, and some may have been harmed as a result. Successfully deposing Gadhafi is bound to encourage future administrations to take similar risks. The U.S. and our allies may not always be so lucky in targeting such an unusually weak, isolated state."  --  "Equally troubling from an American perspective is the ease with which the current administration launched a war against a government that had abandoned its former hostility, renounced unconventional weapons and terrorism, and provided some degree of security cooperation to the U.S. Pariah states now have no incentive to negotiate similar deals with the U.S. and its allies, and they have clear incentives to acquire the means of deterring a future intervention. This reduces diplomatic and political options in coping with these states in the future and makes conflicts with some of them more likely. "

Five Things You May Not Know About Muammar Gaddafi
Presstitute Alert - (FT....again, they're becoming another NYT in the lying department - mpg) -- The presstitutes are still lying about Libya. - mpg -- A quote...."David Gardner [wrote a piece] yesterday in the Financial Times. Others have expressed similar sentiments. Here are the facts...."

Just a few reminders from the history file.....

Wow That Was Fast! Libyan Rebels Have Already Established A New Central Bank Of Libya - Alt
“Libyan Rebels” Create Central Bank, Oil Company
Libyan Rebel Council Forms Oil Company to Replace Qaddafi’s
Libyan Rebels Form Central Bank
Italian oil giant strikes new deal with Libya
French military confirms arms drops to Libyan rebels
Egypt arming Libya rebels: report
Libya crisis: Egypt shipping arms across border to aid rebels
French, British Moves to Arm Libya Rebels Decried - As World Condemns Armament, Rebels Demand More
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More On The International Situation....

Army Ranger Killed on 14th Combat Deployment
The title says it all, you deploy that many times in combat and fate will eventually catch up with you, it's just a matter of the odds. - mpg -- A quote...."If we are sending our best  into combat 14 times, then we are in worse shape than I thought."

3 US Soldiers Killed in Afghanistan
A quote...."The US Department of Defence said on Sunday that three US soldiers were killed in southern Kandahar province on Saturday."

Hundreds of Afghans rally against US pact
A quote...."KABUL — Hundreds of Afghans took to the streets in Kabul on Monday, shouting “death to America” in an angry protest urging the government not to sign a strategic partnership with the United States."

All US forces withdrawn from [Iraq's] Diala province - security source
A quote...."All remaining U.S. forces in Diala province have withdrawn, a security source announced today. --  The source told Aswat al-Iraq that the U.S. forces completely withdrew today from its Sa'ad Camp inside Baaquba, and handed it over to the Iraqi forces."

Turkish Tanks Reportedly Move Into Northern Iraq Toward PKK Camp
And the Iraqi Government is going to wish them luck.  This is Turkey's answer to Israel's allie attacking their forces a few days ago, and a message to Israel. - mpg -- A quote...."Turkish tanks and armored vehicles have reportedly crossed into northern Iraq. - Reports say the armored convoy was headed in the direction of a Kurdish militant camp at Haftanin, around 20 kilometers inside Iraq."

Syria: Next for Libya-style ‘humanitarian’ intervention?
A quote...."With the destruction of Libya winding down, the Western imperialist machine is looking for the next target for destabilization and exploitation. -- If John McCain, the top Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee, is any indication, it is likely the case that Syria is on the top of the list."

Yes, the Middle Eastern Wars Really Are All About Oil
And ALSO about "Remaking the Middle East" -- AIPAC/Israeli Consortium code for fracturing and dividing any national states in the Middle East that would pose even the slightest geo-economic competitive threat to Israel. - mpg -- A quote...."The Iraq war was really about oil, according to Alan Greenspan, John McCain, George W. Bush, Sarah Palin, a high-level National Security Council officer and others. -- Dick Cheney made Iraqi’s oil fields a national security priority before 9/11." - Topix ||  War Resource 9/11  ||

Iran, China negotiate LNG plant project
A quote...."An Iranian official has announced that the country is engaged in talks with a Chinese consortium for participation in the construction of an LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) plant in the country. "

One Dead, Dozens Wounded in Kenya Grenade Attacks
A quote...."Who would’ve thought the Kenyan military invasion of southern Somalia last week would have unforeseen negative consequences?" - Topix ||  Africa - the Next Target - 02-28-08 - mpg  ||
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Israeli military covers up evidence showing Eilat attack was not carried out by Palestinians
A quote...."After a shooting attack on an Israeli bus and truck two months ago which killed five civilians and three soldiers, Israeli military officials immediately claimed that a Palestinian resistance group was responsible. But an Israeli military investigation revealing that the attack was carried out by Egyptians, not Palestinians, has been ‘embargoed’ by the military."
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

Israeli forces make multiple arrests across the West Bank
A quote...."NABLUS (Ma’an) -- Israeli forces made multiple arrests overnight Sunday and Monday morning in several districts across the West Bank, the Israeli army and Palestinian police said."

In Israel, it is very clear where you can and cannot live as a Palestinian
It's called apartheid. - mpg -- A quote...."After a six-year legal campaign, a Palestinian-Israeli couple has been granted the right to build a home in the communal settlement of Rakefet in the Misgav Regional Council, located in the southern Galilee. However, their victory does not portend the softening of ethnically divided communities in Israel, nor the broadening of living options available to Palestinians living inside Israel. In fact, their long-awaited acceptance may just be the last of its kind." - also posted at AlethoNews
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More On The Economic Situation....

The Daily Bail Round-Up - Oct 24, 2011 at 1:00 PM
A round-up of todays business news from the Daily Bail. - mpg

Sunday October 23rd 2011

Years in Iraq change U.S. military’s understanding of war
A quote...."We went to war with Iraq because Bush administration's allegations about Iraq never were challnged or questioned.On the contrary they were promoted and sold to public by the media as facts. - Sadly, we have the same people who took us to war with Iraq are working hard to put us in a war with Iran. - This is how the money-junkies make money off of war..." -- *Michael Rivero* -- The 'war process' for Dummies, by Michael Rivero. - mpg

The US-NRE's Retirement Program

Official US-NRE Government Retirement Program - Related Graphic - (click to enlarge)

For all the World's Leaders....and millions of others too!!

This is an astounding opportunity for all you world leaders out there.  A program that's been kept secret for many years and usually limited to just a select few of the US-NRE's best customers, is now available to almost anyone on the planet who qualifies!

Now YOU TOO, can enjoy the same fabulous benefits already enjoyed by DOZENS of the world's former TOP leaders.

Even American citizens are now eligible to participate!!

We'll even offer promotional discounts for members of your family, your children, your grand-children, even distant relatives who are traveling with you, or who are currently residing with you!!  All are welcome to participate....because we want to "help you"....AND your family members!!  Age or infirmity is no barrier whatsoever, no child is to young to have our assurance on that!

This is a once in lifetime opportunity!!  Don't let it pass you by!! Once you join, you can be absolutely confident that you'll never want to change your mind again.  Enroll in our wonderful program and you'll finally be at peace with yourself, all your cares will be forgotten, all those heavy burdens will finally be lifted from your tired shoulders and any  fears you may still have....will be permanently laid to rest.

And no more worrying about your money EVER!!  When you join our retirement program, we'll be absolutely delighted to gather all the assets you, your family, or even your country may possess and manage them for you forever!!  WE GUARANTEE IT!!

Doesn't that sound fantastic?  Don't YOU want to join this retirement program?  Do you think it's all too good to be true!! 

Well, don't you worry!!  ALL you have to do to participate in this stupendous opportunity is simply invite any member of the US-NRE's establishment to do some "business" with you, your family, or your country and you and your loved ones will AUTOMATICALLY be enrolled!!   Now how simple is that!!  What more could you ask for??

So don't wait, don't hesitate, JOIN US NOW!! and YOU TOO will get to experience the opportunity of your lifetime!! - mpg

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More on the Domestic Situation....

