Thursday January 5th 2012

To All The Patriots: We Are the Anchormen of Free Humanity
Must Read - A quote...."History always has shown that it did not take a big majority to bring changes to society. The American war for independence only started with three percent of the people willing to take up arms against the Redcoats. I see this in many facets of society. I know many good men who are strong part of the warrior class, moral and upright people while they see their culture being pulled into darkness. These men being a moral anchor have kept these people from falling off the deep end. We see this in the many communities and other societies of a small minority of people holding to what is true being that voice in the wilderness. Alexander Solzhenitsyn was a moral anchor of strong character keeping a despotic system from falling into a dark abyss always pulling back toward freedom. All these people were anchorman while forces were pulling society in the wrong direction, these people had the moral courage to pull in the other direction saving their people from utter destruction keeping things from getting any worse trying to reverse course."

Murder of The Constitution in Full Public View by Congress & Obama: Paul Craig Roberts
Must View AJVideo - MurderOfTheConstitution(1/2) - MurderOfTheConstitution(2/2) - (AJYuTb - 9/15min - Jan 4, 2012) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel  -- A quote...."On the Thursday edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks with columnist and former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan Administration, Paul Craig Roberts. He is the author of How the Economy Was Lost: The War of the Worlds and other titles. Roberts official website is..."

9/11 and Israel: Alan Sabrosky’s Candid Interview
Must View Videos - 9/11&Israel-AlanSabrosky - (YuTb - 24min12sec - Jul 15, 2011) - Source:  PressTVGlobalNews -- WTC7TheSmokingGunOf 9/11 - (YuTb - 2min37sec - Mar 20, 2011) - Source:  docbrosk -- A quote...."In this edition of the Autograph, Susan Modaress interviews Dr. Alan Sabrosky, a ten-year US Marine Corps Veteran and a graduate of the US Army War College. A writer and consultant, specializing in national and international security affairs, who with astonishing candor discloses intriguing facts on the implication of Israel in 9/11 events that are by and large unheard of in mainstream media." - Topix ||  9/11 & 7/11  Israeli Connection  ||

US Political News Is a Fool’s Game
2012 Election Cycle - A quote...."U.S. political journalists love to cover the horse race of presidential politics – focused on polls and gaffes – while usually obscuring the nation’s actual problems and how the candidates and their proposals relate to this real world, as Danny Schechter notes."

Study: Romney plan raises taxes on poor families
2012 Election Cycle - A quote...."WASHINGTON (AP) -- Republican Mitt Romney's tax plan would increase taxes on low-income families while cutting taxes for the middle-class and the rich, according to an independent study released Thursday."

Bush, Obama – Same Old Drama!
2012 Election Cycle - Must View Data Base - A quote...."Here’s a partial history of Obama’s dealings – listed (roughly) chronologically, most recent first:" - also posted at DProgram - You've got to see the size of this list, and the really sad part of it, as the quote above states, is that it's only a "partial history" of the harm Obama has done.  Yet it's almost twice as long as your arm....and in small type!  What an absolute disaster Obama has been, not only for this country, but for all of humanity. - mpg

US Defense Act 2012: open-ended war
Video Interview - A quote...."Interview with Scott Horton, New York attorney known for his work in emerging markets and international law, an expert in the law of armed conflict, a contributing Editor to Harper's Magazine where he covers legal and national security issues and writes No Comment, a widely read blog about human rights and international law. He also lectures at Columbia Law School and is a co-founder of the American University in Central Asia" - also posted at GlobalRsrch

Leaked:US letter to Spain warned of punishment for not passing a SOPA-style law
You'vill join the fourth Reich!  You'VILL!!  You'VILL! - mpg -- A quote...."In a leaked letter sent to Spain’s outgoing President, the US ambassador to the country warned that as punishment for not passing a SOPA-style file-sharing site blocking law, Spain risked being put on a United States trade blacklist . Inclusion would have left Spain open to a range of “retaliatory options” but already the US was working with the incoming government to reach its goals."

[Exclusive] Can Hackers Create A SOPA-Proof Internet?
Action Alert - Related Article - A quote...."What’s the shortest distance between two points? If you said a straight line, then you just earned a self-high five. -- We here at WebProNews we have already given you a guide on how to navigate the post-SOPA Internet, but suppose there was an alternative that would obviate any need to even deal with an Internet burdened with the bureaucratic cangue of the United States government. In other words, what if you could use a different Internet altogether?"

Cobra Commander for President! - Isn't he already....president that is? - mpg
AJVideo Satire - Alt - (AJYuTb - 10min06sec - Jan 4, 2012) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."(AJC) – Cobra Commander announces his run for the office of supreme leader and lavishly details his outstanding record — endless war, torture, secret arrests, and a continuation of the jackhammer effect on the Constitution and the Bill of Rights."

Govt Evil Doers
CMcGVideo - Alt - (CMcGYuTb - 2min44sec - Jan 3, 2012) - Source: crabbydogtrix

Radiation Doctor Admits TSA Naked Body Scanners [a.k.a. Chartoff's Death Gates] Can Cause Cancer
A quote...."(NaturalNews) No matter how many times the US Transportation Security Administration (TSA) claims the machines are safe and pose no threat to travelers or personnel, naked body scanners that emit ionizing radiation are, indeed, a very serious health threat. And Dr. Edward Dauer, head of radiology at Florida Medical Center, agrees...." - also posted at 12160

Broadcasting live from Hawaii on Justin TV - January 5 2012
MRVideo - Note:  To avoid the advertisements and the radio commentary goto 8min30sec into the broadcast - mpg - (JustinTV - 2hrs - Jan 5th, 2012) - Source:  MichaelRiveroTV-Vids -- Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire and many other issues.
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens...

Keiser Report: Wall Street saints above God & law (E232)
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 25min46sec - Jan 3, 2012) - Source:  RussiaToday - Producer:  Max Keiser TV -- (RussiaToday) -- A quote...."On this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, discuss big lies, big cojones and the government eating your homework. In the second half of the show, they discuss Obama's request for $3 from Stacy while signing an order allowing him to indefinitely detain her and the Princeton students mic checking JP Morgan."

34 Shocking Facts About U.S. Debt That Should Set America On Fire With Anger
A quote...."We have all been lied to. For decades, the leaders of both major political parties have promised us that they can fix our current system and that they can get our national debt under control. As the 2012 election approaches, they are making all kinds of wild promises once again. Well you know what? It is all a giant sham. The United States has gotten into so much debt that there will be no coming back from this. The current system is irretrievably broken. 30 years ago the U.S. debt was a horrific crisis that was completely and totally out of control. If we would have dealt with it back then maybe we could have done something about it. But now it is 15 times larger, and we are adding more than a trillion dollars to the debt every single year." - also posted at PrisonPlanet & EconomicCollapse

Here We Go Again: US $25 Million Away From Debt Ceiling Breach
Table - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."It's simply amazing how quickly the US managed to hit its debt target, pardon, debt ceiling all over again...And now the Social Security Fund pillaging begins anew until Congress signs off on the latest interim debt ceiling increase."

Top Three Central Banks Account For Up To 25% Of Developed World GDP
Quote of the Day...."What does this mean? It means that nearly $8 trillion in world economic growth is artificial and exists only courtesy of central bank intervention - if one is looking for the reason why there is no mean reversion to a more stable period of time, there's your answer. It also means that central banks will never unwind their "assets", either actively, or passively, by letting them mature, as doing so would effectively mean an accelerated return to a non pro forma status quo, one in which global GDP suddenly finds itself $8 trillion less. It also means that in this age of ongoing consumer and corporate deleveraging, central banks will have no choice but to continue monetizing not to generate incremental growth, but to offset debt destruction elsewhere. And of course, in order to sustain global GDP growth of ~3%, they will have to print even more...." - bold by website editor
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"Occupy Wall Street" & Other "Occupy" News....

Occupy Oakland protesters hope for release of jailed demonstrators
A quote...."The crowd outside Oakland City Hall has dwindled to about 30 protesters Thursday afternoon after a crowd of Occupy protesters tried to storm the building and a small contingent of demonstrators met with an aide to Mayor Jean Quan."
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More On The International Situation....

Why Attacking Iran Will Not Work in 2012
Special Note - A quote...."It is clear now, after multiple failures by the UN’s IAEA to implicate Iran in developing nuclear weapons that a moral mandate is not there, so despite the best efforts of the hawks and FOX News, there cannot be the sway in public opinion needed to move forward militarily. The only remaining technique available to trigger a military conflagration is a false flag attack orchestrated by either the US, Israel or the UK, whereby Iran can be blamed for firing the ‘first shot’." - also posted at GlobalRsrch

NY Times Again Lies About WMD - Now in Iran
Presstitute Exposed - (The NYT....again) -- After promoting war on Iraq through false weapons of mass destruction stories the New York Times is promoting war on Iran through false weapons of mass destruction stories."

Avoiding Another Long War
This will fall on deaf ears.  You really can't hear very much when your ears are stuffed with newly printed, hot off Bernanke's printing presses, AIPAC/Israeli Consortium script. The script used to be called US Dollars, but it's now known as AIPAC toilet paper. - mpg

MEMORANDUM FOR:  The President
FROM:  Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS)
SUBJECT:  Avoiding Another Long War

"As professionals with collectively hundreds of years of experience in intelligence, foreign policy, and counterterrorism, we are concerned about the gross misrepresentation of facts being bruited about to persuade you to start another war."

No EU Deal on Iran Oil Embargo Yet - Diplomats Deny French FM's Claims of Agreement
Another Missed Call from an over-eager war monger. - Just a reminder as to why this particular "French FM" jumped the gun on this issue. --  His boss, Nicholas Sarkozy, is a Jewish fifth columnist traitor to the French people. Sarkozy is an unstinting, covert, supporter of the PNAC Protocols, a willing participant in the destruction of Libya (most of whose assets are slated to go to Britain's Banksters) and is currently sponsoring the destruction of Syria. He deliberately and knowingly tried to sucker the Germans in to "support" the Euro for trillions of dollars (along with the Chinese) while simultaneously planning to get the French Banksters out, leaving the Germans (and the Chinese had they been so stupid) holding the bag. (France's major banks are probably "Jewish controlled", but this website editor has so far been unable to determine their ownership structure). He is a back-stabbing Israeli bought and paid for night-crawler.  He intends to impoverish the French people and  suck their treasury dry to support the PNAC Protocols while attempting to destroy the EU as a viable economic competitor to Wall Street's Banksters all on behalf of the US-NRE's AIPAC/Israeli Consortium. He is a grinning, laughing, step'n'fetching, human maggot, burrowing into the nation state of France. - mpg
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A mistaken case for Syrian regime change
Special Note - Geo-Political Analysis -- A quote...."What we are seeing in Syria is a deliberate and calculated campaign to bring down the Assad government so as to replace it with a regime "more compatible" with US interests in the region. -- The blueprint for this project is essentially a report produced by the neo-conservative Brookings Institute for regime change in Iran in 2009. The report - "Which Path to Persia?" [3] - continues to be the generic strategic approach for US-led regime change in the region.  ---  A rereading of it, together with the more recent "Towards a Post-Assad Syria" [4] (which adopts the same language and perspective, but focuses on Syria, and was recently produced by two US neo-conservative think-tanks) illustrates how developments in Syria have been shaped according to the step-by-step approach detailed in the "Paths to Persia" report with the same key objective: regime change. --- The authors of these reports include, among others, John Hannah and Martin Indyk, both former senior neo-conservative officials from the George W Bush/Dick Cheney administration, and both advocates for regime change in Syria. [5] Not for the first time are we seeing a close alliance between US/British neo-cons with Islamists (including, reports show [6], some with links to al-Qaeda) working together to bring about regime change in an "enemy" state. " - bold by website editor

It just NEVER stops does it?  The same people, the same plans, the same al-CIA'da....what's next, another 9/11?  When are people in this country going to grow up, develop a little courageous fortitude and STOP these guys?  What is WRONG with the people in this country? - mpg

Syrian Girl - Syria, Sectarianism & US Iraq Withdrawal Reasons
Must View M108Video - Alt - (M108YuTb - 16min25sec - Jan 5, 2012) - Source:  108morris108 -- A quote...."Iraq traded Iran for the US, and it still aspires for independence, yet it is in Syria's advantage now that the US has left, suspicion for sectarian strife is still on the US. Interesting how the resistance was not sectarian only a few years ago. - There is also some discussion of the role of women in Syria. - "Turkey is Syria's enemy number 1 at the moment." - "The Iraqi Resistance is the reason the US left.""

Hamid Karzai orders transfer of US prison at Bagram to Afghan control
A quote...."05 Jan 2012 Hamid Karzai, the Afghan President, has made a bid to wrest back control of the peace process with the Taliban by demanding that the US hand over control of their detention facility at Bagram within a month. Mr Karzai also said he wanted all Afghan citizens held by the coalition troops across the country passed into Afghan hands... A presidential statement said that keeping Afghan citizens imprisoned without trial violates the country's constitution, as well as international human rights conventions."

Shiites targeted in Baghdad bombing blitz
#1) -- al-CIA'da / Saudi Royals Strike Again - A quote...."More than 70 people have been killed in a series of bombings in Iraq in the second major day of attacks in a fortnight, ramping up fears of an increase in sectarian strife. -- Several bombs exploded within the space of a few hours in Baghdad and the southern city of Nasiriyah, all appearing to target Iraq's Shiite population."

16 Pakistani troops killed; Taliban claim responsibility
#2) -- A quote...."PESHAWAR — The bodies of 16 members of Pakistan’s paramilitary Frontier Constabulary (FC) were found Thursday, almost two weeks after they were kidnapped from a northwestern town, officials said. - The [Saudi Royal supported] Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan claimed responsibility for the killings."

Regarding the two articles shown above see.....One Vile, Venom Tipped, Taloned Hand Washes the Other - (a.k.a. The Standard Model) - 07-28-10 - mpg

No More Business As Usual With USA
A quote...."When the US decided to invade Afghanistan and topple Taliban regime led by Mullah Omar since it had refused to hand over Bin Laden suspected of being involved in 9/11 attacks, all the neighbors of Afghanistan including near neighbors supported USA. Among the immediate neighbors, Pakistan was the only country which enjoyed cordial relations with Taliban but still decided to go along with the decision of the international community. Even Russia, China and Iran antagonistic towards USA didn’t raise any objection."

Pakistan keeps ban on NATO trucks
A quote...."Pakistan upholds a ban preventing supply trucks for the US-led foreign forces in neighboring Afghanistan from using Pakistani territories, Press TV reports."

Afghanistan: US press withdraws
A quote...."According to the Pew Research Center’s Project for Excellence in Journalism, coverage of the war in Afghanistan accounted for only 2% of all US press content in 2011.[1] That's down two points from 2010, and three points from 2009."

8 US-led troops die in Afghan war
A quote...."As many as eight US-led troops enlisted with the Western military alliance of NATO have died in separate attacks in the troubled southern Afghanistan. "

Libya: Collapse of justice leaves at least 7,000 behind bars
Contains Video - A quote...."With their common enemy dead and gone, the uniting factor which bound Libya’s former rebels in their fight against Muammar Gaddafi has melted away. Now, in-fighting among the different armed factions is spilling onto the streets. -- Meanwhile, thousands of Libyans remain behind bars waiting for the new rulers to try them for their crime of failing to jump ship."

Bahrain Govt. Pushed for Pro-Regime Article in Washington Times
Bought n'paid for Presstitutes, caught being bought n'paid for. - mpg -- A quote...."A relatively forgettable pro-regime opinion piece relating to the Bahraini government, posted in the Washington Times in November, is coming under renewed scrutiny today after it was revealed that the article, penned by a former US 5th Fleet commander turned Lockheed Martin executive, was placed at the behest of a lobbying firm working for the Bahraini government itself."

Report: Saleh ‘Not Serious’ About Leaving Power in Yemen
A quote...."A report tonight from the Associated Press is quoting an unnamed official in the Yemeni ruling party as saying that President Ali Abdullah Saleh, the long-time dictator of the nation, is no longer willing to leave power and plans to “resist with all his remaining force.”

