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General Articles -- (Newest to Oldest) - From those posted on Reficultnias

Canada’s False Flag terror has US fingerprints
Surprise, Surprise, Surprise! Kevin Vickers, "hero" who stopped Ottawa "terrorist" tours israel, visits knesset, meets with Netenyahu
Interview 966 – Dan Dicks on The Ottawa Shooting - vid - Alt/Mp3 - (CRMedPlyr 20m06s 11/06/14) - Src:  CR@YuTb CorbettRpt - Guest:  PressForTruth
Canada’s false flag terror: fingerprints of U.S. involvement - Src
Canadian Citizens Demand a Parliamentary Investigation into the Ottawa Shootings
Canadians fall for NWO death-trap
Ottawa shooting was ‘last desperate act’ of a mentally ill person, his mother writes
Who were his doctors, what medication was he taking, who "helped" him in the past, who was helping him before he mounted his attack?  These are questions that must be asked to resolve what really happened. - mpg
Harper, The Ottawa Shooter, and the Selling of War
Canada: Decoding Harper’s Terror Game. Beneath the Masks and Diversions
Ottawa Attack Expands NSA’s Surveillance Grid
Anonymous Photos Taken 15 Minutes Prior to Ottawa Shooting
Suspicious Canada Shooting Triggers ‘Minority Report’ Pre-Crime Plans for ‘Preventive Arrests’
Canada and the War on Terror: What Happened in Ottawa on October 22, 2014? - Src
Canadian Government Seizes on Ottawa Shooting to Promote Militarist, Anti-democratic Agenda - Src
Ottawa shooting: a false flag designed to steal away our freedoms? - Src
Ottawa shooter attempted to rob McDonalds with pointed stick, "wanted to be in jail" because he believed it was the only way to overcome his crack cocaine addiction
Canada considering expanding powers of its security agencies
Government Passes Anti-Constitutional Surveillance Law During Ottawa Shooting - Src
Canadian MP Harper enjoys wine after terrorist attack - Celebrating a false-flag well done?
Alleged gunman Michael Zehaf-Bibeau had long list of run-ins with the law
FALSE FLAG: Ottawa Shooting Attack Reveals Evidence of ‘October Drill’
Canadian & US Politicians Use Ottawa Shootings As Excuses To Demand More Surveillance
Ottawa shooting: a false flag designed to steal away our freedoms? - Src