Torture Victims to Initiate Private Prosecution against George W. Bush on his Arrival in Canada
A quote...."October 19, 2011, Surrey, BC—Tomorrow, four individuals who allege they were tortured during George W. Bush’s tenure as president of the United States will lodge a private prosecution in Provincial Court in Surrey, British Columbia against the former president, who is due to visit Canada for a paid speaking engagement at the Surrey Regional Economic Summit on October 20.  The four men will take this step after repeated calls to the Canadian Attorney General to open a torture investigation of George Bush went unanswered.  Human rights groups and prominent individuals will sign on in support of the effort."

TSA Workers Fear Radiation Dangers From Scanners
Quote of the Day...."So, not that you will ever admit it, because the Gestapo "Blue shirts" can never admit error, but I want you TSA people to think about this. The 9-11 First Responders are considered to be heroes by the public. -- Genuine heroes. -- And the US Government just stiffed them on the cancer they got because the EPA told them it was safe to breath the air at ground zero while the blogs were trying to warn everyone about the asbestos. We The People fought to get good health care for those heroes, and the US Government stiffed them. -- So who do you think will pay for the medical treatment for the cancers you are getting now? Think the public will advocate on your behalf? -- Not likely." -- *Michael Rivero* - bold by website editor

The EyeOpener- CIA & the Nuclear Black Market: A Case Study
JCVideo - (JCLngTailVid - 17min05sec - 19. Oct 19, 2011) - Source:  BFP -- A quote...."The AQ Khan nuclear network was first introduced to the public in early 2004, with Abdul Qadeer Khan’s dramatic televised confession to the Pakistani public that he had participated in selling nuclear technology, including bomb-making designs and equipment, to countries including Iran, North Korea, and Libya. Right from the beginning, the sensational nature of the network and its eventual discovery, a tale of international intrigue and shadowy spy craft, seemed tailor-made for headline-grabbing reports, or sensationalistic BBC docudramas." - Topix ||  US-Nukes for Everyone  ||

Gaddafi my 2 cents – Ryan Dawson
RY2sVideo - Alt - (RY2sYuTb - 21min11sec - Oct 21, 2011) - Source:  Rys2sense -- Actually, only the first five minutes are spent on Libya, the rest is a general discussion of current events. - mpg

Gerald Celente – The Keith Larson Show – October 19th, 2011
Audio - Alt - (YuTb - 14min28sec - Oct 21, 2011) - Source:  GeraldCelenteChannel
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

Monster Prediction From BofA: Another US Debt Downgrade Is Coming In Just A Few Weeks
A quote...."The credit rating agencies have strongly suggested that further rating cuts are likely if Congress does not come up with a credible long-run plan. Hence, we expect at least one credit downgrade in late November or early December when the super Committee crashes."

Summarizing The Sheer Chaos In Europe: 9 Meetings In 5 Days
A quote...."For over a year, our premise #1 in interpreting the newsflow out of Europe has been that in the absence of actual practical ideas, and the continent's glaring inability to do simple math, the only option left to bEURaucrats has been to literally baffle people with so much endless bullsh-t that the general audience would be simply stunned by the possibility of an alternative that the union's leaders were all talk and absolutely no action, let alone analysis. As of today, we now know that that is precisely the case...."

No answers from European summit meeting
A quote...."24 October 2011 -- Few concrete details of a supposed eurozone rescue plan have emerged from the European leaders’ summit held in Brussels on Sunday. It is clear that none of the fundamental problems has been overcome, putting in doubt the unveiling of a “final plan” at a further summit meeting on Wednesday."
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"Occupy Wall Street" & Other "Occupy" News...

Potent News: Michel Chossudovsky On OWS Movement & Libyan War
Must View PNVideo - Co-Option Warning - MichelChossudovsky(1/3) - MichelChossudovsky(2/3) - MichelChossudovsky(3/3) - (PNYuTb - 14/10min - Oct 22, 2011) - Source:  PotentNewsUpdates -- A quote...."October 22, 2011 - This morning I had a chance to interview award-winning writer, Prof. Michel Chossudovsky."

We the 99% Demand a Totally Different Federal Budget
Pie Charts - A quote...."We can fit our demands on a bumpersticker: “Majority Rule” or “People Over Profits” or “Love Not Greed.”  But we don’t want to.  Our government is doing everything wrong, and we should be allowed to present the full list of grievances.  We can, however, give the world a thousand words’ worth in an image, a pie chart to be exact.  Our federal budget funds the wrong things.  We want it to fund the right things."

OWS first salvo in class war US faces
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 2min55sec - Oct 23, 2011) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."There's a class war brewing in the United States. That's the stark warning from the 'Occupy Wall Street' movement which is into its fifth week - and shows no sign of giving up. For them, the yawning gap between rich and poor is getting far too wide. And that could cost the government dearly, as Gayane Chichakyan explains."

Faux news can't twist Occupy message
A quote...."When we hear the protesters on Wall Street in New York chanting their messages and see the signs they carry, we should realize that they are very concise, mostly short and to the point, and very clear, but that is not what you get when you read most of the major newspapers and blogs and view US TV networks."

More/new Occupy Albany pix - photos
The Anthem for Occupy Wall Street - vid - Alt - (YuTb - 3min18sec - Oct 20, 2011) - Source:  nigrotime1
Photos, Love, [A Marraige Proposal], & Music at Wall Street - photos & vid
Signs From The 99 Percent Protest Against Eric Cantor Would-Be Speech In Philadelphia - photos
WRH - Reader photos Occupy LA 10-22-11 - photos
Occupy Oakland shuts streets, defy eviction order
Inside Occupy Oakland’s City Hall camp - photos
LIVESTREAM: Occupy Seattle Protest in Front of Seattle Police Department
Violent end to Australia’s ‘Occupy’ protests
'Take me next!' Occupy Chicago protesters beg police to arrest them as 100 are led away by cops
Occupy Chicago protesters to spend second evening behind bars
Occupy Europe: Thousands march in Germany & Spain - vid - (RTYuTb 2m44s Oct 22, 2011) - Src RT
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The Assault On Libya....

FLASHBACK - Why Gadhafi must die!
Must View RTVideo - From the History File - Jun 26, 2011 - Alt - (previously posted) - (YuTb - 6min04sec - 06/03/11) - Source:   RussiaToday -- A quote.... "Do you believe that Gaddafi is killing its own people?"

FLASHBACK - Gaddafi's Stolen Billions: Max Keiser Explains 'Financial Terrorism'
RTVideo - From the History File - Jun 3, 2011 - (previously posted) - (YuTb - 6min04sec - 06/03/11) - Source:   RussiaToday -- A quote.... "International bankers have reportedly wasted billions of dollars invested by Libyan leader Colonel Gaddafi. The Financial Times says giants like Goldman Sachs were dealing with the dictator's investments when it needed to plug a hole during the economic crisis. Most of the money has been lost, but with what's going on in Libya any repayment seems unlikely."

New Libyan leader says sharia law will rule...
Yep, all you so-called pieces of crap liberals have done it AGAIN!!  Completely destroyed another country, bankrupted it, helped to murder thousands, possibly tens of thousands of innocent people, all so YOU could install a puppet regime of racist, xenophobic, former al-CIA'da members and Saudi supported Wahhabists who are are now busily imposing Sharia Law on the reluctant population!!  All so YOU and your sleazy cronies in crime can steal Libya's oil and force them to join the "Bankster Club" of unending high interest "loans", in Euros or Dollars (we don't really know which yet, and that will TRULY tell us who was behind  Gaddafi's overthrow) which they can never pay back!  GOD you pieces of crap liberals must be so proud of yourselves!! - mpg

Gaddafi's dream capital for Africa pulverised into a ruin
Well don't worry, our so-called "liberals" will probably giggle inanely just like Hillary did at Gaddifi's murder as the true casualty figures from seven months of non-stop NATO bombing are revealed.  As unbelievable as it might seem, some of them might actually try to pretend they didn't know that bombing a country for seven months causes this sort of destruction.  Of course NO ONE will believe them. No one.