Princess raps Saudi Arabia on rights abuses
A quote...."A Saudi princess has criticized the Riyadh regime for corruption, poverty and serious violations of human rights in the oil-rich Persian Gulf Kingdom. -- Princess Basma Bint Saud Bin Abdul Aziz, who is a niece of King Abdullah and a social activist, told British media she would not remain silent about what is happening in her native country." -- That's fine, hopefully she's not going back to her country....for a long time. - mpg

Chinese airlines refuse to pay EU carbon tax
A quote...."China's four leading airlines have thrown down the gauntlet to the European Union by saying they will refuse to pay carbon charges levied under Europe's emissions trading scheme. -- The defiant message — which could lead to a ban from European airports — marks an escalation of resistance to the scheme, which came into effect this week and is also fiercely opposed by the United States."

GlaxoSmithKline Fined Over Illegal Vaccine Experiments Killing 14 Babies
A quote...."Vaccine and drug giant GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) has been fined 400,000 pesos (around the equivalent of $93,000) by an Argentinian judge for killing 14 babies during illegal lab vaccine trials that were conducted between 2007 and 2008. - In addition to killing the children and experimenting with human beings, the judge asserted that the corporation actually falsified parental authorizations so that babies could participate without legitimate parental permission."
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Israel’s "pretty face": How National Union of Israeli Students does government’s propaganda dirty work
A quote...."Yesterday I wrote about a program run by the National Union of Israeli Students (NUIS) to pay Israeli college students $2,000 to spread hasbara – propaganda favorable to Israel – on social networking sites. - This raised a further question: who pays for this and what role do Israel’s government and other organizations play in this use of students to deliver propaganda? - When asked by Jillian C. York and Joseph Dana about these issues via Twitter, Avi Mayer, the head of social media for the quasi-state Jewish Agency played innocent. As can be seen from their conversations Mayer downplayed the possibility of government involvement...."

Iowa: 2 Dedicated Zionists and Wall Street Lackey's vs. a Libertarian
A quote...."Iowa might be one of the smaller states in the USA, but it has a very large contingent of Christian Evangelicals. The ones that would sacrifice anything, including your life, to make sure Apartheid Israel can continue on its land theft; ethnic cleansing and genocide of the indigenous Palestinians, while at the same time, praying fervently for WWIII to erupt, so they can climb a Stairway to Heaven, made out of the radioactive corpses of billions of human beings. -- Remember, these are some of the same cult members that loved Michelle Bachmann, who makes 'Crazy Sarah' from Alaska appear intelligent and rational. -- No small feat."

Mossad spy network allegedly busted in Mauritania
A quote...."By JOSEPH FITSANAKIS | |
Authorities in the northwestern African country of Mauritania have allegedly busted an Israeli spy network linked to the 2010 assassination of Hamas operative Mahmoud al-Mabhouh in Dubai. One of Mauridania’s leading daily newspapers, Al-Huriyeh, says that the spy ring, which allegedly consisted “businessmen and activists [from] several Arab nationalities”, was uncovered following the arrest of one of its members, identified as Fares al-Banna."

Israel Plans to Betray Promise on Prisoner Swap Deal
Anybody surprised?  No deal, contract, treaty, promise, agreement, understanding, oath or affirmation will EVER be honored by your typical Israeli.  It's their nature to be duplicitous.  They refuse to establish a constitution, they refuse to obey even basic international laws, they refuse to mark their borders.  They do not believe in "principals", to them everything is relative, everything is always flexible, there's always a better arrangement to be had in the next month, or week, or hour.  They can never be trusted  It's that simple. - mpg
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

Israel razes four Palestinian houses
A quote...."Israeli troops demolish four Palestinian houses in the east of Tel Aviv-occupied West Bank, which they claim were endangering an archaeological site located nearby besides having been built 'illegally.' "

Over 50,000 New Births in Gaza in 2011 - Despite a starvation blockade. - mpg
A quote...."GAZA, January 6, 2012 (WAFA) – There was 56,879 new births in the Gaza Strip during 2011, more than half of them males, a statement by Hamas ministry of interior said Friday."

Who Are the Palestinians
A quote...."n 1917, Jews constituted 7 percent of the indigenous Palestinian population and owned 1 percent of the land. Britain, as a colonialist power and the victor of World War I forced the Palestine Mandate and gave itself the right to grant a homeland to the Jewish people in Palestine in “Balfour Declaration” that facilitated the colonization of the land by foreign Jews." - also posted at Uruknet

Rights Group: Violations Continue in West Bank, Gaza
A quote...."RAMALLAH, January 5, 2012 (WAFA) – Violations of human rights have continued in the West Bank and Gaza Strip during December, a report by the Independent Commission for Human Rights (ICHR) said Thursday."

Systematic West Bank Settler [Gangster] Violence
A quote...."B’Tselem‘s been on the story for years. Settler [Jewish gang-banger] violence is longstanding, troubling, and largely without accountability. -- Since September 2000 alone (the beginning of the second Intifada), the toll includes 50 Palestinians killed. Since December 1987 (the first Intifada’s onset), it’s 115, besides many more injured, including children."

Urgent Appeal: Palestinian children held in solitary confinement in Israeli detention facilities
Scribd - Alt - A quote...."Since 2008, DCI-Palestine has documented 38 cases in which children have been held in solitary confinement at the Al Jalame, Petah Tikva and Al Mascobiyya interrogation centers, as well as in Askelan prison. These facilities are located inside Israel and are jointly operated and/or controlled by the Israel Prison Service (IPS) and the Israel Security Agency (ISA)."

Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (29 Dec.'11- 04 Jan.'12)
Wednesday January 4th 2012

The Tyranny of Defense Inc.
A quote...."American politics is typically a grimy business of horses traded and pork delivered. Political speech, for its part, tends to be formulaic and eminently forgettable. Yet on occasion, a politician will transcend circumstance and bear witness to some lasting truth: George Washington in his Farewell Address, for example, or Abraham Lincoln in his Second Inaugural. -- Fifty years ago, President Dwight D. Eisenhower joined such august company when, in his own farewell address, he warned of the rise in America of the “military-industrial complex.”"

How Washington Lies About Cutting Defense Budgets
A quote...."At Reason‘s Hit & Run, Jacob Sullum highlights the utterly disingenuous politicking on the part of nearly everyone in Washington with regard to cutting defense budgets. The Obama administration and most of both parties in Congress have been lying through their teeth for years now about the doom our national security would face if we decrease the rate of growth in projected defense spending."

On Guantánamo’s 10th Anniversary, British Ex-Prisoners Talk About Their Lives, and Call for the Release of Shaker Aamer - A quote...."With the 10th anniversary of the opening of Guantánamo fast approaching (on January 11), I was delighted that, on Sunday, the Observer not only ran a double-page feature about the British ex-prisoners (and Shaker Aamer, the last British prisoner still held), but also that Tracy McVeigh, Chief Reporter for the Observer, spoke to me on the phone, quoted me in the article, and used my phrase “toxic legacy” to describe Guantánamo since outgoing President George W. Bush handed it on to President Obama, who, notoriously, failed to close it within a year, as he promised when he took office three years ago." - also posted at Uruknet

The Spy Who Loves Us: Israeli Espionage In America
Special Note - A quote...."Philip Giraldi discusses his  article “The Spy Who Loves Us: Israeli Espionage In America” about the extensive Israeli spy network inside America and their surveillance of the 9/11 hijackers, the corroboration of their spying by U.S. intelligence agencies, the case of spy Jonathan Pollard and how Israel passes it’s stolen intel on to many enemies of America, the still secret identity of Israeli very top level asset “Mega,” the spy for Israel, Ben-Ami Kadish, and his treasonous crimes, the Israeli and Iranian influence in the run-up to the Iraq invasion, the White House/Iranian “negotiation” charade, and the planning for and consequences of an attack against Iran — including the possible use of nuclear weapons."

'9/11: A Conspiracy Theory' Tops 1,000,000 Views - Hip Hip Hooray!!
CRVideo - Alt - (Previously posted) - (CRYuTb - 4min56sec - Sep 11, 2011) - CorbettReport -- A quote...."Everything you ever wanted to know about the 9/11 conspiracy theory in under 5 minutes."

Senator Wellstone: They Killed Him For 9/11 Questions
A quote...."I asked him how his week had been. He said, ‘it’s been tough. Vice President Cheney called me in and told me to get on their bandwagon or there would be serious ramifications in Minnesota. ‘And stop sticking your nose into 9/11; there are some rumors going around, but we are going to get to the bottom of this.’ When Paul made this statement, there were about 10 military veterans standing around us, and he spoke to them about 9/11...’There are so many things going on about 9/11 that just don’t make sense...’ Wellstone knew 9/11 was staged. Wellstone was after 9/11.”  --  *Pat O’Reilly*, Wellstone’s close friend.

Trey Scott Atwater – 7th Special Forces Group, El Salvadorian Death Squads, and Task Force 373
False Flag Op Exposed ?? -- A quote...."Unconventional warfare specialist Trey Scott Atwater is attached to 7th Special Forces Group which has historic connections to El Salvadorian and Honduran death squads and current connections to Task Force 373 in Afghanistan which is a black op death squad itself. His story makes no sense and he forgot to tell investigators about being detained by airport security just a few days prior to his Saturday arrest. But we shouldn’t worry because he “loves his kids” -- I’ve been following the strange developing story of Staff Sgt. Trey Scott Atwater ever since he attempted to board an American Eagle flight out of Midland Texas with an undisclosed amount of military grade high explosives (C-4) in his carry on bag on Dec. 31st 2011 (the same day President Obama signed the NDAA of 2012 Act)."

Man arrested with explosives at airport was Army demolitions expert
Related Article - A quote...."Well, knock me over with a medium-sized feather! Obama-signing NDAA holiday false flag busted: --  02 Jan 2012 A man arrested on New Years Eve at a Texas airport with explosives is an Army-trained demolitions expert and member of the elite Green Berets who served in Afghanistan and is stationed at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, military officials said on Monday. Trey Scott Atwater, 30, was being held in the Midland, Texas County Jail on a federal charge of attempting to board an aircraft with an explosive, the FBI said. He was detained after a routine Transportation Security Administration (TSA) check noticed he had explosives in his carry on luggage while trying to board an American Eagle flight from Midland International Airport to Dallas Saturday morning, according to an FBI statement."

Despite Denials, Obama Responsible for Fast and Furious
Fast & Furious File -- A quote...."While there can be little doubt about Obama's and Holder's knowledge about Gunrunner in 2009, they both continue to deny any knowledge of it. Obama says that on March 22, 2011, he heard when he read about it sometime earlier this year (2011). Holder said on March 2, 2011, that it was a few weeks before that date when he first heard about "Fast and Furious." -- So with their continued denials, let's turn our attention to what they should have known...."

Holder to testify on Fast and Furious before Issa’s committee
Fast & Furious File -- A quote...."Attorney General Eric Holder will testify about Operation Fast and Furious before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform on Feb. 2." - So what?  Holder will just lie some more and/or threaten to release additional info on the Bush administration's involvement with F&F's prior Nom de guerre 'gun-runner'. - mpg

Obama launches Bureau of Counterterrorism
ANOTHER AGENCY?  This is ridiculous, isn't the FBI supposed to engage in "counterterrorism"?  Of course during the last decade the FBI actually sponsored and financed seventeen out of twenty one of the "terrorist" incidents they themselves stopped.  But that's not why Obama is creating another agency.  It's just simply insane how much tax money they intend to waste. - mpg

Doug Casey Addresses Getting Out of Dodge
Quote of the Day...."These are the beginnings, yes; but how do you know for sure when you don't know the end, and how do you know, or even surmise, the end?  -- On the one hand, your enemies, the law, the regime, the Party, intimidate you. On the other, your colleagues pooh-pooh you as pessimistic or even neurotic… the one great shocking occasion, when tens or hundreds or thousands will join with you, never comes. That's the difficulty. If the last and worst act of the whole regime had come immediately after the first and smallest, thousands, yes, millions would have been sufficiently shocked… But of course this isn't the way it happens. In between come all the hundreds of little steps, some of them imperceptible, each of them preparing you not to be shocked by the next. Step C is not so much worse than Step B, and, if you did not make a stand at Step B, why should you at Step C?"

From Democracy to Dictatorship
S-1867 / NDAA -- A quote...."With this legislation, America joins some of the modern world’s most brutal dictatorships – regimes like Nazi Germany, Mao’s China, and [Stalin's] communist Russia. Places where people disappear into concentration camps or gulags, for any reason or, more usually, none at all. Nations in which citizens don’t count except for the taxes and labor they furnish the State. These contemporary serfs exist only to further their rulers’ whims; they dare not voice even the faintest opposition for fear of ruthless reprisal. -- This is what happens when governments accuse and imprison whomever they please without an iota of evidence." -- A comment shown below.....

The United States Bill of Rights is STILL in affect, it has not, and CAN NOT, be repealed by the legislature, executive or judicial branch!!  It can ONLY be changed or altered by a constitutional convention.  Those sections of the NDAA / bill S-1867 that try to undo the Bill of Rights are illegal, unconstitutional and unenforceable on their face.  The language and intent of the offending sections in the bill DIRECTLY CONTRADICTS the Constitution and the Bill of Rights of the United States of America.  --  They are therefore null & void. -- The representatives who voted for this bill have violated their oath of office.  Any person who supports or tries to enforce the illegal sections in this bill is a terrorist and a criminal and should be subject to severe criminal and civil penalties. - mpg - posted 01-03-12

Police State 2012: No Need to Wait, It's Already Here
CRVideo Trailer - Alt - (CRYuTb - 2min49sec - Jan 3, 2012) - Source:  corbettreport -- A quote...."Given the public's own ignorance of the true nature and function of a police state, story after story after story of intolerable levels of official oppression, secret illegal surveillance, and increasingly sophisticated technology for tracking, apprehending, incapacitating and even killing dissenters can be dismissed because these stories are reported one at a time, in a contextless and therefore meaningless way that invites the interpretation that these stories are only warnings of what is to come instead of sign posts of a reality that is already here."

The Mullah Omar of Pennsylvania - Santorum: “That’s Latin for [expletive deleted]”
2012 Election Cycle - A quote...."Such a stew of sleazy self-righteousness and audacious stupidity has not been seen in the senate since the days of Steve Symms, the celebrated moron from Idaho. In 1998, investigative reporter Ken Silverstein fingered Santorum as the dumbest member of congress in a story for The Progressive. Considering the competition, that’s an achievement of considerable distinction. -- Even Santorum’s staff knows the senator is a vacuous boob prone to outrageous gaffs and crude outbursts of unvarnished bigotry. For years, they kept him firmly leashed, rarely permitting him to attend a press interview without a senior staffer by his side."

GOP to Sabotage Ron Paul Even Further in New Hampshire! Activist Bev Harris Speaks Out
AJVideo - BevHarris(1/3) - BevHarris(2/3) - BevHarris(3/3) - (AJYuTb - 9/15min - Jan 4, 2012) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel  -- A quote...."Following the Iowa caucus, Alex talks with Bev Harris, an activist, author and the founder of Black Box Voting Inc., a national nonpartisan, nonprofit elections watchdog group. Her work to expose security weaknesses in electronic voting systems was featured in an HBO documentary, Hacking Democracy. Harris' investigative journalism has appeared in both corporate and alternative media publications."

Broadcasting live from Hawaii on Justin TV - January 4 2012
MRVideo - Note:  To avoid the advertisements and the radio commentary goto 7min into the broadcast - mpg - (JustinTV - 2hrs - Jan 4th, 2011) - Source:  MichaelRiveroTV-Vids -- Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire and many other issues.
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens...

Money Power Runs America
A quote...."Wall Street does it by controlling money, credit and debt, as well as manipulating markets for private enrichment. House and Senate millionaires do it their way for greater wealth, privilege, power and status." - Source:  SteveLendman

[US] Personal Incomes Fall More During ‘Recovery’ Than During The Recession
Chart - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."America’s longest economic recession since WWII, ended in June of 2009. The recession’s end means that our economy has allegedly been in recovery mode since July of 2009, more than two and a half years. -- If we are in recovery, why have American’s incomes dropped more during the recovery than they did in the recession? The facts are clear."
"Those numbers were posted in a report by Sentier Research using numbers provided by the U.S. Census. (The RED line is the Household Income Index)" - also posted at BLN

Bank Foreclosures to Surge in 2012: RealtyTrac
A quote...."According to RealtyTrac, a new wave of foreclosures could be coming in 2012, if the recent spike in "default filings" is any indication."

