Wikipedia’s List of American Jew Bankers Is Enlightening

Wikipedia’s List of American Jew Bankers Is Enlightening

The Unz Review

Andrew Anglin

February 18, 2023

Wikipedia has a very useful list of “American” Jew bankers - It’s useful in the sense of “wow, look at how long this list is – wow, this is really, really a very long list.” - Now: imagine that these are only the people famous enough to have a Wikipedia page - Imagine, if you will, that this kind of overrepresentation is at every level of banking - Then, imagine: they tell you to think it is because the Catholic Church forced them to do usury. Hundreds of years later, they still control the banks - In a supposed democratic meritocracy - I’m going to copy the full list, because I have a feeling someone is going to request this be taken down, and it’s important we keep a record of it.
cached/copied 02-18-23
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