By the way, to any misbegotten piece of human crap that supported this outrage, here's a heads-up for you.   Everyone was well aware, from day ONE, back in March, that most of the NTC are al-CIA'da and Saudi supported Wahhabists.  Any deaths that result from this particular, additional, round of US-NRE support for these sorts of groups, also known as pseudo-gangs, any "terrorism" that might result from the billions of dollars worth of arms given to the the NTC, or any use of those "missing" surface to air missiles, anywhere on the planet, or in Africa, or in Europe by these pseudo-gangs, or their the direct responsibility and fault of every piece of garbage that supported this operation.  You knowingly supported this.  YOU ARE AT FAULT,  GOT IT! -- YOU ARE A TERRORIST, GOT IT! - And it doesn't matter if it's a year from now, or two years from now, or ten when the inevitable attack occurs. - mpg

Western hugs with Gaddafi end with shot to head
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 3min41sec - Oct 23, 2011) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."Libya's chief forensic pathologist says an autopsy has confirmed that Moammar Gadhafi was killed by a shot to the head. NATO wraps up its campaign hailing a free Libya after Colonel Gaddafi is killed - but disturbing images of his final moments raise questions about the nation's future. This week marked the end of Colonel Gaddafi's grip on Libya. But the mystery surrounding his death in captivity has sparked international calls for an investigation, with the official account that he was killed in a crossfire widely questioned. Libya's now looking to hold elections within eight months. But as RT's Anissa Naouai reports from Tripoli, there is much cynicism over whether things will change post Gaddafi."

We continue our resistance to full revenge. I am in Libya, alive and free’ – Gaddafi’s son
A quote...."Libya, Tripoli: Saif al-Islam Kadhafi, son of Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi, flashes the V-sign for victory as he appears in front of supporters and journalists at his father's residential complex in the Libyan capital Tripoli in the early hours of August 23, 2011." - bold by website editor

The US and Gaddafi: The murderer calls for an investigation of the crime
A quote...."What exactly is it that Ms. Clinton wants investigated that she doesn’t already know? -- Gaddafi was captured Thursday while fleeing his hometown of Sirte. Over the previous month Sirte had been under continuous NATO bombardment and a brutal siege by the so-called “rebels” that destroyed the city and claimed untold numbers of civilian dead and wounded."
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More On The International Situation....

Anatomy of the US Led Bogus Wars on Terrorism
A quote...."The UNO- a global institution of formal HOPE for the mankind failed to stop the powerful aggressors in their plans to invade Iraq and Afghanistan for purely strategic-political domination and to occupy the natural resources. -- The UNO’s inaction and inability to fulfill its mandate of the Charter has made it a redundant organization simply to rejoin the historical failure of the League of the Nations - a complete failure in contemporary history...."

The History of "Pro-Democracy" Regime Change: In Bed With the NED. The National Evisceration of Democracy
So much for all those "NGO's".  There's no "N" in them whatsoever, they're totally "G"overnment" - mpg -- A quote...."There was good news recently in Washington. Six new directors joined the board of the US Government agency, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED). The six included such stalwart democrats like former NATO Supreme Commander Wesley "Demented Bomber" Clark, former Assistant Secretary of State Richard Holbrooke and Francis Fukuyama, who since his 1989 National Interest article "The End of History" has been ideologist-in-chief of post-Cold War neoconservatism.. Another new member is someone by the name of Julie Finley, described in the NED handout as "a prominent Republican Party activist who, as a Founder and Board Member of the US Committee on NATO, has worked actively on issues related to NATO expansion and the conflict in the Balkan region." A NATO expansionist and a Balkan activist – it does not sound as if "democracy’ is high on her agenda. Last year we learned that upon her departure from Foggy Bottom, Madeleine "Hideous Harridan" Albright would become president of the National Democratic Institute, an organization the NED bankrolls."

'Afghans will stand by Pakistan in war'
A quote...."Afghan President Hamid Karzai says that Afghanistan is strictly opposed to any US attack on Pakistan and will stand by Islamabad if Washington takes such an extreme step. -- "God forbid, if a war erupts between Pakistan and the United States, we (Afghanistan) will stand by Pakistan," Karzai told Pakistan's Geo television network in an interview broadcast on Saturday, Reuters reported."

'Pakistan blocking attacks against Iran'
A quote...."One has to wonder at just who, precisely, Pakistani and Iranian officials are characterizing as "terrorists"; The patsies suckered in by Mossad and VIA to deliver "cookies" to the police station and killing innocents, or the uniformed killers with the robotic drones launching missiles at wedding parties and killing innocents? For the people catching the shrapnel, there is no real difference." -- *MichaelRivero*

Israel And America Declare Total War on Persia
A quote...."These are dangerous times. -- The state terrorist regimes in Israel, Saudi Arabia and Washington are madly pushing for world war three in the Middle East. If fought to the very end, this war will bring down many nations. Israel, America, and Iran will all be destroyed." - Topix ||  One Vile, Venom Tipped, Taloned Hand Washes the Other - (a.k.a. The Standard Model) - 07-28-10 - mpg  ||

U.S. Shouldn’t Ignore Iran’s Speedboat Threat: Jeffrey Goldberg
Michael Rivero suggested that people check out the are a few selected examples....mpg

"Hey Goldberg, here's your rifle, your parachute, your wet suit and flippers. We'll drop you off in the Persian gulf and you can go and attack Iran. -- Good luck!" -- *Bernard Busch*

"This has to be one of the most shameless pieces of propaganda Goldberg has spun since his days of shilling for the Iraq war...."
  1. The allegation about nuclear triggers was based on documents that even Time admited they forged becasue they could not risk showing the "real" documents.  In other words, it's Niger Uranium take 2.
  2. The 2011 NIE, which is a consensus of all 16 UN Intelligence agencies (who no doubt have fully investigated the "evidnce" of nuclear triggers) has reached the same conclusion as the 2007 NIE - that Iran is not producing or even pursuing nukes.
  3. There is no evidence Iran had anything to do with the bombings in Buenos Aires.
  5. Goldberg Holds holder and Mueller up as paragons of intergrity just as Holder's complicity in Fast and Furious was exposed.
  6. The absrud assassination plot came on the heels not only of Holder's crinminality, but Iran's offer to resuscitate the uranium swap deal.  Obama cannot afford to make peace with Iran during his campaing for re-election.
"This piece by Goldberg is lazy and as others have pointed out, insults the intelligence of the readers." -- *Andre De Angelis*

"This is like deja vu.  Wasn't it Goldberg who was writing about Saddam's WMDs, Saddam's supposed connections to Al Qaeda (basically trying to link Saddam to 9/11), the yellow cake, etc. -- Goldberg was part of the apparatus that lied us into war with Iraq, and now he thinks that people are going to take him seriously on Iran.  Well, Goldberg, if you want to go to war with Iran then grab a gun and bring your lazy ass over there, leave the rest of us out of it.  I've already lost enough shipmates and friends." -- *jaffi411*

Documents show White House and No 10 conspired over oil-fuelled invasion plan
Special Note - A quote...."Newly discovered documents show how in 1957 Harold Macmillan and President Dwight Eisenhower approved a CIA-MI6 plan to stage fake border incidents as an excuse for an invasion by Syria's pro-western neighbours, and then to "eliminate" the most influential triumvirate in Damascus." -- WOW!!  All they did is dust-off the same identical plans!  Waste not want not is their motto one would guess. - mpg

US Drones Join Kenya, AU Attacks on Southern Somalia - Port Town of Kismayo Expected to Fall to Kenyan Troops -- And so it starts, soon ALL of Africa will be in flames....mpg -- A quote...."The town of Oddo fell on Friday and the key port of Kismayo looks like it may be next, as the Kenyan forces that invaded southern Somalia last week are now receiving help not only from the African Union, but from US combat drones as well. French warships are also shelling the region."

