Making Things, Providing Services, Having Employees....How Disgusting!

Making Things, Providing Services, Having Employees....How Disgusting!

Big Tech Teeters, May Sack Most People since 2009
A quote...."There is one thing for sure that big American tech companies, many of them severely revenue-challenged, excel at: buying other companies. They’re all doing it. And the price they pay? The higher, the better. They’re paying for these overvalued acquisitions with their overvalued stock, of which they can print an unlimited amount; and they’re paying for them with money they can borrow at nearly no cost after inflation. -- When the cost of capital is near zero, thanks to the Fed’s machinations, it doesn’t really matter on what this nearly free capital gets blown. So long as it doesn’t get spent on people."
As we now all know, making things, or providing services, is completely unnecessary for an advanced economy.  All you need is unlimited monetary easing, real estate speculation, and financial speculation, and there will be a "wealth effect."

In other words, the one percent who really run things will get wealthy as debt-notes (i.e. claims on a society's resources) are given to them, and ONLY them, through a variety of clever financial transfer mechanisms. 

Not only does this maintain the society's status-quo, along with its asset valuations and power relationships, it prevents rampant inflation since the monetary largess is directed solely to asset speculation, and the elevation of asset prices. The exclusive purview and privilege, of the one percent.

What happens to the other ninety-nine percent is irrelevant, since actually making things, or providing services isn't necessary to run a "financialized" society, and in this sort of "financialized" environment, isn't really "profitable" either.

Which, of course, was the actual intent of the private central bank known as the Federal Reserve. No matter what they might say to the contrary.  An ill-concealed intent they've demonstrated, quite successfully for the last six years, to the rest of the financial world, and to the utter astonishment of many of the Fed's naysayers.

After all, what is the point of struggling to establish market share, develop new products, run a business, pay your employees, (yech!), etc. etc. when someone with direct access to the Fed's money spigot, and/or its financial transfer mechanisms, could make a thousand times more through rehypothication, leverage and financial speculation, with much greater rapidity, and with zero risk? (What is commonly known as "hot-money" when practiced across borders) -- Or where they could buy out your competitor and run you into the ground a dozen times over with fiat script, or loans which cost them absolutely nothing? -- Or where, in fact, they could buy you and your business out a hundred times over?

If they were ever so silly, and financially inept, as to actually invest in something "real" that is.  - mpg