Laurie Goodman On Why Another 11 Million Mortgages Will Go Bad
A quote...."A major bear on the housing market, Amherst Securities' Laurie Goodman has predicted since 2009 another housing crash as banks are forced to liquidate tons of bad loans. -- Up to 11 million mortgages are likely to default, according to Goodman. This is a frightening figure, seeing as only several million have been liquidated since the crisis began. When it happens, the market will be flooded with supply." - So much for all those re-sold, re-pledged, re-hypothicated, faux-mortgages. - mpg

MF Global sold assets to Goldman before collapse: sources - And even more assets to JP Morgan - mpg
It's the same 2Piggy2Bail Bankster Bastards that keep popping up over and over again....mpg -- A quote...."MF Global unloaded hundreds of millions of dollars' worth of securities to Goldman Sachs in the days leading up to its collapse, according to two former MF Global employees with direct knowledge of the transactions. But it did not immediately receive payment from its clearing firm and lender, JPMorgan Chase & Co (NYSE:JPM - News), one of the sources said." - Source:  Reuters@Yahoo

Keiser Report: From Russian Oil with Love (E231)
Must View RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 25min46sec - Jan 3, 2012) - Source:  RussiaToday - Producer:  Max Keiser TV -- (RussiaToday) -- A quote...."This week Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, present an Eastern European special looking at Swiss franc mortgages in Hungary, bank runs in Latvia and the wisdom of austerity. In the second half of the show, Max talks to economist, Professor Constantin Gurdgiev, about the outlook for the Russian economy and banking sector in the event of a Eurozone collapse and also about what austerity has done for Ireland."

Greece wants out of Eurozone. Now!
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 5min09sec - Jan 4, 2012) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."Greece has announced that it could ditch the Euro and exit the Eurozone in as little as 3 months - unless the EU and the IMF fund it with a second 130 billion euro bailout. Talks over the cash life-line have stalled for months over the poor performance of austerity measures and fears for the future. To discuss these latest development RT joined by Belgian business journalist, Johan van Overtveldt, live from Brussels."

In Greece, default looming large again
A quote...."The Greek prime minister has said that, without key international rescue loans, [to kick the default-can down the road a little longer] the debt-ridden country might default on its sovereign debt in March."

The pain in Spain: New government forced by international blackmailers to pawn the entire country
A quote...."The recently elected conservative Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, is like toreador who steps into the arena with nothing to defend himself with but a rubber sword. -- This sad, hapless figure is nothing more than a whipping boy for the globalists, to whom he is now pawning the entire Spanish economy."

Crisis Conditions Grip Eurozone
A quote...."From inception, the euro system was doomed to fail. In the 1990s, Progressive Radio News Hour regular Bob Chapman predicted it. - So [did] British economist/euro expert Bernard Connolly before its January 1999 introduction. His 1995 book titled, "The Rotten Heart of Europe: The Dirty War for Europe's Money" explained the risks in detail enough to understand." - Source:  SteveLendman
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More On The International Situation....

Libya latest news: Chaos
A quote...."No wonder the media is silent in that clique of nations which perpetrated the latest round of war crimes in attacking Libya, violating the UN Charter, violating the UNSC Resolutions, violating the Geneva Conventions, because the news we are receiving from the ground is shocking. Here are some front-line reports from credible sources inside Libya... just what has NATO done?" - also posted at ICH

Dr Yusuf Shakir - Tripoli Now Full Of Intel Agents
M108Video - Alt - (M108YuTb - 14min47sec - Jan 4, 2012) - Source:  108morris108 -- A quote...."Dr Yusuf Shakir is a long time Television presenter for Libyan television. He gives us an update; Sabha now has green flags. He says NATO has stopped bombing, but there are a couple of Apache helicopters there for support. No order at all in Tripoli. And there is a lot of violence escalating between militias. Misrata Brigades are trying to control the country, they have many prisoners and weapons."

UN diplomat calls for human rights investigation into NATO actions in Libya
A quote...."UNITED NATIONS — The incoming U.N. Security Council president called Wednesday for an investigation into human rights abuses committed during NATO’s bombing campaign to oust Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi." - also posted at Uruknet

Two Britons arrested with 30 guns in Afghanistan
A quote...."Two British nationals have been arrested in Afghanistan for carrying 30 unlicensed guns, police say. -- The men were travelling with a local interpreter and driver on the Jalalabad road, east of Kabul."

Bombings kill 21, hurt dozens in Iraq
al-CIA'da Strikes Again -- A quote...."At least 21 people have been killed and dozens of others injured in four bombing attacks in the Iraqi capital city of Baghdad, Press TV reports."
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Pepe Escobar: In 2012 US engages in new Cold War
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 9min42sec - Jan 3, 2012) - Source:  RTAmerica -- A quote...."Iran has fired a test missile today in the Strait of Hormuz. This continues to add strain to the relationship between Iran and the US. A few months ago the International Atomic Energy Agency accused Iran of gathering materials to build a nuclear warhead. In retaliation the US has implemented sanctions against Iran and many claim a war against the two countries is brewing. Pepe Escobar, a correspondent for Asia Times, joins us to see what the new year will bring."

The Pentagon to Send US Troops to Israel. Iran is the Unspoken Target
A quote....:"January 2, 2012. Jerusalem. In one of the most blacked-out stories in America right now, the US military is preparing to send thousands of US troops, along with US Naval anti-missile ships and accompanying support personnel, to Israel. -- It took forever to find a second source for confirmation of this story and both relatively mainstream media outlets are in Israel. With one source saying the military deployment and corresponding exercises are to occur in January, the source providing most of the details suggests it will occur later this spring. Calling it not just an “exercise”, but a “deployment”, the Jerusalem Post quotes US Lt.-Gen Frank Gorenc, Commander of the US Third Air Force based in Germany."

Iran prepares bill to bar foreign warships from Persian Gulf
A quote...."TEHRAN — Iran’s parliament said Wednesday that it was preparing a bill that would prohibit all foreign warships from entering the Persian Gulf unless they received permission from the Iranian navy."

Minister Stresses Iran's Preparedness to Hold Joint Drills with Neighbors
A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Ahmad Vahidi reiterated Tehran's preparedness to hold joint military wargames with the neighboring countries."

Iran Oil Ban by EU May Send Brent Crude to $125, SocGen Says
A quote...."Jan. 4 (Bloomberg) -- Brent crude futures, trading near $113 a barrel today, may rally to $125 should the European Union ban imports of Iranian oil, according to Societe Generale SA."

Iran Discovers 2 New Oil Fields
A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- The National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) Director for Exploration Seyed Mahmoud Mohaddes announced that the country has discovered two new oil fields."

Iran says has way to work around EU oil ban threat
A quote...."LONDON (Reuters) – Iran has ready alternatives to a threatened European Union embargo on its oil and increased pressure from Washington, and intends to keep up exports of some 2.3 million barrels per day (bpd) this year, a senior Iranian oil official told Reuters."

Experts: Nuclear fuel test won't hasten Iran bomb
A quote...."Iran's alleged development of fuel rods won't put it closer to producing nuclear weapons, experts say; Turkey's FM arrives in Tehran to discuss Islamic Republic's atom program "

China opposes 'unilateral' US sanctions on Iran
A quote...."BEIJING — China said Wednesday it opposed "unilateral" sanctions against Iran, after US President Barack Obama signed into law new measures targeting the Islamic republic's central bank."

Turkey's Davutoglu in Tehran for talks
A quote...."Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu has arrived in Iran and has met with his Iranian counterpart as well as Iran's vice president at the outset of his two-day tour."

Uzbekistan cuts gas supply to Tajikistan without notification – Tajik Foreign Ministry
A quote...."Uzbekistan cut supplies of natural gas to Tajikistan on Wednesday, Tajik Foreign Ministry spokesman Davlat Nazriev said. -- “TajikTransGaz applied to Uztransgaz to sign an agreement on supplying natural gas in 2012, but the Uzbek party postponed the signing of the contract,” Nazriev said."

Finland OKs release of captured missiles
A quote...."Finland says it has given permission for the release of 69 Patriot missiles, which Germany had sold South Korea, but were impounded in a Finnish port on suspicion of being transferred illegally.."
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Israeli students to get $2,000 to spread state propaganda on Facebook
Israeli Crap Alert - The US-NRE hands billions of dollars every year to Israel, going deeper into debt all the while, so the Israelis can hand $2,000.00 to each of their students so they can convince Amerikans to give more money to Isreal.  Seems like a good deal for Israel and a really bad deal for this country. - mpg -- A quote...."The National Union of Israeli Students (NUIS) has become a full-time partner in the Israeli government’s efforts to spread its propaganda online and on college campuses around the world. -- NUIS has launched a program to pay Israeli university students $2,000 to spread pro-Israel propaganda online for 5 hours per week from the “comfort of home.” - also posted at AlethoNews & Uruknet

[Israel's] Norway killer not psychotic: experts
A quote...."Four psychiatrists monitoring the Norwegian mass killer, Anders Behring Breivik, say he is not psychotic and has not been put on medication. - A team of experts reached the conclusion after monitoring Breivik in prison, said the public prosecutor who submitted their report to the court in the Norwegian capital Oslo on Wednesday."
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

Hamas calls Israeli-Palestinian meeting a 'farce'
A quote...."The Palestinian group Hamas said on Wednesday that the first face-to-face meeting in 16 months between Israeli and Palestinian negotiators to try to restart stalled peace talks was a "farce" and a "waste of time." "

Extremist Jews Set Fire to Two Cars in Jerusalem
A quote...."JERUSALEM, January 4, 2012 (WAFA) – Extremist Jews Wednesday set fire to two Palestinian-owned cars in Beit Safafa, an East Jerusalem neighborhood, in a suspected “price tag” attack, reported local sources."

[Israeli] Undercover Forces Kidnap A 6-Year-Old Child In Jerusalem
A quote...."The Ma'an News Agency reported that undercover forces of the Israeli army kidnapped a 6-year-old child in Al-Esawiyya town, in occupied East Jerusalem, and detained him for several hours before releasing him."

Israeli navy attacks international observers, injures Palestinian, on monitoring boat in Gaza waters
A quote...."At 10:55 am, an Israeli naval warship attacked the international observers and Palestinian captain of the Civil Peace Service Gaza (CPSGAZA) boat Oliva, injuring its captain in an apparent attempt to capsize it."

Report: “Israeli Jews Will Lose Majority By 2015”
Unless Israel's on-going extermination campaign of the Palestinians is successful. - mpg -- A quote...."Israeli paper, Haaretz, reported that recent Israeli and Palestinian statistics revealed that the demography of the country will significantly change by 2015, and the Jewish majority will sharply decline and the number of Arabs and Palestinians will exceed the number of Jews."

Confronting intimidation, working for justice in Palestine
A quote...."If we had a wish list for 2012 as Palestinians and friends of Palestine, one of the top items ought to be our hope that we can translate the dramatic shift in recent years in world public opinion into political action against Israeli policies on the ground."
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More On The Economic Situation....

Retail Investors Pull $140 Billion From Equity Funds In 2011 Which Close The Year With 19 Consecutive Outflows - Mrkt Tech Note - A quote...."The Santa rally into the year end was taken good advantage of by retail America. As ICI reports, in the week ending December 28, investors pulled another $3.988 billion out of domestic equity mutual funds (and $1.2 billion out of foreign equtiy funds). This represents the 19th consecutive outflow since a tiny inflow in mid-August, which if excluded would mean 36 consecutive weeks of outflows beginning in late April, or roughly the time when the market peaked. Altogether a whopping $140 billion has been redeemed from domestic equity-focused mutual funds, which compares to "only" $98 billion in 2010. Unfortunately for the permabulls, the rangebound market since then indicates that absent retail investors returning to the broken casino that is the equity market, the probability of another break out of previous high is slim to nil."

Tuesday January 3rd 2012

Debacle! - How Two Wars in the Greater Middle East Revealed the Weakness of the Global Superpower
Quote of the Day...."It was to be the war that would establish empire as an American fact.  It would result in a thousand-year Pax Americana.  It was to be “mission accomplished” all the way.  And then, of course, it wasn’t.  And then, almost nine dismal years later, it was over (sorta)." - also posted at ICH

Iraq. Began with big lies. Ending with big lies. Never forget
A quote...."It is pretty exciting," said another young American soldier in Iraq. "We are going down in the history books, you might say." (Washington Post, December 18, 2011)  ---  Ah yes, the history books, the multi-volume leather-bound set of "The Greatest Destructions of One Country by Another." The newest volume can relate, with numerous graphic photos, how the modern, educated, advanced nation of Iraq was reduced to a quasi failed state; how the Americans, beginning in 1991, bombed for 12 years, with one dubious excuse or another; then invaded, then occupied, overthrew the government, tortured without inhibition, killed wantonly, ... how the people of that unhappy land lost everything...."

Iran/Iraq ‘Defectors’ and Disinformation
A quote...."Exclusive: Official Washington has a soft spot for “defectors” from hostile nations, especially if their tales of perfidy about their ex-homelands fit with favored policy. That was the case with Iraq before the 2003 invasion and now with Iran, but these “defectors” often tell lies, reports Robert Parry." - also posted at GlobalRsrch

Our Innocents Abroad?
Special Note - A quote...."By Pat Buchanan -- Friday's lead stories in The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal dealt with what both viewed as a national affront and outrage. -- Egyptian soldiers, said the Post, "stormed the offices" of three U.S. "democracy-building organizations ... in a dramatic escalation of a crackdown by the military-led government that could imperil its relations with the United States." -- The organizations: Freedom House, the International Republican Institute and the National Democratic Institute. -- Cairo contends that $65 million in "pro-democracy" funding that IRI, NDI and Freedom House received for use in Egypt constitutes "illegal foreign funding" to influence their elections." - also posted at ICH

Blood in my Eyes for You: The Deep Progressive Love for the Laureate’s “Industrial Killing Machine”
2012 Election Cycle - A quote...."Lately there has been a minor imbroglio in the blogosphere between progressive stalwart Roy Edroso and columnist Glenn Greenwald. The former took umbrage at the latter’s comparison of the foreign policy positions of Barack Obama and Ron Paul. I won’t bore you with the meat of the matter, but I would like to focus momentarily on Edroso’s umbrage, which is so unfortunately emblematic of the progressosphere at large. - In sum, Edroso’s “eyes filled with blood, he said — from outrage and insult, presumably — at Greenwald’s description of what any supporter for Barack Obama is actually supporting...." - Source:  EmpireBurlesque

Broadcasting live from Hawaii on Justin TV - January 3 2012
MRVideo - Note:  To avoid the advertisements and the radio commentary goto 7min into the broadcast - mpg - (JustinTV - 2hrs - Jan 3rd, 2011) - Source:  MichaelRiveroTV-Vids -- Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire and many other issues.
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

American's Comfortably Numb on the Highway to Economic Collapse
A quote...."As I observe the zombie like reactions of Americans to our catastrophic economic highway to collapse, the continued plundering and pillaging of the national treasury by criminal Wall Street bankers, non-enforcement of existing laws against those who committed the largest crime in history, and reaction to young people across the country getting beaten, bludgeoned, shot with tear gas and pepper sprayed by police, I can’t help but wonder whether there is anyone home. Why are most Americans so passively accepting of these calamitous conditions?"

On The World's Reserve Currency: What's Past Is Epilogue
Chart - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."Simply put, "it does not last for ever" should be ringing in the ears of every investor in the world with more than a few millisecond return horizon. And neither do any and all chartalist conventions which rely on the artficial construct of reserve permanence, for one simple reason - being artificial, means the theory is flawed from the beginning. But it is JPMorgan's Michael Cembalest who frames it the best, "I am reminded of the following remark from late MIT economist Rudiger Dornbusch: 'Crisis takes a much longer time coming than you think, and then it happens much faster than you would have thought.'"

US Closes 2011 With Record $15.22 Trillion In Debt, Officially At 100.3% Debt/GDP, $14 Billion From Breaching Debt Ceiling - A quote...."While not news to Zero Hedge readers who knew about the final debt settlement of US debt about 10 days ahead of schedule, it is now official: according to the US Treasury, America has closed the books on 2011 with debt at an all time record $15,222,940,045,451.09. And, as was observed here first in all of the press, US debt to GDP is now officially over 100%, or 100.3% to be specific...."