Europe: Change of Ruling Elites on the Horizon
A quote...."On October 23, Switzerland will hold watershed elections, which are expected to turn into a triumph for the far-right Swiss People's Party. Its projected score – over 30% - is unprecedented for the European right, and Swiss watchers stress that the strong show may destroy the long-standing and essentially consensus-based balance of power among Switzerland's leading political forces."
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Media And The US
Another Mossad False Flag? - More presstituting by our nations presstitutes.  One is tempted to ask of them. "Just how many more Americans are going to die this time?  Or is it just some more 'secrets' that we were going to lose? Or do you even care?" - mpg -- (WMR) -- A quote...."From national security incident to harmless prank: How the media is covering up another Israeli intelligence operation against the United States."

Connect the dots: In ’02, NYPD began training in Israel; 9 years later, spying against NYC Muslims exposed
A quote...."Fast-forward to the present, where in recent weeks a steady drip of outrageous revelations about the NYPD's indiscriminate spying on Muslim New Yorkers continues to be published by the Associated Press."

Rubio to Syria’s Bashar al-Assad: You’re next, buddy
Another bought and paid for, Zio-Nazi maggot crawls out of the wood-work and shows his true colors.  Just why don't these guys convert, renounce their US citizenship, and move to Israel? - mpg -- A quote...."Rubio who entered the national political scene as a ' Tea Party' member who is going to make big changes in Washington and how things are done in D.C.. -- In the middle of his campaign he started to sound like an Israeli government spokesman. After his election and before he was sworn in, he took off to visit Israel, and since then he became a big and staunch supporter of Israel." -- *Michael Rivero*
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

Zionist Attacks Unite Students for Justice in Palestine
A quote...."Despite the pressure, though, activists vowed to push on with the core of their work: advancing Palestinian rights, principally through BDS campaigns. Divestment campaigns across US college campuses continue to forge ahead — a major concern for groups such as the ADL."

As settlers [squatters and vandals] disrupt olive harvest, Israeli officer [nut-case] declares: “I am the law, I am God.” -- A quote...."Intimidation of Palestinians in the Israeli-controlled H2 section of Hebron continued today as the Israeli military [gang-banging thugs] and settlers [squatters and vandals] harassed Palestinians and international observers as they attempted to pick olives on their land in Tel Rumeida. -- Around 40 students from different Palestinian universities marched onto the land at 11AM Saturday morning and began to pick olives along with local families, activists from Youth Against Settlements (YAS) and international observers." - bold/underline by website editor - also posted at AlethoNews

Israel Starts 'Collecting' Palestinians for Future Swaps - Well, maybe the Palestinians should do the same. - mpg
A quote...."As I arrived at the tent, I felt that there was something strange going on. I asked a friend what had happened earlier. She answered while pointing, “That woman, Najiyya, just fainted when she learned that her husband is not included in the swap deal.” I kept sympathetically following her with my eyes wherever she went. She lifted my spirits up as she walked toward me and sat in an empty chair next to me. She smiled at me, despite her sorrow. I wish she knew how much people like her give me indescribable spiritual power with their incredible strength and steadfastness. Seeing her smile again, while knowing that she was broken inside, brought life to me. I couldn’t help but smile back with a look of admiration and appreciation."
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More On The Economic Situation....

Global Economic Crisis Deepens
A quote...."Global Depression grips world economies. Destructive polices fueled today’s crisis. Conditions are fast coming to a head. -- Throwing good money after bad delays decision day at the price of far greater trouble on arrival. D-Day will shake world economies. It may, in fact, be months away, perhaps in 2012. -- No one knows for sure, but things that can’t go on forever won’t, and when they end, watch out. Ordinary people will be hurt most, much more than already."

Saturday October 22nd 2011

No posts. - mpg

Friday October 21st 2011

Politics And Shadow Politics: Understanding The Elite's War on Humanity
Special Note - A quote...."A mass grave site in La Macarena, Colombia, that was unearthed in 2010 outside a Colombian military base overseen by the U.S. military. Human rights lawyer Dan Kovalik said that, "The discovery of this mass grave by sheer accident raises the prospect that there are more yet to be found," in his April 2010 article called, "U.S. and Colombia Cover Up Atrocities Through Mass Graves."

The Truth Is Going Global
Special Note - A quote...."....a trend of long-term importance is emerging: the truth is going global. -- By the "truth" I refer not to some eternal truth, but to an understanding that the financial model presented by the Status Quo as "reality" is in fact an illusion that serves the interests of those controlling massive concentrations of wealth and political power. Simply put, the present-day financial Status Quo is unsustainable, and it will devolve or collapse under its own weight of internal instabilities and lies."
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More on the Domestic Situation....

Rex 84 Vs. Globalist Shutdown
A quote...."October 18, 2011 - For many years the globalists, through the federal agencies they control, have treasonously planned to use devastating orchestrated events to suspend constitutional rights and implement martial law. The best-known plan for martial law/continuity of government is called REX 84." - also posted at BobTuskin

Woman Roughed Up, Arrested for Reciting the Constitution During TSA Inspection
Police State - A quote...."Albuquerque International Sunport Security Checkpoint: -- I pass a camera crew filming the ticket counter. I stop and consider telling them what I am about to do, but decide against it. They probably won't care. Instead, I wheel my baggage to the security area. -- I can feel my heart beat in my chest. I've never done anything like this. I've always said “Yes sir,” even when I didn't agree. Even this simple act fills me with conflicting emotions."

Hundreds demand George W. Bush’s arrest at Surrey, BC protest
A quote...."Hundreds of protesters chanted “Arrest Bush” and “Shame,” calling on the Canadian government to arrest former U.S. president George W. Bush as he arrived at a Surrey hotel on Thursday. -- Mr. Bush and his predecessor Bill Clinton were among the keynote speakers at the annual Surrey Regional Economic Summit at the Sheraton Guildford Hotel. Human-rights groups including Amnesty International have demanded Canadian authorities arrest Mr. Bush for war crimes."

Protest song for George W. Bush in Surrey
Video - (YuTb - 1min07sec - Oct 20, 2011) - Source:  TheGeorgiaStraight

Broadcasting LIVE on - October 21, 2011
Must View MRVideo - Note:  To avoid the advertisements and the radio commentary goto 8min10sec into the broadcast - mpg - (JustInTV - 2hrs - Oct, 21st 2011) - Source:  MichaelRiveroTV-Vids -- Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire and many other issues. - mpg
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Fast & Furious File & The Iran Scam Comedy

Obama Admin Scales Up Tensions, Ignoring Mistrust of Alleged Iran Plot
A quote...."Memo to President Obama; sir, my original skepticism over this Rube Golbergesque plot has finally moved into the hysterical laughter phase. -- You are asking me - and my fellow and sister Americans - to believe that an alcoholic used car salesman, in cahoots with a Mexican drug cartel, was the best the Quds force could come up with to assassinate the Saudi Ambassador to the United States...." -- *Michael Rivero*

Iran Links US-funded Terrorists to Saudi-DEA Bomb Plot
A quote...."Gholam Shakuri, who the US has claimed is a member of Iran's elite Quds Force, and behind a bungling plot involving a used-car salesman and undercover US DEA agents to assassinate a Saudi Ambassador in Washington DC, thus serving as an impetus for a war with Iran the US has been desperately pursing for the greater part of a decade, is now being accused by Iran of instead being a member of the French/Iraqi-based Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MEK), the Guardian reports."
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

Keiser Report: Live and Let Fail (E199)
Must View MKVideo - Alt - (MKRTYuTb - 25min56sec - Oct 20, 2011) - Source:  RussiaToday - Producer:  Max Keiser TV -- A quote...."(RussiaToday) -- This week Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, talk about the European penny drops as more banks need more bailouts while the public debt clock ticks up to $40 trillion. In the second half of the show, Max Keiser interviews Michael Betancourt about the threat that Occupy Wall Street presents to our modern form of capitalism that relies on ignorance and passivity in the population in order to operate schemes of fraud and bubbles"

The Only Way to Save the Economy: Break Up the Giant, Insolvent Banks
Must Read - A quote...."And as I noted in December 2008, the big banks are the major reason why sovereign debt has become a crisis...."

