A Fist Full of Dollars - 10-02-09 - mpg

A Fist Full of Dollars

At some point one really wonders why Obama just doesn't run for the Israeli Knesset and become president of IsraelAmerica.

As for the Southern so-called "Christian" tier in this country, this website editor's got a joke for you....

How do you get one hundred million "Christians" to give up their future welfare, that of their own children, their religion, homes, jobs, healthcare, while getting them to grovel on their knees in their very own churches to worship someone else's money, someone else’s religion, to swear fealty to someone else’s country, to approve of homosexual marriage, (no such thing as "gay" by the way) a so-called "black" president (nothing wrong with that, but he really isn't) and give twenty four trillion (so far, but that's just to start folks) of their hard earned tax dollars to a bunch of already filthy rich, greedy, Banksters on Wall Street?

Throw them ten million "ol'dem dare Ah-Raaaabs" so "dem towel heads" can be tortured, sexually abused and murdered with impunity.

During the seventies and early eighties after that "other disaster" called the Vietnam war this website editor got to watch all sorts of movies and TV shows that would depict the proud Southern people of this country as a bunch of jaw-dropingly stupid, inbred, insecure, moronic, psychos who would do anything as long as they got the chance to go beat up and kill someone who was weaker they than they were, preferably at ten to one odds. This website editor always thought that was vicious slander....until now.

It's quite obvious that many Southerners haven’t seen the movie "A Fist-Full of Dollars" wherein Clint Eastwood, ambles into a Mexican town with a clever plot to get very rich. A town which contains two outlaw gangs feuding with each other, after killing a few members from one gang and blaming their deaths on the other, Clint gets a nice little war started at the end of which, after killing the last of the bad guys himself, he trundles off into the sunset with a wagon load piled high with dead bodies, all with high prices on their heads, for a tidy little profit.

It's been quite amusing for the last ten years to watch a tiny minority in this nation use Madison Avenue techniques of mass manipulation, along with the biggest and most obvious false-flag event ever seen, to "play" the Romanized (in every sense of the term) military of this country, always backed by its so-called "Christians", against 1.5 billion Muslims, all the while collecting trillions of dollars in profits along the way.

It's been even more amusing to sit here in San Francisco and watch while cappuccino sipping, "Limousine Liberals" who've made enormous sums of money on their investments in Wall Street, many, if not most of which were in the defense, energy and Bankster sectors of the economy, make fun of and sneer at those soon to be unemployed "dumb red-necks" from the South. To witness their enjoyment while they disparage and laugh at that ridiculous, fossilized, cultural relic called "Christianity" and how it was put out of its misery.  To watch them congratulate each other on how they fooled the rest of the country -- again -- into believing that utterly false Mutt and Jeff routine of "liberals" vs. "conservatives", "Democrats" vs. "Republicans" and how it's all so incredibly easy to play the poor dumb rubes of this country against each other year after year, especially those Southern rubes.

And they're right; the people in the South really are dumb, because they've let themselves all be "played"....AGAIN!  They were stupid in the sixties as they all joyfully lined up to go "kill som'ol dem dare gooks".  But they're beyond stupid now, this website editor cannot even conceive of a term that would accurately describe their self-destructive, foolish, amoral, hell-bound, behavior. What was once a strong Christian community in this country has been utterly and permanently decimated, spiritually, morally and financially.

And for what they've done to themselves and the many millions of innocents across the globe they will not receive one single drop of sympathy from this website editor, not one tear will be shed for them or their children, as this country plunges into another Great Depression, nor will any sympathy be expressed on this website for the African American community, who willfully and knowingly voted for a man because of the color of his skin and NOT because of the content of his character.

All you "little people" have been "played"....beautifully.  It was skillfully done, and this website editor's sincere compliments to the tiny minority, and that "other nation state", who with Cheney and many others, so artfully put this whole project into "play" more than thirty years ago and who've justly received trillions of dollars in profits for their efforts.

Truly a job well done, a really great piece of work, an outstanding scam for the ages and something for everyone else throughout the rest of the world to admire. – mpg