Global Bond Issuance To Top A Staggering $8 Trillion In 2012
Chart - (click to enlarge / view) -- A quote...."As households are supposedly deleveraging and European nations face austerity, one might suspect that global debt levels were stabilizing or even dropping. Think again. It will likely come as no surprise when we point out that the G-7 nations alone face a massive $7.3 Trillion (with a T) of sovereign-only maturities (and a further $566 Billion in interest payments) in 2012 alone. This incomprehensible number is worsened only in historical comparison as it's current level is 125% higher than was 'expected' at the end of 2010 (and 238% higher than was expected for 2012 at the end of 2009)."

Britain sees 'seismic collapse' in workplace pensions
A quote...."Britain has endured a “seismic collapse” in private sector pensions which will force people to work until they are 70 to fund their old age, a leading pensions body has warned."

Europe plunging into recession
A quote...."2011 was a year of austerity for Europe. At the behest of the European Union and the International Monetary Fund, stringent programs imposing cuts in wages, pensions and social services, combined with the decimation of jobs, were introduced by governments across the continent. -- These austerity measures, designed to pay for massive bailouts of the banks following the financial crash of 2008, are now plunging Europe into new economic and social turmoil. This is confirmed by the most recent economic figures, which indicate that 2012 will be a year of renewed recession in Europe."
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More On The International Situation....

Pakistan's Change Marks The End Of The Afghanistan War
A quote...."Adding a bit to yesterday's post on the Afghan and Pakistani Taliban reuniting. -- What we are watching now is a very substantial reconfiguration of the Pakistani role in the Afghanistan conflict. -- Having been threatened with being "bombed back to stone age" in 2001 Pakistan helped the United States' operation in Afghanistan. This angered its own Pashtun population which radicalized and started to operate against the Pakistani government. A bloody civil war ensued between the Pashtun in the Federal Administrated Tribal Area on the border with Pakistan and the Pakistani army which cost over 30,000 people their life. -- But finally the rather meager payoff the Pakistani government and military received from the U.S. did no longer compensate for the political costs."

Oil jumps 4 percent on Iran anxiety
War Alert - A quote...."(Reuters) - Oil prices surged on Tuesday, with U.S. crude hitting the highest settlement since May, fueled by strong economic data from the United States and China and mounting concern about supply disruption from Iran."

'Maneuvers displayed Iran navy's might'
A quote...."Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Ahmad Vahidi says the Velayat 90 maneuvers have displayed the capability of the armed forces of the Islamic Republic."

Are we witnessing the final disintegration of Iraq?
Special Note - Political Analysis - A quote...."I had no idea at the time that this explosion would mark a significant change of direction in Iraqi politics. It may only have been used as an excuse, but the bomb was the signal for the Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki, to cut adrift the senior Sunni members of his government. He said the bombing was an elaborate attempt to assassinate him and accused the bodyguards of Vice-President Tariq al-Hashemi of involvement. An arrest warrant was issued for Mr Hashemi, accusing him of running a death squad, with most of the charges relating to 2006-07. Mr Hashemi was forced to flee to Kurdistan; once there, he denounced the Maliki government as a dictatorship."

Sunni and Kurdish Blocs Boycott Iraqi Parliament While Attacks Continue
Related Article - A quote...."Iraq’s parliament reconvened today, but without Iraqiya bloc members who have been staging a mass boycott. At least five Iraqis were killed and 25 more were wounded in new violence."

Armed men confess to anti-Syria actions
A quote...."Two members of armed groups have confessed to carrying weapons and shooting at the Syrian troops in the western city of Homs."

Four Killed as Militias Spar in Tripoli - Misrata Rebels Attack Tripoli Faction's Compound
A quote...."At least four people were killed today in the Libyan capital of Tripoli when members of the Misrata rebel faction attacked a compound belonging to a local Tripoli militia, nominally a seize a group of prisoners."

Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood plans to put treaty with Israel to a referendum
A quote...."MB says 'will not recognize Israel under any circumstances'; move to cancel peace treaty could represent strategic chance too great for MB as it seeks international legitimacy."

Tunisia to extend state of emergency for third time
A quote...."TUNIS, Jan. 2 (Xinhua) -- Tunisia will extend the state of emergency, which has been in place since the ouster of the country 's former President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali in last January, for the third consecutive time."
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Israel scraps military deal with Turkey
A quote...."TEL AVIV, Israel, Jan. 3 (UPI) -- Israel has escalated its bitter quarrel with Turkey, its erstwhile ally, by scrapping a $140 million deal for unmanned aerial vehicles and advanced intelligence-gathering systems the Israelis fear could end up in the hands of Iran."

West refuses to probe organ trafficking – Russian envoy
A quote...."MOSCOW -- Russian Ambassador to UN Vitaly Churkin says he does not understand why the West refuses to carry out an investigation into human organ trafficking in Kosovo."
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

Gaza's Hamas PM warmly welcomed in Turkish parliament
A quote...."ANKARA: Gaza's Hamas prime minister Ismail Haniya received a warm welcome on Tuesday from lawmakers of Turkey's ruling party during a visit to the Turkish parliament."

Israel to Seize [Steal] 169 Dunums of Land near Salfit
A quote...."SALFIT, January 3, 2012 (WAFA) – Israeli authorities Tuesday handed notices to landowners in Iskaka, a village in the Salfit area, north of the West Bank, that they plan to seize 169 dunums of their land for the expansion of the settlement of Ariel and to build the Apartheid Wall, according to a local official."

Israeli Teens [Gang-Banging Mini-Nazis] Enjoy Arresting Palestinians
A quote...."JERUSALEM, January 3, 2012 (WAFA) – Israeli teenagers trained to search for and arrest Palestinian workers in Israel said they enjoy arresting Palestinian, according to a report published Tuesday in the Israeli daily Haaretz."

Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (22- 28 December 2011)
Every week of the year.....
Monday January 2nd 2012

"Brace Yourself! The American Empire Is Over & The Descent Is Going To Be Horrifying!"
Must View MOXVideo - Alt - (MOXYuTb - 2hrs54min27sec - Jan 2, 2012) - Source:  MoxNewsd0tCom
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Obama’s America: Tyranny and Permanent War
Must Read - S-1867 / NDAA -- A quote...."December 31, 2011 will be remembered as a day of infamy. More on it below. October 17, 2006 was an earlier one under Bush." - Source:  SteveLendman

“For Civil Libertarians, The NDAA Is Our Mayan Moment...."
S-1867 / NDAA -- A quote...."The almost complete failure of the mainstream media to cover this issue is shocking. -- On the NDAA, reporters continue to mouth the claim that this law only codifies what is already the law. That is not true. The administration has fought any challenges to indefinite detention to prevent a true court review. Moreover, most experts agree that such indefinite detention of citizens violates the constitution."

R.I.P. Bill of Rights 1789 - 2011
S-1867 / NDAA -- A quote...."(NaturalNews) One of the most extraordinary documents in human history -- the Bill of Rights -- has come to an end under President Barack Obama. Derived from sacred principles of natural law, the Bill of Rights has come to a sudden and catastrophic end with the President's signing of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), a law that grants the U.S. military the "legal" right to conduct secret kidnappings of U.S. citizens, followed by indefinite detention, interrogation, torture and even murder." - also posted at DProgram

Not true.  The United States Bill of Rights is STILL in affect, it has not, and CAN NOT, be repealed by the legislature, executive or judicial branch!!  It can ONLY be changed or altered by a constitutional convention.  Those sections of the NDAA / bill S-1867 that try to undo the Bill of Rights are illegal, unconstitutional and unenforceable on their face.  The language and intent of the offending sections in the bill DIRECTLY CONTRADICTS the Constitution and the Bill of Rights of the United States of America.  --  They are therefore null & void. -- The representatives who voted for this bill have violated their oath of office.  Any person who supports or tries to enforce the illegal sections in this bill is a terrorist and a criminal and should be subject to severe criminal and civil penalties. - mpg
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Did Eric Holder Cover Up FBI’s Role In ’95 OKC Bomb Plot?
A quote...."In 2005, just ahead of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) recovered a box of Kinestik explosives from the home of Terry Nichols, the convicted co-conspirator of Tim McVeigh in the Oklahoma City bombing. An affidavit from Oklahoma City conspirator Nichols about the explosives should have sent out shockwaves when it was filed in November of 2007:"

Major Gunmakers Gobbled Up by Cerberus
A quote...."Recently, a major Wall Street holding company has received a fair amount of attention for its acquisition of several American firearms companies. With the Second Amendment carefully watched and guarded by patriotic citizens, many are curious about a possible subversive agenda being put into motion."

Formerly Great Cities All Over America Are Turning Into Open, Festering Sores
A quote...."Once upon a time, the people of the United States constructed beautiful, shiny cities from coast to coast that were the envy of the entire globe. We had the largest and most vibrant middle class that the world has ever seen and life was quite good in America.  But now all of our prosperity is coming crashing down and many of our formerly great cities are turning into open, festering sores.  Unfortunately, we are drowning in so much debt that we can barely even slow down the shocking decline of our cities.  Over the past decade, tens of thousands of manufacturing facilities and millions of good jobs have been shipped out of the United States.  As our economic infrastructure has been ripped out right in front of our eyes, an atmosphere of unemployment, poverty and despair has descended on many of our major cities like a soaking wet blanket.  Today, many of our cities that once were considered to be some of the greatest in the world have been transformed into rotting, post-apocalyptic hellholes."

The Revolution Begins in 2012
A quote...."January 02, 2012 "Information Clearing House" - Occupy Wall Street and the Tea Party were appetizers for what is to come. I have never seen the American people so disgruntled, and neither has anyone else. Every number is a record. Congressional approval is at a record low of 9% [It's now 5%]. Can it get lower? Can it go negative? The number of people satisfied with the candidates running for president is at a record low. Dissatisfaction in this category is four times higher than it was even in 2008. -- The Tea Party might not know it but they are mad about the same thing that Occupy Wall Street is. They have a sense that our politicians have sold us out - and they are 100% right. The problem isn't Big Government or Big Money. The problem is when Big Money buys Big Government leading to Big Corruption." - bold by website editor

An Open Letter to Ron Paul from Michael Rivero
2012 Election Cycle - Vote Fraud Alert - A quote...."I am but one of the millions of Americans who supported you in 2008 and support you now. We have donated to you, volunteered for you, promoted you, defended you, and in a very real way fought for you. Now may be the time for you to return the favor. - All across Iowa, alarming indicators are rising that those who wish to continue the nation down the path of fascism are preparing to steal the Iowa Caucus from you. We all know you are a gentleman and still believe in the ultimate fairness of our nation, but in this one regard I fear you are being dangerously naive. As the HBO Documentary "Hacking Democracy" illustrates, election fraud, always a reality in the past, is now epidemic across the nation. Iowa has a prior history of vote fraud shenanigans, as shown in 1996 when vote fraud shaved 13% from Pat Buchanan's totals all across the state, tipping the victory to Bob Dole."

‘Obama Just Didn’t Have the Balls to Follow With the Right Thing’
2012 Election Cycle - Contains Video - A quote...."The former chief prosecutor of the Gitmo military commissions, Colonel Morris Davis, who was thrilled when Obama took office, told RT of his huge disappointment in the US president. --- “Candidate Obama said all the right things about justice and American values and closing Guantanamo and doing away with military commissions and applauding the rule of law,” he told RT’s Gayane Chichakyan. ”And then once he gets in office…. If he did just embrace the Bush’s policies, he kissed him on the lips and ran with them. And he advanced them further than President Bush ever did.” --- “Like killing an American with a drone strike in Yemen. Which is just astounding that an American president can make the unilateral decision that the surveillance agency, the CIA, would go to another country and launch an offensive military operation, fire missile and killing an American and bystanders .I am not aware of any legal justification for that, I think it is called murder to kill another human being deliberately without legal justification,” he stated."

Obama's NDAA Signing Statement, Collapse of Society & More....
AJVideo - Preview - 2012TtlCol(1/3) - 2012TtlCol(2/3) - 2012TtlCol(3/3) - AJTakesCalls(1/3) - AJTakesCalls(2/3) - AJTakesCalls(3/3) - AJ&NDAA(1/3) - AJ&NDAA(2/3) - AJ&NDAA(3/3) - AJTakesCalls/NwDtntn -- (YuTb - 5/15min - Jan 2, 2012) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."On this first live show of 2012, Alex takes a large number of your calls and talks about the latest news, including the Iowa caucus tomorrow and Ron Paul's chances as the Republican establishment plots against him and pushes the script-reading warmongers Mitt Romney and the recently come-from-behind candidate Rick Santorum, who has proposed air strikes on Iran. Alex also talks about the concerted effort by the corporate media to fiddle with poll results in order to downplay Ron Paul's obvious lead in the eleventh hour before the caucus. Alex takes a look at the police state NDAA legislation signed into law by Obama, who promises he will not send the military to arrest American citizens and strip them of their rights under the Fourth Amendment."
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

Catherine Austin Fitts on Wall Street’s Corruption, the Austrian School and Who’s ‘Really’ in Charge
Interview - Daily Bell interviews Catherine Austin Fitts. -- A quote...."Catherine Austin Fitts: I grew up in Philadelphia in the United States. As a child, I witnessed the destruction of wealth by networks engaged in organized crime and financial fraud and the covert operations that supported them. It started a life-long fascination with understanding how money and the financial system work, including in places, and how healthy cultures could prevail." - also posted at DProgram

The Miracle of Solvency
A quote...."....lets be clear about how serious the lies we are talking about are. The accounts are what investors use in order to decide if it is safe to invest in or lend to a bank. It wasn’t safe. But that fact was nowhere in those accounts. As it will not be in the accounts of any of the major banks of the western world this year, like last year,  like the year before and the year before that. The culture, the religion, of lies and liars, is too powerful.  The auditors are not there to reveal anything unpleasant about the banks. They work for the banks. Are paid by them and look forward to many more payments for many more accounts."

The Circling Black Swans of 2012
Quote of the Day...."If we had to summarize the Status Quo's confidence that no black swans will threaten its control in 2012, we might begin with its faith that the system's self-regulation will resolve all systemic challenges. Just as the Status Quo has placed all its chips on a single bet--that "growth" from debt-based consumption can be resumed with vast public borrowing and saving the predatory financial sector--it also bases its confidence on the system's self-regulation. -- If the banking sector is riddled with fraud and embezzlement, then some minor tweaking of regulation will solve all issues. If demand for debt has collapsed, then the solution is for the Federal Government to borrow 10% of GDP every year to compensate for the decline of private debt and spending." - also posted at ZeroHedge - Topix  ||  The Virtual Economy - 05-01-09 - mpg  ||

European Economy Contracts For Fifth Month In A Row, More Pain Ahead
A quote...."Following today's release of European manufacturing PMI data we are sadly no closer to getting any resolution on which way the great US-European divergence will compress. Because all we learned is that, very much as expected, Europe managed to contract for a fifth month in a row...."
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More On The International Situation....

Taliban Reunite For More Afghan Action
A quote...."On the directive of their supreme leader Mulla Mohammad Omar, the Afghan and Pakistani Taliban on Sunday formed a joint five-member Shura or council with Pakistani militant organisations, making a pledge to stop their fight against their own armed forces and instead focus their attention against the US-led forces in Afghanistan."

First US-led soldier killed in 2012
A quote...."03 Jan 2012 A US-led soldier has been killed in a bomb explosion in southern Afghanistan, marking the first NATO casualty in the war-torn country in 2012, the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) announced."

Tapi gas pipeline project: Afghanistan blocks progress
A quote...."ISLAMABAD: Afghanistan has reportedly blocked further progress on the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) natural gas pipeline project, due to differences on pricing of gas, official documents exclusively made available to Business Recorder indicate."