"BIS points out in a new report - PDF that the bank rescue packages have transferred significant risks onto government balance sheets, which is reflected in the corresponding widening of sovereign credit default swaps...."

The Mark-to-Market Fantasy - Banks on the Brink
Special Note - A quote...."If the Occupiers start chanting ‘Mark to Market,’” an attorney highly conversant with the darker workings of the Wall Street-Washington complex told me, “we’ll know they’re serious.”   Such a call would quickly presage the collapse of our “too big to fail” banks, for it would highlight the fact that a huge proportion of the assets of Bank of America, Wells Fargo, JP Morgan, and Citigroup consist of loans that will never be paid back and are therefore essentially worthless. The so called “recovery” of our leading financial institutions from the post-Lehman abyss has depended on a fraudulent valuation of these assets, but stripped of the fiction, the banks are [still] insolvent."
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Peter Schiff - A Closet Member of the AIPAC/Israeli Consortium?
10-21-11 - Revised 10-22-11

Peter Schiff: How gov’t stimulus spending & deficits impact capital markets
Video - PeteSchf(1/6) - PeteSchf(2/6) - PeteSchf(3/6) - PeteSchf(4/6) - PeteSchf(5/6) - PeteSchff(6/6) - (YuTb - 5/15min - Oct 21, 2011) - Source:  FraserInstitute -- A quote...."Peter Schiff, CEO and chief global strategist of Euro Pacific Capital, discusses how excessive government intervention hinders economic recovery and growth, during a Fraser Institute policy briefing on Thursday, Oct. 13 at the University Club of Montreal."

Ignore it whenever Peter Schiff talks about the "gubermint" (he sounds like a stupid, drooling, uneducated, moronic, hick, when he does so).
  1. The "gubermint" prints all those little green pieces of paper on the orders of the Federal Reserve, a consortium of PRIVATE banks.
  2. The "Fed's" notes are the only "legal tender" allowed in the United States.
  3. The "Fed" manifestly refuses to let anyone conduct a comprehensive audit of their books and accounts.
  4. The "Fed" refuses to let anyone audit the gold reserves at their New York branch, and has also made it clear to the US Treasury that they don't want an audit of the gold at Fort Knox either.
  5. During ALL of QE1 and QE2 the "Fed" and Treasury together, allowed primary dealers (those lovely people on Wall Street who have the privileged position at getting first dibs during bond auctions) to purchase bonds at a discount and flip them back to the Fed in as little as two weeks with a substantial mark-up.  Hundreds of billions, perhaps more than a trillion, was directly transferred to the Wall Street Banksters by this little trick of theirs which was reflected in their firm's "profit" margins....and their personal bonuses.
  6. The "Fed" has publicly acknowledged that part of their unofficial mandate is to prop-up the stock market through direct intervention. (And we're not just talking about the Plunge Protection Team).
  7. The "gubermint" (i.e. "our" representitutes) are completely owned by the Banksters. They were bought and paid for a long, long, time ago.
  8. The "Fed", the Treasury, and Wall Street are just one gigantic, self-rewarding, revolving door of money printing sleaze, graft, corruption and back-room deals.  A Gordian knot of self-aggrandizing conflicted interests that wouldn't stand the slightest scrutiny by anyone at anytime, ever. People come from the "Fed" (you know, those Banksters), or Wall Street (you know, those Gangsters) to take up positions in the Treasury, SEC or any other governmental agency that is supposed to monitor our financial system, propose and write reports and legislation, (which "our" representitutes are paid to pass), enact rules and regulations, and than transfer back to the very same firms that are going to benefit from these newly enacted "laws and statutes". Many of these "public servants" have made hundreds of millions of dollars, a few have even made billions.
  9. Regulations are different than rules. Glass-Steagaal was a RULE.  The Banksters PAID their representitutes to have it removed so they could "financialize" the mortgage market, along with just about everything else in this society they could lay their hands on.
  10. They did so to extend and pretend their Ten Year / Economic War Cycle, to enforce the PNAC Protocols and to continue the expansion of the New Roman addition to Israel's Mid-East Mini-Empire and the Saudi Royal's malevolent sphere of influence. (What are known as the "Trinity of Evil")
  11. There was MASSIVE, PROVEN, FRAUD, from the MERS system (which by the way, was fraudulent in and of itself), to that F.B.I. report that came out in 2004 warning of massive mortgage fraud, to the lying triple "A" ratings given by Moody's, Fitch, and S&P to all those trillions in MBS's and other synthetic securities, (For which they received highly lucrative fees), to even selling the SAME mortgages to multiple buyers. 
  12. 1,100 to 1,300 Banksters were convicted during the Savings and Loan fiasco, so far, during this monumental crisis, a crisis which is by several orders of magnitude greater than that of the Savings and Loan fiasco, only a handful of people have even been arrested, much less gone to jail. (Bernie Madoff doesn't count, we ALL know why he got life)
  13. The Fed (you know, those PRIVATE banks) secretly gave tens of trillions of dollars to their Bankster buddies in this country and almost ten trillion (that we know of) to others overseas, and only fessed up after they were forced to divulge the information.
  14. The FASBI rules were changed at the order of the Banksters from "mark to market" to "mark to fantasy", thereby firmly placing our entire financial edifice, upon a foundation of sand.
  15. It isn't the tens of trillions they gave to their Bankster buddies that's the only problem, or the fact they DELIBERATELY stuffed Fannie Mea and Freddie Mac with roughly five trillion in toxic securities, or that the Fed's (you know, that PRIVATE bunch of Banksters) balance sheet is filled with trillions of additional questionable's also the six hundred TRILLION (by one count) to 1.5 QUADRILLION (by another count) in derivatives they created during the last decade to fund their various Ponzi schemes that are the problem.  All of which will have to be unwound at some point in the future.
  16. Peter Schiff mentions the "Sovereign Debt Crisis" (dah, you know, dem dare gobermints, drool, drool, it's all ol'dem's fault) all the while ignoring the stupendous, astounding, financial and political gymnastics that have been going on for the last three years by the private Banksters to transfer THEIR losses onto the "gubermint's" books, over the vociferous objections of their respective national populations.  if Peter Schiff wants a look at these objections he can go to New York and talk to the OWS movement.  If he wants a more vigorous look he can go to Greece.
  17. Peter Schiff ignores DIRECT complicity by the Banksters in creating some of these foreign  government's problems in the first bribing their representitutes.  Such as when Goldman Sachs "advised" the Greek government on how to make their books look better so they could join the EU (oh wow, Goldman Sachs again!)
  18. One would hope this wasn't some sort of long range plan to deliberately sabotage the EU and it's Euro because they might have become an economic competitor to....Israel perhaps?  Or Britain's financial (Bankster) industry or even Wall Street's Massive Bankster Complex.  Perhaps all three?
The fact that NONE of the items shown above were even MENTIONED by Peter Schiff during his speech is not a good sign of his credibility or his reliability to publicly analyze the political-economy. (Note: that has nothing whatsoever to do with giving good, sound, financial advice. They are NOT the same. Some cynics would even suggest that they are in fact, adversarial in practice.)

Tsk, tsk, tsk. (long sigh), one would HOPE it's not because he's a secret closet member of the AIPAC/Israeli Consortium, or in bed with any of the Banksters, (a plumb position at some point in his future, waiting for him at Goldman Sachs, or the Fed, or the IMF perhaps?) One would sincerely hope he's not a sell-out to the powers that be. 

