A Minor Quibble Won't Derail The Plan, Nor.... The Enterprise

A Minor Quibble Won't Derail The Plan, Nor.... The Enterprise

Biden’s Chances Rest on a John Podesta-Planned Military Coup, Ballot Harvesting, Police Shootings, and a False Flag -- A quote...."Joe Biden’s 2020 presidential bid now depends on a combination of a.) severe social media and search engine censorship of book-burning proportions, b.) signs from the military that they will back Biden (per John Podesta ) on the heels of c.) an inconclusive election (mailed-out blank ballots), and d.) (the Soros wing of) BLM’s ability engage in rioting and to pose as Trump-like supporters (QAnon and adjacent, such as ‘Save The Children’) in order to e.) conduct a dangerous or illegal public stunt (false flag)." - Source:  StratCultFndtn
FYI:  This may, or may not be a correct analysis - Both Biden and Trump serve, and service, the Jews.  Totally, reverently, and with utter fealty.... forever.  That said, there are two factions of Jews.  A small (perhaps fifteen percent) that support Trump, composed of pro-judeo-enclave Jews who fully promote the extermination of the Palestinians and the expansion of their enclave's physical boundaries. (The Enterprise)

As such they actually support a "territory" and as such, are also somewhat nationalistic -- Oh the horror! -- Which is a deep and revolting concept for them, and a philosophical problem.

They simply ignore the contradictions of their judeo-enclave-first policy with their usual "everything is relative" aplomb. But because of this objective, they aren't as deeply committed to the immediate utter destruction of the White Ethnic European goyum cattle/sheeple as their fellow Jewish Marxist-Leninist Frankfurt School adherents are (roughly eighty-five percent of the Jews)

Because of "The Enterprise", they still have some use for the JSA, and its endless military and financial support for the enclave occupying Palestine -- As a result there are some, minor, philosophical disagreements between which judeo-puppet to select.

Which judeo-puppet would best service each groups interests the best. 

However they won't let their disagreements destroy the political system in the JSA, not just yet. 

Unless it would benefit both factions simultaneously.

Of course both factions continue to agree that the complete and total destruction of the White Ethnic European goyum cattle/sheeple, here in the JSA, and also in Europe, through mass immigration and deracination, cultural destruction, religious defilement, sexual perversion and imposed gender dysphoria, relentless political and legal disenfranchisement, and Bankster impoverishment, is still the ONLY eventual end goal.  (The Plan)

They just disagree on.... the timing - mpg