Why Libyans Have Fallen Out of Love with Qatar
A quote..."Qatar's role was crucial during the early days of the revolution. It spearheaded the Arab League's effort to urge the U.N. to establish a no-fly zone in Libya. The resolution paved the way for the NATO air campaign that turned the tide of the war and sealed Gaddafi's fate. -- Qatar provided the rebels with weapons and supplies they needed to fight the Libyan leader's troops. Early on, the Qataris delivered logistical provisions, ranging from walkie-talkies to Chevrolet SUVs. As it became clear that the rebels were underequipped and no match for Gaddafi's better-outfitted troops, the Qataris sent heavy weaponry like French Milan antitank missiles. The Qataris also trained the rebels, taking hundreds to Doha while sending their officers to Libya to provide battlefield expertise. Today, they are preparing to fund a program to send Libyan troops to train in France. (See if Qatar shares the same agenda as the West in Libya.)" - also posted at ICH -- TIME's article minimizes the large amounts of support the Libyan "rebels" received from the US-NRE and Britain, don't be deceived, the support the US-NRE and Britain supplied was massive and included intel, logistics, financing, and training upwards of six months PRIOR to the start of the takeover of Libya back in Feb 2011.  But TIME's description of Qatari support appears to be accurate. - mpg

End of the pro-democracy pretense
Special Note - (Good definition) -- A quote...."Media coverage of the Arab Spring somehow depicted the U.S. as sympathetic to and supportive of the democratic protesters notwithstanding the nation’s decades-long financial and military support for most of the targeted despots. That’s because a central staple of American domestic propaganda about its foreign policy is that the nation is “pro-democracy” — that’s the banner under which Americans wars are typically prettified — even though “democracy” in this regard really means “a government which serves American interests regardless of how their power is acquired,” while “despot” means “a government which defies American orders even if they’re democratically elected.” - bold by website editor

‘Egypt the Prize’:The American campaign to hijack the Arab Spring backfires
A quote...."Imagine the following scenario: a wealthy foreign country decides that the United States is insufficiently democratic. They launch a program to “teach” us the ABCs of “democracy” via a plethora of organizations devoted to “human rights” and “election monitoring,” directly funded by themselves, shipping millions of taxpayer dollars to thousands of well-compensated “activists.” As election time draws near, this foreign money is poured into the coffers of “activist” groups whose main purpose is to instigate street protests that often end in violence, as well as finance political parties whose platforms are conducive to the foreign policy objectives of their generous patron. -- How long would such an operation be allowed to exist? The answer is: not long." - Source:  AntiWar

Bahrain: Crushing Pro-Democracy Protests. American and British Police Chiefs Step Up State Repression
A quote...."Two former police chiefs from the US and Britain have brought discernible Western “expertise” to the Bahraini force only weeks following their appointments – a surge in repression and state terrorism."

U.S. Strategic Drone Fleet Infected by Stealthy Keylogger Malware
A quote...."An unknown type of malware has been detected on the computers that control the Predator and Reaper drones in the US Air Force's fleet of unmanned aircraft."
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

While America shuts down fire houses, cuts infant nutrition, US subsidizes Israel army sushi courses
A quote...."Everyone knows that the US gives several billion dollars a year of taxpayer aid to Israel’s military – with few strings attached. The US in effect subsidizes sushi-making courses for Israelis, but at what price?"

Jewish groups get most money from federal security grants
Keep in mind as you read this article, members of the "Jewish Community" comprise just a little more than two percent of this nation's population. - mpg -- A quote...."A week after a man killed a security guard at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington in 2009, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano cited the murder as proof that nonprofit institutions were at risk of attack and could be helped by federal security grants."

Jewish Child Sex Predators Protected by U.S. Gov’t
A quote...."In December, the Brooklyn, N.Y., District Attorney, with a long history of turning a blind eye to child sex predators in the close-knit Orthodox Jewish community, announced sweeping pedophilia charges against nearly 100 Orthodox Jews, men and women."
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

IOA decides to raze hundreds of Palestinian homes, keep illegal outposts
A quote...."OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)-- The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) declared its intention to demolish hundreds of Palestinian homes and buildings in area C under its control in the occupied West Bank and to retain illegal settlement outposts." - also posted at AlethoNews

GAZA -- The 3 Week Nightmare That Has Lasted For 3 Years
A quote...."Here comes that difficult time of year again: the anniversary of an event that changed the taste of life for Palestinians inside the Gaza Strip and throughout the world. It is three years since the Gaza massacre, or what Israel called Operation Cast Lead."

Norman Finkelstein: There was NO WAR in GAZA, it was a MASSACRE
Video - (YuTb - 12min29sec - Dec 29, 2011) - Source:  twah72 -- A quote...."What happened in Gaza during Operation Cast Lead WAS NOT A WAR BUT A MASSACRE, a massacre of a defenceless, imprisoned and besieged civilian population. The IOF air assault (in the first of 3 weeks) dropped bombs around the clock hitting homes, hospitals, ambulances, UN & Red Cross outposts & compounds, schools, universities & government buildings, with the borders closed & NO WHERE in Gaza to seek refuge, "it was like shooting fish in a barrel". 1400 murdered (358 were children) with kill ratios of 4/5 being civilians + over 5 thousands seriously injured." - For more on the the Gaza Massacre see the videos re-posted below....mpg

US Tax Dollars at Work, Murdering the Indigenous Palestinians -- Gaza in Plain Language
Video - From the History File (re-post) - 02/07/10 -- Alt/Vodpod - (VodPod - 9 min 41 sec - Feb 7, 2010) - Alt - Alt

Tzipi Livni: “the ONLY targets are Military targets” A Video by Shadi Nassar
Video - From the History File (re-post) - Alt/Vid#1-BlipTV - Alt/Site - Alt/Vid#2-VodPod - AltSite

Palestine | The Truth
Video - From the History File (re-post)

Did you know? Gaza
Video - From the History File (re-post)

Israeli Prof Nurit Peled tells the truth about Israel
Video - From the History File (re-post) - Alt - (YouTube - 8 min 18 sec - January 01, 2010)

Gaza 2009: Operation Cast Lead
Video - From the History File (re-post) - (YouTube - 5 min 54 sec - April 14, 2009)

Documented VIDEO PROOF of Israeli Lies, Treachery and Murder - Alt/Vid#1 - Alt/Vid#2 - Alt/Vid#3 - Alt/Vid#4  -- Videos - From the History File (re-post)

Israeli Version of Anatomy of a Murder -- Cast of Thousands - (YuTb - 6m8s - 012909))
Video - From the History File (re-post)

Sunday January 1st 2012

Media Lies and the Onset of War - Regarding our war mongering, lying, presstitutes. - mpg
Must View CRVideo - Alt - (CRYuTb - 14min17sec - Jan 1, 2012) - Source:  corbettreport -- A quote...."As the US and Iranian governments escalate tensions in the already volatile Straits of Hormuz, and China and Russia begin openly questioning Washington's interference in their internal politics, the world remains on a knife-edge of military tension. Far from being a dispassionate observer of these developments, however, the media has in fact been central to increasing those tensions and preparing the public to expect a military confrontation. But as the online media rises to displace the traditional forms by which the public forms its understanding of the world, many are now beginning to see first hand how the media lies the public into war."

Imperialism and the “Anti-Imperialism of the Fools”
A quote...."One of the great paradoxes of history are the claims of imperialist politicians to be engaged in a great humanitarian crusade designed to liberate nations and peoples, while practicing the most barbaric conquests, destructive wars and large scale bloodletting of conquered people in historical memory." - Source:  JamesPetras

America’s Bloody Clipboard: Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Now Iran
Some quotes...."A pending war with Iran has a lot to do with US unholy imperialism as well as the US’s unhealthy (INSANE) codependency with the leadership of Israel. - First thing, Obama will never be trustworthy in the eyes of the borderline personality Israeli government."  ---  "The US, now under “everything on the table” (except universal health care and peace) Obama is ready to do nearly anything to make Israel happy and to of course promote the new world order of hegemony for economic supremacy in the oil-rich Middle East and now Africa." - also posted at ICH

'Bugsplat': the civilian toll of war - From Afghanistan to UC Davis, officials treat innocents with contempt & disdain
A quote...."The Lakotah had no language for insulting other orders of existence: pest, waste, weed ..." -- But what about "bugsplat"? -- That's the word for the cop at UC Davis, walking up and down the line of students sitting with their arms locked, zapping them in the eyes with pepper spray. It's the word for the Tunisian police and bureaucrats who humiliated Mohamed Bouazizi and destroyed his livelihood as a street vendor. It's the word for anyone whose power exceeds his humanity."
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Insight – West in political crisis has echoes of 1930s
A quote...."Dysfunctional politics threatens to deliver a protracted period of slow global growth, possibly lasting well beyond 2012, which will only deepen the political and economic problems for the West. -- The global financial crisis that began four years ago has morphed into a political crisis for the United States and Europe. Leaders incapable of wrestling their debt loads to manageable levels or reviving strong economic growth are stoking turmoil in markets and populist unrest among the citizenry."

Tyranny Is a Bipartisan Disease
Special Note - A quote...."How can supposed “Right” and “Left” wing people both be for tyranny? -- The short answer, of course, is that tyrannical interests may wear different masks, but it is just a dog-and-pony show meant to distract us into artificial “teams”. -- George W. Bush cracked down on constitutional liberties such as freedom of speech, freedom of assembly and due process. -- Obama has done the same … and has cracked down even harder. -- Both Bush and Obama are waging brutal, unnecessary and insanely expensive wars throughout the Middle East and North Africa. -- Indeed, these wars were planned before either Bush or Obama. Both Democratic and Republican leaders are servants to the military-industrial complex, and they both accept the wholly-debunked myth that war is good for the economy (and see this)."

Poll: Congressional Performance Down to 5%
2012 Election Cycle - A quote...."Rasmussen has the latest approval numbers for Congress, and it isn't pretty. Performance approval has been dropping and dropping, and has now hit an all time low of 5%."

2012 Election Cycle - Fraud Alert - A quote...."Writes Dan Imgrund:  "Chicago radio is reporting that the ballot counting for the Iowa Caucus will be conducted in Springfield, Illinois. This is a disaster for honest government and a sign that the political establishment is intent on throwing the Iowa Republican Caucus to Mitt Romney." - bold by website editor

Karen Kwiatkowski for congress (a Ron Paul Republican)
2012 Election Cycle - Must Listen Ry2SVideo Interview - (Ry2SYuTb - 56min50sec - Dec 30, 2011) - Source:  Rys2sense - Related: Artcls@LewRockwell & KK4Congress - A quote...."Let's give the boot to SOPA co-authoring Bob Goodlatte. Fiscal conservative Karen Kwiatkowski talks with Ryan Dawson about her congressional run. She is winning and with your help she will win the seat and kick out the establishment incumbent."  -- This video is being posted because many of Karen Kwiatkowski's, thoughtful, well written articles have been posted on this website.  Keep in mind of course this website editor endorses no one. - mpg

Congress Has Just Signed Its Own Arrest Warrant
S-1867 / NDAA -- A quote...."December 12th, 2011 -- They may have supported this bill because—although it’s hard to believe—they think the military will only arrest active members of Al Qaida; or maybe, less naively, they believe that ‘at most’, low-level dissenting figures, activists, or troublesome protesters might be subjected to military arrest. But they are forgetting something critical: history shows that those who signed this bill will soon be subject to arrest themselves."

Obama Crowned Himself on New Year's Eve - So he thinks....he's wrong, and he WILL lose his office. - mpg
S-1867 / NDAA -- A quote...."To prevent the U.S. government from behaving like a king, the drafters of the U.S. Constitution empowered an elected legislature to write every law, to declare every war, and to remove its executive from office.  To further prevent the abuse of individuals' rights, those authors wrote into the Constitution, even prior to the Bill of Rights, the right to habeas corpus and the right never to be punished for treason unless convicted in an open court on the testimony of at least two witnesses to an overt act of war or assistance of an enemy."

Obama Signs Indefinite Detention Bill Into Law - SO? It's ILLEGAL & UNENFORCEABLE ON IT'S FACE!!
S-1867 / NDAA -- A quote...."WASHINGTON – President Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) into law today. The statute contains a sweeping worldwide indefinite detention provision. While President Obama issued a signing statement saying he had “serious reservations” about the provisions, the statement only applies to how his administration would use the authorities granted by the NDAA, and would not affect how the law is interpreted by subsequent administrations. The White House had threatened to veto an earlier version of the NDAA, but reversed course shortly before Congress voted on the final bill." - Source: ACLU

Obama Signs Martial Law Bill: NDAA Now Law
AJVideo - S-1867 / NDAA -- Alt - (AJYuTb - 8min04sec - Dec 31, 2011) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."President Obama who pledged to veto the National Defense Authorization Act has sighed it. Of course his promise was only for public consumption. After all lying to your enemy is what invading corporate takeover army's do. It was the Obama administration all along that demanded the indefinite detention provisions be added while at the same time telling the America people he was fighting to protect their rights. This is treason on parade,in your face all out despotism!" - Related:  Beastieality/Sodomy & the NDAA

Americans buy record numbers of guns for Christmas
Related Article?? - A quote...."According to the FBI, over 1.5 million background checks on customers were requested by gun dealers to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System in December. Nearly 500,000 of those were in the six days before Christmas. - It was the highest number ever in a single month, surpassing the previous record set in November." - bold by website editor

Financial Troubles For Many Nations In The New Year: Bob Chapman Reports
AJVideo - BobChapman(1/3) - BobChapman(2/3) - BobChapman(3/3) - (AJYuTb - 8min04sec - Dec 31, 2011) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."2012 is going to be quite a year with falling economies in the UK, Europe, the US, China, Japan and the remainder of Asia. Latin America, and Mexico by comparison should fare fairly well overall. England is in a death spiral. Europe is next, the US is not far behind and China and Japan will soon join the disjoined group. We are about to witness the end of the period that developed since the end of WWII. That is economically, financially, socially and politically. The transition into the future is going to be borne out of chaos. If you have any doubt just look at the recent legislation passed in the US allowing the president to pick up and incarcerate, torture or murder dissidents."

Total Collapse of The Dollar and Skyrocketing Oil Prices in 2012: Lindsey Williams Reports
AJVideo - LindseyWilliams(1/3) - LindseyWilliams(2/3) - LindseyWilliams(3/3) - (AJYuTb - 8min04sec - Dec 31, 2011) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."Alex also talks with pastor Lindsey Williams about the crisis now threatening to erupt in the Middle East and the possibility of skyrocketing oil prices that will decimate national economies."
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

Annual New Year’s Eve economic forecast with Karl Denninger – Max Keiser - Deflation Alert
Must View PRSTVideo - AltPrsTV - AltYuTb - (PRSTVYuTb - 23min01sec - Dec 31, 2011) - Source:  PressTV -- A quote...."(PressTV) – Karl Denninger returns to On the Edge for his annual New Year’s Eve forecast. First, he lists what he sees as the biggest stories of 2011 and forecasts the biggest trends, for 2012. -- Karl Denninger is the former CEO of MCSNet, a regional Chicago area networking and Internet company that operated from 1987 to 1998."

Keiser Report: Outrageous Predictions for 2012 (E230)
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 25min40sec - Dec 31, 2011) - Source:  RussiaToday - Producer:  Max Keiser TV -- (RussiaToday) -- A quote...."In this episode Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, present a New Year's special featuring outrageous predictions, bloopers and Berlusconi's 2012 Bunga Bunga Guide to finance. They look back to some 2010 predictions that came true in 2011 and look at the future of European bank runs, rising US treasury yields and the Jim Rogers - Marc Faber Chinese showdown."

The Casino Gulag Model with Max Keiser
AJVideo - MaxKeiser(1/2) - MaxKeiser(2/2) - (YuTb - 5/13min - Dec 31, 2011) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."Additional guests include former trader Max Keiser on the imploding economy."

NYT's Louise Story On How Tim Geithner Convinced NY AG Andrew Cuomo To Back Off Wall Street Prosecutions - Contains Video - A quote...."It is a question asked repeatedly across America: why, in the aftermath of a financial mess that generated hundreds of billions in losses, have no high-profile participants in the disaster been prosecuted? -- Answering such a question — the equivalent of determining why a dog did not bark — is anything but simple. But a private meeting in mid-October 2008 between Timothy F. Geithner, then-president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and Andrew M. Cuomo, New York’s attorney general at the time, illustrates the complexities of pursuing legal cases in a time of panic."

MF Global: When Belief in the System Fades
A quote...."Faith in the Status Quo is fading fast, spurred on by the long line of critical dominoes toppled by MF Global."

Massive New Lawsuit Filed Against U.S. Federal Government in Bond Theft Scheme
A quote...."Some weeks ago, I wrote an article dealing with a bizarre lawsuit full of twists and turns that has been filed against individuals, governments, private institutions, and secret societies spanning the entire globe. Essentially, the plaintiff of the lawsuit is alleging that billions of dollars worth of U.S. bonds were stolen from him by a wide-ranging cartel -- bonds that he was entrusted with by the extremely rich and reclusive Dragon family of Asia."