One would perhaps hope that this insipid drivel was solely tailored to his audience? (the Fraser Institute is as conservative as you can get)

One can only hope. - mpg

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FOREX-Dollar slumps to record low versus yen
A quote...."The U.S. dollar slumped to a record low against the yen on Friday in its biggest one-day decline in nearly two months, bringing back into focus the threat of official intervention to weaken the Japanese currency." - Source: Reuters

Paul Brodsky: The Seeds of Our Destruction Were - And Still Are - Sown in the Bond Markets
A quote...."Paul Brodsky does not trust the bond markets. That position may seem strange coming from someone who has spent most of his professional career trading bonds, but it's precisely this insider knowledge that has led him to start directing investors to safer harbors. -- In fact, he thinks our credit system is so far out of control that it will cause a massive - and largely unavoidable at this point - devaluation of the US dollar (and most other fiat currencies, as well)." - also posted at ZeroHedge

Euro Summit Statement "Leaked" Draft Looks Like Swiss Cheese; 10-Point Proposal for More Meetings
A quote...."A leaked draft of the Euro Summit Statement is sparse on details and long on hot air. They only item of "substance" and I really use that world lightly, is an 10-point action item plan detailing an agreement to setup more meetings. -- The Telegraph presents The Leaked Draft. -- I would like to provide details on resolutions to the economic crisis including the EFSF, however there are no details to present (and there will be none as long as the Merkozy feud lingers, which may be through the end of the summit)."

French Regulator Urges Banks To Write Down Greek Debt To Realistic Levels
Not when there's the slightest chance of getting the public to pay for more bail-outs. - mpg -- A quote...."Slowly even those staunchest critics of reality, namely undercapitalized and insolvent French banks, are coming to grips with the truth that they are going to see massive losses on their tens of billions of French debt exposure. The FT reports that the French stock market regulator has told French banks to apply realistic assumptions to their Greek debt haircuts. Because through today, French banks only used the 21% agreed upon haircut at the July 21 (and even that number is likely greatly overstated). So where are Greek bonds trading now? Oh about 30 cents on the dollar (70% haircut) , which means at the end of the day French banks will see about three time more losses on Greek holdings than provisioned."

Dead Protestor Outside Parliament As Greek Government Claims Protestors Are a Minority
A quote...."The people of Greece have reached a breaking point as the country has been squeezed until suffocation. - The Greek government says that the protesters are a minority, the protesters claim they are slaves of the government. - Greek residents brace themselves as more violence is headed down the pipe. - France had warned Greece of total destruction if the leaders failed to take action — will a 10.75 Billion be enough? - The violence ramps up on the streets as the people wait in anger. What will be the final outcome?"

German-French conflicts deadlock European Union summit
A quote...."The much heralded European Union summit this weekend will not take any decisions to stabilize the euro due to unresolved differences between Germany and France. Instead, the 17 heads of state and government of the euro zone plan to reassemble in Brussels next Wednesday to decide on a package of measures."
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"Occupy Wall Street" & Other "Occupy" News...

Goldman Execs Stay Fat And Happy On Huge Bonuses Despite Down Year For Profits
A quote...."The investment bank had a lousy third quarter, but employees will still take home billions in bonuses.  Goldman Sachs earning reports provides a valuable lesson on how things really work inside Wall Street’s largest investment houses. Goldman Sachs had an awful three months, losing $428 million in the third quarter of 2011, and yet it continued to shovel billions into the bonus pool it will share with its employees at year’s end. -- Through the first nine months of 2011, Goldman set aside $10 billion in its compensation fund. If Goldman’s 30,000 employees split that bounty evenly, that would work out to $333,000 per person—plus the billions more Goldman will no doubt set aside in the last few months of the year." - Source:  TheDailyBeast - Topix ||  Having Fun With Your Tax Dollars  ||

How Can We Rouse Police and Other Protectors of the Corporatocracy — “Guards” of the Status Quo — to Join the OWS Rebellion? - Offer them a ten percent commission on what they can beat out of the Banksters? - Oh....was that bad?  So sorry....offer them twenty percent?? - mpg -- A quote...."For those of us who have demonstrated and marched in the Occupy movement, it is obvious that the police and the corporate press serve as guards—buffers between the vast majority of the American people and the ruling “corporatocracy” (the partnership of giant corporations, the wealthy elite, and their collaborating politicians)."

American Anger: 58% Say Are "Furious About America's Politics" Compared To 49% In January, 37% Support #OWS - A quote...."The Arab Spring, which yesterday claimed its first brutal televized murder, confirming that the new regime is unfortunately in no way more civilized or humane than the old one, is slowly gaining ever more traction, and those in power who think they are immune from the basest of human emotions like Gadaffi thought, even in so-called civilized countries, may be surprised to discover otherwise. According to a new AP-GfK poll, 37% of respondents back "Occupy Wall Street" and its various offshoot variants. As can be expected, "A majority of those protest supporters are Democrats, but the anger about politics in general is much more widespread, the poll indicates." What is more disturbing is that nearly two thirds of respondents are openly expressing anger with everything that is wrong in America, even if they can't quite place their affiliation with either the Tea-Party of the #OWS movement. "

Michael C. Ruppert at Occupy Santa Rosa
Video - Alt - (YuTb - 7min26sec - Oct 18, 2011) - Source:  NorCalTruth -- A quote...."(NorCalTruth) – Michael Ruppert was one of over 2,500 people who were out Occupying Santa Rosa on 10/15/11, I happened to run into him. --  Ruppert is author of Crossing the Rubicon: The Decline the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil. -- Michael is well known for being a former LAPD offcer who worked with narcotics and confronted CIA Director John Deutch in 1996 about the CIA dealing drugs in America. -- For more on Michael Ruppert see: -- The Truth and Lies about 9/11 -- --"

Confirmed: ‘Liberal’ NPR Gets Freelance Radio Host Fired for Joining Occupy-DC (New Updates)
A quote...."Update:The AP has confirmed that Lisa Simeone has indeed been fired from her hosting position for Soundprint. When reached by email earlier this morning, Simeone told that she was headed into a conference call with NPR and affiliate station. More updates to follow."

Cenk Uygur to OWS: 'Occupy the states!'
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 2min53sec - Oct 20, 2011) - Source:  RTAmerica -- A quote...."Wednesday night Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks attended the Occupy Wall Street protest at Zuccotti Park to support the movement and introduce his new website, aimed to organize people all over the US to fight corporate personhood."

Naomi Wolf Arrested at OWS Event Under 'Color of Law'
AJVideo - NaomiWolf(1/2) - NaomiWolf(2/2) - (AJYuTb - 9/7min - Oct 21, 2011) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel  -- A quote...."Author Naomi Wolf talks with Alex about her recent arrest at the OWS protest in New York. She is the author of Give Me Liberty: A Handbook for American Revolutionaries."

Mayor Bloomberg [Zio-Nazi par excellence] on Occupy Wall Street protesters: City will now require permits
30 Occupy Wall Street protesters arrested in NY
OccupyWallStreet  - photos
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The Assault On Libya....

How the West won Libya
Must Read - Some quotes...."They are fighting over the carcass as vultures. The French Ministry of Defense said they got him with a Rafale fighter jet firing over his convoy. The Pentagon said they got him with a Predator firing a Hellfire missile...." -- "To the winners, the spoils. They all did it; the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the Pentagon and the TNC. From the minute a United Nations resolution imposing a no-fly zone over Libya became a green card to regime change, plan A was always to capture and kill him. Targeted assassination; that's Barack Obama administration official policy. There was no plan B. -- As for how R2P ("responsibility to protect" civilians), any doubters should cling to the explanation by NATO's secretary general Anders Fogh Rasmussen; "NATO and our partners have successfully implemented the historic mandate of the United Nations to protect the people of Libya." Anyone who wants to check NATO's protection of civilians just needs to jump on a pick-up truck and go to Sirte - the new Fallujah."

Assasination of Cnl Muamar Ghaddafi - Interview of RT
Must View RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 4min11sec - Oct 21, 2011) - Source:  arsalbuchi -- Quote...."Watch this short video where Adrian Salbuchi explains that what happened in Libya is a warning for the entire world of how this new world order model actually works. "When they decide to change the regime, they do so with the utmost violence, and it is a whole model. First they target a country by calling it a "rogue state"; then they support local terrorists and call them "freedom fighters"; then they bring death and destruction upon civilians and they call it "UN sanctions". Then they spread lies and call it the "International Community's opinion expressed by the Western media". Then they invade and control the country and call it "liberation" and finally they steal appetizing oil and call it "foreign investment and reconstruction"."

