Viral-Neocons : A clinical medical diagnosis.

posted 05-25-06
revised 05-26-06

Viral-Neocons :
A clinical medical diagnosis.
San Francisco, CA

Like the Ebola virus viral-neocons penetrate corporate, institutional, and national structures  After taking over their hosts, usually through gerrymanded elections, illegal seizures, bribery and corruption, they seize control of their host’s command and control functions, essentially the host’s bones, muscles, tissues and internal organs. For national hosts this would be analogous to a nation’s media, judicial, intelligence, military and governmental structures. For corporations, this would be analogous to the corporation’s bank accounts, auditors, regulators, media outlets and lawyers.
As with the spread of any deadly virus the potential host’s natural defenses must first be overcome, the structures that bind the host’s constituent parts must divided.  Ethnic groups and differing interests must be played off against one another until the organism is severely weakened.  If initial infection is unlikely because the targeted host has a strong immune response, shocks to the host organism must be “arranged”.

This is true if the potential host organism is to be taken over from within, or attacked from without.

Throughout history the most efficient way to take over a national host from within would be to ‘arrange’ shocks or attacks against the nation from outside ‘enemies’.  In some cases it may be necessary to ‘arrange’ repeated attacks. However if the initial event is lurid and violent enough, one event is normally sufficient to effectuate a takeover.

‘Arranged’ attacks are usually the least expensive ploy of seizing the machinery of a national host because the costs incurred from the ensuing wars, deaths, and destruction, although quite horrendous from a moral point of view, are paid for by the infected hosts’ national treasury and population, and not from the pockets or with the lives of the viral agents themselves.  In addition the viral agents can make vast sums of money from the unrestricted and unregulated access to the host’s treasury due to the exigencies of the ‘sudden’ national ‘shock’ or ‘emergency’.

In the case of corporate structures however infectious takeovers using these methods are much more difficult to implement. Where corporate or national laws are weak, as happened in Russia under the Yeltsin administration, the usual tactics of bribery, extortion, kidnapping and murder appear to be quite effective.  However, where corporate laws are strong, as in the United States, or where a strong central government exists, as in Russia under Putin or in the newly elected populist governments of South America, such openly brazen tactics are usually counterproductive.

In such cases stealth is a much more effective tool.  Indirect bribery (the Federal revolving door, campaign contributions, mutual interests, i.e. - the yacht - the condo - the thousand shares of stocks - etc.) are a much more effective method of infecting elements responsible for maintaining the legal, governmental, media, financial and judicial structures of the targeted host. These methods are less risky and can result in a substantial potential for profit.

Once the corporate or national host is penetrated, the viral agents must immediately set about consolidating their control.  They must terminate any immune responses of the host organism.  Like the AIDS virus they must attack, remove, destroy, intimidate, discredit, and ruin any agency or individual that stands guard against their rampage throughout the host’s body.  No dissent or opposition can be tolerated. All the hosts’ functions, its command, control and communications facilities must be concentrated and consolidated in the viral agent’s hands.

As the host’s fever begins to rage unchecked the viral agents must engage their minions in progressively more destructive programs to break down any legal restraints, moral prohibitions, customs or values that may keep the infection from getting completely out of control.

Finally, once the national or corporate host is fully infected, its doom is assured. The host simply becomes a shell containing the enzymes, toxic wastes and putrid corruption caused by the viral agents.  The viral agents can now take their time leisurely ingesting and digesting the liquefied remains of the host’s internal structures and assets for maximum profit accumulation before the host is finally incapacitated or killed.

The viral agents have two basic methods to maximize these potential profits.  One of course, is to consume the assets of the host itself, essentially the now liquefied interior remains; the other as outlined below is to use the machinery of the host organism to infect other hosts’.  Engaging in both actions simultaneously will usually yield the greatest rates of return.

As with Rabies, the infected host begins to exhibit signs of insanity.  Delusions of grandeur manifest themselves, megalomania starts to appear in the viral agents infesting and infecting the top echelons of the host organism, and also in the organism itself as the viral agents continue to do their damage. Terms such as manifest destiny, full spectrum dominance, shock and awe, divine providence, divine guidance, and speaking with god are used with increasing frequency.

The infected host now becomes easily enraged and progressively irrational.  It begins to lose control of itself and becomes a danger to all the law abiding members of the international community. Having lost all moral restraints, incapable of knowing the difference between right and wrong, the infected host will start attacking other non-infected organisms in an effort to spread it's virulence.  As they did when infecting their original host, the viral agents will attempt to destroy any international structures, treaties, or laws that stand in their way.  They will discredit and ceaselessly attack any and all individuals or international bodies who refuse to comply with their agenda.

Even longstanding international institutions and beneficial codes of conduct which protect and help the infected host’s populations are ignored or belittled.  All of this in order to maximize the power and control of the viral agents and their co-opted minions.

Endlessly searching the globe for new hosts to infect the viral agents, like any good opportunist, selects and attacks only the weakest members of the international community.  Most commonly these are members of the community who were foolish enough to became contaminated by engaging in transactions with the viral agents in the first place.

As they did with their parent host the viral agents target the command, control and communication structures of the targeted host.  However since the viral agents are not currently occupying the host they’ve selected for infection, they are completely unrestrained in using the maximum amount of force possible to penetrate and overcome any immune responses or defenses the now weakened and isolated host can mount on its behalf .

Vast swaths of the host’s populations are obliterated, huge sections of the host’s infrastructure are destroyed, the host’s economy, legal system, and educational system are reduced to ruins.  The organs of the host; the police, military, social and medical institutions are systematically obliterated.  Even the binding cultural heritages of the host, the museums and other social institutions and artifacts are allowed to be looted and destroyed, while as one smirking wit commented regarding the situation “stuff happens”. Yet one should note that the viral agents are very careful not to target the structures of the host which they consider to be functional assets.

If these techniques are not sufficiently effective and the host continues struggle against it's infection sterner measures become necessary.  One of the more cost effective solutions is to stimulate the population of the targeted host to attack each other in a scheme analogous to an auto-immune disorder.

Obvious tactics are used by the viral agents in such endeavors, such as shipping and ‘losing’ vast quantities of ‘poisons’ (armaments) in the host countries bodies. Encouraging the dissolution of the host’s civil structures (sectarianism) by ‘staging’ incidents.  Accompanying elements of one faction within the targeted host while they engage in the annihilation of other factions (torture, killing, ‘riding with the bad boys’, etc.). Deliberately destroying the civil structures within the society by the selected assassinations of religious, political or union leaders. Supporting rouge elements within the targeted host, usually called “freedom fighters” not only to attack the host itself but to engage in attacks against other potential hosts.

The encouragement of such auto-immune responses to liquefy the targeted host’s internal structures is a highly dangerous and risky process, and can even impact the efficiency of the killer cells unleashed by the invading viral elements.   This danger however can be ameliorated if the killer cells encase themselves in fortified structures in unoccupied areas of the targeted host while the process of degeneration and putrefaction takes place

Such a plan of action can take ‘more then a decade’, but once most of resistive elements within the host have been eliminated through these various processes the viral elements can finally proceed to consume the targeted host’s liquefied assets.

End. MPG