The Main Question Of Early 2012
Chart - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."If there is only one question we would love to have answered early as we make our investment allocation decisions in 2012, it is this: which way will the following chart compress, because compress it will: will the US finally catch up with the European contraction, or will Europe, mysteriously, and against all conventional wisdom rise from the ashes, recouple with the US, and pretend as if 2011 never happened?"

New Asian Union Means The Fall Of The Dollar
A quote...."Since at least 2005, China has been taking the exact steps required to counter the brunt of a global debt collapse; not enough to make it untouchable, but enough that its infrastructure will survive.  One could even surmise that China’s actions indicate a foreknowledge of the events that would eventually escalate in 2008.  How they knew is hard to say, but if the available evidence causes you to lean towards collapse as a Hegelian creation (and it should if you are paying any attention), then China’s activity begins to make perfect sense.  If a globalist insider told you that in a few short years the two most powerful financial empires in the world were going to topple like bowling pins under the weight of their own liabilities, what would you do?  Probably separate yourself as much as possible from the diseased dynamic and construct your own replacement system.  This is what China has done…" - also posted at ZeroHedge

Economics in 2012: no gain, just pain as austerity brings misery to all
A quote...."The fluctuations of the financial markets and the relentless round of make-or-break euro-summits gripped the attention in 2011, but this will be the year when the shockwaves are felt by millions of people in Europe and beyond."

Spain Releases Another Stunner: Deficit Could Be Greater Than 8% Of GDP - Deflation Alert
A quote...."One of the biggest headlines that floated under the radar late last week was the announcement by Spain that its budget deficit would soar well higher than the expected 6% of economic output and instead be at 8% of GDP...." - With MANY MORE European countries to follow - mpg - Topix ||  A Quadruple Whammy - 12-16-10 - mpg  || The End-Stage Process of Mature Fiat-Currency-Capitalism - 11-30-11 - mpg  ||

Chinese Central Banker Declares That 'Gold Is The Only Safe Haven Left'
If a given currency collapses or is substantially weakened through inflation. However, if the currency doesn't, and there's a deflationary collapse in prices / demand instead, investments in commodities and precious metals becomes problematical. - mpg -- A quote...."People's Bank of China official Zhang Jianhua declared yesterday: "No asset is safe now. The only choice to hedge risks is to hold hard currency - gold." - Zhang, the bank's research director, recommended buying the dips: "The Chinese government should not only be cautious of the imported risk caused by rising global inflation, but also further optimize its foreign-exchange portfolio and purchase gold assets when the gold price shows a favorable fluctuation."
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"Occupy Wall Street" & Other "Occupy" News....

Wisconsin Prosecutor Formally Requests Re-Opening of Lawsuit Against Anti-Union Law
A quote...."Last week we heard that Dane County District Attorney Ismael Ozanne was considering asking the Wisconsin Supreme Court to re-hear a case against violations of the open meeting requirements in the state’s anti-union law. "

OWS vs Fat Cats: 'More protests to come in election year'
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 4min58sec - Jan 1, 2012) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."Let's go to the U.S. now, where the outgoing year witnessed the biggest wave of protests since the Vietnam War. Americans have been turning out in droves in hundreds of cities across the United States."

Occupy activists retake Wall Street while police focus on New Year’s Eve in Times Square
A quote...."The Occupy Wall Street movement made a surprise invasion of Zuccotti Park last night while the police focused on New Year's Eve celebrations elsewhere in New York. -- Around 800 demonstators piled up metal barricades, hoisting American flags and banners while scuffles broke out between activists and police. -- Shortly before midnight, 100 NYPD officers had surrounded the park in downtown Manhattan with reports of pepper spray being used."

NY police nab some 70 protesters
A quote...."Police in New York have arrested around 70 Occupy protesters, who had come back to retake their former campsite at Zuccotti Park."

Over 5,800 OWS protesters arrested
A quote...."The US police have arrested over 5,800 anti-Wall Street protesters since the beginning of the anti-capitalism movement in September last year."

The year of dissent: 'Occupied' America
- vid - Alt - (YuTb - 3m51s - 010112) - Src RT
Anger in UK: Rotten politicians betrayed people  - vid - Alt - (YuTb - 5m53s - 010112) - Src RT
The year of dissent: Anarchy in the UK  - vid - Alt - (YuTb - 3m18s - 010112) - Src RT
The year of dissent: Battling Europe   - vid - Alt - (YuTb - 4m50s - 010112) - Src RT
British workers resent poor pay rises
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More On The International Situation....

Playing chess in Eurasia
Must Read - A quote...."Bets are off on which is the great story of 2011. Is it the Arab Spring(s)? Is it the Arab counter-revolution, unleashed by the House of Saud? Is it the "birth pangs" of the Greater Middle East remixed as serial regime changes? Is it R2P ("responsibility to protect") legitimizing "humanitarian" bombing? Is it the freeze out of the "reset" between the US and Russia? Is it the death of al-Qaeda? Is it the euro disaster? Is it the US announcing a Pacific century cum New Cold War against China? Is it the build up towards an attack on Iran? (well, this one started with Dubya, Dick and Rummy ages ago ...)"
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Post-Gadhafi Libya: Naked Neo-Imperialism
A quote...."While the unconcealed hypocrisy that led to the emergence of a new Libya fades from the public consciousness, the governments of the West are beginning to reap the profits of their investments. Under a mandate to protect civilians, these allied forces armed radical factions of Islamist fighters and showered white phosphorus tipped ordnanceonto densely populated residential areas. While sponsoring politicians equated the Libyan rebels to heroic advocates of western democracy fighting for freedom, these men committed racially motivated beheadings and executions of migrant workers from sub-Saharan Africa and filled mass graves with the corpses of their fellow countrymen, Gaddafi loyalists." - also posted at PoorRichard'sBlog

Sources of Libyan War. Revelations of Former French Foreign Minister
A quote...."At first glance at the 2011 events in Libya it looks like the decision to attack the country was taken only somewhere in February or March. A number of facts and official documents seem to prove it. In January 2011 the UN was preparing to discuss the human rights in Libya. Not a single state expressed concern, and praises were sung to commend the leadership of the country for outstanding achievements in this field. What was it the main enemies of Libya were saying those days, the same ones in the vanguard to attack it in just a few weeks after?"
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“Al Qaeda” Attacks Syria or the CIA Attacks Syria? Which Makes More Sense?
Missed this one. - mpg -- A quote...."December 23, 2011 -- This is just beyond ridiculous now. Identical talking points across the artificial political divide in the MSM while neither publication offers any shred of evidence to prove their claim. Mockingbird is alive and well in the Western press."
"Who is al Qaeda? What is their origin? Wasn’t it al Qaeda that helped the “rebels” in Libya kill Gadhafi and “liberate” his people? Now they bomb government buildings in Syria killing 40-50 civilians and we are supposed to think… what?" - also posted at PoorRichard'sBlog

A Funny Thing Happened on the Road to (Regime Change in) Damascus...
A quote...."The Western press has dutifully — and uncritically — repeated harrowing tales of the Syrian government's "siege of Homs" — the 4,000 government forces randomly shelling the city, the snipers everywhere killing anyone on the streets, even the troops' digging trenches to prevent the people from escaping the mass slaughter of the innocents. The London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, whose information is dependent on reports from their allied rebel contacts inside Syria (as was the case with the myriad Libyan "human rights groups" operating in the UK, US, and Switzerland), has peppered its website with lurid tales of death and destruction in Homs, calling it a "Bloody Christmas" Sunday. The Syrian Observatory claimed that 34 were slaughtered in Homs on Monday alone. The New York Times reported that the Arab League monitors were urged to speed to Homs before the destruction of that city was complete. ---  But somebody did not get the memo.  ---  Upon arrival and inspection of Homs, the Arab League monitors reported seeing “nothing frightening” in the city of Homs — supposedly the focal point in the uprising against the Assad government. They were “reassured” by what they saw. Surely the thousands of tanks, the death moat, the random mortaring of the city by government forces, the near total destruction, would have been visible to the observers.  ---  The reaction was prompt and severe...." - also posted at ICH

Qatar invaded Libya, now invades Syria
A quote...."Qatar created anti-Syrian mercenary force, denounces digital Israeli website DEBKAFile. -- According to this information, released Thursday by the news agency, Cham Press, the contingent is composed of mercenaries from several countries in the region, mainly the more radical Syrians of the Muslim Brotherhood, which was named the Free Syrian Army."
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The American-Iran Cold War in the Middle East and the Threat of Broader War
Special Note - A quote...."A cold war has been ongoing between Tehran and Washington. U.S. spies, drones, assassinations, and accusations against Tehran have all been a part of this package. Washington and its minions have been using every means possible, including international organizations, like the United Nations as a battleground against Tehran in this cold war. The destabilization campaign being waged against Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon are also a critical front in this cold war… "

Softening Up Iran for the Final Attack
Special Note - A quote...."In many ways, America's and Israel's much-anticipated war against Iran has already begun. It is not the type of war that was expected -- an Israeli textbook style surprise and swift attack on Iranian nuclear facilities, followed by a sustained U.S. and NATO air campaign -- but a covert war with quite an unexpected feature. The covert war, which has seen increased U.S. drone activity over Iranian skies and an increase in suspicious explosions at Iranian military facilities, has been coupled with American support for destabilization efforts against all of Iran's allies and friends, including Syria, Russia, China, North Korea, and Venezuela…"

US threatens war in the Persian Gulf
A quote...."My bet is that Obama will cynically time the start of this war (that is, unless Israel beats him to it, at least at the start) when he feels it will most benefit his re-election campaign. - Of course, reason and logic have absolutely nothing to do with such an endeavor. The reality that the most recent IAEA reports on Iran's nuclear energy program have documented that there is no nuclear material unaccounted for has no bearing here whatsoever. - Israel has declared Iran its existential threat in the region, just as it did before with Iraq, and had demanded that the US government neutralize it, with American blood and American money. - However, there are some very dark clouds surrounding this potential military catastrophe, which I will outline...." -- *Michael Rivero*

The "Deal"
Photo - From WRH. - mpg

Obama signs new Iran sanctions into law
A quote...."The sanctions are meant to hit Iran's crucial oil sector and require foreign firms to make a choice between doing business with Tehran's financial sector and central bank or the mighty US economy and financial sector."

"....the mighty US economy and financial sector" that a joke? Is that irony? You eviscerate your ENTIRE industrial base, allow your ENTIRE financial sector to be turned into the private piggy bank of the tribe from Israel, your ENTIRE military sector to act as their Middle East enforcers, print up thirty to fifty trillion in faux-financial instruments to fund their twenty year empire fling, get the stupid Europeans to buy a lot of the crap along with your own institutional investors and crash your own and the EU's economy by doing so!! Than some drooling idiot reporter describes your imploding Empire / Ponzi scheme as "the mighty US economy and financial sector"?  It's simply hysterical!! - mpg

GOP’s Santorum says he would bomb Iran’s nuclear facilities unless inspectors were allowed in
A quote...."Dear Moron. Iran already allows inspectors in at their nuclear power plant and all its supporting facilities in full accord with the terms of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. - It is Israel that refuses all inspections and refuses to sign the nuclear non-proliferation treaty." -- *MichaelRivero*  - bold by website editor -- It's like watching Buzz Lightyear, stupid, stupider, and BEYOND to infinity....mpg

Muslim Haters [Try & Fail to] Tie Iran to 9/11
A quote...."December 31, 2011 "Information Clearing House" - Behind a mysterious Dec. 22 Associated Press story about “finding of fact” by a district judge in Manhattan Friday that Iran assisted al-Qaeda in the planning of the 9/11 attacks is a tapestry of recycled fabrications and distortions of fact from a bizarre cast of characters."

Pakistan to raise Iran electricity import
A quote...."Pakistan's minister of water and power says his country has signed an agreement with an Iranian private company to import 5,000 megawatts (MW) of electricity from Iran." - also posted at AlethoNews

Iran test-fires anti-radar missile
A quote...."Iran's navy has test fired its medium-range anti-radar missile for first time, during the Islamic Republic's major naval maneuver in the strategic Strait of Hormuz."

Iran successfully tests diverse missiles
A quote...."Iran's Navy Commander Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari says the Islamic Republic has successfully test-fired various domestically-built missiles during ongoing naval drills just near the strategic Strait of Hormuz."

Iran central bank to file motion in US court to unfreeze funds -WSJ
A quote...."Dec 30 (Reuters) - Bank Markazi, Iran's central bank, is preparing to file a motion in a New York federal court early in February asking for the release of about $2 billion of its frozen funds at Citigroup's Citibank unit, the Wall Street Journal said, citing attorneys for the bank."
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Pak forces claim seizing US, NATO military equipment
A quote...."Karachi, Dec 30 (PTI) Pakistani security forces today claimed that they had seized and confiscated sensitive military equipment in around 250 containers belonging to the US and NATO forces. Television channels reported that the military equipment was seized on security grounds by the para military Pakistan Rangers. According to the Ranger officials, the equipment will remain under their control until further orders are received from the government. "The military equipment was found in around 250 containers which have now been parked in a yard at Port Qasim," a security official said. The seizure comes at a time when the United States has announced it was planning to withdraw all its military hardware and arms out of Pakistan...."

Largest US base in Afghanistan hit
A quote...."02 Jan 2011 The Taliban have attacked the largest American military base in Afghanistan on the first day of the New Year despite US efforts to negotiate with the militant group, Press TV reports. A Taliban spokesman, Zabihullah Mujahid, said on Sunday that fatalities had been caused after the militants hit the US Bagram Air Base in the north of the Afghan capital Kabul with nine missiles."

British soldier killed in an explosion in Afghanistan
A quote...."31 Dec 2011 A soldier has been killed in an explosion in Afghanistan, the Ministry of Defence said today. The serviceman, from 1st Battalion The Yorkshire Regiment, was killed in a blast in the Nahr-e Saraj district of Helmand Province yesterday."

Russian v. US Elections
A quote...."Russia's December 4 elections filled 450 State Duma seats, Russia's Federal Assembly lower house. - Claims of electoral fraud followed. All elections have irregularities. At issue is whether results are comprised. Election monitor Golos accusations were spurious. America's National Endowment for Democracy (NED) funds it. It supports regime change in non-US client states. - It backs opposition groups, conducts propaganda campaigns, and does openly what CIA operatives do covertly to destabilize sitting governments." - also posted at AlethoNews -- for more on this issue see....Regarding the Russian Election

Saudi Arabian State Terror
A quote...."Saudi's absolute monarchal rule is despotic, lawless and brutal. It's a police state practicing state terrorism internally and regionally. It's also Washington's main Middle East ally after Israel. - In early December, Amnesty International (AI) published a report on the kingdom titled, "Saudi Arabia: Repression in the Name of Security." - Largely unnoticed in the West like the State Department's April assessment, major media scoundrels suppressed its ugly findings."

2012 Threatens to be a Very Violent Year - The Sunni-Shia Wars
A quote...."In three of the Arab countries east of Egypt – Syria, Bahrain and Yemen – protesters have challenged their governments over the past year but failed to overthrow them. The reasons for those failures are very different though they have important points in common. In each of these states protesters were frustrated because a significant part of the population had a lot to lose if the ruling elite were reformed or overthrown."

Horn of Africa: US Proxy War in Somalia Veers Towards Regional Conflict
A quote...."The conflict in Somalia has been raised to dramatically higher stakes at the weekend after Ethiopian troops occupied a central town, routing Al Shabab militants in fighting that claimed dozens of lives. -- The Ethiopian military entered the town of Beledweyne near its border on Saturday morning along with Somali troops belonging to the Western-backed Transitional Federal Government. The latter has been battling with Al Shabab Islamic militants for the past two years, but has only managed to maintain tenuous control of the capital, Mogadishu. Large areas of the country, especially to the south, have been under the command of the militants."