'Gaddafi murder - international crime'
Must View RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 5min58sec - Oct 22, 2011) - Source:  RTAmerica -- A quote...."There's growing international pressure for an investigation into exactly how Libya's ousted dictator Moammar Gaddafi died. The UN expressed concern over video footage taken following his capture which shows Gaddafi taken alive, before he was killed. Meanwhile, NATO said it's winding down its bombing campaign in the country. London-based journalist and author Afshin Rattansi says that killing Colonel Gaddafi is an international crime."

Imperial Massacres
Must Read - A quote...."Denied post mortem imagery of Osama bin Laden and Anwar al-Awlaki, the world now has at its disposal photographs of Muammar Qaddafi, dispatched with a bullet  to the head after being wounded by NATO’s ground troops outside Sirte. Did the terminal command, Finish Him Off, come via cell phone from the US State Department whose Secretary, Hillary Clinton,  had earlier called for his death, or by dint of local initiative?  At all events, since Qaddafi was a prisoner at the time of his execution, it was a war crime and I trust that  in the years of her retirement Mrs Clinton will be detained amid some foreign vacation and handed a subpoena. -- My friend and neighbor in Petrolia,  Joe Paff, wrote a response to a dreadful story about Qaddafi’s killing on Yahoo’s site, commenting “This kind of gloating is bound to come back and bite your butt. Imagine how many people in the world would like to see Netanyahu or Obama dragged from their hiding holes and tortured.  It will take about six months for everyone to regret the ‘new’ Libyan ‘democrats.’”

Website editor's note:  Yes, the thought had occurred to this website editor that openly gloating and laughing on national TV, over the vicious, violent, brutal, sadistic, grisly, death of a national political leader whom you arranged to have murdered, a political leader whose children you have also helped to murder, may not have been such a brilliant idea when you happen to be a political leader yourself.  Some might even hazard to suggest that it sets a bad precedent.  --  Just a suggestion of course. -- Too late to do anything about it now, not with the internet that'll be playing that particular segment of inane girlish laughter and giggling over and over and over again in front of millions of outraged Libyans who actually did support Gaddafi and his national aspirations for their nation.  --  But what the heck, what's done is done, any attempt at an apology at this point would be regarded as insincere at best, and simply another gratuitous insult at worst. - mpg

Celebration Psyop: Massive Celebrations in Libya? Really?
Must Read / View - A quote...."Almost every complicit media outlet has made the claim at some point that there have been “massive” celebrations in Libya (Tripoli especially) since the news of Moammar Gadhafi’s death emerged yet most of those reports were strangely absent any videos or photos from the reporters filing the stories from inside that troubled country."

Obama:  "Yes We Can"
Must View Poster

Gaddafi: America's Convenient Tyrant
Must Read - A quote...."Obama celebrated the killing of Gaddafi.  He did not talk about Gaddafi’s cozy relationship with the US and the west for the past 8 years including torturing people for the CIA."

New Libya Born from an Act of Terrorism
Video - Alt - (Note:  size window for best viewing) - (GPVideo - 1min36sec - Oct 21, 2011)

NATO's Agenda for Libya - Qaddafi, From Beginning to End
Special Note - A quote...."On the dusty reaches out of Sirte, a convoy flees a battlefield. A NATO aircraft fires and strikes the cars. The wounded struggle to escape. Armed trucks, with armed fighters, rush to the scene. They find the injured, and among them is the most significant prize: a bloodied Muammar Qaddafi stumbles, is captured, and then is thrown amongst the fighters. One can imagine their exhilaration. A cell-phone traces the events of the next few minutes. A badly injured Qaddafi is pushed around, thrown on a car, and then the video gets blurry. The next images are of a dead Qaddafi. He has a bullet hole on the side of his head. -- These images go onto youtube almost instantly. They are on television, and in the newspapers. It will be impossible not to see them."

Killing of Gaddafi and NATO's Money-Driven Wars of Conquest
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 13min17sec - Oct 21, 2011) - Source:  GlobalResearchTV -- A quote...."After nearly a two month manhunt, former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi was found and killed."

Pepe Escobar: NATO wanted Gaddafi dead all along
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 7min21sec - Oct 21, 2011) - Source:  RTAmerica -- A quote...."Gaddafi at one point was a hero to the Western world, but for the last year Gaddafi was looked at as a villain. There are many reports explaining the reasons why the change of heart from the Western powers. Pepe Escobar, correspondent for the Asia Times, helps us understand what happened and what lies ahead for Libya."

Gaddafi Killing Gets War Criminal Blair Off The Hook
A quote...."The assassination of Muammar Gaddafi via a combination of NATO bombs and US-backed al Qaeda affiliated rebels, serves to sweep away a myriad of, shall we say, uncomfortable circumstances. Perhaps the most damning of those are the intimate links shared between Gaddafi and his “good friend” Tony Blair."

With Gaddafi allegedly dead, what is in store for Libya’s future?
A quote...."Conflicting reports of Gaddafi’s death flooded the internet and the airwaves almost immediately. -- These reports have been questioned outside of the Western media as highly suspicious, especially when one considers the Libyan rebels’ track record of lying (skip to the end of this article to see reports questioning the legitimacy of the claims, this article is mainly about what is next for Libya if Gaddafi is indeed dead)."

The Curious Nature of the Self Chosen Few.
A quote...."Gadhafi loyalists include the largest tribe in the country, and after the smoke clears and the new regime extends its grip over dissident pockets of resistance, nostalgia for the relatively peaceful days of Gadhafi’s reign is more than likely to set in. Worse, the arsenals of the Libyan military have been systematically looted, with missiles and other sophisticated weaponry falling into the hands of radical Islamist militias. These militias are not fringe elements in the Libyan revolution, but rather they are in charge, with one of their number taking the place of the slain Younis as head of the rebel “armed forces.”  - also posted at PoorRichardsBlog

The End of History: Now that the CIA’s proxy army has murdered Gadhafi, what next for Libya?
A quote...."If Washington’s plans succeed, Libya will become another American puppet state. Most of the cities, towns, and infrastructure have been destroyed by air strikes by the air forces of the US and Washington’s NATO puppets.  US and European firms will now get juicy contracts, financed by US taxpayers, to rebuild Libya.  The new real estate will be carefully allocated to lubricate a new ruling class picked by Washington.  This will put Libya firmly under Washington’s thumb." - Topix ||  One by One, According to the Plan - 10-20-11 - mpg  ||
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More On The International Situation....

The Military Roadmap. America's "Next Libyas": Iran, Nigeria, Venezuela, Syria, Yemen
A quote...."What we have been witnessing is a redistribution of spheres of influence, where the United States is the main player." -- The American economy is in need of inexpensive oil, so the U.S. government is even ready to wage wars, if only oil arrives...Any country with large reserves of energy resources - Iran, Syria, Venezuela or Nigeria, could come next..."The U.S. will be turning the enslaved countries into a replica of Iraq: it will plant a puppet government there and give the use of the country to oil companies. The same will happen to Libya, of course."

