Current Operating Theory

Current Operating Theory
FYI:  OK, revised synopsis / speculation / operating theory. 
Considering how often Fort Detrick was having accidents, (it would have been imprudent for them to release deliberate "tests" right around Fort Detrick.  They'd release them elsewhere under more controlled conditions) -- It's possible this early release was an actual accident, and a more refined version was later released, as planned, in China. Or perhaps even in a panic because the "accident" was about to out their whole agenda --  It's also possible that the virus, once deliberately released in China, mutated into a more vicious strain

However it happened, there is no possible way this was an "accidental" release in China, for all the reasons previously stated by this website editor.  It would strain any reasonable credulity

Regarding the "5G" issue.  There are plenty of areas in the world currently being devastated by SARS-CoV-2 / COVID19 that don't have any "G", much less any "5G", installed anywhere near them.  This issue is a red-herring

The judeo-crime syndicate gets caught with their fingers in the cookie-jar after their little accident with Pre-SARS-CoV-2 / COVID19 around the environs of Fort Detrick back in July-Aug 2019, and is ordered to vacate post-haste.  The entire embarrassing event being papered over by having their judeo-owned media roll-out their ridiculous "vapors of death" cover story.

Taking their scientists (including their Chinese ones, along with all their nasty bugs, including their nasty little selves) they go set-up shop in their BS4 Lab in Wahun, where it appears they've also been working on these particular bugs for almost a decade, (and would also explain all those Chinese scientist being "caught" transporting them back and forth), to perfect their little disease bomb and release it at the top of another decadal Ten Year Economic / Warfare Cycle. All with a pre-arranged, well-prepared, Judeo-media roll-out of those.... "dirty, slope-eyed, bat-eating, dog-eating, commie, Chicom, Godless, Chinks caused the virus".... narrative.

Telling their Chinese hosts.... "Oy Vey!  We goofed, (but they actually didn't), but if you say a word, we'll point our little grubby fingers right at you!"

Still working on it, but this..... seems to fit a lot of known facts - mpg