Dutch Church abused 1000's of children
A quote...."Tens of thousands of children have been sexually abused in Dutch Catholic institutions over the past 65 years by priests and other Roman Catholic religious figures, a new report says." - also posted at AlethoNews

The Mysterious Death of Dr David Kelly: "Subversion of Due Process" of the Law in the United Kingdom
A quote...."Due process of the law has not been followed by the British state in the investigation into the death of Dr David Kelly. Of this there is now no doubt. The original inquest was derailed by Lord Falconer, in his dual capacity as Minister of State for Constitutional Affairs and Lord Chancellor." - also posted at DProgram
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

The Origins of Imperial Israel- Part I
Special Note - A quote...."Israel emerged in the post-War period due to a great many complex domestic and international political reasons: to provide a place to direct the Jewish survivors of the Holocaust, to allow the British to formally end the Mandate over Palestine which they held as their empire was crumbling, and to serve as a ‘buffer state’ for Western nations in the Middle East, a region of the world which was identified as a necessity to control in order to secure its vast oil resources and strategic position in relation to the East. America in the post-War period, however, was deeply divided in its strategic-imperial circles on whether or not to support the State of Israel, which did not become a stated and strong policy until the later 1950s."

An "historic partnership" with the devil
A quote...."Lawrence Davidson views the newly-announced partnership between New York City, Cornell University and the Israel Institute of Technology, or the Technion, an institution that is is knee deep in Palestinian blood and “helps produce weapons and devices that both kill and maim civilians and assists in ghettoizing an entire population”."

Arendt: Born in conflict, Israel will degenerate into Sparta, and American Jews will need to back away
A quote...."For the new year, here are some prophetic excerpts from two essays of Hannah Arendt's, collected in The Jewish Writings (2007). Please note her predictions of the Nakba, of unending conflict, of Zionist dependence on the American Jewish community, of ultimate conflict with that American Jewish community, and the contribution of political Zionism to world anti-semitism. Just what Howard Gutman said recently. For which he was denounced by-- Zionists."
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

Protester shot in neck by Israeli forces in one of six non-violent anti-Wall demonstrations
A quote...."A number of Palestinian and international solidarity activists were wounded, including one shot in the neck, and several other protestors were detained in numerous anti-wall protests taking part in a number of West Bank villages on Friday afternoon."

Turkey PM urges Palestinian reconciliation in meeting with Hamas leader
A quote...."Turkey's prime minister on Sunday welcomed efforts toward reconciliation between the rival Palestinian factions during a meeting with the Hamas premier of the Gaza Strip, Turkey's state-run news agency reported."

Jewish Settlers [Thugs] Assault Palestinian Teen in Hebron
A quote...."HEBRON, December 31, 2011 (WAFA) – Extremist settlers [Jewish gang-bangers] Saturday physically assaulted a Palestinian teen from the city of Hebron, according to activists."

Memories of Gaza: when the victim is called the terrorist
A quote...."I am a terrorist. At least that is what they call me. I grew up hearing the same word being repeated all the time that I thought terrorists were the good guys for a second. They are apparently not. Of the many saddening times I went through, the 2008-2009 offensive that Israel launched on the Gaza Strip is the worst and probably the most painful. I was "lucky" enough to survive and have the chance to speak for those who lost their lives although I am quite sure their death can speak well for them." - also posted at Uruknet

2011 'toughest year yet' for Gaza medics
A quote...."GAZA CITY (Ma'an) -- As 2011 draws to an end, medical shortages in the Gaza Strip have reached their highest levels, a spokesman for Gaza's Health Ministry said Saturday." - also posted at Uruknet

Press Release from the Jenin Freedom Theater
A quote...."JENIN REFUGEE CAMP– On 29 December 2011, co-founder of and mentor to the Freedom Theater, Zakaria Zubeidi, was told by the Palestinian Authority that his amnesty will be revoked by the Israeli authorities. His amnesty agreement, granted in 2007 by the Israeli Prime Minister’s office was in return for Zubeidi’s ending of armed resistance. The amnesty agreement allowed him to remain safe inside the Palestinian Authority district of Jenin where the Israeli military would not seek to arrest or assassinate him. -- After having been the leader of the armed resistance during the Second Intifada, Zubeidi turned to cultural and non-violent resistance through theater in 2006....." - HAH!  Proving of course that the Israelis are perfectly aware that the pen, or the theater, is mightier than the sword. - mpg

Saturday December 31st 2011

No posts. - mpg

Friday December 30th 2011

The Lies of War - Leaving Iraq, Remembering Vietnam
Must Read - A quote...."December 30, 2011 ---The lies of war are forgotten as easily and readily as the wrappings of Christmas or the resolutions of a new year.  Like a child still in diapers, the lessons of war must be learned again and again until finally they are taken to heart. -- The lies of the war in Iraq are so easily buried that six out of seven Republican candidates for president of the United States have publicly pledged to go to war in Iran based on the identical unsubstantiated claims that led us to war in Iraq.  The lessons of that ill-fated war, the largest strategic blunder since Vietnam, are so readily put behind us that even before that colossal disaster officially ended, six of seven Republican candidates pledged his and her allegiance to the same neoconservative brain trust that guided us into the snake pit.  And the White House is not far behind. -- Those of us who remember the war in Vietnam and the years we committed to ending it will find the bipartisan rationalizations of the Iraq War all too familiar and profoundly disturbing."

"There Will Be Violence, Mark My Words"
Must Read - A quote...."As 2011 slithers to its end, none of the major problems that led to the crisis point three years ago have really been solved. Bank balance sheets still reek. Europe day by day becomes a financial black hole, with matter from the periphery being sucked toward the center until the vortex itself collapses. The Street and its ministries of propaganda have fallen back on a Big Lie as old as capitalism itself: that all that has gone wrong has been government's fault. This time, however, I don't think the argument that "Washington ate my homework" is going to work. This time, a firestorm is going to explode about the Street's head - and about time, too."

American civilization could be next to collapse
A quote...."Our American State is founded on the principle of "We the People" as the source of all legitimate authority. Its operation is exemplified by Lincoln's famous characterization of it in the Gettysburg Address: a government of, by and for the people. But who today believes our current government embodies these principles?"

Declare Your Personal Independence: I Hereby Secede
A quote...."Secession is a topic that seems to increasingly pop up in conversation, discussion, and written opinion. -- I believe that more people every day are seeing state secession as a viable and even necessary action to counteract increasing personal oppression, stolen liberties, and monetary incompetence and thievery by the United States Government."

Crackpot Anti-Islam Activists, "Serial Fabricators" and the Tale of Iran and 9/11
A quote...."Behind a mysterious December 22 Associated Press story about "finding of fact" by a District judge in Manhattan Friday that Iran assisted al Qaeda in the planning of the 9/11 attacks is a tapestry of recycled fabrications and distortions of fact from a bizarre cast of characters. -- The AP story offers no indication of the nature of the evidence in the case except that former members of the 9/11 Commission and three Iranian defectors provided testimony. What it didn't say was that at least two of the Iranian defectors have long been dismissed by US intelligence as "fabricators" and that the two "expert witnesses" who were supposed to determine the credibility of those defectors' claims are both avowed advocates of crackpot conspiracy theories about Muslims and Shariah law who believe the United States is at war with Islam."

‘Fast and Furious’ Linked to Immunity Deal Between US & Sinaloa Cartel, Trafficking Defendant Alleges in Court
The Fast & Furious File -- A quote...."A Mexican drug trafficker awaiting trial in a Chicago federal court claims that the notorious Sinaloa cartel received weapons from “Operation Fast and Furious” under an alleged immunity agreement that the U.S. government made with cartel leaders, in exchange for information on rival gangs."

How Your Privacy Will Be Invaded in 2012

The Eye of Sauron -- A quote...."In 2011, we watched as tech villains found creative new ways to violate our privacy. They misappropriated our social networking profiles, stalked us through our phones, and plucked secrets from our wifi networks. To help you better prepare for 2012's inevitable privacy attacks, we enumerate below the most worrisome threats you should monitor in the coming year."

New Report: "Recording Everything" Details How Governments Can Shape the Dynamics of Dissent
The Eye of Sauron -- A quote...."A recent Brookings Institution report has now confirmed what many have suspected for some time – that the United States government (and virtually every other government in the world) has the capability to monitor and record nearly every interaction that occurs within its national borders. - For years, those individuals who have tried to warn others of the creeping surveillance state were met with denials and catcalls of “conspiracy theory,” as well as the famous claims that it was not physically possible to monitor everyone.- This new report, however, shatters the delusional rationalities of the uninformed into a million pieces." - also posted at BLN

Court OKs immunity for telecoms in wiretap case
The Eye of Sauron - (Approved after the fact!) - Commit a crime and later get the legislature and the courts to give you immunity. Whatever happened to the rule of law? Whatever happened to justice and fairness? - mpg -- A quote...."SAN FRANCISCO — A federal appeals court has ruled as constitutional a law giving telecommunications companies legal immunity for helping the government with its email and telephone eavesdropping program. - Thursday’s unanimous ruling by a three-judge panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed a lower court decision regarding the 2008 law. - The appeal concerned a case that consolidated 33 different lawsuits filed against various telecom companies, including AT&T, Sprint Nextel, Verizon Communications Inc. and BellSouth Corp. on behalf of these companies’ customers."

28 Signs That U.S. Public Schools Are Rapidly Being Turned Into Indoctrination Centers And Prison Camps
A quote...."It has been said that children are our future, and right now the vast majority of our children are being "educated" in public schools that are rapidly being turned into indoctrination centers and prison camps.  Our children desperately need to focus on the basics such as reading, writing and math, but instead a whole host of politicians, "education officials" and teachers are constantly injecting as much propaganda as they possibly can into classroom instruction.  Instead of learning how to think, our children are continually being told what to think.  Not only that, our children are also being trained how to live as subservient slaves in a Big Brother police state." - also posted at PrisonPlanet

Oath Keepers Launches Effort to Recall Members of Congress - Hip Hip Hooray!!
S-1867 / NDAA -- A quote...."In response to the passage by the House and the Senate of the National Defense Appropriations Act of 2012 (NDAA), Stewart Rhodes (left), founder of Oath Keepers, announced a national effort to recall every member who voted for the act."

Time for Supreme Court to Weigh in on Forced DNA Collection
A quote...."Can the government force people who are arrested – but not yet convicted of a crime – to give a DNA sample without a search warrant, or does that violate the Fourth Amendment?  One arrestee is asking the U.S. Supreme Court to consider this important question, and this week EFF urged the court to take the case." - also posted at ICH

Why Are American Citizens Getting Locked Up and Even Deported By Immigration Authorities?
A quote...."On November 5, 40-year-old Antonio Montejano was holiday shopping with his four children at a Los Angeles mall and unintentionally dropped a $10 bottle of cologne that his young daughter begged him to buy into a bag of items he had already purchased." - also posted at ICH

Jesse Ventura Endorses Ron Paul as the Only Anti-war Candidate
AJVideo - 2012 Election Cycle - JesseVentura(1/2) - JesseVentura(2/2) -- (AJYuTb - 5/15min - Dec 30, 2011) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."Are we going to be a country that stands for peace?" asked the former governor of Minnesota."

Americans in the dark on world events and key national policies - This is beyond sad, it's actually scary! - mpg
Video - 2012 Election Cycle - Alt - (YuTb - 2min55sec - Dec 29, 2011) - Source:  lonelantern -- A quote...."(RealityReport) – With the US presidential election looming, we take to the streets of New York to find out how much Americans know about leading political figures at home and abroad."

Venezuela's Chavez: Did U.S. Give Latin American Leaders Cancer?
AJVideo - AJ tells Chavez to do his homework and stop being "a lazy commie". (It might even save Chavez's life) - mpg -- Alt - (AJYuTb - 10min03sec - Dec 30, 2011) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez speculated on Wednesday that the United States might have developed a way to give Latin American leaders cancer, after Argentina's Cristina Fernandez joined the list of presidents diagnosed with the disease."

Venezuela’s Chavez Speculates over Coincidence of Leftwing Latin American Presidents with Cancer
Related Article - A quote...."Mérida, December 29th 2011 ( –  Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has expressed his “suspicions” over the number of left wing Latin American presidents who have acquired cancer recently." - also posted at AlethoNews

Cover-Up: Troops Exposed to Deadly Radiation with Dr. Doug Rokke
AJVideo - DrDougRokke(1/3) - DrDougRokke(2/3) - DrDougRokke(3/3) - (AJYuTb - 12/15min - Dec 29, 2011) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."Alex talks with Dr. Doug Rokke on the military's continued use of depleted uranium. Rokke is a career army officer who was the Pentagon's most senior DU expert during the first Gulf War. Doug earned his B.S. in Physics at Western Illinois University followed by his M.S. and Ph.D. in physics and technology education at the University of Illinois."

How Many U.S. Soldiers Were Wounded in Iraq? Guess Again.
Related Article - A quote...."December 30, 2011 "Information Clearing House" - Reports about the end of the war in Iraq routinely describe the toll on the U.S. military the way the Pentagon does: 4,487 dead, and 32,226 wounded. - The death count is accurate. But the wounded figure wildly understates the number of American service members who have come back from Iraq less than whole. - The true number of military personnel injured over the course of our nine-year-long fiasco in Iraq is in the hundreds of thousands -- maybe even more than half a million -- if you take into account all the men and women who returned from their deployments with traumatic brain injuries, post-traumatic stress, depression, hearing loss, breathing disorders, diseases, and other long-term health problems. - We don't have anything close to an exact number, however, because nobody's been keeping track."

Toy Soldiers
Related Article - A quote...."December 30, 2011 "Information Clearing House"  According to recent news accounts, shattered and shredded body parts and remains of U.S. servicemen were found in a landfill. -  Despite political spins, this sobering image is a telling, true-life metaphor for what those in power really think of soldiers, many of whom are but boys and girls freshly loosed from High School. -  In recent years, politicians, especially when on TV or radio talk shows, are apt to say, when addressing a vet, "I thank you for your service."  In truth, this is robot-talk, kind of like when a parrot is trained to say, "Hello!", and about as meaningful."

Broadcasting live from Hawaii on Justin TV - December 29 2011 - Part II
MRVideo - Note:  To avoid the advertisements and the radio commentary (TURN off volume than WAIT 10min as video loads than turn up the volume at the ten min mark) - mpg - (JustinTV - 2hrs - Dec 29th, 2011) - Source:  MichaelRiveroTV-Vids -- Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire and many other issues.

Nwo Clamping Down on People World Wide: Gerald Celente Reports
AJVideo - GeraldCelente(1/2) - GeraldCelente(2/2) - (AJYuTb - 14min - Dec 30, 2011) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."On this info-packed Friday edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks with trends researcher and author Gerald Celente about the ongoing MF Global fiasco and the economy."

NY Times, MSM Attacks Ron Paul & Alex Jones For Living in the Real World
AJVideo - RealWorldAJ(1/3) - RealWorldAJ(2/3) - RealWorldAJ(3/3) - (AJYuTb - 13/15min - Dec 29, 2011) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."Gingrich-linked smear specialist Kirchick labels Paul "paranoid conspiracy theorist" for discussing manifestly provable issues."
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

Obama and Geithner: Government, Enron-Style
Must Read - Quote of the Day - A quote...."The notion that what Wall Street firms did was merely unethical and not illegal is not just mistaken but preposterous: most everyone who works in the financial services industry understands that fraud right now is not just pervasive but epidemic, with many of the biggest banks committing entire departments to the routine commission of fraud and perjury – every single one of the major banks, for instance, devotes significant manpower to robosigning affidavits for foreclosures and credit card judgments, acts which are openly and inarguably criminal. -- Banks and hedge funds routinely withhold derogatory information about the instruments they sell, they routinely trade on insider information or ahead of their own clients’ orders, and corrupt accounting is so rampant now that industry analysts have begun to figure in estimated levels of fraud in their examinations of the public disclosures of major financial companies."

Insane Levels of Leverage by the Too Big to Fail Banks – Not Deadbeat Borrowers – Caused the Financial Crisis
A quote...."We’ve repeatedly noted that fraud by the big banks – more than anything done by the little guy – caused the financial crisis. - And we’ve repeatedly noted that excessive leverage helped cause the Great Depression and the current crisis. - Reader McFid – who has been a breach of fiduciary duty expert since 2003 – sent me the following article (edited slightly) which provides a new angle on both themes."

Keiser Report: Breastfeeding the Bankers (E229)
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 25min45sec - Dec 29, 2011) - Source:  RussiaToday - Producer:  Max Keiser TV -- (RussiaToday) -- A quote...."This week Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, present London brokers shrinking, boycotting JP Morgan, boycotting the financial system and command and control credit derivatives. In the second half of the show, Max talks to JS Kim of SmartknowledgeU about the MF Global fraud and gold and silver."