Obama announces US troops leaving Iraq by year's end, in keeping with deal struck in 2008
A quote...."I am very glad our troops are leaving Iraq, although that may be to free them up for Iran, but that is a topic for another post. -- Forget Obama's speechification about the 2008 deal. If the new government in Iraq granted immunity, the US troops would stay. In denying immunity, the new Iraqi government has shown the US to the door and handed them their hat, er, their helmet. -- In other words, the United States just lost the Iraq war."
  1. We never got Saddam's nuclear weapons, because they did not have any.
  2. We did not revenge 9-11 because Iraq had nothing to do with it.
  3. We did not punish Iraq for supporting Al Qaeda because Saddam and Al Qaeda were enemies.
  4. We did not get all that much oil because the new government of Iraq is made up of people the US tortured, or of people who know people the US tortured, and the oil contracts were handed out to everyone else.-- *Michael Rivero*
Hate to disagree with Michael Rivero, but using his own words, and analysis, what's happened in Iraq is actually an astounding victory for the parasites who run this country.
  1. Iraq is now using the dollar, instead of the Euro.
  2. Iraq has a private central bank using these dollars.
  3. Iraq, per the PNAC Protocols, has been shattered into three semi-autonomous states and won't pose a significant geo-political-economic competitive threat to Israel for at least two decades.
  4. Iraq is now filled, per the plan, with al-CIA'da elements and other forms of Saudi inspired and financed Wahhabist extremists that will provide endless sport, and eventually a reason to return, for the US-NRE's military.
  5. Kurdistan, per the plan, has aligned itself with Israel.
  6. The US-NRE's Military Industrial Complex has had one of the best decades ever.
  7. The US-NRE's population is now, even deeper in debt to the Banksters.
All in all Iraq, and Afghanistan, have been wonderful, highly profitable, successes for the parasites! - mpg

Iraq By The Numbers: The World’s Costliest Cakewalk
Special Note - By The Numbers - A quote...."The Obama administration’s announcement of a withdrawal of all U.S. forces from Iraq by the end of the year offers the possibility of a definitive conclusion for the U.S. military’s involvement in Iraq. But while the return of all U.S. service men and women by Christmas is a cause for celebration, the costs of the war are only beginning to be fully understood. The “cakewalk” to Baghdad, as George W. Bush adviser Kenneth Adelman infamously wrote in February, 2002, has been anything but."- And just think folks, this is only ONE country, we have so many more cake-walks.....ahem, 'scuse this website editor....we have so many more....countries to go!! (Twelve and counting!) - mpg

Iraq rejects US request to maintain bases after troop withdrawal
A quote...."The US suffered a major diplomatic and military rebuff on Friday when Iraq finally rejected its pleas to maintain bases in the country beyond this year. -- Barack Obama announced at a White House press conference that all American troops will leave Iraq by the end of December, a decision forced by the final collapse of lengthy talks between the US and the Iraqi government on the issue."

US Troop Withdrawal in Iraq… Not in a Hundred years! Why a P2OG event will change the game
False Flag Prediction - (The Iranians of course, they're in fasion right now) -- You've GOT to see the photo of the US-NRE's embassy in Iraq, Hitler would've turned green with envy, Ceaser would've been proud. All it needs are some swastikas (to the right and left of the NAZI/Roman Imperial Eagle) - mpg-- A quote...."Cousin Barry O’Bomba is pandering to his base again… sure. But the REAL reason for feigning American troop Withdrawal, is that the Iraqi’s have denied the essential blanket of  Immunity from prosecution of War Crimes. This could set Obama on a politically dangerous road to embarrassment. So what do you do if you are Kissinger and Z Big (Obama’s primary foreign policy handlers)? You head fake. -- Make it look as though you are bringing our boys (and girls) home for the holidays, ending a 9 year national embarrassment and tragedy… Then dress up some special ops like Iranian terrorists and blow some things up… Thus creating the need to leave 100K or so troops (Plus Hallibuton, Dyncorp, and Ze) behind to keep Iraqis “safe” (Check)"

US troops may invade western Pakistan
A quote...."Clinton and her minions have engineered these last talks to fail, to make Pakistan out as the "bad guy". This was the "We tried, but it didn't work at all" gambit, attempting to soften up the American public for yet another war. -- Ultimately, this has very little to do with Afghanistan's security; it has everything to do with securing Pakistan's nuclear missiles, and installing a more Western-centric government, which will bow, scrape, and acquiesce to every and any demand the US and NATO might place upon it." -- *Michael Rivero* - Topix ||  One by One, According to the Plan - 10-20-11 - mpg  ||

Now Islamabad strikes back
A quote...."The attacks in which Taliban militants loyal to Maulvi Fazlullah took part have killed about 100 members of Pakistan's security forces. We have given locations and information about these groups to the Afghanistan government and the International Security Assistance Force [ISAF]. But apparently there has been no action taken against them because the problem refuses to go away'', said Athar Abbas."

NATO-led airstrike injures 13 Afghan civilians
A quote...."Kabul - An airstrike by NATO-led forces in eastern Afghanistan injured 13 civilians, a spokesman for the military alliance said Friday."

Turkey sends 10,000 troops to Iraq border
Turkey's on-going response to Israel's ally, the tri-partitioned portion of Iraq known as Kurdistan and their ally's recent attack against Turkish forces. - mpg -- A quote...."The Turkish military dispatched about 10,000 troops to the border with northern Iraq yesterday as part of its largest offensive against Kurdish militants for three years. -- Turkish television reported last night that most of the troops, part of 22 battalions, had crossed into the semi-autonomous Kurdish region, after massing at five different border points. The offensive comes a day after militants of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) killed 24 Turkish soldiers and wounded 18 in simultaneous attacks near the border. The attacks were the worst single loss of life for the army since 1993."

Saudi Crown Prince Sultan dies at 81

A quote...."Saudi Crown Prince Sultan bin Abdul Aziz, next in line to the Saudi throne, has died at the age of 81 at a New York hospital, a report says." -- If you're coming to the US-NRE for medical treatment, and you happen to be a head of state, better make sure nobody in the New Roman Empire is mad at you. (This website editor is NOT suggesting the Empire was angry at anyone in this particular case) - mpg

Egypt: TV host suspends program in protest
A quote...."CAIRO (AP) — A prominent Egyptian political talk show host on Friday suspended his program indefinitely to protest what he said were efforts by the country's military rulers to stifle free expression."

Russia, Kazakhstan may cancel oil export duties within CIS free trade zone
A quote...."Ukrainian Prime Minister Mykola Azarov has said Russia and Kazakhstan have agreed to cancel oil export duties for participants in a free trade zone being created within the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)."

China cautions against Western intervention
A quote...."China on Friday called for an “inclusive political transition” to begin in Libya following the death of Qadhafi, but reiterated its unease over Western-backed interventions in the Arab world as calls grow for action against Yemen. -- The Chinese Foreign Ministry said “a new page has been turned in the history of Libya”, stressing that China would “continue supporting the Libyan people's efforts to recover and reconstruct their country.”  - Translation:  "OK, that's the last country you get to overthrow, and by the way, if you don't let us participate in Libya's reconstruction and oil exploration, we're gonna sell some bonds". - mpg
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

An Appeal From the Students of Gaza
Boycott, Divest and Sanction the ENTIRE state of Israel!  Because it's the right thing to do, and because  it's easy to do. (All you have to do is NOT buy their products, now WHAT could be more simple than that?) - mpg -- A quote...."We Palestinian students of the Gaza Strip wish to send a message to all European student groups in solidarity with the Palestinians to do all they can to increase Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions of Israel this academic year." - For more on how to Boycott, Divest and Sanction the state of Israel see the upper-left-corner of the "Front Page" of this website.

UN Calls On Israel To Stop Harassing Kids- Perhaps Enforcing It Would Help
A quote...."The UN has criticized Israeli violence against Palestinian children, urging the international community to scale up its protective measures for minors living under Israeli occupation. -- Richard Falk, the UN special rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the occupied Palestinian territories, said on Thursday that ''settlers' violence and vandalism and night time raids and detentions by Israeli occupation forces, house demolitions, threatened expulsions, and a host of other practices'', have deprived Palestinian children of safety and a sense of security. -- He also said that long-term Israeli occupation has alarming affects on children's health and well-being."

Settlers Attack Farmers, Foreign Volunteers Harvesting Olives
A quote...."NABLUS, October 21, 2011 (WAFA) - A group of settlers attacked on Friday Palestinians, Israeli and foreign solidarity volunteers helping farmers to harvest olives in the village of Jalud, south of Nablus, injuring four of them and causing three suffocation cases, according to local sources."

Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (13 – 19 October 2011)
So far, not a week has gone by without....more of the same....mpg
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102111-102711 - links page

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