The 236 Gang - blog

Election Fraud, 9/11, and Global Dominance
This web site has been up since Sunday May 21 2006 6:23 pm  E.S.T.

Of all the blogs, articles and essays posted.....this is one of the most important. 

If you want to know how it works, why 9/11 happened and who the "players" are who've determined U.S. policies for the last twenty years....go to the article, listen to the audio and read the document.

Unlike our "main stream" media the people at Project Censored actually "followed the money"

It was never completely clear why "liberal" institutions like the Washington Post, New York Times, PBS, Los Angeles Times and others were utterly unable to investigate the people who profited most from 9/11, who openly stated what their intentions were prior to 9/11 and who were intimately involved with this government's policies, and security programs before 9/11.

After listening to the interview and reading the document it's now crystal clear as to why.


A quote...."Although conspiracy theorists have talked about a wealthy ruling elite, this research confirms that ten wealthy families fund all the groups that have the dominant influence on U.S. policy.

There are 16 such groups, but there are some 236 people who are members of one or more such groups and/or sit on the interlocking boards of the biggest corporations. Their names are listed.

And it isn't just the defense corporations that own the media who are responsible for keeping the U.S. public in the dark, there are also the PR firms who arrange the phony stories the media covers.

What is U.S. policy and who determines it? Who profited from 9/11? Why don't we have free and fair elections?

There are some things in the audio that aren't in the background paper, and some things in the paper that aren't in the audio, so I'd advise checking them both. And there are a lot of footnotes that are of interest also.

If we're really going to take our country back, it is probably a good idea to know exactly whom we're going to have to take it back from.

America's ruling families have been in power for a long time. Most business leaders come from wealthy families. Advantages aren't a joke, they are exactly what the word says they are.

Why is the U.S. the only country that permits elections to be held on voting machines with proprietary (secret) software? Why do people who get the most votes keep losing elections?

When the rich fund think tanks and policy groups, it is for the purpose of further enriching themselves. They've made no secret of their plans. They aren't satisfied with controlling this country, they want to control the entire world. Their motive is profit and their method is violence."

from project censored

posted at OpEd News