European Credit Crunch Hits Broad Economy As M3, Private Loans Collapse
A quote...."the M3, rose by a only 2.0% in November, dropping by a whopping 60 bps from October (keep in mind this is a huge amount on a number that is in the tens of trillions), which happened to be the biggest annualized contraction change since 2009. What is worse, and what confirms that the daily "near default" state Europe finds itself in every single day has sent shockwaves of uncertainty around the continent, is that the loans to private businesses grew at just a 1.7% rate in November, a plunge from October's 2.7% and missing expectations of 2.6% by a wide margin."

2012: World On the Brink
A quote...."The bankster engineered implosion of the economy – beginning in 2008 with the collapse of the housing market – will likely reach a crescendo in 2012. The eurozone contagion will spread, taking down global economies. It will diminish national sovereignty across the board. The global elite are positioned to offer their world government and banking scheme as a curative and there will be increased pressure to implement their underhanded plan in the coming year." - also posted at Hamsayeh
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"Occupy Wall Street" & Other "Occupy" News....

Occupy Wall Street: How Cash Has Corrupted Congress
A quote...."An Occupy Wall Street press team member explains why members of Congress keep getting richer while the rest of the country has flatlined."

Collaborative Film 99% Documents Occupy Protests
Contains Video - A quote...."(MediaRoots) – I’m very excited to announce that an extensive lot of our footage from Occupy Oakland is going to be used to represent the S.F. Bay Area in the upcoming 99% Collaborative Film Project! The film is unique in its collaborative fashion and is geared to represent an honest portrayal of the ongoing Occupy Movement. At 2:18, the film trailer gets slightly sinister with our footage of Oakland’s police state crackdown. Check it out and donate, so this epic film can be made!"

UK poverty entrenched and deepening
A quote...."The Joseph Rowntree Foundation survey, “Monitoring poverty and social exclusion 2011” [PDF], reveals the terrible scale of entrenched poverty in the UK."
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More On The International Situation....

Pakistan defies US, honors Iran gas deal
A quote...."Memo to the Pentagon, State Department and the White House: blackmail is absolutely not going to work on Pakistan this time; not after the Charlie Foxtrot created by the US and NATO attack in which 24 Pakistani soldiers were murdered. - Whatever money the US threatens to remove from the Pakistani government will be easily replaced by money from China: and China, unlike the US, currently sports a budget surplus." -- *Michael Rivero*

Safety concerns: ‘US to export all NATO cargo out of Pakistan’
A quote...."It has been a month since the Nato attack which resulted in the port and border closures with no resolution in sight, the US government intends to have all import unit cargo that is currently staged at different Container Holding Yards (CHYs) moved back to Karachi port or the nearest CHY to the port. Once we receive approval, all unit cargo will be exported out of Pakistan,” wrote Anita Rice, Chief of the OCCA SWA (595th Trans Brigade, NSA Bahrain) in an email to all ‘concerned’ persons."
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France Says Two of Its Soldiers Killed in Afghanistan
A quote...."Dec. 29 (Bloomberg) -- Two French soldiers were killed by “deliberate” shots from a member of the Afghan National Army, the office of French President Nicolas Sarkozy said."

Afghan fact-finding team says NATO killed civilians “for no reason”
A quote...."Kabul (dpa) – An Afghan fact-finding team appointed by President Hamid Karzai on Saturday blamed NATO-led troops for what it said was the unnecessary killing of dozens of civilians."

Afghanistan Blasts US for Striking Off Taliban Leader from Terror List
A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- The office of Afghan President Hamid Karzai lambasted the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for removing the name of Afghan Taliban leader Mullah Mohammad Omar from the list of most wanted terrorists, and called on Washington to present explanation for such an unexpected action."
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Keeping Iran From Saying Yes
Special Note - A quote...."Conceivably Iran could do some things unilaterally that might be interpreted as the sort of policy changes that the pressure ostensibly is designed to achieve. But if the recent past is any guide, Iranian decision makers would have no basis for believing that any such changes would register with the United States and be sufficiently accepted and favorably interpreted to lead to any easing of sanctions. Even when the U.S. intelligence community assessed that Iranian work on the design of nuclear devices had ceased, this only served to touch off a firestorm of controversy and accusations about political agendas. The United States has given Iranians every reason to believe that it is committed to nothing other than pressure and more pressure, regardless of what modifications Iran may make in its programs. Any Iranian adviser who suggested otherwise would be shouted down by his colleagues in Tehran."

America's Drive For Middle East Dominance Sets The Stage For Attacking Iran - Never Mind International Law (Or Even US Interests) -- Special Note - A quote...."Throughout our work on U.S. policy toward the Islamic Republic of Iran, one of the more fundamental themes is the corrosive impact that America’s post-Cold War quest for unadulterated hegemony in the Middle East has had on the strategic calculations of successive U.S. administrations (Democratic and Republican) and, by extension, on U.S. standing and influence in this vitally important region.  Instead of dealing soberly and effectively with the Middle East’s complex political and security dynamics and defending its legitimate interests there, the United States has, for the past two decades, tried to coerce political outcomes across the region, with the goal of bringing it under a U.S.-led, highly militarized political and security “umbrella.”"

Iran, Another False Enemy?
A quote...."Is Iran truly a country so bent on murdering innocent Americans it embraces its own nuclear annihilation, unlike any other nation now or previously, utter, complete defeat at war? - This is the claim made by the pro-warfare wing of the Republicrat Party, seven out of eight candidates seeking the Republican nomination for President. It is a given within this frightened circle that Iranians are willing to commit mass suicide as a people just to make a negative point about the freedoms enjoyed in the United States." - bold by website editor - also posted at ICH

Ron Paul: Sanctions Against Iran Are an ‘Act of War’ - Here's the eighth candidate. - mpg
A quote...."December 30, 2011 "ABC News" - -Unwilling to back down from the growing criticism that his foreign policy would be “dangerous,” Ron Paul told voters in Iowa that western sanctions against Iran are “acts of war” that are likely to lead to an actual war."

Iran spots US Navy near drill, 'ready for confrontation'
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 8min37sec - Dec 29, 2011) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."The threats are being ramped up over a vital oil shipping route which Iran's threatening to block. Tehran is holding large-scale wargames in neutral waters near the Hormuz Strait. The U.S. has its own contingent in the region, mainly to ensure passage remains free. Gayane Chichakyan is in Washington for RT. - Also, Shirin Shafaie joins RT - a researcher at the School of Oriental and African Studies in London, and also a representative of the Campaign against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran."

Dire Strait: US & Iran trigger happy?
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 8min37sec - Dec 29, 2011) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."The threats are being ramped up over a vital oil shipping route which Iran's threatening to block. The country says it's ready to confront any military ships crossing the security perimeter of its large-scale war games being held in neutral waters near the Hormuz Strait. Iran has already spotted a U.S. aircraft and other battleships in the region."

US missile sub departs for Persian Gulf
War Alert - A quote...."Obsoleted by the START II treaty, these Ohio Class ballistic missile submarines were converted from being able to fire 24 Trident MIRV ballistic missiles to firing 154 Tomahawk cruise missiles which can also be nuclear armed." -- *Michael Rivero*
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Obama Secretly Preparing for Syria Intervention
NOTE:  Sibel Edmonds was the one that broke this story months ago. - mpg -- A quote...."This morning I woke up to the following news headlines. Let me correct myself: This morning I found the US media and their quasi extension reporting on stale, at least 6-month old US operations on Syria. Now, that’s much better. -- I think it is safe to assume that the media has been given a ‘green light’ by the White House and Pentagon to report on long-ongoing war preparations, aka ‘intervention’ plans, on Syria while making it sound as fresh-new-recent."

Syria: invasion of terrorist elements sponsored by the west
A quote...."The Egyptian newspaper al-Arabi said on Friday that a colonel in the U.S. with the last name Cleveland is overseeing the operations of training and weaponry, and is the real leader of the "Syrian Free Army." The publication says that Cleveland is moving between the fields of training his organization."

'Syria attack will entail long-lasting war'
A quote...."Numan Kurtulmus said on Thursday that his party had warned the Turkish government against the consequences of any foreign attempt at intervention in Syria, noting, "The crisis in Syria is one of the first steps that could lead to a religious clash in this region (the Middle East)." - He made the remarks during a meeting with the counselor of the Syrian embassy in Ankara, Mounzer Mounzer. - "The problems in the region should be resolved by the region's people and a set of big powers should not be allowed to meddle in the affairs of the [countries of the] region," added Kurtulmus."

Most Syrians ‘supportive of Assad’
A quote...."Although the majority of Arabs believe Syria’s President Basher al-Assad should resign in the wake of the regime’s brutal treatment of protesters, fewer Syrians are supportive of an immediate leadership change."
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Mainstream Media keeps al-Qaeda Myth Alive - It's pronounced and'da! - mpg
A quote...."While surfing the morning news, Most people would indifferently glance at this headline “Al-Qaida in Iraq says it was behind Baghdad blasts” and fail to grasp the real story behind it. But then, how could they not when the story is presented to them with such a deceiving title to begin with."

U.S. behind deliberate murder of Qadhafi: Russia
A quote...."Russia has accused the United States and NATO of large-scale violations of human rights during the military operation in Libya, including the deliberate murder of its leader Muammar Gaddafi and the killing of hundreds of civilians." - also posted at ICH

US Finalizes $30 Billion Arms Sale to Saudi Arabia
A quote...."The Obama Administration has released a statement today announcing that a $30 billion arms sale to Saudi Arabia has been finalized, which will involve selling 84 F-15 fighter jets as part of a “modernization deal.” - Topix  ||  One Vile, Venom Tipped, Taloned Hand Washes the Other - (a.k.a. The Standard Model) - 07-28-10 - mpg  ||

Turkey admits 35 killed in [Northern Iraq] air strike were civilians, not militants
A quote...."ANKARA — Turkey’s ruling party spokesman said on Thursday initial reports into a Turkish air strike in northern Iraq overnight showed the 35 people killed were smugglers whom the military mistook for armed militants."

Arab Spring: Egypt Strikes Back
It is WAY better that Egypt's authorities go after US-NRE sponsored NGO's than ruthlessly, cowardly and criminally beating female protestors unconscious....or worse. - mpg -- A quote...."....understanding the US role in funding sedition in Egypt is essential to understanding why not only are the raids of NGOs justified, but an absolute necessity to protect both Egyptian national sovereignty and international stability." - also posted at LandDestroyer & GlobalRsrch

India. The Plight of the Rural and Urban Poor: In a Land of Facades, Mark the first Signs of an Indian Spring
Special Note - A quote...."When I was first sent to report India, I seldom raised my eyes to the gothic edifices and facades of the British Raj. All life was at dust and pavement level and, once the shock had eased, I learned to admire the sheer imagination and wit of people who survived the cities, let alone the countryside -- the dabbawallahs (literally “person with a box”), cleaners, runners, street barbers, poets, assorted Fagans and children with their piles of peanuts. In Calcutta, as it was still known during the 1971 war with Pakistan, civil defence units in soup-plate helmets and lungis toured the streets announcing an air-raid warning practice during which, they said, “everybody must stay indoors and remain in the face-down position until the siren has ceased to operate”. Waves of mocking laughter greeted them, together with the cry: “But we have no doors to stay inside!” "
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Stuxnet weapon has at least 4 cousins: researchers
A quote...."(Reuters) - The Stuxnet virus that last year damaged Iran's nuclear program was likely one of at least five cyber weapons developed on a single platform whose roots trace back to 2007, according to new research from Russian computer security firm Kaspersky Lab."

Israel demands Mubarak's wife return $300M bribe
Contains Videos - A quote...."Binyamin Ben-EliezerA member of Israel's Labor Party has called on Egyptian officials to pay back Tel Aviv's bribes to Cairo during the regime of Hosni Mubarak.  Binyamin Ben-Eliezer said Israel gave 300 million dollars to former dictator Mubarak to change the educational materials in order to reduce tensions between Israel and Egypt, IRNA reported." -- "Educational materials", is THAT what they're calling it these days?  It's all to funny for words. - mpg

The sad, sad world of Israel’s big-time liars
Hasbara Exposed - A quote...."Stuart Littlewood views Israel’s propaganda minister, the self-confessed racist squatter Yuli Edelstein, and takes a close look at the manual to which Edelstein and other Zionist propagandists work, the “Global Language Dictionary”. Written by Frank Luntz, a US Republican political consultant and pollster, on behalf of the Israel Project, a US media advocacy group, the manual teaches Israel propagandists how to hoodwink people about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, how to silence critics and how to avoid making statements that produce negative reactions."
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

Campaign launched against French purchase of Israeli drones as senators demand deal be abandoned
Boycott, Divest and Sanction the ENTIRE state of Israel!  Because it's the right thing to do, and because  it's easy to do. (All you have to do is look at the label and NOT buy their products, now WHAT could be more simple than that?) -- AND, it's working!!  - mpg -- A quote...."French boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) campaigners have called on their government to abandon a €318 million deal to buy Heron TP drones from Israel Aircraft Industries. Meanwhile, senior members of France’s Senate have called publicly for the country to abandon the purchase on grounds that the Israeli drones are unsuited to the needs of the armed forces." - also posted at AlethoNews - For more on how to Boycott, Divest and Sanction the state of Israel see the upper-left-corner of the "Front Page" of this website.

Israel’s Repressive Permit System
A quote...."Under South African apartheid, pass laws segregated blacks from whites, restricted their movements, required pass books be carried at all times, and be produced on demand or face arrest and prosecution." - also posted at ThePeople'sVoice

Testimony of a Palmach fighter who expelled Palestinians During the Nakba
Contains Video - Alt - (YuTb - 13min53sec - Dec 27, 2011) - Source:  Zochrot -- A quote...."December 30, 2011 "Information Clearing House" - The Israeli group Zochrot has posted a video testimony from Amnon Neumann, a man who fought with the Palmach during the Nakba of 1948. According to their web site, “Zochrot (‘Remembering’) seeks to raise public awareness of the Palestinian Nakba, especially among Jews in Israel, who bear a special responsibility to remember and amend the legacy of 1948.”"

Gaza Lives: Reflecting on 'Operation Cast Lead'
A quote...."In Israel, nothing is more rewarding than committing systematic mass killings and war crimes against Palestinians. It seems, according to Israel's moral system and code of conduct, nothing is more trivial than a Palestinian life. Inflicting death on Palestinians is not punishable in Israel but instead ornamented with decoration and job advancement. I reckon it's the highest and most honorable accomplishment through which an Israeli soldier can achieve most prominent ranks in the military." - also posted at AlethoNews

The Silent War: Israel's Blockade of Gaza
Video - Alt - (YuTb - 9min53sec - Feb 15, 2010) - Source:  MedicalAidPalestine -- A quote...."Israels blockade of Gaza has been in place for almost three years. - Building on existing closures and restrictions, the blockade means the delay or denial of a broad range of items food, industrial, educational, medical deemed "non-essential" for a population largely unable to be self-sufficient at the end of decades of occupation. The blockade prevents access by sea, land and air, effectively closing off a population of 1.5 million Palestinians from the outside world."
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More On The Economic Situation....

After One Month Respite, Pink Slips Are Flying Again
A quote...."Following 4 weeks of supposed improvements in the labor picture courtesy of declining initial jobless claims, even as we all know too well that Wall Street has been firing thousands and thousands of highly paid bankers and CNBC talking heads left and right (are bankers too good for that $400/week paycheck from Uncle Sam?) today initial claims for the week ended December 24 once again resumed their drift higher, printing at 381k, up 15k from the perpetually upward revised prior week total of 366K (previously 364K). And as usual, the Seasonal Adjustment process smoothed out a whooping jump in actual terminations of 69k, which rose from 421K to 490K."

$135 Billion Redeemed From US Equity Mutual Funds In 2011, 34 Of 35 Consecutive Weekly Outflows
Mrkt Tech Note - A quote...."To date, and with just one week left in, investors have withdrawn a whopping $135 billion from equity mutual funds, which we are 100% certain is an all time record for any year in which the S&P closed even nominally positive for the year...."

Oil Inventories Jump And Kansas City Fed Manufacturing Drops To 28 Month Low
Charts - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."Yet another set of macro data that will keep 'em guessing as Oil inventories rose more than expected and the Kansas City Fed's Manufacturing index dropped to 28 month lows and went negative for the first time in two years."

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