Vote for Us or there WILL be another Attack

Vote for Us or there WILL be another Attack
PNAC is Still on Schedule.
by MPG

posted 06-05-06
revised 06-06-06
re-revised 06-07-06

I am amazed that so much criticism is being directed at the Office of Homeland Security simply because they've decided to cut anti-terrorism funding for New York, and D.C.  You people just don't understand how tough it is for the individuals who run our government to make all these complex decisions. We as Americans should fully support them in their tireless efforts to carry on the noble cause called "Project for a New American Century" Their effort to enable the U.S. to achieve 'full spectrum dominance' across the world.  If this means some of us must make sacrifices, or even be sacrificed for this cause, then so be it.

We should sympathize with the difficult decisions they've already reached in order to achieve their goals, such as funding that shining example of fiscal responsibility known as the Halliburton Corporation so they could build internment camps  for Americans.  We should be cognizant that our leaders have agonized over what to do with  the huge pools of available labor they'll create when they've filled these camps up.  We must all realize the enormous efforts  they are expending at this very moment, as you read this post,  to "enhance”  our voting experience for the 2006 elections,  just as they did so successfully for the 2004 elections in Ohio .

These are awfully hard working and creative individuals so why don't we cut them some slack.  Let's be honest about this issue folks, the security needs of the East coast really aren't that urgent are they? After all you've already survived one attack so it's obvious you could survive another.  You shouldn't burden this administration with your whining, childish demands, don't you realize these great men are extremely busy and might have more important considerations to attend to?

 Take the director of homeland security, Michael Chertoff, now there’s a busy man.  Just a few years ago he was defending a businessman with alleged links to Al Queda, who, because of Mr. Chertoff's ceaseless efforts on his behalf, was later never charged. Of course after such a resounding success Mr. Chertoff decided to join the Justice Department where he got the F.B.I to assist U.S. Customs with a brand new investigation they’d launched called Operation GreenQuest (i.e. “follow the money”)

At the time GreenQuest was examining a little known firm called Ptech which ran the communications opps. during NORAD’S “simulated terrorist exercise on 9/11, amazingly the same day Al Queda attacked  Needless to say the exercise caused allot of confusion during that awful event.. The problem from Custom’s point of view regarding Ptech was they'd determined several of the officers might be linked to members of Al Queda… an obviously spurious coincidence.

Now Chertoff, being the selfless hard working individual that he is, managed to successfully get the F.B.I to take over GreenQuest and stop Custom’s  harassment of those poor officers at Ptech.  In the end no charges were ever filed against the unjustly maligned executives of the company, exactly the same outcome as occurred when  Mr. Chertoff's defended his former client . But can you believe because of this simple act of decency by the F.B.I. under Mr. Chertoff's guidance some of the small minded people involved with the Ptech investigation complained about a lack of progress.

Why should they complain about giving PTech’s executives a break, after all Bush showed the same courtesy when he leaked Norr Khan's identity prematurely to the press allowing many Al Queada operatives  to escape Scotland Yard’s dragnet and participate in the London Bombings a year later.  A few sour grapes among the Brits and Pakies complained, but given that one of the bombers worked for the Brits own MI6  and the Brits were conducting  their own "simulation" during the London Bombings causing enormous confusion exactly as NORADS's exercise did during 911, how could they make a fuss.  Besides the bombers received their funding through Pakistan’s ISI intelligence service from BOTH the Americans and the Brits, so it's obvious that such peevish griping is solely from some maladjusted and disgruntled employees.

Well luckily enough Bush’s vast experience with these situations allowed him to see right through Custom's shenanigans and he appointed Mr. Chertoff as head of Homeland Security overseeing Customs and making sure no more of these complaints would ever arise again.  I guess some of those ungrateful employees got what they deserved, no more of this "following the money" stuff.

Yes, these are very hard working individuals trying to protect us so we should give them a break. We should all be as silent and obedient as our “mass media” has been, many of whom acted altruistically by completely ignoring PTech, PNAC, the NORAD and London simulations during the attacks, and Chertoff’s involvement regarding 9/11.

However, I'm ashamed to report that because some of these stories were dug up by those idiots on the web our great leader George Bush was forced to back down when congress became concerned about one of his deals and  refused to allow the UAE to buy our ports. This was a horrible tragedy, one later compounded when it was discovered that the real buyers were the Saudis,  friends of the Bush family for almost twenty years. How could our congress do this to Bush and his friends?

By now it should be abundantly clear to everyone at the N.S.A. C.I.A and D.O.D., especially those of you who haven’t been purged yet, that it is your duty to obey these hard working, overburdened individuals devoting their precious time to protect those Americans who deserve it.  If a suspicious package or container comes in, and it’s leaking bio-materials or glowing in the dark and you’re told to back off, you are supposed to follow orders just as many of you did regarding investigations prior to 9/11.  

We must all understand that our jobs, and our very lives depend on voting for these men. Quoting from the Washington Post during the 2004 election. “while making the rounds on the campaign trail in Des Moines, Iowa, Cheney made the comment that if voters made ‘the wrong choice’ * on Nov. 2, then ‘the danger is that we’ll get hit again, and we’ll be hit in a way that will be devastating from the standpoint of the United States.’”

Cheney and Bush are such great men of vision that all you federal employees who have valiantly stood your ground in their support,  ignoring those pesky little things like the Constitution, quaint, and obsolete documents like the Geneva Conventions, institutions such as the World Court and prohibitions against torture should be congratulated for you loyalty.

I know many of you might be thinking it's a strange set of circumstances that the U.S. with it's leadership closely entwined with the Saudi and bin Laden families,  got attacked by citizens of Saudi Arabia while coincidently conducting a "simulation" of such an attack.  While Britain  with it's leadership having historical ties to the Pakistanis and the I.S.I.  got attacked by citizens of Pakistan while also conducting a "simulation" of such an attack.  However I want to assure all of you it's just an accidental series of events.

Even if an attack were to occur for a third time in a row, for example right before the upcoming 2006 elections, and Bush has to declare martial law and put many of you in the newly constructed internment facilities while going to war against Iran, I want all of you to know, it's simply just a "fortuitous" accident of chance.

And when this next attack happens,..... oops I meant to say, if this next attack happens, those of you who won’t show proper respect, or conform to the 'plan', or who are obviously unfit because you refuse to ‘play the game’,  will have to be confined for your own safety.

I know these policies will make some of you uncomfortable, but don't be frightened. The rehabilitation camps being built by those wonderful people at Halliburton will be designed to instill the maximum work ethic possible and will be equipped with state of the art disciplinary and educational facilities.  It really touches my heart to realize just how much foresight our leaders have to begin the construction of these camps, all of it designed to help those of our society conform to their new world order.  It shows our leaders truly care for us.  So don't resist, just go along with the program, and everything will turn out all right in the end.

I know exactly what motto to put above all the entrances to the camps, something that will motivate and inspire those of you who will benefit from our leaders more rigorous program of  “compassionate conservatism”.

Inscribed above each entrance will be the words “work shall set you free”.


* link broken & replaced 04-25-07